满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many of the most striking beasts on the ...

    Many of the most striking beasts on the planet come in only two colors: black and white. These high-contrast markings represent some of the nature's most diverse evolutionary choices. For some animals, black -and- white coloring is a way to warn off natural enemies. For others, to keep insects away. For still others, it creates a clever cover. Spend some time exploring what science has discovered about these animals’ appearances, and you will see that basic black and white isn't so basic after all.


Depending on the species, black skunks may wear white spots that act as a cover or white stripes(条纹)that signal enemies to watch out for their smelly spray.

Giant Panda

Resent insights into panda coloring have come from studying each body part separately. Black ears indicate fierceness, and distinct eye patches aid in individual recognition. The panda in white body hides it against snow, white its dark limbs(四肢) keep it from being spotted in forests, a compromise developed from its poor bamboo diet:Bamboo doesn’t let pandas build up enough fat to hibernate(冬眠), forcing them to spend winters in the snow.


Even when a badger is in its cave, its facial stripes can be seen, Zoologists say the warning coloration helps the small animal prevent natural enemies.


In bright sun, the buck’s white stomach reduces the effect of the shadow cast by his back, allowing him to appear one color and two dimensional---especially hiding from natural enemies in his own shadown.

1.Which animals can use their color to warn off natural enemies?

A. Skunk and Badger B. Giant panda and Zebra

C. Badger and Blackbuck D. Zebra and Blackbuck

2.White body and dark limbs help the giant panda to ________.

A. show fierceness B. store fat

C. recognize individuals D. take cover

3.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Which animals have black- and- white color?

B. How some animals protect themselves from harm.

C. Why so many animals wear black- and- white coats?

D. What science has discovered about different colors.


1.A 2.D 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明性应用文。自然多样性进化选择的一种结果是世界上很多引人注目的野兽都只有黑白两种颜色。这两个颜色帮助一些动物吓走天敌,帮助一些动物远离昆虫,还可以帮助一些动物隐藏。以臭鼬、大熊猫、獾、雄性的印度羚四种动物为例,进一步证明了黑白色不是那么简单。 1.细节理解题。由Skunk小标题下的内容可知,臭鼬身上白色的条纹是用来暗示敌人小心它喷出恶臭的液体。由Badger小标题下的内容可知,獾脸上的条纹可以帮助这些小动物远离天敌。故A选项正确。 2.细节理解题。由Giant Panda小标题下的“The panda in white body hides it against snow, white its dark limbs(四肢)keep it from being spotted in forests”可知,熊猫白色的身体帮它在雪地里隐藏起来,而深色的四肢帮它在森林里不被发现。A. show fierceness展现凶猛;B. store fat储存脂肪;C. recognize individuals识别个体;D. take cover躲藏,隐蔽。故D选项正确。 3.主旨大意题。由文章第一段最后一句“Spend some time exploring what science has discovered about these animals’ appearances, and you will see that basic black and white isn't so basic after all.”可知,作者想和大家一起分享科学家们对这些动物外观的研究成果,让大家明白黑白色并不是那么简单的。也就是说让大家知道为什么那么多动物只是黑白色?故C选项正确。


1.Who will give the speech on "China's Road Into Space"?

A. Tom Miller. B. Li Yang. C. Julia Moore.

2.When are attendees advised to arrive at the spot?

A. Before 13:45. B. At 14:00. C. After 14:30.

3.Which items are forbidden to take?

A. Mobile phones. B. Laptop computers. C. Smart watches.

4.What is the speak doing?

A. Delivering a lecture. B. Inviting some experts. C. Introducing a program.




1.How does the woman feel?

A. EnergetiC. B. Confident. C. Anxious.

2.What probably is the woman's major?

A. English. B. Biology. C. Education.

3.What is the man's task?

A. Doing his projects. B. Writing his paper. C. Reading his book.

4.What does the man mean?

A. He will treat the woman to dinner.

B. He will lend the woman a gift card.

C. The woman should have saved money.




1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Coach and learner.

B. Driver and policeman.

C. Interviewer and interviewee.

2.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Practice more. B. Drive slower. C. Submit her application.

3.What can we say about the man?

A. He's rude. B. He's humorous. C. He's patient.




1.What kind of TV series are the speakers talking about?

A. Sci-fiction. B. Crime. C. Documentary.

2.What does the woman think of the TV series?

A. It's confusing. B. It's boring. C. It's thrilling.




1.What do we know about the man?

A. He is ill. B. He likes reading. C. He is daydreaming.

2.What are the speakers going to do?

A. Read books together. B. Buy a camerA. C. Watch the sunset.



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