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阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 The cante...


The canteen was crowded with summer campers from high schools across the city, all extremely hungry after a day's activities. I spotted an empty place and walked there. Just as I put my tray(餐盘) down, I felt a bump against my hip. The tray dropped on the table and the soup spilt all over my camp shirt and jeans. And I heard a burst of laughter.

"Can’t you look where you are going, you clumsy fool!" I shouted, glaring at the troublemaker, a tall boy with wild hair.

"Sorry! Can't help laughing! You look so funny!" said the boy, bending over with laughter. I was too annoyed to respond and just walked away to change my clothes.

The next morning, we were all assembled for roll call(点名), when I saw the same boy come running out of the dorm, his unbuttoned shirt flying behind him. Before he could slide into place, he was spotted by the Camp Commandant. As a punishment for being late, he was made to do a hundred pushups. As I walked past him later, I let out a loud laugh, saying "Sorry. I can't help laughing. You look so funny."

So the war of words continued in the following three days with the wild-haired boy, whose name, I found out, was Ben.

A mountain hike(远足) marked the last day of the camp. On the way back, I found myself left far behind my team. Soon, they were out of sight. The camp site was a long way away and I was getting anxious as evening fell. I risked taking a shortcut(近路) clung to the mountain side, but suddenly, I tripped off the path and slid right down the slope(斜坡).

Fortunately, my fall was stopped by a bunch of bamboo. I saw I was about ten meters below the track. There was no way I could climb up the slope as evidently I had my ankle broken. After making several vain attempts, I waited hopelessly. It got dark and I became afraid.






Paragraph 1:

Then, I saw a faint light, and heard a voice calling out my name.


Paragraph 2:

The next day, as we were boarding the buses which would take us back to our own homes, Ben came up to me.



Paragraph 1: Then, I saw a faint light, and heard a voice calling out my name. I started screaming out loud for help, but my voice sounds so weak down from the slope. Scared and exhausted, I couldn’t help thinking that maybe the campers wouldn't find me and I would die alone in the mountain. Finally, I heard "there he is." I'm saved, thank God! I told them that I had hurt my ankle, and they helped me slowly back to the camp. The next day I was going home for treatment. Paragraph 2: The next day, as we were boarding the buses which would take us back to our own homes, Ben came up to me. He said, "this isn’t funny at all. I hope you get better soon." “Thank you, I hope we can be friends from now on.”I said. So the battle between me and the wild-haired boy was over, and Ben and I became good friends. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。 通过阅读所给文章可知,作者在夏令营时遇到了一个头发蓬乱的高个子男孩Ben,总是说作者滑稽,和作者作对。直到在最后一天作者在登山时不小心滑下山坡,摔断了脚踝。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:然后,我看到微弱的灯光,听到一个声音在叫我的名字。所以后文应该是讲述作者获救的过程;第二段开头是:第二天,当我们准备上车回家时,Ben向我走来。本段应该写作者和Ben最后的结局是成为了朋友,结束了他们之间的“战争”。 续写时要求使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所给划线词语,恰当的时候加以运用。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。按要求完成写作任务。


1. 介绍活动的相关内容(例如:时间、长度、参加者等);

2. 你对此项活动的看法;

3. 询问对方的意向。

注意:1. 词数 80左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





Beijing, together with Zhangjiakou, succeeded in getting the chance to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games,  which  speeds  up  the  development  of  Zhangjiakou  City.  Word  came   1.  the  Beijing- Zhangjiakou high-speed railway, located in North China, is now  2. construction, and is expected to be completed by 2020 in  3.  (prepare) for the cities to host the 2022 Winter Olympics.

Starting from Beijing North Railway Station and heading west through the Great Wall, the project is 4. (probable) the biggest challenge ever. Its designers say that the explosions needed  5.(dig) the tunnels will not have a negative effect on the structure.

The railway line has a  length of 174 km as a double-track passenger line, with ten stations along its route. Enjoying  6.  total investment of 31.17 billion yuan ($5 billion), the trip between the two cities will only take 40 minutes  7.  the train will travel at an average of 250 km/h.

According to the plan, the high-speed railway will have two branch  8.line) — one is to Yanqing Station and the other to Taizicheng of Chongli, where the Olympic Village lies. The full railway,9. (include) a 70-kilometer section through Beijing,  10. (complete) in four and a half years.



    A mother and a daughter living in my community are two of the most unfriendly people I have ever come across in my life. They are totally separated, mixing with  __________. As they drive past    ________  they keep their eyes looking away. The only fame they have is making a nuisance (讨厌的人) of themselves to the local police station by __________ music played too loud, dogs barking more than once a day and any other ___________ annoyance.

On moving into this neighborhood, I was _________ of these two but decided I would make up my own mind. This proved quite a ___________  to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door and blast (猛烈抨击) me with some _________ or other.

_________  answered politely and made sure I __________ as they went past my place and also made the effort now and then to make a kind remark about their garden or pets.

Time passed and in October, as part of the kindness rock give ( ), Maureen and I __________  to place a kindness rock in their garden. Their ___________ remained unchanged, however, and I continued to be as friendly as possible. During the Easter give, we decided once again to ___________ these two unhappy ladies to our list and left a packet of cookies on their ________ . Imagine my ________  when two days later they_________  at my gate and jokingly said they were considering hanging their Christmas stocking on their gate, and they ________ me a bunch of flowers!

So, my fellow gifters, do not _______ on your random gifts of kindness. You may never know just what this ___________  to others, nor how many broken or ________  hearts you may just change with a simple act of ________.

1.A.nobody B.someone C.anyone D.nothing

2.A.ladies B.neighbors C.friends D.relatives

3.A.composing B.requesting C.reporting D.explaining

4.A.important B.easy C.interesting D.little

5.A.accused B.warned C.reminded D.convinced

6.A.challenge B.job C.task D.matter

7.A.joke B.advice C.explanation D.complaint

8.A.seldom B.never C.always D.sometimes

9.A.waved B.stared C.noticed D.laughed

10.A.started B.continued C.mentioned D.decided

11.A.manner B.attitude C.decision D.anger

12.A.add B.recommend C.reduce D.drive

13.A.place B.roof C.gate D.fence

14.A.interest B.suspicion C.surprise D.pride

15.A.whispered B.stopped C.shouted D.wandered

16.A.brought B.wished C.threw D.expected

17.A.take in B.take up C.give in D.give up

18.A.refers B.means C.relates D.contributes

19.A.heavy B.light C.hard D.warm

20.A.sorrow B.hope C.imagination D.kindness



    “You totally missed out!” This sentence strikes fear in the hearts of teenagers more than almost anything else. In fact, missing out on something bothers most teenagers so much that there is even a special word for that sick feeling: FOMO.  1.  FOMO, which was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013, refers to that anxious feeling people get when they realize they are not attending a social event.

2.  In  fact,  one  survey found  that two-thirds  of  people  in  this  age  group  admitted  to experiencing FOMO regularly. If you ask teenagers whether they experience social media anxiety, most would answer no. But what they do not realize is that if they are stressed or worried about what they see online, then they are possibly experiencing FOMO, especially if they are online a lot.

Then how to handle the problem of FOMO? Of course, turning off the technology seems like a natural cure for FOMO.  3.  Teenagers may still worry that they are missing out, even if they are not on social media at all.

The key is to turn off the technology and do something else like reading a book, giving a friend a makeup, baking cookies—anything that allows them to focus on something other than social media.  4.

It is also important to encourage teenagers to recognize that they cannot possibly be everywhere and do everything. So, naturally, there will be parties or events that they cannot attend.  5. Photos can be deceiving (骗人的). And even though it looks as if their friends are having a good time, this may not be the case. They should never let the fact that they couldn’t be somewhere affect their view of themselves.

A. FOMO has become an even bigger problem.

B. FOMO is especially common to people aged 18 to 33.

C. In simple terms, FOMO stands for “fear of missing out”.

D. It can be extremely helpful in changing their attitudes towards life.

E. But this does not necessarily mean they are missing out on something.

F. By doing this, teenagers are not glued to their screens and are more active.

G. But just switching the phone to “off” doesn’t erase the feelings caused by FOMO.



    What inspires kids to be creative and pursue academic excellence? Some teachers use rewards in recognition of students’ effort or achievement, giving them prizes, medals, certificates, or money.

Psychologists take opposite views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, believe that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others.

The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary(金钱的) rewards sparks creativity in primary school children, suggesting that properly given stimuli(刺激) indeed encourage creativity, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

"If kids know they're working for a reward and can focus on a relatively challenging task, they show the most creativity," says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. "But it's easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much desire for rewards."

A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement ends up with students lacking in creativity and motivation, Eisenberger says. As an example of the latter point, he particularly mentions growing efforts to tighten grading standards and adopt failing grades at major universities.

In earlier grades, the use of rewarding system, in which students handle challenging problems and receive performance-based points toward valued rewards, shows promise in raising effort and creativity, Eisenberger claims.

1.Psychologists are divided in their attitudes toward _____.

A.the choice between spiritual encouragement and monetary rewards

B.the amount of monetary rewards for students' creativity

C.the relationship between actions and their consequences

D.the effects of external rewards on students' performance

2.Which of the following does NOT belong to examples of “external rewards”?

A.Tom received a certificate for winning a speech competition.

B.Mary was praised by the teacher for making progress in English.

C.Jacky made great efforts to enter a major university.

D.John was offered a free summer camp due to his hard work.

3.Which of the following can best raise students' creativity according to Robert Eisenberger?

A.Assigning them tasks they have not dealt with before.

B.Assigning them tasks which require creativity.

C.Giving them rewards they really deserve.

D.Giving them rewards they hope for.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that major universities are trying to tighten their grading standards because they think _____.

A.rewarding poor performance may kill the creativity of students

B.punishing students is more effective than rewarding them

C.failing unmotivated students helps improve their academic standards

D.discouraging students’ expectation of easy rewards is important



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