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For some in China, the aim of travel is ...

    For some in China, the aim of travel is to create 15-second videos on a social-media app, dou yin. As a matter of fact, tourism is for recreation and leisure. The world Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four hours.Nowadays, apart from the traditional forms , a variety of new types of traveling are emerging.

Experiential travel

Last year's travel trend was "experiential travel". This is where tourists look for ways to get to know local culture and interact with local people so they feel less like an outsider but more like a resident.

Transformative travel

It usually goes through three stages – you go to a place that has a very different background than where you come from, you learn wisdom from the new culture and the people you meet, and finally you return home and apply the knowledge to your own life and the lives of those around you.

This last stage is how the “transformation” is completed and what separates transformative travel from experiential travel.

Eco-friendly travel

One way to plan a low-impact trip is to travel a shorter distance, which can reduce your carbon footprint. "One trans-Atlantic flight equals a year's worth of driving, so consider planning an adventure closer to home," according to US News.

Dark travel

Chernobyl is one of the most popular examples of the phenomenon known as dark tourism — a term for visiting sites associated with death and suffering, such as Nazi concentration camps in Europe or the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York.

1.In which column can we read this passage in the newspaper?

A.Advertising B.News C.Sports. D.Entertainment

2.Choosing the Transformative travel, you can__________

A.feel less like a local resident B.reduce carbon emission

C.put what you have learned into practice D.pay a visit to the sites related to sufferings .

3.Which of the following is suitable for the environmentalists?

A.Experiential travel B.Transformative travel

C.Eco-friendly travel D.Dark travel


1.D 2.C 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。主要说明了三种新型旅游形式。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中As a matter of fact, tourism is for recreation and leisure. The world Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four hours. Nowadays, apart from the traditional forms , a variety of new types of traveling are emerging.(事实上,旅游是为了消遣和休闲。世界旅游组织将旅游者定义为:在通常环境之外的地方旅行并停留超过24小时的人。如今,除了传统的形式,各种各样的新型旅游正在出现)以及文章主要介绍了三种新型旅游形式。由此推知,我们可以在报纸的娱乐栏目里读这篇文章。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据Transformative travel部分中…you go to a place that has a very different background than where you come from, you learn wisdom from the new culture and the people you meet, and finally you return home and apply the knowledge to your own life and the lives of those around you.(你去了一个与你来自的地方有着非常不同的背景的地方,你从新文化和你遇到的人那里学习智慧,最后你回到家,把这些知识应用到你自己和你周围人的生活中)可知,选择Transformative travel你可以把你所学到的付诸实践。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据Eco-friendly travel部分One way to plan a low-impact trip is to travel a shorter distance, which can reduce your carbon footprint. "One trans-Atlantic flight equals a year's worth of driving, so consider planning an adventure closer to home," according to US News.(计划一次低影响旅行的一个方法是走更短的距离,这可以减少你的碳足迹。据《美国新闻与世界报道》报道:“一次跨大西洋飞行相当于一年的驾车旅行,所以考虑在离家更近的地方去冒险吧。”)可知,环保旅游适合环保人士。故选C。


1.How do students enter the library?

A.With a library account. B.With a student card. C.With a password.

2.What is the maximum number of books current students can borrow?

A.12. B.11. C.9.

3.What kind of books have to be returned within one week?

A.Books borrowed by local residents. B.Books liked by a lot of people.

C.Books published recently.

4.What will the speaker do next?

A.Tell the students where to get bottled water.

B.Take the students on a campus tour.

C.Show the students around the library.




1.What is the woman doing?

A.Hosting a TV show. B.Giving a lecture on poetry.

C.Conducting a radio debate.

2.How did the man’s mother contribute to his success in poetry?

A.She sent him to poetry classes. B.She taught him to write business plans.

C.She asked him to read from early childhood.

3.What does the man find most difficult in writing?

A.Choosing the right words. B.Describing real experiences.

C.Getting an appropriate opportunity.

4.What does the man say about his own writing?

A.Creative. B.Successful. C.Encouraging.




1.How far away is Hill Farm?

A.Nearly a mile. B.Just one mile. C.More than a mile.

2.Which is the route to Hill Farm?

A.Left track → bridge → road. B.Road → left track → bridge.

C.Bridge → road → left track.

3.What would the man like the woman to do towards the end of the conversation?

A.Give him a ride. B.Repeat what she said. C.Walk him to Hill Farm.




1.Why is Jane upset?

A.David fell in love with her. B.Kevin made up stories about her.

C.She made a mistake in calculation.

2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student. B.Father and daughter. C.Employer and employee.




1.What has the woman ordered for herself?

A.Milk. B.Juice. C.Coffee.

2.Why does the man recommend strawberry juice?

A.It’s sweeter. B.It’s fresher. C.It’s colder.



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