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Dear Sir, Interested in the Confucian Culture Winter Camp, I’m writing to apply for the activity. My name is Li Hua, a student from international high school. I’m convinced that I can meet all the demands because of the following advantages. First of all, I have such a good nose for Chinese traditional culture that I am eager to gather all the information about history and culture when I have opportunity. In addition, when it comes to acquiring the communication, not only can I speak fluent English but I am good at organizing all kinds of activities because of the experience as a president in the students union. If accepted, I will be cautious and diligent so as to live up to your expectations. I would appreciate it if you could approve my application and please inform me at your earliest convenience. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达是应用文写作,要求写一封申请信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封申请信:假设你想要参加省国际文化交流中心组织的国际“儒家文化”冬令营,需要写一封申请信,内容包括个人基本信息,以及参加这个活动的优势。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:“儒家文化”冬令营(Confucian Culture Winter Camp),apply for(申请),I’m convinced that(我确信…),I am eager to…(我渴望…),not only…but…(不仅…而且…),so as to(为…),I would appreciate it if(我会非常感激,如果…)。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)连词成句,需注意文章中自我介绍时可用一般现在时,而在表达自己想要参加这个活动的想法时可用一般现在时或一般将来时。 第4步:连句成文,可使用连词对文章进行润色,要按照题目要求进行内容安排,采用三段式的结构,全篇书写要清晰、规范、不得有涂改、书写错误等。


If this 13-year-old American boy succeeds in his effort 1. (climb) Mount Everest, he has modest ambitions — pick a small piece of rock from the top of the world as a memento (纪念品 ) and wear it in a necklace.

"I will not sell it or give it to anyone. It is something for 2. (me) to say ‘this is a rock from the summit', ” Jordan Romero from California, told reporters in Kathmandu. He left 3. the mountain on Sunday.

If he 4. (succeed), Romero will become 5. youngest climber to scale the 8,850 meters Everest summit. 6. (current) a 16-year-old Nepali boy, Temba Tsheri Sherpa, holds the record of being the world 's youngest climber of Mount Everest. But Romero said he was not after 7. (set) climbing records.

Romero said Mount Qomolangma was part of his goal to climb the highest mountains on all seven 8. (continent).

"It is just a goal,” he 9. (say) confidently. "If I don't succeed I am okay. I will try again. ”

Romero has already climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mount McKinley in Alaska among others.

"I know it requires a lot of 10. (patient). I will remain patient. I want to stay safe and make right choice, ”Romero said.



    After I graduated from the university, I got so pressured in finding a job. I did a lot of ____ both online and handing in person to a particular company. It occurred, one day I went to _____ my CV (履历)to a certain company and I wanted to meet the human resource manager in person because I believed it was the best ____ than leaving my CV at the reception.

Unfortunately, in this company the __ did not allow me to see the human resource manager and ____ asked me to just leave the CV with her and that she would ____ it. I was really ____ since I knew she wouldn't do that and my CV will just be thrown in the trash can, I thought so because it usually ____ a lot in some other companies. So I just left with my head ____ and never thought about it again since I knew I would never get any ____ from the company.

Weeks passed and one day I received a call from aan ____ number and guess what...it was the human resource manager of that same company. I was really shocked since I did not _____ it at all. So he said he received my CV and that he would _____ it.

I was so happy and felt bad at the same time for _____ the receptionist the other day. This humbled me and it was a _____ to believe in people and not assume things just because of the norm.

1.A.designs B.applications C.preparations D.examinations

2.A.hand in B.give up C.carry out D.take back

3.A.result B.option C.position D.suggestion

4.A.lawyer B.president C.reporter D.receptionist

5.A.thus B.still C.instead D.therefore

6.A.create B.share C.deliver D.exchange

7.A.amazed B.frightened C.puzzled D.disappointed

8.A.fails B.works C.changes D.happens

9.A.up B.down C.aside D.forward

10.A.response B.suggestion C.project D.comment

11.A.familiar B.important C.unknown D.common

12.A.expect B.connect C.value D.confirm

13.A.agree on B.work on C.refer to D.search for

14.A.doubting B.scolding C.admiring D.punishing

15.A.decision B.conclusion C.reminder D.criterion



Think positive

How are you feeling today? If your head 's in a spin because you 've had a bad night 's sleep, or maybe you've just got too much to do, the chances are you 're not in the best of moods. If everything seems like an effort and you have a negative attitude, the last thing you want to be told is to ‘be positive !  1. .

Of course, developing a positive attitude is easier said than done. 2. When you're

feeling down, it is hard to be optimistic. But a study in the US has found that people who are optimists are more likely to live longer than those who have a more negative approach to life. So, maybe the thought of a longer life might encourage you to have a more hopeful outlook on life.

3. . Professor Lewina Lee from Boston University School of Medicine, who worked on the study, told the BBC that : “Our findings speak to the possibility that raising levels of optimism may promote longevity and healthy ageing. ” And she advises that pessimists could benefit from doing things like imagining a future where everything turns out well.

4. .Vicki Siska says “Music feeds my soul. A sense of humour keeps things in perspective.” And Pippa Kennedy says “ being grateful for what you have — and lots of chocolate —helps ! ” 5. . That's probably why other people have recommended doing yoga as well as staying fit and healthy to help maintain a positive outlook on life.

A. It doesn't come naturally to everyone.

B. As we know, every coin has two sides.

C. But being positive could have more benefits than you think.

D. Pessimists tend to give up when facing difficulties.

E. The saying goes that a healthy body leads a healthy mind.

F. People have been giving their personal advice on keeping a positive approach to life.

G. The study concluded that optimists may find it easier to control emotions and get less stressed.



    Engineers in Upstate New York have invented a folded paper device that looks like a decorated art project. But don't be fooled. This is actually a paper-based battery. No, it doesn't look like any of those metal batteries running flashlights or smartphones. In these systems, the battery can be printed on a page. The battery 's power consists of living bacteria.

Paper electronics are simple to make and inexpensive, notes study leader Seokheun Choi, an engineer at Binghamton University. They need no electrical outlet to recharge. They just need more bacteria, which can be found everywhere — including dirty water.

“ Most batteries use chemicals to generate electricity. Substituting bacteria can be an advantage,” Choi says.“They are cheap and self-repairing.” What paper-based batteries won't do is generate much power. They do, however create enough to run small devices in faraway or dangerous places — such as a battlefield . They might also find use in medicine . For instance, they might power tiny sensors, such as the types used to measure blood sugar.

This invention is based on an observation made more than a century ago — that microbes (微生 物) produce electricity as they digest food. Scientists refer to the bio-batteries based on this principle as microbial fuel cells. A fuel cell generates electricity like a regular battery. But a regular battery stops producing electricity when its inner chemical reactions stop. A fuel cell uses fuel that can be refilled. In this case, bacteria serve as the fuel. By refilling more microbes, as needed, scientists can keep these fuel cells running.

Lab tests have shown that the new battery can produce a current. Now, Choi and his team are looking at ways to increase the power. They're studying different shapes and materials for the anode and cathode (正负 极). They're also looking for the best ways to combine batteries for more power. The beauty of the paper devices is that you can simply fold them to connect them. And they surely will be a trend in the near future.

1.What makes the paper-based batteries different from other batteries?

A.They are mainly used to run smartphones.

B.They use bacteria to generate electricity.

C.They are used to decorate small devices.

D.They take a much shorter time to recharge.

2.What can the paper-based batteries do?

A.Power tiny devices. B.Lower blood sugar levels.

C.Produce much electricity. D.Change chemicals in the paper.

3.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A.The application of the new battery.

B.The characteristics of the paper batteries.

C.The intention to invent the device.

D.The working principle of the invention.

4.What is the author's attitude towards the development of the paper-based batteries?

A.Defensive. B.Optimistic.

C.Doubtful. D.Ambiguous.



    It seems every major city and town around the world hosts an annual marathon, with thousands of athletes running a gruelling 42.1 kilometres. While many runners' motivation is to beat their personal best and cross the finishing line without collapsing, they're also doing it for a good cause—to generate funds for charity. But like other major events, the marathon also generates a massive carbon footprint. Thousands travel —some by plane—to the location, and waste from food packaging and goody bags gets left behind by spectators and runners. This is becoming a big issue for cities—how to host a worthwhile event, encouraging people to exercise and help charities, while protecting the environment? Several cities have developed formal plans to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable (可持续的) ideas. One event in Wales, for example, introduced recycling for old running kit .

It's something that this year's London Marathon tried to tackle by reducing the number of drink stations on the running route, giving out water in paper cups and offering some drinks in eatable seaweed capsules. They also trialled new bottle belts made from recycled plastic so 700 runners could carry water bottles with them during their run. London Marathon event director Hugh Brasner told the BBC: “There are a lot of initiatives (倡议) we are using this year that we think will lead to some huge behavioural changes in the future.”

Meanwhile, some people still think running a marathon could be our best foot forward in helping the planet. Dr Andrea Collins from Cardiff University told the BBC: “Training for a marathon makes you more sustainable in day-to-day activities. I started walking or running to work every day and shunning public transport altogether. Being environmentally friendly while training sticks with you and becomes a way of life. ”

1.Why do many people enter for a marathon?

A.To achieve their own ambitions.

B.To generate a massive carbon footprint.

C.To improve themselves both physically and mentally.

D.To challenge their personal limitations and raise money for charities.

2.What did Hugh Brasner think of this year's London Marathon?

A.It may bring a large profit to London.

B.It saved a lot of water resources and power.

C.It may improve people's behaviour in the future.

D.It may make Londoners more friendly when running a marathon.

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “shunning” in the last paragraph?

A.Damaging. B.Avoiding.

C.Choosing. D.Changing.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Running a marathon can make more money.

B.Running a marathon can do great damage to the earth.

C.Running a marathon can change people's life completely.

D.Running a marathon can contribute to protecting the earth.



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