满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Many ki...


Many kids love to listen to music and dance.But for children with special medical needs  joining in a 1. (tradition)dance class can be difficult.

Thanks  2. physical therapist(治疗师)Kellie Lightfootyoung people in Northeast Ohio have the benefit of a special program called Dance Unlimited:Lightfoot founded the program at Akron Childrens Hospital in 2012.It gives kids aged four and up a chance 3. (dance)while still getting the benefits of physical therapy.

Dance goes beyond meeting the kidsphysical needs.During classthey meet other kids  build  4.(confident)and make friendswhich help a lot in treating their diseases.

The students have two big public performances each year.At a recent performance in Akronthe dancershard work 5. (pay)off on stageallowing them to shine in front of people.

Lightfoot 6. started dancing before the age of threeis working hard to help children  with special needs.I just always wanted to combine the two things that I loveand I feel like  this is 7. I am meant to do,”she said.

Getting all of the kids 8. (involve)in the class requires a teamwhich 9. (make) up of therapistsdancersand ordinary people.They all act as dance assistants so that all of the  children can join in.

Lightfoot hopes to expand Dance Unlimited so that more kids with physical problems can  10. (possible)reach their full potential.


1.traditional 2.to 3.to dance 4.confidence 5.paid 6.who 7.what 8.involved 9.is made 10.possibly 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一个叫做Dance Unlimited的特别项目,为四岁及以上的孩子在进行物理治疗的同时还提供了一个跳舞的机会。 1.考查形容词。dance class为名词,需要形容词修饰,故填traditional。 2.考查介词。短语thanks to“幸亏;由于”,故填to。 3.考查非谓语动词。句意:它给四岁及以上的孩子一个跳舞的机会,同时还能从物理治疗中获益。本句已经存在谓语动词且句中没有连词,故dance只能做非谓语,在本句中做目的状语用不定式,故填to dance。 4.考查名词。句意:在讲课的时候,他们满足其他孩子,树立信心,和交朋友,帮助他们治疗很多疾病。build为及物动词,后跟名词作宾语,故填confidence。 5.考查动词时态。句意:在最近的一次在阿克伦,舞者在舞台上辛苦工作付出之后,允许他们在大家面前闪耀。本句描述的是过去发生的事,故应用一般过去时,填paid。 6.考查定语从句连接词。本句为定语从句修饰先行词Lightfoot,且先行词在从句中做主语,指人,故填关系代词who。 7.考查名词性从句连接词。句意:我觉得这就是我应该做的。本句为表语从句,从句中缺少宾语,指事物,故填what。 8.考查非谓语动词。本句已经存在谓语动词且句中没有连词,故involve只能做非谓语动词。短语Get involved in“涉及;参与”,故填involved。 9.考查被动语态。本句为定语从句修饰先行词team,从句中make做谓语与主语team构成被动关系,且根据上文requires可知用一般现在时。故填is made。 10.考查副词。句意:更多有身体问题的孩子有可能充分发挥他们的潜力。reach为动词,需要副词修饰,故填possibly。

    Two years agomy friend and I were at college.With his birthday quickly _______ he came to me with an unusual _______ :instead of receiving presentshe wanted to do some acts of kindness.

I was _______ with such all idea._______ instead of taking for the birthday was really different.I asked him how he could come up with such a  _______ idea.He told me about a TED talk he had watched on generosity.which had _______ him.So we started to _______ creative things we could do.

Our university employed some security guards to  _______ its students.They have to work _______ keeping watch on every corner throughout the university. For the most part it's a thankless job as most people grow  ________ to seeing the guards all around and eventually barely notice their ________ let alone acknowledge their efforts.How could we show them our appreciation?

We decided to make a large pot of hot ________ .We hired a Uber and asked the driver to take us around the campus where we knew the  ________ would be and we poured them each a cup of hot chocolate.The Uber driver was  ________ a bit doubtful to the entire plan but after a while he was helping us ________ the guards and our lively spirit had ________ to him as well.We were met with many ________ and appreciative words.It was amazing to see how a ________  act or even intention of generosity can lift everyones spirit.

I now realize that special energy is created when you choose to think bigger than yourself and act in ________ of others. Youll find it's actually the greatest ________ younever getespecially when its your birthday.

1.A. ending B. passing C. advancing D. approaching

2.A. order B. request C. problem D. story

3.A. struck B. blessed C. burdened D. bored

4.A. Refusing B. Earning C. Giving D. Donating

5.A. traditional B. complex C. familiar D. novel

6.A. controlled B. supported C. inspired D. rewarded

7.A. plan out B. take over C. watch for D. hold back

8.A. judge B. help C. monitor D. protect

9.A. step by step B. around the clock C. more or less D. now and then

10.A. addicted B. devoted C. attached D. accustomed

11.A. presence B. hunger C. poverty D. thirsty

12.A. tea B. milk C. porridge D. chocolate

13.A. workers B. students C. guards D. drivers

14.A. finally B. initially C. occasionally D. frequently

15.A. remind B. track C. spot D. recognize

16.A. spread B. moved C. happened D. returned

17.A. friends B. difficulties C. greetings D. smiles

18.A. similar B. small  C. daily D. modest

19.A. service B. place C. charge D. memory

20.A. 1esson B. attention C. gift D. care



    I wouldnt be the person I am today if I never traveled.Traveling has given me tons of great lessons that Ill never forget.

1.Appreciating another culture

Learning about another culture in school is one thingbut actually experiencing it is another._______ You can visit art museumswatch landmarksor just stop at a café. Before you know ityoull pick up on local customs or fall in love with unfamiliar foods.

2.The pleasure of unplugging from social media

Social media takes up a lot of our time and it's really distracting and even damaging.So for mewhen I travel I love the fact that I'm often cut off from any Internet.I stop caring about what others are doing and instead focus on having fun. _______

3.Exploring your capability(能力)

_______ It brings the best out of you.As a shy person.I feel a sense of pride when I make friends with complete strangers or talk in broken foreign languages.Travelling has truly changed me in the best way.Nowwhatever happensIm capable of meeting the challenge !


I have never taken a vacation where nothing goes wrong.I ever lost my luggagegot hopelessly confused with directionsand waited 5 hours on a train that broke down mid journey._______ Unexpected things can happen at any moment.The accidents traveling throws your way teaches you to be more patient with your everyday problems.

5.The world isnt as scary as you think

If you watch the news as much as I do, it's easy to start thinking that the entire world is a scarydangerous place.___5___ But in generalthe average country is just as safe as the one you live in now.Why let your fear prevent you?

A. Travelling is a transforming experience.

B. Life doesnt always go according to plan.

C. Travellinghoweverlet’s us stop and enjoy the moment.

D. The world is a giant placeand we each just make up a tiny part of it.

E. I find a life behind a screen can never compare with a life being lived fully.

F. Its important when travelling to keep your wisdom and take special precautions.

G. Traveling exposes you to people and lifestyles quite different from those back at home.



    For the first time ever scientists prepare to set about a 3-year-long projectthe Nekton  Missionto explore the Indian Ocean and document changes taking place beneath the waves that could affect the surrounding region over the coming decades.

The ambitious exploration team will reach one of the last major unexplored frontiers on the  planeta vast body of water thats already feeling the effects of global warming with rising water temperatures damaging its coral reefs(珊瑚礁).Understanding the Indian Oceans ecosystem is important not just for the species that live in itbut also for the 2.5 billion people living in the region.

The Nekton Mission is supported by more than 40 organizations.Researchers will spend  seven weeks surveying underwater lifemap the sea floorand drop sensors(传感器)to depths of up to 6560 feet in the seas around the Seychelles.

The Seychelles aims to become a leader in the development of ablue economythat draws on the resources of the ocean.It relies on fishing and tourismbut has lately also been exploiting oil and gas from beneath the sea floor.Our ocean is undergoing rapid ecological transformation by human activities.The Nekton Mission is vital to help us better know our ocean space and resources to make wise decisions.Only when we know what we have in the ocean and what is its value call we properly decide what to exploit and what to leave untouched,”said Jumeauthe Seychellesambassador to the UN.

The mission will conduct further dives in other parts of the Indian Ocean over three years.The researchers expect to discover new species and send videos to the world by satellite.The research will provide information for a summit(峰会)about the Indian Ocean planned for late 2021.

1.Why do the scientists plan to explore the Indian Ocean?

A. To save the endangered creatures living in the sea.

B. To discover the damage mankind has done to the ocean.

C. To make the best use of the natural resources in the sea.

D. To protect its species and people living around the region.

2.Which is not included in the tasks to be carried out around the Seychelles?

A. Drawing maps of the sea floor. B. Finding treasures under the sea.

C. Putting sensors into the deep sea. D. Studying underwater life.

3.What can be learned about the Nek-ton Mission?

A. It will extend beyond the Indian Ocean.

B. It will benefit a lot fromblue economy.

C. It will contribute to the 2021 conference.

D. It will find solutions to global warming.

4.What can be a suitable title fur the text?

A. Scientists Are to Explore the Indian Ocean

B. The Seychelles Aims to Build aBlue Economy

C. Effects of Global Warming on Marine Ecosystem

D. Indian Ocean:the Last Unexplored Frontier on the Planet



    There are about 6500 languages spoken throughout the worldbut about half of them are in danger of disappearing.

One of the primary causes driving language loss is that support for language communities drastically varies.While some languages are recognized by governments and taught in schoolsthe majority go unrecognizedunsupportedand untaughtleaving communities ill-equipped to pass their languages on to future generations.Tsakonianadialect(方言)in Greecehas declined to the point that only 100 speakers remain.

When a language disappearsmany other things can go away as well.For exampleparts of a communitys cultureknowledge and identity can also be lost.

One organization seeking to save world languages is Wikitongueswhich was founded as a school project by Daniel Bogre Udell in 2012when he began recording short oral histories in New York to explore the citys rich cultural diversity with the simple idea:tell me about yourself or your home in your native language.When he posted the videos onlinethe channel quickly got wide attention.

There are currently over 400 languages and dialects represented on Wikitongueschannel and more than 1500 people from 70 different countries have added videos to it.But thats far from enough.The organization seeks to serve as an Internet resource to keep as many languages as possible alive.Udell believes they can make it happen.There are many examples of languages that disappeared but later returned to use.Hebrew went extinct in the 4th century BCand was revived(恢复)in the 1800s.Now once againit's the mother tongue of half of the worlds Jewish population,”said Udell.

1.What can be inferred about Tsakonian in Greece?

A. Its hard to speak and understand.

B. It will definitely die out in the future.

C. Its not allowed to speak in Greece.

D. It lacks recognition and support.

2.What effect may be brought by the extinction of languages?

A. Harming future generations. B. Reducing cultural diversity.

C. Preventing daily communication. D. Changing school projects.

3.Whats the purpose of Wikitongues?

A. To support people in saving their languages.

B. To revive languages that have disappeared.

C. To record enough short oral histories.

D. To explore the worlds rich cultures.

4.What does Udell want to tell us by giving Hebrew as an example in the last paragraph?

A. All extinct languages will be brought back to life.

B. Its possible to prevent languages from dying out.

C. More languages will be presented on Wikitongueschannel.

D. Hebrew has become one of the most popular languages in the world.



    Children in rural areas of Cambodia often suffer from or even die of preventable illnesses because there is not any soap available.

In 2014Samir Lakhanian American college studentsaw the issue while volunteering in a Cambodian village.I remember quite vividly a mother bathing her newborn baby with laundry powderwhich is so harmful to the skin,”said Lakhani.Its difficult for rural Cambodians to access soap.First is affordability.If you earn only$1.50 every dayyou wont spend $1 on a bar of soap.Then comes access.The demand is so low that local shops dont stock soap.The last reasonbecause many Cambodians dont really understand where diseases come fromthey dont know how to prevent themincluding using soap.

After figuring out a solution to the problem:the barely-used soap in hotelsLakhani started asking hotels to donate leftover soap.They were all eager to help,”he explained.

Lakhani registered Eco-Soap Bank shortly afterwards.Soonhe received enough funds to hire disadvantaged Cambodian women to collect and reproduce the used soap.

Todaythe organization has four recycling centers across the countryproviding jobs to 35 local women.And so farsome 174000 bars of soap have been donatedabout 24000 pounds of soap has been recycledand hygiene(卫生)has been improved for about 661000 people.We are killing three birds with one stone,”Lakhani said.

When it comes to the future of Eco-Soap BankLakhani said,“Weve just scratched the surface.Lack of hygiene is not something unique to Cambodia.The demand for improved hygiene in the developing world is hugeand much remains to be done.Were looking at seven countries to expand to in the near future.

1.Which of the following is not mentioned as the reason why rural Cambodians dont use soap?

A. Poverty. B. Inaccessibility. C. Unawareness. D. Tradition.

2.What does the underlined partkilling three birdsin Paragraph 5 refer to?

A. Saving soapcuring diseases and providing education.

B. Stopping pollutionproving jobs and inspiring donation.

C. Reducing wasteproviding employment and improving health.

D. Recycling wastehelping charity and improving community hygiene.

3.What can we infer about Eco-Soap Bank?

A. It wont be long before it expands to the whole world.

B. There’s little it can do without other countriesassistance.

C. It will make greater contributions to the developing world.

D. It will soon settle the problem of poor hygiene in Cambodia.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. Eco-Soap Bank helps improve hygiene.

B. Cambodian women have a bright future.

C. A US young man calls for helping poor countries.

D. Lack of hygiene remains a serious problem in the world.



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