满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之成为完整的故事。 Disappointe...


Disappointed and upset, Tom found his money box empty. The coins lying on the bed added up to $36.22 . But the bike he wanted cost $88 . Where and how could he get the rest of money? He knew his fellows all had bikes, without which he couldn’t hang around with them on weekends. He thought about asking his parents for money, but soon gave up because he knew it wouldn’t happen.

Earning money seemed to be the only way. So he had to find a job first. He decided turn to Mr Jackie for advice, who usually had opinions in most things. “well, you can start right here, the floor needs cleaning and my car needs washing.” Then Tom’s part-time jobs began. For two months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was surprised by a variety of jobs people found for him to do. He could hardly remember how many cars he had washed and how many windows he had cleaned, but he knew his dream would soon come true because the money kept increasing. The day finally came when he counted all the money he earned and found nearly 100 dollars. He couldn’t wait to go down to the shop to buy his dream bike.

It was by hard work that he bought the bike he had been dreaming of. So he cherished it very much. He had achieved what he thought was impossible, and that was more valuable than the bike.





Paragraph 1 :

Eager to show off his new bike to his fellows, he rode home in a hurry.


Paragraph 2:

20 years later, Tom devoted himself to



Paragraph 1 Eager to show off his new bike to his fellows, he rode home in a hurry. His fellows were more than glad that Tom owned his bike so that they could make a trip together. Exited and confident, Tom told them the fact that he spent spare time doing a variety of jobs to realize his dream with money earned by himself. All of his friends admired him for his hard work, expressing that they would learn from him, achieving their goals without giving up. Going home happily, Tom was encouraged and required by his parents to thank Mr Jackie and others for the part-time jobs they offered. Thinking of many surprising jobs, Tom understood all of them, and was moved to tears. Paragraph 2 20 years later, Tom devoted himself to running a company with the name of Good Opinions. He was willing to give good opinions to people in difficulty, offering a variety of jobs and helpful equipment to help them overcome all the challenges and live a happy life. He used his action to thank Mr Jackie and others and spread their kind spirits. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过所给的文章可知,作者想要一辆山地自行车,但他没有足够的钱,他的父母也不会给他买。后来Mr Jackie告诉他可以通过给邻居做事来获得报酬,经过两个月的努力,作者终于挣到钱买到了自己梦寐以求的山地自行车。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:迫不及待想让朋友们看他的新自行车,他飞快地骑回家……所以应该接着写朋友们看到他的自行车很高兴,因为他们可以一起骑车去玩耍。当他把自己挣钱买车的事情告诉朋友们,大家都很钦佩他,并且都表示要向他学习,通过自己的努力来实现自己的梦想。他的父母让他一定要向Mr Jackie表示感谢。通过这件事情他明白的父母的苦心。第二段的开头是:20年后汤姆投身于……,所以应该接着写他投身于运营一家公司,这家公司的宗旨是帮助人们想办法,给他们提供各种各样的工作来帮助他们通过自己的努力实现梦想。 续写时要求使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所给的划线词,恰当的时候加以运用。最后还要注意所续写的文章词数应为150左右;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词,按要求完成写作任务。

假如你是李雷,你把你朋友韩梅梅借给你的新买的U(flash drive)不小心弄丢了,现在,请用英文给她写封信,内容包括:

1. 就此事道歉。 2. 描述弄丢经历。 3. 承诺赔偿并请求对方原谅





China is developing 5G technology 1. (promote) the development of intelligent port construction as it aims to become an 2. (advance) country in intelligent shipping, according to a report 3. (release) on Friday at 4.international conference in Shanghai.

The report says more 5. (port) in the country are developing rapidly thanks 6. 5G technology and this technology is important to the development of intelligent ports 7.require strong connections with low latency, large bandwidth and high reliability.

The port of Qingdao was the world's first 8. (apply) 5G technology to operations in January. Similar projects 9. (follow) across the country ever since. In June, a 5G Smart Port Innovation Lab 10. (approve) , which was to push forward the construction of the first 5G smart port in many cities in china.



    A(n) ___girl is proving that you can ___your dreams ___in a wheelchair.

Since the age of four, Katie Hilton had dreamed of becoming a dancer. “The___thing that I loved was dance.” She told CNN news. That ___ nearly ended one night in 2007. Hilton, then a 16-year-old high school senior in St.Maria, Texas, was in a car accident that put her in the hospital for 56 days and left her ___ from the ___down. For most people, that would have __ any hope of a dancing career. For Hilton, it was the __ . __ a barrier, her wheelchair __ her. “I wanted to __ to my community and myself that I was still ___.” She told the journalist.

So she __ dancing in her wheelchair along with her non-disabled classmates every day in her whole student age. After __ , she set up a website to include women like her. She met people online who had suffered similar injuries and shared her determination, and she __ them to dance with her.

Hoping to reach more people in a __ city, Hilton moved to New York in 2017 and formed a team of disabled dancers, which is very famous in the US now. “I just want to spread the belief that ‘dance is dance, whether you are walking or __’ ” She was __ any activities that were beneficial to them.

Hilton has achieved __ many of us never will: her childhood dream. She is a real dancer.

1.A.negative B.optimistic C.strict D.attractive

2.A.reject B.divide C.arrange D.seek

3.A.unless B.even C.if D.when

4.A.same B.different C.only D.lucky

5.A.dream B.habit C.situation D.custom

6.A.asleep B.dead C.paralyzed D.blind

7.A.wrist B.toes C.waist D.fingers

8.A.delighted B.acquired C.consisted D.destroyed

9.A.dilemma B.ending C.section D.beginning

10.A.Rather than B.More than C.Other than D.Or rather

11.A.handled B.squeezed C.demanded D.inspired

12.A.prove B.unite C.cover D.absorb

13.A.gifted B.greedy C.healthy D.normal

14.A.insisted on B.exposed to C.left out D.broke down

15.A.school B.class C.graduation D.work

16.A.invited B.ordered C.admired D.suggested

17.A.large B.modern C.convenient D.beautiful

18.A.jumping B.running C.climbing D.rolling

19.A.in favor of B.in view of C.in honor of D.in place of

20.A.what B.that C.whether D.how



    Chalk used in school classrooms comes in thin sticks. Lessons are often presented to entire classes on chalkboards (or blackboards, as they were originally called) using sticks of chalk. 1.

As found in nature, chalk has been used for drawing since prehistoric times. And it helped to create some of the earliest cave drawings. Later, artists of different countries and styles used chalk mainly for sketches(素描),and some such drawings have survived. 2.The method was to grind(碾碎)natural chalk to a fine powder, then add water, clay, and various dry colors. It was then rolled into stick shape and dried.

3. Class sizes began to increase at that time. Therefore, teachers needed a convenient way of conveying information to many students at one time. Not only did instructors use large blackboards, but students also worked with personal chalkboards, completing with chalk sticks and a sponge or cloth to use as an eraser. These small chalkboards were used for practice, especially among the younger students.

An important change in the nature of classroom chalk brought was in chalkboards. Blackboards used to be black, because they were made from true slate(石板).While some experts advocated a change to yellow chalkboards and dark blue or purple chalk to copy writing on paper, when makers began to shape chalkboards from synthetic(合成的)materials during the 20th century, they chose the color green, arguing that it was easier on the eyes. 4.

Almost all chalk produced today is dustless. Earlier, softer chalk tended to produce a cloud of dust that some feared might contribute to breathing problems.5. It's just that the dust settles faster.

A. Dustless chalk still produces dust.

B. Yellow became the preferred color for chalk.

C. Paper made only from rags at this time was expensive.

D. That's because this method has been proven cheap and easy.

E. Chalk was first formed into sticks for the convenience of artists.

F. Baking chalk longer to harden it more helps to produce less dust.

G. Chalk didn't become standard in schoolrooms until the 19th century.



    There’s an ongoing discussion over whether electric vehicles(EVs) should emit sounds to let the blind and other pedestrians know they're on the scene. Some think those sounds should be standardizedlike the “beep, beep, beep” of heavy machinery backing up, so you'll think “something heavy this way comes” when you hear it. Several car companies have created their own sounds, especially for car markets outside the United States.

Starting in 2021, all new electric vehicles of any model will need the acoustic vehicle alarming system or AVAS. That sound will come into play when the car is going backwards or when it’s traveling at less than 12 miles an hour—speeds at which cars are more likely to be combined with pedestrians.

“We're calling on the government to take this announcement further by requiring AVAS on all existing electric and hybrid vehicles and to make sure drivers have them switched on, ” John Weisman, guide dog owner and Guide Dogs staff member, said in a statement shared by CNN.

This action followed in the steps of Japan, which was an early adopter, passing its rules in 2010. Meanwhile, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration passed its final ruling in February 2018, requiring vehicles to emit sound if they’re traveling slower than 6 mph.

Drivers in most situations have the ability to shut off the device when it is needed. They will probably eventually be standardized register “electric car” when you hear it. And that’s a good thing to reduce the mess on the roads.

1.What can we learn about AVAS?

A.Its speed is limited to 12 miles an hour.

B.The Japan government isnt in favor of it.

C.Not all the newly-produced EVs need to use it.

D.It sounds the alarm when the car is backing up.

2.What is John’s attitude to AVAS?

A.Supportive. B.Cautious. C.Unconcerned. D.Doubtful.

3.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The usage of AVAS. B.The characteristics of AVAS.

C.The benefits of using AVAS. D.The ways of turning off AVAS.



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