满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, wa...

    Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, was seated in his room when a petition(请愿书) was brought to him. The King had just returned from hunting, and the glare of the sun, or some other _______, had so dazzled (使……目眩) his eyes that he found it difficult to _______ a single word of the writing.

So he called the servant boy. The poor boy _______ a poor reader, huddling (挤在一起) several words together _______ they were syllables of one long word, which he must get through with as speedily as possible. “Stop! Send me that little girl sitting there by the fountain.” The girl _______ pointed out by the King was the daughter of a royal _______, who had come to help her father weed the flower beds. She was somewhat _______ but took courage when the King told her that he only wanted her to _______ for him, as his eyes were weak.

Ernestine, the little girl, was _______ of reading, and often many of the neighbors would __________ at her father’s house to hear her. Those who could not read themselves would come with their letters from friends or children, so she formed the __________ of reading various sorts of handwriting promptly and well.

The King gave her the petition, and she rapidly __________ the opening lines to get some __________ of what it was about. It was from a poor widow, whose only son had been__________ into the army, although his health was delicate. His father had been killed in battle.

Ernestine read the petition with so much __________, and in tones so pure and distinct, that when she had finished, the King, into whose eyes __________ had started, cried excitedly, “Oh! now I understand what it is all about; but I might never have known its __________ had I trusted to that young gentleman. As for you, my young lady,” continued the King, “I know you will ask no better __________ than the pleasure of carrying to this poor widow my order for her son’s immediate discharge.”

How happy Ernestine was! Because of her good reading, the poor widow __________ her son. Ernestine also __________ did the servant boy good for, sorry for his bad reading, he began studying in earnest and finally became a lawyer.

1.A.result B.cause C.performance D.routine

2.A.make out B.set out C.polish up D.call up

3.A.turned B.grew C.became D.proved

4.A.so that B.in that C.as if D.even if

5.A.otherwise B.thus C.initially D.typically

6.A.cook B.guard C.painter D.gardener

7.A.alarmed B.puzzled C.excited D.inspired

8.A.act B.read C.calculate D.observe

9.A.cautious B.ashamed C.fond D.afraid

10.A.gather B.celebrate C.interact D.chat

11.A.plan B.league C.habit D.basis

12.A.went over B.broke down C.sorted out D.glanced through

13.A.truth B.idea C.description D.guidance

14.A.attracted B.drafted C.stationed D.transported

15.A.feeling B.emphasis C.dignity D.tension

16.A.hatred B.trust C.hopes D.tears

17.A.format B.address C.meaning D.audience

18.A.assistance B.bonus C.reward D.freedom

19.A.contacted B.regained C.defended D.relieved

20.A.indirectly B.deliberately C.temporarily D.appropriately


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述普鲁士国王收到一个寡妇的请愿书,他眼睛不适无法看清上面文字,叫来园丁女儿替他读,女孩读的很好,国王感动特赦寡妇儿子不用服兵役,同时女孩间接帮助了原来阅读不好的侍童,他努力学习最终成为律师。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:国王刚打猎回来,太阳的强光或其他原因使他眼花,请愿书里的字一个都看不清楚。A. result结果;B. cause原因;C. performance表演,表现;D. routine常规,例行程序。根据“the glare of the sun...had so dazzled his eyes ”阳光让他的眼花,or并列连词连接名词和“the glare of the sun”并列做主语,可知还有一些其他原因,故选B。 2.考查固定搭配。句意:国王刚打猎回来,太阳的强光或其他原因使他眼花,请愿书里的字一个都看不清楚。A. make out辨别;B. set out出发;C. polish up改善,提高;D. call up打电话给,征召(服役)。根据“the glare of the sun...had so dazzled his eyes ”可知,阳光让国王的眼花可知,他很难看清楚文书里的字,故填A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个可怜的孩子证明了他阅读很差,他把几个单词拼在一起,好像它们是一个长单词的音节。A. turned变成;B.grew生长;C. became变成;D. proved证明。根据最后一段最后一句“sorry for his bad reading”可知,这个男孩读的不好,证明了他阅读很差,故选D。 4.考查连词词义辨析。句意:这个可怜的孩子证明了他阅读很差,他把几个单词拼在一起,好像它们是一个长单词的音节。A. so that以便;B. in that因为;C. as if好像;D. even if即使。根据“huddling (挤在一起) several words together” 他把几个单词拼在一起,可以判断男孩把几个单词读在一起成好像一个单词,故选C。 5.考查副词词义辨析。句意:国王指的女孩是一位皇家园丁的女儿,是来帮她父亲除草的。A. otherwise否则;B. thus像这样,正如,因此;C. initially最初;D. typically典型地。根据前一句“Send me that little girl sitting there by the fountain.”可知,叫那个坐在喷泉旁边的小女孩过来,皇家园丁的女儿正是国王这指的这个女孩,thus在这里意为“正是、正如”,故选B。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:国王指的女孩是一位皇家园丁的女儿,是来帮她父亲除草的。A. cook厨师;B. guard守卫;C. painter油漆工;D. gardener园丁。根据空格后面“who had come to help her father weed the flower beds”可知,女孩来帮她父亲除草,可推断她父亲是园丁,故选D。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她有点害怕,但当国王告诉她只想让她读给他听,因为他的眼睛视力很差,所以她鼓起勇气读起来。A. alarmed害怕;B. puzzled疑惑地;C. excited兴奋的;D. inspired受到鼓舞的。空格后面“took courage”(鼓起勇气)可以推断,最初女孩有点害怕,故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她有点害怕,但当国王告诉她,他只想让她读给他听,因为他的眼睛视力很差,所以她鼓起勇气读起来。A. act行动,表现;B. read读;C. calculate计算;D. observe观察。根据空格后面“as his eyes were weak.”可知,因为国王的眼睛视力很差,所以国王只想让她读给他听,故选B。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个小女孩Ernestine很喜欢读书,许多邻居经常聚集在她父亲家听她读书。A. cautious谨慎的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. fond喜欢的;D. afraid害怕的。根据后文“often many of the neighbors would...at her father’s house to hear her.”可知,很多邻居经常去她父亲家听她读书,可以判断女孩喜欢读书,故选C。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个小女孩Ernestine很喜欢读书,许多邻居经常聚集在她父亲家听她读书。A. gather聚集;B. celebrate庆祝;C. interact互动;D. chat闲聊。根据“often many of the neighbors would...at her father’s house to hear her.”可知,很多邻居在她父亲家听她读书,可以推断很多邻居聚集在一起听她读书,故选A。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以她养成了快速并很好地阅读各种笔迹的习惯。A. plan计划;B. league联盟;C. habit习惯;D. basis基础。根据前文“那些不会阅读的人会带着朋友或孩子的来信前来。”可知,因此她养成了阅读各种笔迹的习惯,故选C。 12.考查固定搭配。句意:国王把请愿书交给了她,她迅速地浏览一下请愿书开头想弄明白大致情况。A. went over复习;B. broke down坏掉;C. sorted out分类;D. glanced through浏览。根据空前“rapidly”(快速地),可以判断女孩快速地浏览一下文书开头,故选D。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:国王把请愿书交给了她,她迅速地浏览一下请愿书开头想弄明白大致情况。A. truth真相;B. idea大致情况,想法;C. description描述;D. guidance指导。根据空前“迅速地浏览一下请愿书开头”,可以判断女孩想先了解事情的大致情况,故选B。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那是一个穷寡妇写的请愿书,她唯一的儿子被征召入伍。A. attracted吸引;B. drafted征兵;C. stationed驻扎;D. transported运输。根据这一段倒数第一句“His father had been killed in battle.”可知,寡妇的丈夫已经在战场是牺牲了,现在她唯一的儿子也被征召入伍,故选B。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Ernestine读请愿书时感情丰富,语调纯净而鲜明。A. feeling感情;B. emphasis强调;C. dignity尊严;D. tension紧张。根据后文“the King, into whose eyes...had started, cried excitedly,”可知,国王激动地哭了,是因为Ernestine读请愿书时感情丰富感动了国王,故选A。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:国王已经开始流泪。A. hatred憎恨;B. trust信任;C. hopes希望;D. tears眼泪。根据后文“cried excitedly”可知,国王已经开始流泪,故选D。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:假如听信那个年轻人,我将压根无从理解这种请愿书的深刻涵义。A. format格式;B. address地址;C. meaning意义;D. audience观众。根据这段第一句可知,Ernestine读请愿书时感情丰富,语调纯净而鲜明,所以国王听的很明白并理解请愿书的深刻涵义,故选C。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道你想要的最好报酬是把我的命令带给这个可怜的寡妇让她儿子马上免除服兵役。A. assistance帮助;B. bonus奖金,红利;C. reward报酬,奖赏;D. freedom自由。根据前文可知,国王由于眼睛不适请这个女孩帮忙读请愿书,女孩读的清楚明白,所以国王想给报酬,故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为这个女孩阅读能力强,这个可怜的寡妇重新得到了她的儿子。A. contacted联系;B. regained重新获得;C. defended防御;D. relieved减轻;缓解。根据上一段最后一句“... order for her son's immediate discharge.”(把我的命令带给这个可怜的寡妇让她儿子马上免除服兵役)可知,寡妇儿子不用服兵役了,她重新得到了儿子,故选B。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:Ernestine也间接地帮助了侍童,侍童因为读的不好感到抱歉,他开始认真学习,最后成为律师。A. indirectly间接地;B. deliberately故意地;C. temporarily临时地;D. appropriately恰当地。根据这一句“Ernestine also...did the servant boy good for, sorry for his bad reading, he began studying in earnest and finally became a lawyer. Ernestine”可知,Ernestine也帮助了侍童,侍童因为读的不好感到抱歉,他开始认真学习,最后成为律师,这个句子里的第一个for是连词,意为“因为”,可以推断女孩间接帮助了男孩,故选A。

—When is the deadline for the application?

―________. Let’s make a call for the exact time.

A.Beats me B.Sounds great C.You said it D.You name it



Any complaint will be ________ if it has no foundation after being closely analyzed.

A.reserved B.resisted C.responded D.rejected



The current champion of the FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup is China, which ________ its fifth title at the 2019 tournament.

A.is winning B.wins C.won D.had won



________ into account the possibility of stormy weather, we decided to spring for a cabin instead of setting up a tent.

A.To take B.Taking C.Take D.Taken



— Do you mean the neighbors are coming over to discuss the problem?

—Yes, the whole thing has got intolerable, or they ________ have to be calling a meeting.

A.mustn't B.can't C.wouldn't D.shouldn't



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