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How to create an effective action plan C...

How to create an effective action plan

Creating a powerful action plan always begins with having a clear purpose or goal in mind. It is designed to take you from wherever you are right now directly to the accomplishment of your stated goal. 1.

Know what you want to do. The less clear you are about what you want to dothe less effective your plan will be. 2.You may figure it out before starting your project.

Work backwards from your end goal. Identify your end goalthen list everything you need to do to accomplish it. 3.After you know what you need to accomplishbreak this down into small steps to help you create a more realistic plan.

Break large tasks down into smaller ones. 4.If you’re feeling confused about a large taskwhat can help ease your anxiety and make it more practical is breaking it down into smaller ones.

5.Without specific time frames and deadlinessome tasks may never get completed. No matter what action items you choose for which stage of your action planit is significant that a time frame should be attached to absolutely everything.

A. Put timelines on everything.

B. Be clear about what you want to achieve anytime.

C. Some tasks may seem more difficult to achieve than others.

D. Try to specifically define what you want to achieve as early as possible.

E. Keep in mind that your plan may change as you work toward your goal.

F. Depending on your goalyou may even consider different ways to reach your goal.

G. With a welldesigned planyou can achieve nearly any goal you set out to accomplish.


1.G 2.D 3.F 4.C 5.A 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要就如何设定有效的行动方案提出了四点建议。 1.空前一句It is designed to take you from wherever you are right now directly to the accomplishment of your stated goal.(它的目的是把你从现在所在的任何地方直接带到你设定目标的完成阶段)与G With a well-designed plan,you can achieve nearly any goal you set out to accomplish. (拥有一个精心设计的方案,你几乎可以实现你一心想完成的任何目标)承接自然,选项中的accomplish照应前文的accomplishment,故选G项。 2.D. Try to specifically define what you want to achieve as early as possible.(尽可能早地明确你想达到的目标)与下文You may figure it out before starting your project.(你最好在项目开始之前明确它)承接自然,前后两句都讲述要尽早明确目标,选项中的“as early as possible”对应空后的“before starting your project”,此外选项中的“what you want to achieve”对应空后的it。故选D项。 3.F. Depending on your goal,you may even consider different ways to reach your goal.(依据你的目标,你甚至要考虑不同的实现方案)与下文After you know what you need to accomplish,break this down into small steps to help you create a more realistic plan.(在你知道你需要完成什么之后,把它分解成小的步骤以此帮助你指定一个更现实的计划)承接自然,符合逻辑。先定下最终目标,然后反推看为了实现最终目标需要做什么,需要采取什么方法。故选F项。 4.前文Break large tasks down into smaller ones.(把大任务分解成小的任务来完成)与C. Some tasks may seem more difficult to achieve than others.(有些任务似乎比其它的更难完成)承接自然,上文的smaller ones对应选项中的some tasks和others。故选C项。 5.A. Put timelines on everything.(给每件事都设定时间表)与下文Without specific time frames and deadlines,some tasks may never get completed.(没有具体的时间框架和最后期限,有些任务可能永远无法完成)承接自然,前后两句主要建议人们要有时间观念,故选A项。

    Cortana. Alexa. Siri. These are names of robotic voices that are often programmed on electronic tablets. They also become default(默认) identities for people with speech disorders who rely on technology to communicate. Now some speech scientists are developing personalized voices to reflect the broader diversity of the people who use them. To do itthey are tapping into a vast network of volunteers who are donating their voices to share with people who cannot speak.

The effort to build an international “Human Voicebank” has attracted more than 17000 volunteers from 110 countriesincluding Priyanka Pandyaa 16yearold from ColumbiaMd. who plans to spend her winter vacation recording a string of sentences into her computer. “To be able to give somebody the gift of voiceI think that’s reallyreally powerful” she said.

“Everyone has a voice” said Rupal Patelfounder of VocaliDthe company that started the voicebank. “Even people who are unable to speak have sounds that are unique to them. ” Her company designs personalized voices by recording the unique sounds of the userand then mixing them with 6 to 10 hours of recordings from a voice donormatched by agegender and region. The company is developing voices now for its first 100 customers.

Alsopeople’s voices change. The company is looking for donors who are willing to record their voicesand then record them again a few years lateras they get older. But some of the first customers say they are happy with the results.

John A. Gregoire was one of the first customers to receive a personalized voice from VocaliD last December. The voice came eight years after he developed ALS (肌萎缩侧索硬化症)and more than six years since his voice became unintelligible to everyone except his wife and youngest son. “Having a distinctive voice is like getting something back that was stolen” John said.

1.What does the author say about the voicebank?

A.It collects all kinds of voices.

B.It gains strong public support.

C.It helps to recognize special voices.

D.It offers people personalized voices free.

2.The example of John A Gregoire is given in the text to stress ________.

A.customers’ desire for personalized voices

B.VocaliD’s efforts to develop personalized voices

C.customers’ satisfaction with personalized voices

D.VocaliD’s success in designing personalized voices

3.What does the underlined word “unintelligible” mean?

A.Unclear. B.Soft.

C.Incomplete. D.Rough.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.VocaliD is devoted to building a voicebank.

B.Volunteers donate their voices to VocaliD.

C.The Human Voicebank helps people with speech problems.

D.The Human Voicebank wins fame among speechless people.



    Life isn’t fair. That universal truth is something that children seem to understand at a young agebut the path through which they develop a sense of what’s fair and what isn’t—and how they act on injustices—is something that has been a puzzle for social scientists.

To find out which aspects of fairness might be universal and which might be culturally drivena team of scientists traveled to seven countries to study how different groups of children play fair. The researchers designed an “inequity(不公平) game” that they used to test 866 pairs of children aged 4 to 15 in CanadaIndiaMexicoPeruSenegalUganda and the United States.

Two children of the same gender(性别) and similar age were seated across from each other and were offered some candy. Sometimes the allocations were equal and sometimes they were not. One of the two children got to decide whether both of them accepted the allocation or rejected it. The experiment was set up to work through a machine that required the child to pull one handle to accept the deal—resulting in the candy being poured into a bowl for two children each—and a different handle to reject it—pouring the sweets into a third bowl where neither one would get to eat them.

In all seven countriesthe results indicated a rejection of disadvantageous inequity. That iswhen the children were allocated less candy than othersthey tended to route all the treats into the bowl that no one could access. The reactions to advantageous inequity were more mixed. Children in only three countries—the United StatesCanada and Uganda—had a tendency to reject unequal distributions of candy when they got more than others. “Given that these countries tend to stress principles of equalityit is possible that children in these countries face social pressures to learn these principles earlier” the researchers wrote.

1.What does paragraph 3 talk about?

A.The players of the game.

B.The tools of the game.

C.The rules of the game.

D.The results of the game.

2.Which factor can significantly affect kids’ attitude to advantageous inequity?

A.School education.

B.Social environment.

C.Parents’ influence.

D.National development.

3.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To discuss the importance of fairness.

B.To draw readers’ attention to inequity.

C.To offer kids some tips for rejecting inequity.

D.To introduce a study on how kids play fair.



    Looking smart in a blue buttondown shirtJorge Magana18zipped through a PowerPoint(PPT) presentation with confidence. Seated in front of Magana in a classroom at Los Angeles High School of the Arts were three judges: the school’s Assistant Headmastera school coordinatorand a former student. The occasion was his senior defense. Magana was trying to convince the judges that he was ready to graduate.

He had 45 minutes to present his portfolio(作品选集) from three aspects: one academicone artisticand one of his own choosing. The judges grilled him: Can you describe your research process? Which difficulties did you face and how did you overcome them? How will the skills you learned help with your future plans?

Portfolio assessments like this onewhich are considered by educators nationwide as a proven path to college successhave largely been squeezed out by standardized teststhe quickerless costly measure of student performance. But the state’s reliance on test scores to rank school performance is about to changeand educators see an opportunity. For nowthe goal at the Los Angeles Unified School District is to make the portfolio defense a graduation requirement. Ten high schools are testing the portfolio assessmentand there are plans to get more schools on board next school year.

At firstmany teachers at Los Angeles High School of the Arts thought the defense was unnecessary. Thenthey actually witnessed the defenses. “You can see your students reflect on what they’ve learnedand see how that learning has affected them” says Isabel Moralesa 12th grade social studies teacher. “Watching the defenses taught me how much my lessons counthow important it is for me to provide a new learning experience for my students. ”

1.Why is Jorge Magana mentioned in the text?

A.To lead in the topic of the passage.

B.To introduce what the senior defense is.

C.To present how to make a senior defense.

D.To stress difficulties of portfolio defenses.

2.What can we know about portfolio assessments from paragraph 3?

A.They require low investment.

B.They are being widely promoted.

C.They completely replace standardized tests.

D.They are common at high school.

3.What is Isabel Morales’ attitude to portfolio defenses?

A.Disapproving. B.Worried.

C.Doubtful. D.Supportive.




Dear Jenny,

How nice to hear of you! In your letter you asked me how keep healthy. I would like to give you some advices.

As we know, food is quite importance to us teenagers. Since we grow very fast, we are in the need of nutritious food, such as fresh vegetables, fruit, fish and meat. Therefore, I thought you’d better not eating food with much sugar and fat. And you should get plenty of sleep, but it is necessary for you to have at least eight hours of sleep every day. Besides, you should take physical exercise regular. It will be good for my health. Only in this way can you keep fit.

Best wishes!


Li Hua



    Every person has time for exercise. The way is to take steps to include exercise convenient for your lifestyle. After I started getting into a habit of exercising, I was surprised by how much I could get done in a day, both physically and mentally. You can make exercise a part of your daily lifestyle. 1.

Start small

One of the reasons exercise programs fail is that we bite off more than we can chew. Instead of telling yourself you’re going to exercise today for an hour, tell yourself you’re going to exercise for five minutes. 2.

Break your exercise into parts.

No time for 30 minutes of exercise? No problem. Do three bouts (一回) of 10 minutes, or six bouts of five minutes each.3. Just keep a running table of how many minutes you exercise each day to ensure you’re getting the minimum you desire.


Devices such as Fitbit activity trackers (跟踪系统) turn exercise into a game of sorts. Each day, you can measure how many steps you’ve taken. Many people find this attractive to their competitive spirits, and they and they take great pains to meet their goals. The technology is there, and it’s very affordable.

Exercise with someone else.

5. You don’t want to let him or her down, even if you’re feeling like you’d rather not work out. Find someone and start moving. You’ll be able to inspire one another and celebrate your success.

A. Use technology to help.

B. Always stay active with exercise.

C. Yes, just five minutes and get up to walk around.

D. Here are four steps to help you do it effectively.

E. You’ll still get the same time, no matter how you break it down.

F. High-tech products are becoming popular with many young people.

G. It’s much more difficult to say “no” to exercise when you have an exercise partner.



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