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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 I gave ...


I gave one of my favorite sun hats recently to a friend Jack who had been looking for one like mine for several 1. (week). I found it online and had it sent to him for his birthday.

Later, I 2. (lose)my own and I was upset! That hat had traveled everywhere with me. But then a 3. (difference) friend came back from his trip to the Philippines. 4. did he give me as a gift? A sun hat!

I want to host my friends and cook a dinner for the large group this week. 5. (fortunate), I have the chance to cook for a large group of people in my life. I enjoy 6. (learn) a few new recipes (食谱) on my own, shopping for the food, and cooking for them. Just today, I hiked with Jack and when we said goodbye, he took a box of food out and he wanted me 7. (have) them. There were all kinds of potatoes, onions, pears, apples and peaches. Those foods can be ready for the large group of my friends. Jack didn’t attend my party nor did he know about 8. dinner this week, and he didn’t do it 9. purpose. What an unexpected thing! Since then, Jack and I have been 10. (close) than ever.


1.weeks 2.lost 3.different 4.What 5.Fortunately 6.learning 7.to have 8.the 9.on 10.closer 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者通过太阳帽和一次晚餐聚会的食材两件事情,向大家传达了他认为生活中有很多机缘巧合的事情的想法。 1.考查名词的数。句意:我最近给了朋友Jack一顶我最喜欢的太阳帽,他想找像我的太阳帽一样的太阳帽,已经找了好几周了。“week(周)”为可数名词,several修饰可数名词的复数形式,由空格前的several可知,空格处应填名词的复数形式。故填weeks。 2.考查一般过去时。句意:后来,我丢了我的太阳帽并且很伤心。and前后连接两个并列句,由其后的was可知,这句话应使用一般过去时。所以空格处也应使用一般过去时,故填lost。 3.考查形容词作定语。句意:但是就在那是,我的另一个不同的朋友从菲律宾旅行回来。空格位于不定冠词a之后,名词friend之前,所以空格处填形容词。“difference(不同)”的形容词形式为different,故填different。 4.考查特殊疑问句。句意:他给了我什么作为礼物呢?一顶太阳帽。空格处缺少一个疑问词引导疑问句,而疑问词在句中应做give的宾语,指代a sun hat,指物,故填What。 5.考查副词作状语。句意:幸运的是,我的生命中有机会给一大群人做饭。空格位于句首,用逗号隔开,修饰整个句子,所以应填副词。“fortunate(幸运的)”的副词形式为fortunately,故填Fortunately。 6.考查动名词作宾语。句意:我喜欢自己学几个新的菜谱,自己买菜给他们做饭。这里表达自己一直喜欢做的事情,“喜欢做某事”翻译为“enjoy doing sth.”,enjoy后直接加动名词作宾语。故填learning。 7.考查不定式作宾语补足语。句意:就在今天,我与Jack一起远足,当我们准备说再见的时候,他拿出一大箱食物,让我带走。“想让某人做某事”可翻译为“want sb. to do sth.”,故空格处填to have。 8.考查定冠词。句意:Jack不来参加我的聚会并且他也不知道这周晚餐的事情。这里的dinner特指上文提到过的“cook a dinner for the large group this week”这次晚餐,所以其前应用定冠词the修饰。故填the。 9.考查介词短语。句意:他不是有意这样做的。“有意,故意”可翻译为on purpose,故填on。 10.考查形容词比较级。句意:从那时起,Jack和我比之前更亲近了。空格位于be动词been后,修饰Jack和我的关系,应填形容词。由空格后的than可知,空格处应填比较级形式。“close(亲近的,亲密的)”的比较级形式为closer,故填closer。

    Our family enjoyed a beautiful house plant for over thirty years. It had stayed with us through ________ years and good times, pain and joy. I had never thought of ________ it.

However, two weeks ago, we ________ some changes of its leaves, which began to lose its color. We watered and looked after it even to the point of ________ it, like a child. But it just showed no sign of ________. We finally picked a few almost dead leaves and ________ replanting them in another small pot.

What ________ us was that these leaves which had been planted in the new pot grew strong. In order to know the reason ________ the house plant died, we dug the dead plant out of the pot Then, it became ________ to us—its roots (树根) were in disorder, completely tangling up (绞在一起). They had grown so massive (大量的) that they ________ the sides of the pot. Our once-beautiful plant ________ because it grew out of its environment—it became root-bound (根满盆的).

People can become root-bound, too. Those who ________ personal growth or development often want to make ________ that can lead to greater achievements (成就) or much more happiness. However, they more often ________ they outgrow their environment and want to ________. Their views become larger and they need ________ environment to live in. They need people who will make ________ for their growth. If they cannot be ________, some problems are sure to appear.

So if your new-found growth ________ you to push against the old ways, you may need to ________ you are bigger now.

1.A.peaceful B.hard C.pleasant D.busy

2.A.controlling B.buying C.losing D.sell

3.A.made B.recorded C.collected D.discovered

4.A.admitting B.loving C.sending D.punishing

5.A.strength B.trouble C.growth D.recovery

6.A.avoided B.practiced C.tried D.enjoyed

7.A.amazed B.disappointed C.embarrassed D.bored

8.A.why B.where C.when D.how

9.A.happy B.useful C.energetic D.clear

10.A.ate B.managed C.stopped D.burst

11.A.grew B.survived C.died D.arrived

12.A.depend on B.look for C.wait for D.turn down

13.A.suggestion B.studies C.explanations D.changes

14.A.ask B.think C.find D.remember

15.A.take off B.fall down C.calm down D.set off

16.A.larger B.warmer C.safer D.taller

17.A.chances B.promises C.time D.room

18.A.satisfied B.accepted C.mentioned D.protected

19.A.organizes B.causes C.permits D.teaches

20.A.refuse B.order C.realize D.prove



    About 10 percent of public school students in the United States learn English as a second language. In some states, that number is much higher. About five million students in the country are considered English language learners, or ELLs. Such students are the fast-growing group in the US public schools.

The most commonly first spoken languages among ELLs in America are Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole and Vietnamese. Speakers of those five languages make up 92 percent of all ELLs included in the report.

English language learners can choose one of several kinds o1 program. There are some programs, in which students are mostly taught in their native language. And there are other programs, which offer students almost all classroom teaching in English. However, These kinds of programs do not always allow students to write and read in their native language.

There are also so-called bilingual programs. These programs offer teaching in two languages-English and another language. Research has shown that English language learners do best in bilingual programs, especially if the second language is their native language.

The lack of high-quality bilingual programs is clear. Nationally, about 83 percent of students complete their high school education. But the graduation rate (比率) among English language learners is far lower 65 percent.

School systems across the country sometimes look for bilingual educators internationally. But education experts say there are ways for states to find and train new teachers in their own areas. This spring, America came up with a list of “grow your own” rules for schools and states to follow. It advised states to offer a series of ways for bilingual teachers. It also suggested training bilingual teachers in their own areas even if they do not have a college degree.

1.What can we learn about English from paragraph 1?

A.It is difficult for most students.

B.It is popular as a second language in American public schools.

C.It is easy for foreign students.

D.It is not welcome by public school students.

2.How many types of programs for English language learners are mentioned in the text?

A.One. B.Two.

C.Three. D.Four.

3.What does the underlined word “bilingual” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Learning one language. B.Using two languages.

C.National. D.International.

4.Where is the text probably from?

A.An educational magazine. B.A maths paper.

C.A diary. D.a storybook.



    It’s reported that scientists in London have found the best diet for both humans and the planet.

If the world followed the so-called “planetary health” diet, each year more than ll million early deaths could be avoided according to the scientists. For the health of the planet, they say the same diet will reduce (减少) greenhouse gases and save more land, water and animals. This new food plan is the result of a three-year project organized by The Lancet health journal.

Tim Lang, a professor at Britain’s University of London. He said, “The food we eat and how we produce it decide the health of people and the planet.” Lang added, The world’s population is expected to grow to 10 billion people by 2050. If we want to feed everyone, we all need to change what we eat and the way we eat by improving food production and reducing food waste”. So, what do you eat on the “planetary health” diet?

The scientists who created the “planetary health” diet say it is largely plant-based but still has a little milk, fish and meat. The diet calls for cutting down red meat and sugar by 50 percent and increasing nuts, fruits, and vegetable.

Walter Willet of Harvard University in the United States also talked about the “planetary health” diet. He said, “More than 800 million people around the world do not get enough food while many more people have very unhealthy diets.”

The scientists think it difficult to reach their aim. But for them, doing nothing is also not a choice Willet said, “If we can’t make the best diet, it’s better to try and get as close as we can.”

1.What decides the health of people and the planet according to Tim Lang?

A.The taste of the food.

B.The number of population.

C.The climate and our living conditions.

D.The food we eat and the way we produce it.

2.What does the “planetary health” diet mainly contain?

A.Milk. B.Meat.

C.Sugar. D.Plants.

3.What do scientists say about the “planetary health” diet?

A.It is very easy to produce it.

B.It is better to try their best to make it.

C.It is better to do nothing than fail.

D.It is impossible to make it.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Humans Health Is Very Important.

B.Many People don’t Get Enough Food.

C.A New Kind of diet may Save the Plane.

D.Different People have Different Eating Habits.



    I still remember a lovely girl, though I don’t know her name.

We met in the Children’s Hospital. I was 11. I was born with a hole in my heart. So was the five-year-old girl in the bed beside me. We were both recovering from the same operation. Because I was older and wiser, I thought it was my job to look after her. “Do you want to hear a story?” I asked her one afternoon. “Great!” she said.

It was so easy to make her happy. She seemed always to be smiling or singing songs.

Life wasn’t fair. She passed away. My recovery went well. “You’re really lucky”, a nurse told me. “But how come my operation was so easy and hers wasn’t?” I asked. “Easy?” my dad said. “David, your operation wasn’t easy at all. we thought we were going to lose you. For two weeks after your operation many things could go wrong. You’re really lucky. When you were in the coma (昏迷), she used to come over to your bed and sing to you. She was watching over you.” my dad said.

My surgery scars (手术疤痕) are hidden under my shirt along with the memory of that kind little girl. She will be at my side like a small angel (hi). I am old and wise enough now to know that I have an angel watching over me whenever life is fair or unfair.

1.Why did the writer look after the little girl?

A.He thought it was his duty. B.Her parents were busy.

C.She wanted to hear stories. D.She was his best friend.

2.What was the girls character like?

A.Shy. B.Positive.

C.Careless. D.Humorous.

3.What can we learn about the writer?

A.He stayed in hospital for a short time.

B.It was easy for him to recover from illness.

C.A nurse in the hospital said he was unlucky.

D.He treasures the memory of that little girl.

4.What makes the writer still remember the girl?

A.Her death. B.her dancing.

C.Her kindness. D.Her growth.



Oxford and Cambridge Tour

What included

Walking tour of Oxford and Cambridge

a visit to Christ Church College

Free lunch pack

Air-conditioned buses

Walking tour of Oxford

Follow the footsteps of Oxford’s famous students, from C.S. Lewis to Bill Clinton, as you walk the beautiful college courtyards of this historic university town. See the Bodleian Library, which is one of the oldest libraries in Europe on your visit. You’ll be attracted by the squares of this naturally beautiful town.

Christ Church

Christ Church is known as one of the major places for the harry Potter films! You will be surprised at the magical grandeur (壮丽) of the Great Hall, used as the setting for Hogwarts.

Senate House

Once you’ve left Oxford, you’ll make your way to the beautiful city of Cambridge. It’s here that you will visit Senate House at the world-famous University of Cambridge. It used to be the Council of the senate for important meetings, but it is now the chosen place for students’ degree celebration. You’ll get to travel this special place and discover its important history.

Please Note:

You must bring the e-ticket to enter this tour.

Bookings which are made after midnight for the same day will not include a free lunch pack.

During busy periods, buses without Wi-Fi may be used.


April 1 to October 31

Days of departure Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Check-in: 8:00 am

Departure: 8:30 am

Return: 7:00 pm

1.Which of the following is included in the tour?

A.Free breakfast pack. B.Free buses travelling in Oxford.

C.Professors introduction. D.Air-conditioned buses.

2.What is Christ Church famous for?

A.The place that Bill Clinton once visited.

B.Footsteps of Oxford’ s famous students.

C.A major place for the harry potter films.

D.Many beautiful squares.

3.What will happen if you book the trip after midnight for the same day?

A.You won t get free lunch.

B.You ll pay more for the trip.

C.You don’t need to bring the e-ticket.

D.You’ll take buses without Wi-Fi.



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