满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Directions: Translate the following sent...

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.暴饮暴食被一些人认为是缓解工作压力的手段。( regard)


2.让我印象最深的是,单身女性已成购房新军。( impress)


3.他对大家的警告充耳不闻,执意在如此恶劣的天气驾车上山。( insist)





1.Overeating is regarded by some as a way to relieve work pressure. 2.What impresses me most is that single women have emerged as new buyers for house property. 3.He turned a deaf ear to people’s warnings and insisted on driving up the hill in such bad weather. 4.During the spring festival, many enterprises in service industry are facing the problem of labour shortage, which greatly blocks the development of the industry 【解析】 考查翻译。要求考生根据中文含义及括号中所给的词将中文翻译成英文。 1.考查短语。regard…as…认为……是……。“暴饮暴食”的表达为“overeating”,“缓解工作压力的手段”可以翻译为“a way to relieve work pressure.”。故填Overeating is regarded by some as a way to relieve work pressure. 2.考查名词性从句、现在完成时和impress sb 令某人印象深刻。这句话首先要选一个主语从句作为句子的结构,其次不可忽略“印象最深”的“最”,必须把most翻译出来。此外,“购房新军”的表达也是一个注意事项,这个时候需要意译。故填What impresses me most is that single women have emerged as new buyers for house property. 3.考查insist的用法。“insist on doing sth”和turn a deaf ear to “充耳不闻”的翻译。在翻译的时候可以用“he”做主语,然后并列两个动词。注意驾车上山的表达为drive up the hill. 故填He turned a deaf ear to people’s warnings and insisted on driving up the hill in such bad weather. 4.考查face的用法和非限制性定语从句。这句话中后半部分大大阻碍了行业的发展的主语时前半部分所叙述的情况,所以需要用非限制性定语从句“which”来引导,指代主句的全部内容。此外,注意“用工荒”的表达以及逐项对照翻译,确保没有漏译的情况。故填During the spring festival, many enterprises in service industry are facing the problem of labour shortage, which greatly blocks the development of the industry.

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words, Use your own words as far as possible.

Peter woke up one morning with all the usual signs of a nasty cold: severe headache and blocked nose. Then he did what almost everyone does on a day like this. He got up and went to work. Such is the state of what the human resources industry has come to call presenteeism.

Many experts claim that presenteeism is now a bigger problem in the UK than absenteeism and could even help explain the country’s weak productivity growth. A growing number of companies are realizing presenteeism and doing something about it. This generally takes the form of programmes full of once unimaginable sweets: cheap gym membership, veggie salads in the canteen, stand-up desks and the odd massage. of course, there’s nothing against lunchtime dentistry or free workout. They do more good than harm. But such welfares alone won't do much to stop people from presenteeism.

The chief reasons why people soldier on have nothing to do with how fit they are. They work for leaner, more stressed companies where dismissals are common. This makes some people worried that they will be targeted in the next round of job cut if they have taken a lot of time off. Others worry about troubling stretched colleagues with more work in their absence. How annoying it is to be faced with cold faces when you return to office after two days' rest at home.

There is not much to be said for "silly things" like ping-pong tables and office bean bags. The key to dealing with presenteeism lies in training managers to be better at spotting swifly when employees are under too much stress or ill, and dealing with the situation sensibly---putting the sick employee to sick leave although he is reluctant. Of course, work has to be done to eliminate employee's concern about his job prospect thereof.




Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Recently, in the quest for a selfie(自拍), a woman climbed over the concrete barrier of a Jaguar(美洲虎) enclosure at Wildlife World Zoo, Arizona. The jaguar ripped into her arm. Bystanders pulled her away before the animal could injure her further. She's fine-so is the jaguar.

This isn’t the first time a story of a person acting rudely to get close to a wild animal made headlines. Last year. a man jumped into a lion enclosure at a zoo for a close-up photo. 1.Multiple tourists in Yellowstone National Park have been attacked by bison(野牛) when they’ve gotten too close for a photo.

It's common sense not to get close to wild animals that can hurt you. It's why zoos have barriers -sometimes multiple walls-to keep people separated from animals. Signs posted everywhere state the obvious warning. Keep your hands off the cage.

"Yet animals have become less real to us, " says an environmentalist. We see exotic animals most frequently in managed settings like zoos. 2. People are trying to take advantage of their rarity to show off on social media and ignore their fierceness.

Media often normalize interaction with dangerous animals. Seeing a man like "Lion Whisperer" Kevin Richardson regularly play-fight with lions on TV, may send the message that these animals aren't so dangerous after all.

Social media are also perfectly positioned to contribute to the rise of animal selfies. Getting likes and comments provide instant satisfaction. Your self-esteem actually gets a temporary boost. To hold onto that feeling, people may go to more and more extremes to showcase the most exciting versions of themselves. It may not be enough to get a photo of a beautiful, dangerous animal from outside a cage. 3.

People' s careless approach can put the animal's safety at risk as well. Zoo animals often must be killed to protect the person who’s entered their space. In fact, thrill-seekers actively endanger the lives of animals. 4.with the zoo environment, they take it for granted that animals are there for people, ignoring the fact that animals and humans are both equal existents in the nature.

A. The animals, to some extent, become tools to us.

B. Although violence against zoo animals is often reported, the issue of animal welfare has aroused little attention recently.

C By taking a selfie, you show that you're part of that experience.

D. The comparison between caged animals and wild ones are appealing to people.

E. Similar incidents are a regular occurrence in natural settings.

F. The common factor is that some people are not respecting animal.



    ARCHAEOLOGISTS(考古学家) GUIDED BY laser images of a remote region of northern Guatemala have discovered 20-foot-high walls, watchtowers, and other evidence that ancient Maya societies had been annoyed by warfare threat over many years. The finds have upended long-established impressions of a civilization that it tamed the jungle and built thriving cities,then declined and disappeared quietly beneath the dense tropical forest.

Among the most surprising discoveries was a large stone complex now called La Cuemavilla. Built on a steep ridge, the heavily fortified site included high walls. Moats which serves as the largest defensive system ever discovered in the region.

This was surprising says an archaeologist, "because we had a tendency to romanticize Maya warfare as something that was largely ritualized. But the fortifications were seeing suggest an elevated level of antagonism over centuries. Rulers were so deeply alarmed that they felt the need to invest in all these hilltop fortifications. There is an almost visible sense of fear in this landscape.

All these findings owe credit to PACUNAM LIDAR Initiative, a laser survey of some 800 square miles of the Maya Biosphere Reserve in northern Guatemala. Using revolutionary Laser technology, the survey revealed the long-hidden ruins of a sprawling pre-Columbian civilization that was far more complex and interconnected than most Maya specialists had supposed.

Guided by the new Laser treasure maps, the LIDAR team deployed through the jungle over the past year to conduct hands-on investigations of more than a dozen of the most promising sites-most of which would have been imperceptible without LIDAR.

"You could walk over the top of a major ruin and miss it, "says an archaeologist who's part of the PACUNA project. But LIDAR picks up the patterns and makes the features pop out with surprising clarity.

Three-dimensional maps generated by the survey yielded surprises even at Tikal, the largest and most extensively explored archaeological site in Guatemala. The ancient city was at least four times bigger than previously thought, and surrounded by a massive ditch and fortified base stretching for miles.

Archaeologists stress that LIDAR, for all its utility, will never see below the ground or yield direct dates of occupation. “we still need to dig and hack our way through the jungle, but now we have a very accurate map to guide us.

1.How did people think of Maya before the discovery of the defense ruins?

A. It was the most advanced civilization in the history of mankind.

B. It was long under the threat of large-scale wars

C. Its rise and decline were under way peacefully

D. It was finally destroyed by a large-scale war

2.The underlined word antagonism is closest in meaning to ____.

A. misery

B. revolution

C. population decrease

D. opposition

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The military mechanism found in La Cuemavilla was intended for occupying more lands.

B. The new laser technology was mainly used to enlarge the original site size.

C. The LIDAR helps to avoid the traditional digging task in site exploration.

D. The Tikal site was found to be protected by certain defense works

4.The passage is mainly about ____.

A. people' s long-time misunderstanding of Maya civilization.

B. discovery of Maya military works aided by new explore technology

C. the finding of a big warfare resulting in the disappearance of Maya civilization

D. The various advantages of new technologies in the field of archaeology.



    While faking and fierce looks are among animals great defenses, many species know that everyone runs from a big stink(臭气)too.


Vultures, are street sweepers that feast on the rotting flesh of dead animals, which benefits us by ridding our highways and landscapes of animal bodies and the bacteria they might carry. When vultures feel threatened they vomit, and the smell of vomited-on dead bodies puts of most predators. Throwing up allows the vulture to fly away more quickly-and the vomit can hurt the aggressor's eyes and face.


In some ways opossums have it easy. In order to become “dead", they don’t have to fax anyone a death certificate. They just lie there with their tongues hanging out with the smell of dead flesh, sometimes for hours, effectively convincing potential predators they can find a much fresher meal elsewhere. Even if they keep getting attacked, they won't move any more than a human statue until the threat has passed.


Hold your nose and meet the hoatzin, a bird of distinctions, not the least of which is that it smells like fresh cow shit. The animal mostly eats leaves and it's the only bird known to digest by fermentation, like a cow. This process is what causes its smell and has earned it the nickname the “stink bird

Millipedes (千足虫)

Millipedes are tricky. For starters they look wormy. Their name is deceptive, too: Their legs number about 750. Their major defense is to curl up into a ball. They, though, also release a harm eyes, and leave a horrible smell on their attackers.

Sea Hare(海兔)

The graceful sea hare is plain in taste in the first place, so it's not the most popular dish in the seafood chain. Nonetheless this type of sea creature has a pretty creative smell-related defense that is almost the opposite of its smelly companions on this list. The sea hare gives out a slimy, purple ink, the substance which makes food less palatable to predators.

Researchers using lobsters(2-f)as model predators found that the sea blocks the lobsters receptive mechanism. In other words, the sea hare gives its attacker the equivalent of a stuffy nose so they don't know how appealing it is.

1.The sea hare defends itself from predators by ____.

A. becoming plain in taste at the discovery of a predator

B. giving out purple ink to make itself invisible to predators

C. releasing substance to make predators unable to smell it

D. giving off smelly gas to try to drive predators away.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The vulture carries bacteria so that predators dare not get close to it.

B. The opossum fakes its death to avoid being targeted by predators.

C. The hoatzin eats cow shit so that it is nick-named as “stink bird

D. The gas released by millipede was basically harmless

3.The species that enjoys more than one defense mechanism is

A. vulture

B. opossum

C. millipede

D. sea hare



    After some blood tests, Dr Stubs stood before me, a tall man, but short on personality and sporting a cold expression. You have systemic lupus. he said matter-of-factly."Lupus, "he continued, "is an auto-immune disease and ….” I remember certain details but mostly I remember him talking about children. “Children are no harm. But childbirth would jumpstart additional symptoms that could be life threatening. You already have two kids anyway.”

As I got up to leave, shaken and drained, he said his parting words, “I would discourage any further research. There is no cure and nothing can prevent its progression.”

Still, I did research lupus and its symptoms tiredness and joint pain-were both consistent with what I was experiencing. And eventually some major organs could be affected, causing shutdown and possibly death.

I studied and found out that echinacea had a record in making immune system stronger. I decided that along with the plant I would strengthen my mindset by immersing myself in my family with my one-year-old son and three-year-old daughter.

After another visit, I decided never to go back to Dr. Stubs. How could one endure repeatedly hear desperately words coming from an emotionless mouth even though they were truth? The years passed. When I would feel tired and achy I pulled support from my children and their laughter.

Finally, after eight years, I went to Dr. Kirstein who was recommended by a friend. She stood there holding my hand and looking into my eyes warmly

"So, let’s talk a little

Instantly my defenses were down. Before I knew it, she had me running on and on about my children, my husband, my life and dreams. I told her about all the meaningful activities I was involved in, those things I might have never done without the disease.

After several follow-up tests, and greater research into my family history, Dr. Kirsteincame to conclusive answer. I did not have systemic lupus. There must be something wrong with the initial tests 8 years before.

I didn't know whether I should jump for joy or scream because I had been living the last eight years in fear of a fatal disease. But then I realized that I had been living every day, not so much in fear, but happiness Even day was a gift and I knew it.

1.Dr. Strubs warned the author against having more children because _____.

A. The process of giving birth put her life in danger.

B. Taking care of children will gradually worsen her disease.

C. Her disease will threaten the health of her children.

D. She already has enough children.

2.why did the author stop seeing doctor Strubs after two visits? .

A. Because she not qualified to treat her disease.

B. Because he recommended Dr.Kirkstein to her.

C. Because his cold attitude upset the author.

D. Because she suspected his diagnosis about her disease.

3.How did the author deal with the disease?

A. She calmly waited for major organs to shut down.

B. she took effective medicine regularly to fight the disease.

C. She turned to Dr. Kirstein to get cure for the disease

D. She tried to strengthen immune system and drew strength from family.

4.Why did the author think every day in the past 8 years was a gift?

A. Because systemic lupus was no longer a deadly disease.

B. Because she made every day valuable in spite of disease

C. Because she received a gift every day from her family

D. Because she only occasionally felt pain and tiredness.



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