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Doris Lessing, a novelist whose books ha...

    Doris Lessing, a novelist whose books have swept across continents and reflected her concern about the social and political issues of her time, won the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature. The award came with about $1. 6 million.

Ms Lessing never finished high school and largely educated herself through reading. She has written dozens of books of fiction, as well as plays, non-fiction and two volumes of autobiography. She is the 11th woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Ms Lessing was born Doris May Tayler in 1919 in what is now Iran. Her father was a bank clerk, and her mother was trained as a nurse. Attracted by the promise of farming riches, the family moved to Zimbabwe, where Ms Lessing had what she had called a painful childhood.

She left home when she was 15, and in 1937 she moved to Salisbury in Southern Rhodesia, where she took jobs as a telephone operator and a nursemaid. She married at 19 and had two children. A few years later, feeling as if she were put in prison, she deserted her family. Afterwards she married Gottfried Lessing, and they had a son.

When she divorced Mr Lessing, she and her son, Peter, moved to London, where she began her writing career. Her first novel, The Grass Is Singing, was published in Britain in 1949. Ms Lessing's strongest influence may be that she inspired a generation of feminists(女权主义者)with her breakthrough novel, The Golden Notebook. The book was published in 1962, which wrote about the story of Anna Wulf, a woman who wanted to live freely and was, in some ways, Ms Lessing's secondary personality. She wrote about the inner lives of women and rejected the opinion that they should abandon their lives to marriage and children.

1.Ms Lessing's family moved from Iran to Zimbabwe because______________.

A.farming could make them become well off

B.her laid-off parents could find jobs

C.she could receive a better education

D.she could have a chance to take up writing

2.It can be learned from the passage that__________.

A.Doris Lessing is Ms Lessing's pen name

B.Doris May Tayler is the name of Ms Lessing's birthplace

C.Anna Wulf is Ms Lessing's name used before

D.Doris May Tayler is Ms Lessing's once-used name

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Ms Lessing is the llth person to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

B.Ms Lessing got down to writing after graduation from high school.

C.Ms Lessing married three times and had three children.

D.Ms Lessing disapproved of women abandoning their lives to their marriage.

4.We can know from the passage that________.

A.Ms Lessing's writing career took off in her twenties

B.The Golden Notebook was about Ms Lessing's broken marriage life

C.Ms Lessing's books are in connection with social and political issues of her time

D.the failure of Ms Lessing's marriages was due to her devotion to her career


1.A 2.D 3.D 4.C 【解析】 本文为记叙文。本文主要介绍了小说家多丽丝·莱辛的生平及作作品。她的作品在各大洲很受欢迎,反映了她对当时社会和政治问题的关注。她曾在2007年获得诺贝尔文学奖, 一生向往自由, 是一位女权主义者。 1.细节理解题。由文章第三段中“Attracted by the promise of farming riches, the family moved to Zimbabwe...”可知, 一家人受农业财富的吸引,搬到津巴布韦。由此可得出他们全家搬到Zimbabwe是想致富。well off 意为“过得好,富裕”, 故A项正确。 2.推理判断题。由第三段第一句“Ms Lessing was born Doris May Tayler in 1919 in what is now Iran.” 莱辛女士1919年出生于现在的伊朗,出生时名字叫Doris May Tayler。Doris May Tayler曾是她的名字,故选D项。 3.细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“She wrote about the inner lives of women and rejected the opinion that they should abandon their lives to marriage and children.”可知,她描写了女性的内心世界,反对那种认为女性应该把全身心投入到婚姻和孩子的观点。故D正确。第二段最后一句“She is the 11th woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.”可知A项中的“Ms Lessing is the llth person to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.”的“the llth person”应为the 11th woman,故A项错误。倒数第二段最后一句和倒数第一段可知她第二次婚姻破裂搬到伦敦后,她才开始写作,而B项(说莱辛女士“高中毕业后”开始写作),B项错误。 C项应是married twice。故正确答案为D项。综合可知D项正确。 4.推理判断题。由文章第一段“Doris Lessing, a novelist whose books have swept across continents and reflected her concern about the social and political issues of her time” 她的作品反映了她对当时社会和政治问题的关注。可知莱辛女士的书与她那个时代的社会和政治问题有关,故C项正确。


1.He was__________(好奇的)to know what was happening in the office.

2.By__________(碰巧), we arrived here at the same time.

3.More and more citizens are suggesting ways to__________(保护)the historically important architecture.

4.Once this balance of nature is __________(扰乱), it may result in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

5.He is really a child of__________(运气).

6.They put the food at the__________(入口)to the cave.

7.Chew your food well before you __________(吞咽)it.

8.The teacher made him clean the classroom for a week as a__________(惩罚)for breaking the school rules.






注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




    Vishweshwar Butt Saklani took his last breath on January 18, 2019, but he will live on in the memory of his countrymen as the “Tree Man of Uttarakhan”, who planted over 5 million trees.

Saklani had been ______ of trees all his life. He planted his first tree at eight under his uncle’s ______, and kept it for the next seven decades of his life, until he was ______.

People know he loved trees, but ______ know that he planted trees to ______ the sad situations in his life. When his brother died, the Tree Man disappeared into the forest every morning and ______ whole days planting trees. Then in 1958, his wife died and he did the same to do with the ______. It was like he ______ his life to planting trees as a tribute(致敬,悼念) to his ______ brother and wife.

The people of his village grew to love him,______ it wasn’t always like this. In the beginning, villagers didn’t ______ him and even beat him, because he was covering common land. But he never ______. He continued planting trees and eventually got ______.

Saklani kept ______ his forest until 10 years ago, when he lost his sight. In 1986, he received the Indira Priyadarshani Award for his ______ efforts to protect the forest. In the same year, Saklani suffered a(n) ______ blow, after a massive wildfire turned many trees to ______. Despite the efforts of the local community to control the ______, it still destroyed much of the Tree Man’s forest. Although ______ by the disaster, Saklani believed that the trees would grow back once the rains came.

Saklani died at 96, but his ______ lives on in the forest.

1.A.rid B.fond C.proud D.confident

2.A.protection B.command C.guidance D.control

3.A.blind B.deaf C.exhausted D.bored

4.A.much B.many C.little D.few

5.A.deal with B.focus on C.come across D.carry on

6.A.wasted B.cost C.spent D.took

7.A.bond B.project C.fantasy D.pain

8.A.attached B.devoted C.adjusted D.applied

9.A.disappeared B.disabled C.late D.modest

10.A.but B.or C.and D.so

11.A.inspire B.encourage C.judge D.support

12.A.moved off B.cut in C.gave up D.lost face

13.A.paid B.understood C.prepared D.satisfied

14.A.growing B.equipping C.exporting D.expanding

15.A.continued B.expected C.worthless D.limitless

16.A.particular B.major C.subtle D.astonishing

17.A.ashes B.grains C.mess D.failure

18.A.leaves B.smoke C.flames D.dust

19.A.disturbed B.amused C.shocked D.hit

20.A.performance B.spirit C.effect D.personality



    From time to time, even the most productive professionals procrastinate(拖延). When your tendency to procrastinate is starting to make your overall quality of work and life suffer, 1. Here’s what Forbes Coaches Council members recommend doing to stop racing the clock.


When you don’t feel motivated, take the smallest step possible toward your goal. After taking that step, you’re more likely to continue taking more steps toward that goal. Instead of telling yourself to work out for an hour, say you’ll go for 10 minutes.

Give yourself a hard deadline, and then schedule it

The best way to overcome a natural tendency to procrastinate is to create a hard deadline for yourself and then put it on the calendar.3.. Then perform it the same way you would if your boss were waiting for you to complete the task.

Understand the underlying reasons you’re procrastinating

4.. Notice your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and the situation when you feel like procrastinating. Write these down. Often perfectionism, which we may experience as anxiety, is caused by the tendency to put off action. Once you understand your pattern, you can be responsible for yourself in a positive and self-compassionate (自我同情的) way.

Give yourself a reward for each task you complete

Make a list of things you need to do and do the one you don’t want to do first. 5. (piece of candy, a few minutes on social media, etc.). Then do something on your list that you want to do and continue making changes from there. This makes your tasks less depressing.

A. Take the tiniest step possible

B. Identity a positive outcome from your action

C. Then give yourself a little reward for doing it

D. find a way to make overcoming procrastination interesting

E. It’s time to do a reality check and break yourself of the habit

F. Treat the deadline the same as if your boss created it

G. Become a detective or a scientist about your pattern of procrastinating



    Walmart will soon use 360 robot cleaners across a few hundred of its stores. Using maps input by human employees, the AI-powered cleaners will travel in the store with no difficulty, sweeping the floor--just as human employees used to do.

Perhaps the most striking thing about these robot workers is how not-striking they are. Sci-fi movies suggest a future full of human-like robots who appear with their horrible qualities. Now the future is coming into view, and it looks like a giant lie. It's easy to imagine walking past an Auto-C on a shopping trip without even noticing its presence.

AI has already started to become a part of our everyday life. In New Jersey this week, dozens of workers were hospitalized after a robot at an Amazon fulfillment centre accidentally broke a can and enveloped workers in eye-and-lung-damaging gas. Days earlier in California, an auto-piloted Tesla drove a drunk, sleeping driver down a highway, which no doubt did some potential risk to the other drivers on the road. Highway patrol officers figured out on the spot how to stop the AI car.

Of course, industrial accidents and drunk drivers existed well before AI. Tools with the power to release the burden of physical labor—horses, steam machines, self-driving cars—also come with the power to injure. And the presence of AI-powered machines just steps away from us is, for now, still a rare thing for most people.

But the nature of robots’ coming into our daily life lives will make it harder to recognize—or object to—the bigger changes they bring later. Walmart insists that the robot cleaners give employees more time for customer service and other tasks. Critics point out that they could just as easily become an excuse to reduce staff and wages.

1.What is the difference between sci-fi movies and the reality?

A.Now the human-like robots is hard to recognize.

B.Now people don’t go to see the sci-fi movies.

C.Now the human-like robots can tell lies.

D.Now it is easy to ignore the robots.

2.Why were some workers in hospital in New Jersey?

A.They damaged the robot first.

B.The robot caused an accident on purpose.

C.The robot made a mistake by chance.

D.The robot driving them on the highway had an accident.

3.What is the attitude of the author to AI?

A.Supportive B.Objective C.Doubtful D.Indifferent

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Artificial intelligence is bringing great effect to our daily life.

B.Walmart will soon use 360 robot cleaners across its stores.

C.We should say no to artificial intelligence.

D.Artificial intelligence is dangerous to our life.



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