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When first entered,Vanak Restaurant does...

    When first entered,Vanak Restaurant does not look like much of a restaurant, but once the pleasant smells of kabob(烤肉串)hit the senses, you are incapable of calling it anything less.

Owned by a local couple, this Persian restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere that many restaurants lack.

The space is small with only a few dining tables and nearly no decoration, but the environment is truly charming.

Lying in a hardly noticeable street corner, the restaurant still attracts all customers, especially those experienced in the delights of Middle Eastern cooking.

A common sight is that of old Persian men sitting in the corner talking loudly about world topics,watching news events on TV, drinking a black tea known as Persian chai, and reading local Persian newspapers all the while trying to finish off their plates piled with food.

The variety of food at the restaurant is limited, but the amount of each dish is fairly large.Most of the meals can serve two people and are under $10, so not only is it affordable but practical as well.

The food especially appeals to health-conscious eaters because each dish is very healthy, made with limited fat and oil and served straight off the grill(烤肉架).

The main dish that the restaurant is popular for is its kabobs, which are different styles of grilled meat.

One delicious and extremely healthy dish is the Joojeh Kabob, which is made of grilled chicken pieces served with either rice or bread.Another great kabob is the Chelo Kabob, a kabob consisting of grilled beef.

Although the restaurant s small, the atmosphere and the food is delicious. It is a place that should not be overlooked.

1.When first entering the restaurant, one can find that it ________ .

A. has pleasant smells of kabobs

B. is splendidly decorated

C. is crowded with dining tables

D. looks like a common restaurant

2.What activity is also mentioned apart from dining in the restaurant?

A. Reading local English newspapers.

B. Drinking a kind of black coffee.

C. Watching news events on TV.

D. Discussing world topics in low voices.

3.The food of the restaurant ________ .

A. is served in small amounts B. is rather expensive

C. is rich in variety D. is very healthy

4.What is the dish Joojeh Kabob mainly made of?

A. Rice B. Chicken

C. Bread D. Beef.

5.It can be inferred from the passage that the restaurant

A. occupies a large space

B. owns a favorable location

C. is popular for its special food

D. has a quiet environment inside


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一家叫做Vanak Restaurant的餐厅,以及餐厅的特色食物。 1.细节理解题。由第一段第一句 “but once the pleasant smells of kabob(烤肉串) hit the senses” 可知一进酒店会首先闻到烤肉传的香味,故选A。 2.细节理解题。由第五段第一句“A common sight is that of old Persian men sitting in the corner talking loudly about world topics, watching news events on TV, drinking a black tea known as Persian chai”可知除了在餐厅用餐,还提到了看电视上的新闻事件,喝着一种叫“波斯茶”的红茶。故选C。 3.细节理解题。由第七段第一句 “The food especially appeals to health-conscious eaters because each dish is very healthy” 餐厅的每道菜都非常健康,故选D。 4.细节理解题。倒数第二段第一句One delicious and extremely healthy dish is the Joojeh Kabob, which is made of grilled chicken pieces served with either rice or bread.可知Joojeh Kabob是一道非常健康美味的菜肴,由烤鸡片和米饭或面包搭配而成。Joojeh Kabob主要是鸡肉制成的,故选B。 5.推理判断题。最后一段第一句Although the restaurant s small, the atmosphere and the food is delicious.可知虽然餐馆很小,但是气氛和食物都很美味。可推断餐厅以它特别的食物而受到欢迎,故选C。

    It was a terrible day.Snow had been falling all day long making th trip _________ .I would rather have been in my warm home than drive along on such a cold day, but I didn’t have a _________ .I had to have my paper work handed in and then _________ my son.

The snow continued to fall as we drove along for the 15-mile trip back home.I slowed the car and _________ at my son in his heavy coat as he looked _________ out of the window with a blank expression.In the _________ of the world he was looked upon as a mentally disabled child. _________, over the years what I saw was a beautiful, kind and _________ soul.He had shown me more about love than I could have ever _________ on my own.

I slowed the car even more as we __________ a sharp curve(弯).As we rounded it I saw a shivering(颤抖的), young woman in a __________ jacket walking in the snow storm .I pulled over and let her in.She was heading for her Mom’s house to visit her __________ whom she hadn’t seen for months.She had experienced a lot of disappointments and __________.Yet, she still held out hope for a new job and tried to __________ a new life for her son and herself.

I took her as __________ as I was able to and dropped her off.She thanked me for the __________ and I told her I wished I could have done more to help.Then as we were about to leave, my sweet son took off his coat, __________ down the window and gave it to her.She put it on, smiled and __________ to us as we pulled out on the road.

In this world we will __________ many problems and challenges.Sometimes it seems that our entire Iives are a trip down a curvy and dangerous road.Yet the power of  __________takes us straight back to a broad smooth highway.

1.A. smooth B. funny C. risky D. special

2.A. change B. chance C. reason D. choice

3.A. call on B. pick up C. seek for D. look up

4.A. glanced B. laughed C. stared D. shouted

5.A. excitedly B. peacefully C. sadly D. fearfully

6.A. history B. development C. eyes D. systems

7.A. However B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Besides

8.A. dirty B. sensitive C. painful D. merciful

9.A. dreamed B. learned C. concluded D. ignored

10.A. expected B. left C. approached D. discovered

11.A. new B. heavy C. comfortable D. light

12.A. son B. daughter C. mother D. father

13.A. adventures B. puzzles C. tragedies D. doubts

14.A. predict B. suffer C. save D. build

15.A. far B. long C. soon D. much

16.A. money B. coat C. gift D. lift

17.A. burned B. rolled C. tore D. shut

18.A. cried B. pointed C. waved D. wrote

19.A. face B. overcome C. create D. bear

20.A. nature B. love C. minds D. wills



I’m afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ________he never finishes anything.

A. that B. when

C. where D. why



— We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.

— Yes, ________?I’ll give them a call right now.

A. why not B. what for

C. why D. what



The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which ________ saved for other purposes.

A. is B. are

C. was D. were



Try ________she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open.

A. if B. as

C. since D. when



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