满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词拼写 根据句意和括号中的中文写出单词的正确形式 1.It is import...

单词拼写 根据句意和括号中的中文写出单词的正确形式

1.It is important to keep_____________(沉着的) in an emergency.

2.We are looking for someone who is______________(可信赖的) and hard-working.

3.The army came under_______________(攻击) from all sides.

4.We _____________(震惊) at the news of his death.

5.Sometimes you wonder where your kids get their good___________(品质).

6.The job could be done___________(平等地) well by a computer.

7.Our city got ____________(毁灭) in the big earthquake.

8.She ______________(献身) herself to her career.

9.Bus run___________(频繁地) between the city and the airport.

10._____________(逐渐地), the children began to understand parents’ love.


1.calm 2.reliable 3.attack 4.were shocked 5.qualities 6.equally 7.ruined/destroyed 8.devoted 9.frequently 10.Gradually 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:在紧急情况下,保持镇定很重要。“keep(保持)”是系动词,其后应用形容词作表语。“沉着的”可翻译为calm,故填calm。 2.考查形容词。句意:我们正在寻找一位即可靠又努力工作的人。空格位于be动词is后,与who之间是修饰关系,所以应填形容词。“可信赖的”可翻译为reliable,故填reliable。 3.考查名词。句意:这支部队受到四面八方的攻击。空格位于介词under后,应填名词。“攻击”可翻译为attack,under attack意为“遭到攻击”,符合句意。故填attack。 4.考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意:他死亡的消息让我们很震惊。“对……感到震惊”翻译为“be shocked at/by”,由句意“他死亡的消息”可知,让我们震惊发生在过去,所以用一般过去时。主语we是复数意义,故填were shocked。 5.考查名词的数。句意:有时你会想,孩子们身上的优秀品质是从何而来呢?空格位于物主代词与形容词后,其后没有其它句子成分,所以填名词。“品质”翻译为quality,且其作“品质”将时,常用作复数形式。故填qualities。 6.考查副词。句意:这个工作用计算机同样可以做得很好。空格位于be done后修饰这个动词,所以应用副词形式。“平等地”可翻译为equally,故填equally。 7.考查过去分词作表语。句意:我们的城市在大地震中被毁灭了。句子主语our city与“毁灭”之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作表语。“毁灭”可被翻译为ruin或者destroy,故填ruined/destroyed。 8.考查实义动词。句意:她为事业而献身。“献身”可翻译为devote,“devote oneself to”意为“献身于某事 ; 全身心投入某事”,符合句意。根据句意,这是描述别人的事迹的,应用一般过去时。故填devoted。 9.考查副词。句意:公共汽车频繁地穿梭在这个城市与机场之间。空格处单词修饰动词run,所以应用副词。“频繁地”可翻译为frequently,故填frequently。 10.考查副词。句意:逐渐地,孩子开始理解父母的爱。空格位于句首,用逗号隔开,修饰整个句子,所以用副词。“逐渐地”可翻译为gradually,故填Gradually。

    A _______thing happened _______me last Sunday. It was such a beautiful day _______ I drove to go for a look in the country.

On the way back home, my _______ stopped. It was out of gas on a _______ road far from a town! I decided to walk until I found someone _______could sell some gas. I had walked almost a mile _______ I finally found a house near the _______. I was glad to see it because it was getting dark.

I knocked at the door and a little old lady with long white hair _______. She said, “I’ve been ________for you here for a long time. Come in. ________ is almost ready.”

“But I only came for some gas,” I answered. I couldn’t ________what she was talking about.

“Oh, Alfred! Gas? You ________tea,” said she.

I quickly________ that my car was out of ________, but she didn’t seem to listen to me. She just kept ________ me Alfred and talking about how long it had been________she had seen me. She was acting very strangely and I was anxious to leave. As soon as she went to get tea, I went out of the house as fast as I ________.

Fortunately, there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed. When I told the man about my ________, he said, “Oh, that’s Miss Emily. She lives by herself in that big house. She’s strange, but she wouldn’t ________ anybody. She is still waiting for the man she was going to marry thirty years ago. The day before their wedding he left home and never came back because of the war.”

1.A.happy B.strange C.common D.bad

2.A.on B.in C.upon D.to

3.A.and B.so C.but D.that

4.A.car B.bus C.bike D.truck

5.A.narrow B.lonely C.crowded D.busy

6.A.what B.whom C.who D.how

7.A.before B.after C.while D.as

8.A.street B.block C.way D.road

9.A.came B.answered C.opened D.appeared

10.A.asking B.looking C.calling D.waiting

11.A.Gas B.Coffee C.Tea D.Lunch

12.A.consider B.understand C.accept D.think

13.A.like B.love C.used to like D.liking

14.A.answered B.explained C.refused D.promised

15.A.gas B.tea C.strength D.energy

16.A.calling B.call C.to call D.called

17.A.until B.before C.since D.when

18.A.could B.can C.would D.wanted

19.A.accident B.incident C.experience D.surprise

20.A.hit B.injury C.hurt D.frighten



    Homework is a major part of going to school: It's your teachers' way of evaluating(评价) how much you understand of what's going on in class.1. Luckily, you can do a few things to make homework less work.

Be sure you understand the homework.

Write your homework down in your notebook or day planner if you need to.2.It's much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night!

Use any extra time in school.

Many schools have study halls that are specifically designed to allow students to study. It's tempting(诱惑) to hang out with friends during study periods or unstructured(松散的) time.3.

Take a break.

4. So take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long without stretching or relaxing will make you less productive than if you stop every so often. Taking a 15 minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.


If you don't finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and then budget your time. Most high school students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it's a heavy homework day and you've got an assignment in every subject, you'll need to devote more time to homework. It's a good idea to come up with some kind of homework schedule, especially if you are involved in sports or activities or have an after school job.

A. Make a homework schedule.

B. Settle down to do homework.

C. And it helps digest important concepts.

D. Most people's attention spans (跨度) aren't very long.

E. Don't be afraid to ask questions about what's unknown.

F. Once your homework is done, you can check over it if you have extra time.

G. But the more work you can get done in school, the less you'll have to do that night.



    Doctors in hospital emergency rooms often see accidental poisonings(意外中毒). A frightened parent arrives with a child who swallowed a cleaning liquid. Or perhaps the harmful substance is a medicine. Or it might be a chemical product meant to kill insects. These are common causes of accidental poisoning.

In cases like this, look for medical help as soon as possible. Save the container of whatever caused the poisoning. And look on the container for information about anything that stops the effects of the poison. Save anything expelled(被强迫排除) from the mouth of the victim. That way, doctors can examine it.

In the past, some people forced poisoning victims to empty the stomach. They used a liquid— syrup of ipecac(催呕剂)— to do this. But an organization of children’s doctors no longer advises parents to keep syrup of ipecac. The American Academy of Pediatrics says some poisons can cause additional damage when they come back up the throat.

Millions of people know a way to save a person who is chocking on something trapped in the throat. The method is commonly known as the Heimlich Maneuver or abdominal thrusts. The American Red Cross says a rescuer should first hit the person on the back five times between the shoulder bones. These back blows may ease the choking. If the airway(气管) is still blocked, the Red Cross suggests pushing hard five times along the victim’s abdomen. The abdomen is the area between the chest and the hipbones(髋骨).

1.Why is the container of the poison required to save?

A.To look for harmful information. B.To learn a lesson.

C.To use it to break the poison. D.To look for medical help.

2.Why are parents advised not to keep syrup of ipecac?

A.To keep the stomach empty. B.To avoid more damage.

C.To keep syrup of ipecac safe. D.To keep the stomach full.

3.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Learning the Basics of First Aid. B.Accidental Poisonings.

C.Common Causes of Accidental Poisoning. D.Poisonings and First Aid.



    A man walked into a small Irish pub and ordered three beers. The bartender(酒吧招待) was surprised, but he served that man three beers. One hour later the man ordered three beers again. The very next day that man ordered three beers again and drank quietly at a table. This repeated several times and shortly after the people of the town were whispering about the man, who was ordering three beers at once.

A couple of weeks later, the bartender decided to clear this out and inquired: “ I do not want to pry, but could you explain why you order three beers all the time?” The man replied, “ It seems strange, doesn’t it? You see, my two brothers live abroad at the moment, one in France and the other in Italy. We have made an agreement that every time we go to pub, each of us will order two extra beers and it will help keep up the family bond.”

Soon all the town has heard about the man’s answer and liked it a lot. The man became a local celebrity. Residents of the town were telling this story to newcomers or tourists and even invited them to that pub to look at Three-Beer Man.

However, one day the man came to pub and ordered only two beers, not three as usual. The bartender served him with a bad feeling. All that evening the man ordered and drank only two beers. The very next day all the town was talking about this news. Some people prayed for the soul of one of the brothers and others quietly grieved(悲痛).

When the man came to the pub next time and ordered two beers again, the bartender asked him, “ I would like to offer condolences to you, due to the death of your dear brother.” The man considered this for a moment and then replied, “ Oh, you are probably surprised that I order only two beers now? Well, my two brothers are alive and well. It’s just because of my decision. I promised myself to give up drinking.”

1.Why did the man order three beers all the time?

A.He was fond of drinking beers in this pub.

B.He missed his two brothers living abroad very much.

C.He made an agreement with his brothers.

D.This would help him become a local celebrity.

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.News traveled fast in the town.

B.The man was famous as a heavy drinker.

C.The man’s brothers liked drinking beer very much.

D.The man was strong-minded to give up drinking.

3.Why did the bartender serve the man with a bad feeling?

A.He would earn less money than before.

B.He thought the man should order three beers.

C.He thought one of the man’s brothers had passed away.

D.The man decided to give up drinking

4.What does the underlined word “condolences” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Gratitude. B.Appreciation.

C.Surprise. D.Pity.



Discover Nature Schools programs

Becoming Bears (Kindergarten-2 grade)

By becoming baby bears, children learn from their “parent” to survive the seasons. Kids will find safety in the spring and learn kinds of food bears eat during the summer, and then create a cave for winter hibernation(冬眠). After learning the skills needed to survive, students will go out of the cave as an independent black bear able to care for themselves. (1.5-2 hours)

Whose Clues? (3-5 grade)

Kids will discover how plants and animals use their special structures to survive. Through outdoor study of plants and animals, kids will recognize their special structures and learn how they enable species to eat, avoid their enemies and survive. Using what they have learned, kids will choose one species and tell how they survive in their living places. (3-4 hours)

Winged Wonders (3-5 grade)

Birds add color and sound to our world and play an important ecological (生态的) role. Students will learn the basics of birds, understand the role birds play in food chains and go bird watching using field guides and telescopes. Students will do hands-on activities. Students will use tools to build bird feeders, allowing them to attract birds at home.(3-4 hours)

Exploring Your Watershed (6-8 grade)

We all depend on clean water. Examining how our actions shape the waterways around us. Go on a hike to see first-hand some of the challenging water quality problems in a city. Students will test the water quality to determine the health of an ecosystem.

● Each program is taught for a class with at least 10 students.

● All programs include plenty of time outdoors. So please prepare proper clothing, sunscreen and insect killers for children.

● To take part in a program , please email dcprograms@mdc.mo.gov.

1.What can kids do at Becoming Bears?

A. Watch bears’ performances.

B. Take care of bears

C. Learn how to survive a bear attack.

D. Pretend to be baby bears to learn about bears.

2.Kids who are interested in plants will choose______________.

A. Whose Clues? B. Exploring your Watershed

C. Becoming Bears D. Winged Wonders

3.According to the passage, all the four programs _____________.

A. have the same teaching hours B. have outdoor activities

C. are offered during summer holidays D. are designed for primary school students



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