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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Wit...


With a timid voice, the little boy greeted his father as he returned from work, “Daddy, how much do you make an hour?”

Greatly 1. (surprise), the father said, “Look, son, not even your mother knows that. Don't bother me now, I'm tired.”

“But Daddy, just tell me please! How much do you make an hour,” the boy insisted.

The father, 2. (final) giving up, replied, “Twenty dollars per hour.”

“Okay, Daddy? Could you loan me ten dollars?” the boy asked.

Showing his restlessness, the father yelled, “So that was the reason 3. you asked how much I earn, right? Go to sleep and don't bother me any longer!”

It was already dark and the father was thinking about what he 4. (say) and was feeling guilty. Maybe he thought his son wanted to buy something. Finally, trying to ease 5. (he) mind, the father went to his son's room.

“Are you 6. (sleep), son?” asked the father.

“No, Daddy. Why?” replied the boy.

“Here's the money you asked for 7. (early),” the father said.

“Thanks, Daddy!” replied the son happily, putting his hand under his pillow and removing some money. “Now I have enough! Now I have twenty dollars!” the boy said to his father, who was gazing at his son, confused 8. what his son had just said.

“Daddy, could you sell me one hour of your time?”

Time is 9. precious to spend it all on work! Appreciate your loved 10. (one) and don't take them for granted.


1.surprised 2.finally 3.why 4.had said 5.his 6.asleep 7.earlier 8.at /about/with 9.too 10.ones 【解析】 本文属于故事,讲述一个小孩希望用二十美元来获取父亲陪伴的一小时,从而告诉一个道理,陪伴家人很重要。 1.考查形容词。分析句子可知,描述父亲的感受,故用surprised。 2.考查副词。修饰动词giving up用副词,故用finally。 3.考查定语从句。分析句子可知,you asked how much I earn作定语修饰先行词reason,从句缺乏原因状语,故用关系副词why。 4.考查过去完成时。句意:天已经黑了,父亲在思考他说过的话,感到很愧疚。根据文章可知,陈述过去的事情,思考说过的话,说过的话发生在思考之前,故属于过去的过去,故用过去完成时had said。 5.考查代词。修饰名词mind用形容词,故用形容词性物主代词his。 6.考查形容词。分析句子可知,本句缺乏表语,故用形容词,根据句意可知,睡着了吗?故用asleep。 7.考查副词比较级。句意:这是你早些时候要的钱。根据文章可知,在最初儿子向父亲要钱,故可知,更早时候,故用比较级earlier。 8.考查介词。本句考查confuse的用法be confused about/on/with sth对某事感到困惑,故用about/with/on。 9.考查副词。句意:时间太过于宝贵,不能总是花在工作上。本句为结构too…to太而不能,故用too。 10.考查代词。句意:感激你爱的人,不要把他们当作理所当然。根据后面的them可知,指代复数名词,故用代词ones。

    It was a busy morning, about 8:30am, when an elderly gentleman in his 80's arrived to have stitches(线)removed from his thumb. He said he was in a hurry, as he had a/an ______ at 9:00am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a ______ , knowing it would be over an hour before someone would be able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and ______ since I was not busy with another patient, I would assess his wound.

On ______ it I saw it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors and got the needed supplies to ______  his stitches and redress his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another ______ appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me he needed to go to the nursing home to eat ______ with his wife.

I inquired as to her ______ . He told me that she had been there for a while because she is a ______ of Alzheimer's disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be ______ if he was a bit late. He replied that she no longer knew ______ he was, and that she had not ______ him for five years now.

I was ______ and asked him, “Do you still go every morning ______ she doesn't know who you are?” He ______  as he patted my hand and said, “She doesn't know me but I ______ know who she is.”

I had to ______ tears as he left. I had goose bumps on my arm and thought, 'That is the kind of ______ I want in my life.”

True love is neither physical nor romantic. True love is a/an ______ of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.

Remember that the ______ deeds that we do in life really matter.

1.A. meeting B. appointment C. lecture D. interview

2.A. seat B. breath C. look D. ride

3.A. remembered B. concluded C. imagined D. decided

4.A. watching B. examining C. testing D. touching

5.A. remove B. cut C. cure D. link

6.A. gentleman’s B. manager’s C. doctor's D. nurse’s

7.A. dinner B. supper C. lunch D. breakfast

8.A. health B. age C. work D. hobby

9.A. psychologist B. physician C. victim D. expert

10.A. glad B. upset C. ashamed D. hungry

11.A. how B. where C. what D. who

12.A. served B. missed C. recognized D. heard

13.A. surprised B. satisfied C. excited D. disappointed

14.A. after B. if C. but D. though

15.A. nodded B. shouted C. smiled D. cried

16.A. just B. still C. also D. even

17.A. hold back B. hold on C. carry on D. carry out

18.A. need B. satisfaction C. love D. hope

19.A. expression B. award C. reward D. acceptance

20.A. big B. small C. great D. different



    It is sometimes possible to fix a water damaged cell phone. 1. . The longer you wait, the more likely the phone is unrepairable.

As soon as you notice your phone has dropped into water, you should take a cloth to wipe it off. Additionally, you should take out the SIM card and battery.2. .

If you put your water damaged cell phone back together and it won't turn on, it is likely that some water has gotten down inside the phone.3. . You can remove the battery and SIM card from the phone once again and place all three components into a bowl filled with rice. This may work because rice is very absorbent.

4. . If the rice method either did not work, you can take the phone apart and lay all its pieces outside in direct sunlight for several hours. The heat from the sun may completely dry out the inside and outside of the phone and its parts. If it is raining or the sun is not out, you can use a blow dryer on low heat to get the same results.

If all of your attempts at repairing your phone are unsuccessful, you will likely have no choice but to take it to your cell provider or to a place that repairs cell phones to get it fixed. Unless your phone is very valuable, the cost of repairing the phone might be higher than what you paid for it. 5. . It may be beneficial to meanwhile purchase insurance from your cell phone provider.

A. If so, you have to throw it

B. You could also use heat to fix it

C. Fixing it doesn’t always end up with success

D. Repairing it as soon as possible may be greater

E. Then you might be better off buying a new one

F. When this happens, you can still repair it using rice, though.

G. Place them onto a paper towel so the water can completely drain



    Researchers are often interested in how culture changes over time. All cultures go through periods of change and some cultures change faster than others. For example, in the past 10 years, Chinese culture has changed rapidly as western products have become popular. Other countries, such as France, have created rules to prevent their culture from changing too quickly.

Even though cultures change at different paces, the causes of cultural change are quite similar around the world. One of these is technology and medicine. In the United States the invention and development of birth control pills and other measures helped parents to limit the size of their families. As a result, families grew smaller and parents could give more attention to fewer children.  On the other hand, new technology has also created emotional distance among families.

Cultures also change when they come into contact with other cultures. Immigration, for example, often results in cultural change for both immigrants and the host culture. Immigrants often bring with them different ideas, food, music, language, and manners when they move to a new culture. In Canada, for example, the government has a policy of multiculturalism where immigrants are encouraged to share their background cultures with Canadians while adopting and accepting Canadian culture.

Cultural change can occur due to larger events. For example, economic depression, war, and disaster can endanger societies, which must adapt to these challenges and events. Because of these changes in society, ideas and ways of life also affect the entire culture. For example, during World War II, many American men were sent far off to fight. Consequently, women were suddenly needed to work in the factories. As a result of this change, it is no longer culturally acceptable to believe that they should not have the right to work.

1.In the first paragraph which country has experienced rapid cultural change in the last decade?

A. Canada. B. China. C. France. D. America.

2.What will probably be talked about following the last paragraph?

A. Another reason for cultural change.

B. A discussion of immigration policy in France.

C. Another cultural change caused by World War II.

D. Some examples of highly successful working women.

3.What would be a good title for this passage?

A. Immigration Policy and Culture B. Immigration and Culture

C. New Technology and Family Culture D. Theories of Cultural Change



    Have you ever made your life look a little more charming than it actually is by posting truths on social media? If so, you may be damaging your mental health.

The posts we make on social media platforms allow us to look back and see what we did on a given day. But what happens when, in an effort to impress our online friends, photos and videos we post become beautified versions of the things we did?

A young girl named Sophia went out to a romantic anniversary dinner with her boyfriend, had a near relationship-ending fight during dessert, then came home and posted, “Had the best time out with the love of my life!” — even with a photo of the meal. No surprise, but according to a new study, Sophia was by no means unique. Two-thirds of users admit lying about their lives on social media with 20 percent of young people between the ages of 18 and 24 stating that they edit their own stories by frequently lying about relationships and promotions.

By beautifying our online stories, we are harming our memories. We start believing the stories we tell rather than remembering what really happened. Soon, the real experience is lost and all that remains is the beautified version of history.

Scientists fear that these edited stories will end up changing our memories. It’s well confirmed through research that our own memories are often unreliable and can be easily controlled. Writing down one’s life in the form of a journal, or even on social media can help us keep our memories undamaged, but only if we tell the truth. So recording our experiences through whatever medium, to later recall lessons we learned, is not only acceptable but desirable. In fact, looking back at our own past - however embarrassing or uncomfortable - is not just healthy but can be enjoyable.

1.Why did Sophia post her story with a photo of the meal?

A. To make her post attractive.

B. To show his photography skill.

C. To convince others of her story.

D. To show how enjoyable the meal was.

2.In what kind of tone did the writer write the text?

A. Encouraging. B. Critical. C. Humorous. D. Enthusiastic.

3.The last paragraph implies that many people don’t realize ________.

A. Recalling the unpleasant past can also be enjoyable

B. Writing down our life on social media does no good to us

C. recording experiences through media is unacceptable

D. Recording our experiences through media is beneficial

4.What a lesson can be drawn from the text?

A. Leaving others a good impression is desirable.

B. Editting our online stories weakens our memory.

C. Posting our experiences on social media is risky.

D. Beautifying our history ends up hurting ourselves.



    It was a mid-winter's day. My Mom had ordered me and my two brothers outside so she could get a little housework done.

My brothers were seven and five years older than me and much bigger as well. Still, it was I who decided to start the snowball fight. I hit one of them when they weren't looking and soon we were all making and throwing snowballs as fast as we could. Being little helped me avoid the first dozen or so snowballs that came my way until the one that caught me in the back of the head and sent me sliding into the two foot deep snowdrift. I felt two hands grasp my shoulders as my oldest brother lifted me out safely. I laughed as I dusted the snow off.

Later Mom called us back inside for a lunch of hot, chicken soup. I drank it slowly and then sat near the old, wood stove in our living room and let the warmth quickly dry my damp socks and jeans. It felt so nice. I couldn't describe the feeling back then but I know now that it was pure happiness.

In those innocent days of childhood there was no regret for the past or worry for the future. Each moment could be enjoyed just the way God intended. Each day could be filled with fun, laughter, and love. I think that we all need to re-experience that feeling in our lives. We need to live with childlike joy while keeping our adult wisdom. We need to throw a few snowballs and drink a few bowls of soup afterwards. We need to trust in our Heavenly Father's love for us and share our love with others as well. Life here is too brief not to enjoy all of its precious moments.

1.Why did the writer’s mother order them outside?

A. To let them do more outdoor exercises.

B. For the convenience of doing housework.

C. To let them help her do housework outside.

D. To give them a surprise when they returned.

2.Why could the writer avoid so many snowballs?

A. Because his figure was small.

B. Because he was the youngest.

C. Because he had quick reaction.

D. Because he was good at avoiding.

3.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To introduce a good outdoor exercise.

B. To recall an experience in his childhood.

C. To show life should be enjoyed to the fullest.

D. To sing high praises of his mother’s greatness.



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