满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Chris is a columnist (专栏作家) at citypages...

    Chris is a columnist (专栏作家) at citypages.com whose life turned upside down in 2017. Chris was willing to share his story but his own print deadlines made it a(n) ______ task for this time. In 2017 Chris found out his ______  condition left much to be desired and that he needed a kidney transplant (移植). Any person would have been lost in such a situation but Chris tuned to the place where he felt most comfortable——Twitter.

The whole operation thing takes lots of efforts on a donor’s (捐赠者) side and Chris continued ______ all the details on his blog and Facebook account. In the meantime, he was ______ a tiresome process of hemodialysis (血液透析) ______ waste and water removal from his blood and it generally takes 4 hours.

____, 19 people replied to Chris’s tweet (推特信息)! They were his lawyers or just people he met at some party months ago and even complete ______ None of them was his family, relative or Just a ______ friend. Just imagine all these people accepting medical checks, ______ their blood types and stuff of the kind to make a great ______ to a person they hardly knew! One person ______ ideally---Scott. Strangely enough Scott and Chris never met in person before the ______ and really saw each other for the first time on a thanksgiving evening. Both men felt that it was somewhat easier for them to let their communication flow on Social Media ______ a certain point of time. Scott sent Chris a ______ tweet even after the successful operation. When seeing Scott for the first time on a family dinner Chris couldn’t say all he wanted at first and his writing talent ______ at one time.

Social Media ______ worked! Chris has a healthy kidney now thanks to Scott, Twitter, Facebook, and the inventor of the web. For some people, ______ networks are pure evil or just time consuming black holes, but Social Media was once a ______ for Chris. It isn’t just a place where people ______ their time on lonely evenings. For some of us it is also one of few paths that can lead to a certain kind of ______.

1.A. important B. impossible C. practical D. official

2.A. mental B. academic C. medical D. economic

3.A. sharing B. settling C. changing D. taking

4.A. going through B. picking up C. resulting from D. looking through

5.A. encouraging B. involving C. supporting D. contacting

6.A. Obviously B. Normally C. Carefully D. Surprisingly

7.A. strangers B. foreigners C. newcomers D. outsiders

8.A. popular B. bright C. lost D. close

9.A. sorting B. determining C. mixing D. designing

10.A. fortune B. collection C. sacrifice D. research

11.A. equaled B. touched C. matched D. approached

12.A. party B. operation C. interview D. conference

13.A. till B. after C. at D. through

14.A. formal B. funny C. shocking D. cheering

15.A. recovered B. fell C. relaxed D. failed

16.A. policy B. tricks C. magic D. tasks

17.A. social B. connected C. special D. separate

18.A. approval B. honor C. memory D. blessing

19.A. spare B. kill C. save D. take

20.A. welfare B. promotion C. survival D. revolution


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了克里斯是一位专栏作家,但在2017年的时候,他发现他的身体状况很不好,他需要做肾脏移植手术。所以他在Twitter发布了自己的详细信息,来寻找能捐献给他肾脏的人,信息一发出,很多的人愿意帮助他。在众多的人中,一个叫斯科特的人是最合适捐献肾脏的人选。最终手术非常成功,克里斯无法表达对斯科特的感激之情。社交媒体在此次爱心救援中,发挥了积极的作用。短文告诉我们,社交媒体虽有诸多的缺点,但是它也是为数不多的能够通向某种生存的途径之一。 1.考查形容词辨析。A. important重要的;B. impossible不可能的;C. practical实践的;D. official官方的。句意:克里斯愿意分享他的故事,但他手头稿件的截止日期使它成为一个不可能完成的任务。由“ print deadlines”可知,克里斯手头稿件的截止日期使他很忙,所以在这段时间内,分享他的故事是不可能的。故B选项切题。 2.考查形容词辨析。A. mental精神上的;B. academic学术的;C. medical医疗的;D. economic经济的。句意:2017年克里斯发现他的身体状况很不好,他需要做肾脏移植手术。由“he needed a kidney transplant (移植)”可知,他需要肾脏移植。所以判断出,克里斯身体状况很不好。medical condition “身体状况”符合句意。C选项切题。 3.考查动词辨析。A. sharing分享;B. settling解决;C. changing改变;D. taking。句意:整个手术需要寻找一位肾脏捐赠者,克里斯在他的博客上以及Facebook账户上分享了所有相关的细节。由下文“19 people replied to Chris’s tweet ”可知,有19个人回复了克里斯的推特信息。所以克里斯是在网上分享了他的相关信息,其他人才能回复他。故A选项切题。 4.考查动词短语辨析。A. going through经历;B. picking up拾起;C. resulting from由...导致;D. looking through浏览。句意:与此同时,他正在经历令人厌倦的血液透析过程,这个过程包括排除血液中的溶质和水,通常需要4个小时。血液透析要排除血液中的溶质和水,而且整个过程需要4个小时,所以整个过程很痛苦和煎熬。going through“经历”符合句意。故A选项切题。 5.考查动词辨析。A. encouraging鼓励;B. involving涉及,包括;C. supporting支持;D. contacting联系。句意:与此同时,他正在经历一个令人厌倦的血液透析过程,这个过程包括排除血液中的溶质和水,通常需要4个小时。分析句子可知,本句在说明血液透析的过程和时间。所以involving“涉及,包括”符合句意。故B选项切题。 6.考查副词辨析。A. Obviously明显地;B. Normally正常地;C. Carefully小心地;D. Surprisingly令人惊讶地。句意:令人惊讶的是,有19个人回复了克里斯的Twitter信息。本句表示出人意料的结果。surprisingly“令人惊讶地”符合句意。故D选项切题。 7.考查名词辨析。A. strangers陌生人;B. foreigners外国人;C. newcomers 新来者;D. outsiders 外来人。句意:他们要么是他的律师,要么只是几个月前在某个聚会上认识的人,甚至是完全陌生的人,他们都不是他的家人、亲戚,也不是他亲密的朋友。even表示递进关系,表示作者没想到素不相识的人,都给他发来信息,表示愿意帮助他。故A选项切题。 8.考查形容词辨析。A. popular流行的;B. bright 明亮的;C. lost迷失的;D. close亲密的。句意:他们要么是他的律师,要么只是几个月前在某个聚会上认识的人,甚至是完全陌生的人,他们都不是他的家人、亲戚,也不是他亲密的朋友。none表示全部否定,表示向他伸出援助之手的人,都不是作者身边的人,都不是作者最亲密的人。故D选项切题。 9.考查动词辨析。A. sorting分类;B. determining测定,决定;C. mixing混合;D. designing设计。句意:想象一下,这些人接受医疗检查,测定自己的血型和类似的检查指标是否符合,为一个他们素不相识的人做出了巨大的牺牲。根据常识判断,肾脏手术之前,要检查捐赠者和病人的血型是否相匹配。故B选项切题。 10.考查名词辨析。A. fortune运气;B. collection收藏; C. sacrifice牺牲;D. research研究。句意:想象一下,这些人接受医疗检查,确定自己的血型和类似的检查指标是否符合,为一个他们素不相识的人做出了巨大的牺牲。由“all these people accepting medical checks”可知,这些人接受医疗检查,测定自己的血型和类似的检查指标。所以他们为一个他们素不相识的人做出了巨大的牺牲。故C选项切题。 11.考查动词辨析。A. equaled与...平等;B. touched触摸;C. matched 和…相配;D. approached接近。句意:其中的一个人最适合---斯科特。医疗检查的目的就是要找出哪个人能够匹配上克里斯的病情指标,并为克里斯捐献器官。故C选项切题。 12.考查名词辨析。A. party聚会;B. operation手术;C. interview采访;D. conference回忆。句意:奇怪的是,斯科特和克里斯在手术前从未见过面,他们第一次真正见面是在一个感恩节的晚上。由“after the successful operation”可知,本句在说斯科特和克里斯在手术前从未见过面。故B选项切题。 13.考查介词辨析。 A. till直到...;B. after在...之后;C. at 在…(里);D. through通过。句意:两个人都觉得他们能很容易地把社交媒体上的交流和沟通继续下去。由下文可知,斯科特甚至在手术成功后给克里斯发了一条表达祝贺的Twitter信息。所以Twitter成为了斯科特和克里斯沟通交流的平台,交流会一直继续下去。所以till“直到...”符合句意。故A选项切题。 14.考查形容词辨析。A. formal正式的;B. funny滑稽的;C. shocking令人震惊的;D. cheering 令人高兴的。句意:斯科特甚至在手术成功后给克里斯发了一条表达祝贺的Twitter信息。由“successful operation”可知,斯科特甚至在手术成功后给克里斯发了一条表达祝贺的Twitter信息。故D选项切题。 15.考查动词辨析。A. recovered回复;B. fell残忍的;C. relaxed放松的;D. failed失败的。句意:当克里斯第一次在家庭聚餐上见到斯科特时,他起初无法表达出他想要说的一切,他的写作天赋也不能帮助他表达出他想要说的一切。本句表达作者无法表达出他的感激之情,即使自己是作家,此时词穷墨尽。故D选项切题。 16.考查名词辨析。A. policy政策;B. tricks诡计;C. magic魔力;D. tasks任务。句意:社交媒体的魔力发挥了作用。由前文可知,通过社交媒体竟然间接救了一个人的性命。所以是社交媒体的魔力发挥了作用。故C选项切题。 17.考查形容词辨析。A. social 社交的;B. connected 有关系的;C. special特别的;D. separate 分开的。句意:对一些人来说,社交网络纯粹是邪恶的,或者只是浪费时间的黑洞,但社交媒体对于克里斯来说却是他的福音。由“Scott, Twitter, Facebook”可知,它们都是社交媒体。所以 social“社交的”符合句意。故A选项切题。 18.考查名词辨析。A. approval同意;B. honor荣耀;C. memory记忆;D. blessing祝福。句意:对一些人来说,社交网络纯粹是邪恶的,或者只是浪费时间的黑洞,但社交媒体对于克里斯来说,这是他的福音。社交媒体间接救了克里斯的性命,所以社交媒体对于克里斯来说,这是他的福音。故D选项切题。 19.考查动词辨析。A. spare 抽出;B. kill 消磨(时光);C. save挽救;D. take拿。句意:它不仅仅是人们在孤独的夜晚消磨时间的地方。由“ lonely evenings”可知,它不仅仅是人们在孤独的夜晚消磨时间的地方。故B选项切题。 20.考查名词辨析。A. welfare 福 祉;B. promotion提升;C. survival幸存;D. revolution革命。句意:对我们中的一些人来说,这也是为数不多的能够通向生存的途径之一。本句是对社交媒间接救了克里斯的性命这个故事的总结。所以作者认为对我们中的一些人来说,这也是为数不多的能够通向生存的途径之一。故C选项切题。

    Nowadays along with the booming of computer science, computers are widely used here and there. People even can find computers in most classrooms. While teachers remain more or less the same, computers are doubling in speed and capability every four years. 1. As far as I am concerned, teachers still play a major role and are still of great importance.

2. However advanced they may be, computers are nothing more than human inventions programmed to perform certain tasks.

They are unable to deal with students with different background. Needless to say, a classroom is a place where individual attention and creativity matter most. Therefore, computers are no better than other tools used by teachers and couldn’t possibly make the roles played by them weaker.

In terms of accuracy and the amount of information, computers outshine humans. 3. Indeed, a good teacher organizes and inspires the students.

Besides, the interaction between students and teachers is vital for the learning. According to most education authorities, real learning occurs during the discussion and sharing of ideas with one’s teacher and classmates. Moreover, a teacher is there to monitor every slight change in students’ attitude, to respond to and encourage them whenever they show signs of frustration and impatience. 4.

Despite the increasing presence of computers inside classrooms, teachers are just as essential, if not more so, as instructors were in the past. 5.

A. It’s time that teachers should develop themselves.

B. Without this kind of interaction, education is unimaginable.

C. Advanced as computers may be, some teachers are less impatient.

D. But to make a good teacher means far more than being an encyclopedia (百科全书).

E. People can’t help wondering whether teachers are as important as they once were.

F. Some drawbacks make it impossible for computers to replace teachers in classrooms.

G. It is well known that computers are better at repetitive work but incapable of creative thinking.



    Connecting with people has become so much easier with advancing technology. Tasks that once required a postage stamp or carrier pigeon are now as simple as tapping a name or even a face on your screen, and you’re connected. But also easier is unconsciously getting caught up in a dilemma by violating certain new rules for communicating. A big one for some: Don’t call until you’ve texted to confirm it’s OK to call. But that’s just the beginning.

“I’m usually pretty mild and not much bothers me,” said Mark Angielle, a 29-year-old office manager from White Plains, New York. But the one thing that he hates more than anything else in life is the terrible one-word message — “K.” “At the very least reply with, Got it.” he said “At least give me a few words here. You’re not that busy.”

There are hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of others who have taken Lo social media to express their distaste for people who don’t follow the unwritten rules of digital communication.

“These rules are simply a new display of a phenomenon we’ve seen in the past,” said James Ivory, professor of communication a Virginia Tech. In the same way that generations and small groups of friends have their own slang and customs, internet culture has given birth to technology-dependent beings that have their own unique set of routine.

But not everyone gets the point. Unlike language, digital communication can be filled with ambiguous clues (线索、迹象) that the person on the other end of the call, text or email may or may not easily understand.

“As soon as people aren’t talking face to face, the first thing that gets lost is some of the richness of the body language,” Ivory said, “People immediately fill that gap by using emoji (表情符号) to sum up a feeling in seconds.

“There's great potential for danger,” Ivory warned. “What's considered polite in one form might be inappropriate or rude in another occasion.”

1.What can you infer about Mark from Paragraph 2?

A. He is a businessman with a bad temper.

B. He complains about social manners.

C. He can’t bear one- word messages.

D. He dislike a busy business life.

2.According to the text, which of the following breaks the rules for communicating?

A. John says “I got it.” to his boss face to face.

B. Jim calls Bill without confirming in advance.

C. Mary texts Lily to make sure if she can call her.

D. Jack sends “Thanks a lot” to his business friends.

3.Why may people misunderstand each other during digital communication?

A. Emoji cannot sum up feelings.

B. People use their own slang and customs.

C. There are large quantities of written rules.

D. People gets wrong messages without clear clues.

4.What are people expected to do after reading tie passage?

A. To obey their own digital communication rules.

B. To be aware of rules during digital communication.

C. To use advancing technology even with disadvantages.

D. To keep pace with digital communication development.



    You can’t see your sleeping pets brain waves, but its behavior can tell you when your cat might be dreaming. If you watch closely, you’ll see that as she falls asleep, her breathing becomes slow and regular with her body still. She has entered the first stage of sleep, called slow-wave sleep. After about 15 minutes you’ll notice a change in her breathing. Her eyes move under her closed lids, her paws twitch (抽动) and she flicks (尤指用手指或手快速地轻抚) an ear. She has entered dreaming. Although she twitches and makes little grunting (嘟嘟) noises, messages from her brain to the large muscles in her legs are blocked, so she can’t run about. She is in a state of “sleep paralysis (麻痹)”.

Michel Jouvet, a French scientist, interrupted their sleep paralysis. Even though they were completely asleep, the dreaming cats began to run for balls that Jouvet couldn’t see and arched (弓起) their backs at unseen enemies. He figures he was watching them act out their dreams! Obviously, the dreaming cats seemed to be practising important cat skills: following, pouncing (猛扑), and fighting.

In another study, Matt Wilson recorded rats brain waves while they learned mazes (迷宫). One day, he left the brain-wave-recording machine on while the rats fell asleep. The pattern of brain waves in the sleeping rats matched the pattern from the maze so closely that Wilson could figure out exactly which part of the maze each rat was dreaming about!

Many researchers now think that in both people and animals, one purpose of dreams is to practise important skills and figure out recent caning. This may explain why so many people dream about fighting and escaping, skills that were probably important to our ancestors, and why dreaming affects our ability to learn.

Do all animals dream? From looking at the brain waves of sleeping animals. How often animals dream seems to be tied to body size. Cats dream about every 15 minutes, mice every 9 minutes, and elephants every 2 hours. And though cows and horses usually sleep standing up, they only dream when lying down.

1.What does Michel Jouvet find in his study?

A. The dreaming cats are in a state of body paralysis.

B. The dreaming cats often practise their important skills.

C. The eyes of dreaming cats moved while bodies are still.

D. The muscles of the dreaming cats are blocked to move.

2.What can you know about dreaming from the passage?

A. Dreaming a lot can help humans learn more.

B. Learning mazes is the basic skill for cats to learn.

C. Rats often dreams to make certain their recent learning

D. Fighting and escaping are not important skills for ancestors.

3.Which animal may dream most frequently?

A. Rats. B. Dogs.

C. Cows. D. Elephants

4.How does the author develop his passage?

A. By making comparisons. B. By using figures

C. By telling stories D. By showing facts



    When the tornado (龙卷风) passed, Lewis returned to her house after that awful night, and the Bible was the first thing she looked for. She had bought it 35 years earlier, at the start of her marriage. Like many folks, she’d used it to preserve the family’s history: decades-old photos, newspaper obituaries (讣告) of loved ones, a handkerchief from her great-grandmother, even a piece of a scarf her uncle bad brought back from the Korean War.

The Bible was not where she d last seen it, on top of an antique dresser in her bedroom. The only thing left was the solid pieces of marble that had been on the top of the furniture. After an hour of searching, one of the volunteers ran up to her and found the bible while clearing through ruins. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. It had flown about ten feet from the dresser. Surprisingly, while many books had been destroyed beyond recognition, the Bible was still intact, even though it had sat in the rain for days. “It was a miracle,” says Lewis.

A few of the Bible’s treasures did go missing. Yet ever so slowly, they, too, began reappearing in Lewis’s life. Days after the Bible was found, volunteers discovered one of the newspaper obituaries outside the home. Two weeks later, a neighbor found another newspaper clipping (剪辑) by her house. “It was a shock,” say Lewis.

Now the Bible already has its well-deserved place of honor, on the dresser. She knows that while every good book tells stories of disastrous weather and unlikely survival, this one actually lived it.

1.Why was the Bible the first thing to look for?

A. It is a book telling good stories.

B. It was a valuable gift for her marriage.

C. It records her family’s trees and history.

D. It keeps things recalling family’s stories.

2.What does the underlined word “intact” probably mean?

A. Unfolded B. New

C. Undamaged D. fragile

3.What is the best title for tie text?

A. The Bible Beats a Tornado.

B. The Bible Blesses Lewis’ Family

C. Antique Treasures Are Never Gone.

D. Family Treasures Are Along With Us.



    Bright Side did some research on many places throughout the world where you can buy a house for 1 dollar or for free!

Roubaix, France

If you like France, Roubaix located in the north of France is just for you. The local authorities want it to be populated and attractive. You can buy a small house in the industrial district for just $1. The buyer is supposed to live in this house for 3 years.

Buffalo. USA

Buffalo offers whoever qualifies to buy a house for $1. All you need is to be a lawful citizen of the city and invest amount of money into its decoration. Doing this, the authorities are hoping to make the city beautiful again without spending money.

Liverpool, Great Britain

In Liverpool, most of houses were abandoned by the working class during the years of unemployment. The government is trying to sell the houses for just $1. If you want to buy such a house, it has to be your first deal on buying property (不动产).

Candela, Italy

If you still have any doubts about spending SI on a house, you should know: the government will pay you some money, if you move to Candela. In order to be paid, you need to become a permanent citizen and have an income of $7500 per year. If moving a, ne, you will get S800, and if you are going with your family, the pay can be four times as much as only one person.

For more information of other cities, please Click Here.

1.Why do the authorities of Buffalo provide a house for people with 1$?

A. To improve the lives of poor people.

B. To make the city attractive at no cost.

C. To solve the problems of employment.

D. To attract people to the industrial areas.

2.What is required to buy a house for 1 dollar in Liverpool?

A. You need to be an unemployed citizen.

B. You should live in the house for 3 years.

C. You must make the first house purchase.

D. You have to repair and decorate the house.

3.How much money can you get if moving to Candela with a whole family?

A. $3200 B. $1

C. $800 D. $7500

4.Where does this passage come from?

A. a textbook. B. a magazine.

C. the Internet. D. an announcement.



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