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BEIJING, July 5 (Xinhua) --The South Chi...

    BEIJING, July 5 (Xinhua) --The South China Sea used to be a peaceful region before the United States poked its nose into the area. ______ its “Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific” strategy, what the United States really needs is to “rebalance” its attitude toward the issue.

Small frictions in the South China Sea date back to the late 1960s when some American scientists reported the discovery of rich gas and petrol resources in the region. Some coastal countries started to ______ the islands for that reason since then. ______ in the following years, China maintained  overall  peace  in  the  waters  via  constant  and  friendly  negotiations  with ______ countries, and reached the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea with Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries in 2002. Taking no sides on the South China Sea issue was the U.S. ______ in the past.

However, the Obama administration ______ the Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific strategy in 2009 and started to shamelessly interfere in the area, which dis far from U.S. ______ . In 2010, then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said ______ that her country‚ “has a national interest” in the South China Sea. This May, Secretary of State John Kerry warned  that  China’s  action  could  create  a  “tinderbox”  ( 引火盒 )  in  the  region, ______ other countries’ aggressive actions a long time ago.

Freedom  of  navigation,  respect  for  international  law  and  strategic  security  are  the ______ most frequently used by the United States to disguise its private interests in the region.  However,  since  2015,  U.S.  warships  and  military  aircraft  have  repeatedly ______ the Nansha Islands without Chinese permission. This in fact reveals provocation and hegemony (霸权主义) behind the U.S. ______ of navigational freedom.

Outside the binding UNCLOS treaty, the United States secures the free movement of its maritime   force   by   unilateral   actions,   which ______ violates smaller countries’ sovereignties or interests.

The superpower claimed that its military ______ in the South China Sea aims to protect its allies like Japan and the Philippines given the increasing tension in the region.

The United States should understand that it is only promoting regional conflicts to cover up its political interests under the guise of international law. To play a(n) ______ role in the Asia-Pacific region, Washington needs to readjust its attitude.

1.A.In spite of B.Instead of C.In view of D.Apart from

2.A.occupy B.inhabit C.settle D.grasp

3.A.Subsequently B.Surprisingly C.Consequently D.Fortunately

4.A.developed B.developing C.concerned D.native

5.A.post B.position C.posture D.gesture

6.A.abandoned B.reinforced C.launched D.supplement

7.A.government B.shores C.satisfactory D.possession

8.A.openly B.officially C.occasionally D.casually

9.A.mentioning B.acquiring C.striking D.ignoring

10.A.measures B.terms C.benefits D.privileges

11.A.invaded B.visited C.approached D.isolated

12.A.claim B.address C.independence D.announcement

13.A.incredibly B.infinitely C.principally D.essentially

14.A.presence B.interruption C.interference D.service

15.A.leading B.constructive C.dominant D.irreplaceable


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了要想在亚太地区发挥建设性作用,美国需要调整态度,而不是搞霸权主义、插手南海事务。 1.考查介词短语辨析。句意:美国真正需要的不是调整亚太战略,而是调整对这个问题的态度。A. In spite of尽管;B. Instead of而不是;C. In view of鉴于;D. Apart from除了。根据空后的“what the United States really needs is to “rebalance” its attitude toward the issue”可知,美国真正需要的不是调整亚太战略,而是调整对这个问题的态度,故B项正确。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,一些沿海国家就开始占领这些岛屿。A. occupy占据、占领;B. inhabit栖息;C. settle定居;D. grasp抓住。空前说中国南海的小摩擦可以追溯到20世纪60年代末,当时一些美国科学家报告在该地区发现了丰富的天然气和汽油资源,所以从那时起,一些沿海国家就开始占领这些岛屿,故A项正确。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,在随后的数年里,中国通过与周边国家的不断友好协商,维护了南海的总体和平,并于2002年与东盟国家达成了《南海各方行为宣言》。A. Subsequently后来;B. Surprisingly令人惊讶地;C. Consequently 结果;D. Fortunately幸运的是。虽然自20世纪60年代末开始南海就摩擦不断,但中国通过与周边国家的不断友好协商维护了南海的总体和平,这是幸运的,故D项正确。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. developed发达的;B. developing发展中的;C. concerned有关的;D. native本地的、周边的。维护南海的总体和平自然是要与南海周边的国家友好协商,故D项正确。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在南海问题上不偏袒任何一方是美国过去的姿态。A. post邮件;B. position职位;C. posture姿态;D. gesture手势。上文说在美国插手之前南海曾是一个和平的地区,此处是说以前美国对南海问题的态度,故C项正确。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,奥巴马政府在2009年启动了亚太战略再平衡,并开始无耻地干涉这一远离美国政府的地区。A. abandoned放弃;B. reinforced巩固;C. launched发动、发起;D. supplement补充。根据空后的“the Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific strategy in 2009 and started to shamelessly interfere in the area”可知,奥巴马政府在2009年启动了亚太战略再平衡开始插手南海事务,故C项正确。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. government政府;B. shores海滨;C. satisfactory令人满意;D. possession财产。根据常识可知,南海事务不在美国政府的管辖之内,旨在表明美国无权干涉南海事务,故A项正确。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:2010年,时任美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿公开表示,美国在南海有国家利益。A. openly公开地;B. officially正式地;C. occasionally偶尔;D. casually随便地。美国开始插手南海事务,所以美国国务卿公开表示美国在南海有国家利益,旨在表明这是对中国主权的粗暴干涉,故A项正确。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年5月,美国国务卿克里警告说,中国的行动可能在该地区制造一个“火药桶”,而忽略了其他国家很久以前的侵略行动。A. mentioning提到;B. acquiring获得;C. striking罢工;D. ignoring忽视、忽略。美国国务卿克里的“中国威胁”说忽略了其他国家很久以前的侵略行动,故D项正确。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:航行自由、对国际法的尊重和战略安全是美国最常用来掩饰其在该地区的私人利益的术语。A. measures措施;B. terms术语;C. benefits好处;D. privileges特权。空前提到的航行自由、尊重国际法和战略安全是美国掩饰其私人利益的惯用词汇,故B项正确。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,自2015年以来,美国军舰和军机多次未经中国允许接近南沙群岛。A. invaded入侵;B. visited参观;C. approached接近;D. isolated隔离。根据常识可知,美国军舰和军机多次在未经中国允许的情况下接近南沙群岛,故C项正确。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这实际上暴露了美国宣称的航行自由背后的挑衅和霸权。A. claim声称、声明;B. address地址;C. independence独立;D. announcement通告。上文说美国常宣称航行自由来掩饰其在南海地区的个人利益,故A项正确。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在具有约束力的《联合国海洋法公约》之外,美国通过单方面行动保障其海上力量的自由流动,这实质上侵犯了小国的主权或利益。A. incredibly极其、非常;B. infinitely无限地;C. principally主要地;D. essentially本质上。根据常识可知,美国通过单方面行动保障其海上力量的自由流动这一做法实质上侵犯了小国的主权或利益,故D项正确。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个超级大国声称,鉴于南海地区的紧张局势日益加剧,其在南海的军事存在旨在保护日本和菲律宾等盟国。A. presence存在;B. interruption中断; C. interference干涉;D. service服务。根据上文可知,南海地区有美国的军舰和军机,因此此处指的是“美国的军事存在”,故A项正确。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:要想在亚太地区发挥建设性作用,美国需要调整态度。A. leading主要的;B. constructive建设性的;C. dominant支配的;D. irreplaceable不可替代的。根据空后的“role in the Asia-Pacific region, Washington needs to readjust its attitude.”可知,要想在亚太地区发挥建设性作用,美国需要调整态度,而不是搞霸权主义、插手南海事务,故B项正确。

Direction: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Iceland shows off nature

Found just south of the Arctic Circle, it’s far from the northernmost country on Earth. But as a travel destinations, Iceland is on top of the world.

Known as‚ “the land of fire and ice”, the country has many natural wonders. As the Today website put it, “It is 1. nature choose Iceland to be its shop window to…remind humanity that nature is still the unstoppable force.”

As the world was reminded when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted six years ago, Iceland is a country “still in the making, and few other places offer the same opportunities to see the earth 2. action, ” commented National Geographic magazine.

Ice is Iceland’s other big attraction-to be exact, the huge glaciers which travel toward the coast, 3. (make) strange pools of water. Even better are the northern lights, which are 4. (good) to see from October to March.

On Sept 28, the country’s capital Reykjavik decided to turn off all streetlights for an hour at night to give people a unique chance to enjoy the northern lights. Thanks to the glaciers and the dark sky, the  bright,  colourful 5. (dance)  lights  became  “a  heavenly  light  display”,  travel guidebook publisher Lonely Planet noted.

And 6. Iceland’s unique natural features are the biggest attractions for visitors, the country also offers inspiration. Iceland has 7. higher percentage of writers in its population than any other country in the world, the BBC reported. And it is not surprising 8. the country publishes more books per person than any other country in the world, reported the NPR radio station, Iceland 9. (be) the birthplace of important literary works and authors-from the Vikings’ Iceland sagas(传说) to author Halldór Laxness, winner of the 1955 Noble Prize in literature.

“The beast in Iceland, with its harsh(严酷的) nature and bitter, ever-changing weather. We cannot escape it,” Haraldur Jonsson, an Icelandic artists, told the Observer newspaper while describing   his   inspiration.   “So   we   find  ways to live with it. We 10. have a rich life to fill the empty spaces.”



假如你是李华,你的朋友 Linda刚通过了英语风采大赛(talent show)的初赛,即将参加决赛。她来信请你提供建议,请你写一封回信,内容如下:

1. 表示祝贺

2. 提供建议(至少两条)

3. 鼓励

注意:1. 大约100个单词

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





I will now introduce you one great method of self-encouragement. Once a goal 1. (set) up, you begin your long journey. All you need next is 2. (work) as hard as you can. You may run into problems on the way, but do not be afraid of them. Keep to your plans and overcome all the 3. (difficult) you meet step by step.

We all know that Rome was not built in one day. It is the same as our success. We need to prepare well and develop action plans. 4., we also need to put in a lot of hard work. Just be patient and remember that 5. takes time and effort to succeed.

For athletes, it is the Olympic Games 6. they all want to take part in, and are considered as their 7. (high) level of all competitions and the most exciting moments. They train hard every day and never stop. When the athletes won the gold medals, many of them 8. (cry). That’s because so much effort had been made before they went to the competition.

9. (complete) the tasks of each day, you can provide yourself with encouragement such as, “I have done very well today and I feel so powerful and energetic. I am happy with 10. I have achieved today.” Do this every day, and soon your courage will rise.



Why should we never stop learning

Today we often think learning is what we do in school, and once we’ve got our college degree, it’s time to work and stop leaning. In fact, things aren’t really that black and white. We carry on learning in every part of our lives. 1.. Instead, it is about self-growth and enrichment. Here are some reasons why we should keep learning, no matter how old we are.


For me, the first reason to keep learning new things is that I enjoy it. It’s different from what I get from a movie. Although learning something new is not always comfortable, I’m happier in the long run. The more you learn, the more confident you will become, and the more pleased you will be with yourself.

Learning keeps you healthy

Studies have shown that our brains are best developed when we use them often. 3.. Learning how to eat well, and how to prepare and cook food or learning a new sport are all great ways to keep better control of your body.

Learning puts you on the fast track to success

4. If you think that you’ve learned everything that you need to know about about running a business, or managing your team, you’ n fail to compete against those who just love to learn it.

Learning helps you have better control of your life

In your personal life, you’ll want to keep learning too. For example, learning about managing your money—things that we are not often taught in school—can turn your life around. You can spend them on the most valuable things. 5.

So what have you learned this week? Why not make a list of what you want to learn next week?

A. As is known to all, successful people keep lifelong leaning.

B. It brings more friends to us.

C. Learning adds pleasure to your life.

D. You can also learn to manage your time, thus avoiding making you life a mess.

E. It helps you get better prepared for examinations.

F. Learning often doesn’t mean to pass exams.

G. Older people who carry on leaning have more chance to get free from illnesses of aged people.



    Parents may worry that their children aren’t getting enough quality sleep. However, now there’s a smart bed to provide adults with sleep data by a smart app. The SleepIQ bed can alert (发出报警声) parents when their children are asleep, as well as if they are risking out of bed. If a child is tossing and turning (辗转反侧), it can also be adjusted to make it more comfortable.

The bed was first introduced at the International Consumer, Electronics Show (CES). It claims to be the only one in the world, which adjusts with children as they grow. Children don’t need to wear a smart-band or alternative wearable device in bed. Instead, the quality of their sleep is measured by sensors(传感器) in the bed, which monitor (监测) their present, average breathing rate, heart rate and movement. Then it assesses (评定) quality of sleep. They are given a SleepIQ score for each night’s sleep. Using an accompanying app, parents can see it clearly. It also allows parents to monitor routines (常规) that affect sleep, such as exercise, caffeine and screen time, helping them to develop a routine that helps develop a good night’s shut-eye.

The bed sends an alert to the app when it detects (探测) a child is out of bed or is restless, such as if he is having a nightmare. Its firmness can be adjusted to change the level of comfort and support to suit children as they grow. A “head tilt (倾斜)” feature for reading is built in, and parents can remotely turn a light out after reading time using the app. There are also fun features such as a “monster scanner”, which uses a mobile phone to check for and fight monsters under the bed. What’s more, an automatic light will guide children, if they need to get up in the middle of the night.

The bed is available online and at Sleep Number stores in the US from around $499, almost the same as the beds we are sleeping on.

1.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.The smart bed helping sleep better.

B.Risks that children face when sleeping.

C.How parents take care of children.

D.How to get a good sleep.

2.If children sleep on the SleepIQ bed, ________.

A.their sports performance will be improved

B.they no longer need to get up in the middle of the night

C.their health condition will be improved greatly

D.their sleep quality will be improved

3.We can know from the text that ________.

A.the smart bed is as cheap as an ordinary one

B.another smart bed is needed with children growing older

C.children will never fall out of the SleepIQ bed

D.the SleepIQ bed is the best bed around the world

4.Having the SleepIQ bed, ________.

A.children won’t have a nightmare

B.parents can be free from some worries

C.parents don’t need to care for children any more at night

D.children had better not read on the bed



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