满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I work as the reception manager at my ho...

    I work as the reception manager at my hotel.

A booking came in a few weeks ago with a note attached that a guest would be travelling with her deaf father. This note helped us in preparing for their arrival. As they would be here for a number of days, his daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as smooth as possible.

Upon seeing this note and knowing I would be the one to check them in, I decided to learn some very basic sign language. I greeted the guest in my usual fashion, asking for the surname on the booking. Once I heard the nameI immediately realized who was standing in front of me.

I had been learning for two weeks how to say: “Welcome to Ireland. My sign language is terrible, but please, if you need anything during your stay, just let me know and we will help you.”

I smiled at the father and daughter in front of me. Turning to the father, I greeted him in ASL (American Sign Language) and began the bit I had learned for him. His daughter broke down crying and told me I was sweet. But the father just smiled and was so happy. Honestly, seeing his reaction was enough for me. It was absolutely worth the last few weeks of learning basic ASL.

Sadly, I wasn’t working the day they checked out, but they left a gift for me, a small box with some chocolates and a book on ASL. Inside was a note saying: “Thank you very much for what you did. My father has been in amazing spirits from the time you checked us in and insisted we get you a gift before we left. You have no idea how much this meant to my father and me, and we can’t thank you enough. You've made his trip very special with one simple gesture.”

I cried for a solid five minutes when I came into work the next day and found this gift in my locker.

1.The daughter left a note when booking the hotel in order to __________.

A.ask for special service for herself

B.give some useful advice to the hotel

C.express gratitude to the hotel manager

D.make her father’s trip more comfortable

2.The daughter cried when they checked in because __________.

A.the author’s sign language was really terrible

B.her father was unwilling to live in that hotel

C.she appreciated what the author had done for her father

D.the author wouldn’t be working when they checked out

3.Seeing the father’s reaction during check-in, the author probably felt __________.

A.thankful B.satisfied

C.disappointed D.regretful

4.From this passage, we can know that __________.

A.the author made the daughter’s check-out smooth

B.the author was deeply moved by an unexpected gift

C.the daughter cried for five minutes before they left

D.the daughter asked the author to learn sign language


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文作者回忆了接待一对父女来爱尔兰旅游,帮助他们登记的故事,因为那位父亲是个聋哑人,执着专门学了手势语"欢迎来爱尔兰",结果那位父亲对于作者的接待很满意,走得时候还送给作者礼物,并给经理写信,希望给作者加薪。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句As they would be here for a number of days, his daughter wanted to make his trip to Ireland as smooth as possible.(由于他们要在这里呆几天,他的女儿想让他的爱尔兰之行尽可能顺利。)可知,女儿在预订旅馆时留下了一张便条,以便让父亲的旅行更舒适。故选D。 2.细节理解题。根据第五段His daughter broke down crying and told me I was sweet. But the father just smiled and was so happy.可知当他们登记入住时,女儿哭了,女儿情绪失控的原因是作者的细心体贴感动了她,这让她的爸爸很开心。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据第五段Honestly, seeing his reaction was enough for me. It was absolutely worth the last few weeks of learning basic ASL.(老实说,看到他的反应就足够了。最后几周的ASL基础学习绝对值得。)可知,看到这位爸爸很开心,作者感到了他的付出是很值得的;因此看到父亲在入住时的反应,作者可能感到很满足。故选B。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段I cried for a solid five minutes when I came into work the next day and found this gift in my locker.(第二天上班时,我在储物柜里发现了这件礼物,哭了整整五分钟。)可知,作者受到这份特殊的礼物后很感动;故选B。


1. 活动目的;

2. 活动地点和内容;

3. 活动感受。


1. 格式已为你写好,不计入总词数;    2. 词数:100左右。

参考词汇:研学旅行study trip

Dear Sam,



Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Bill,

You must know how deeply saddened I was over your loss. Your sister and I were the dearest friend and recalling the past, I dare saying she was like a sister to me. I will miss him very much.

I could always count at her whenever I needed help, whether with a big project and a small task that she was always so willing to help me with. I came to trust her judgment and wise as well and her advice were always so well thought out and helpful.

She was a terrible great friend and I know our lives will never be same without her. I could never find a better and more caring friend. She has been left us with so many wonderful memories. I will cherish them forever.

In Deep Sorrow,

Betty Smith




In August, cases of a mysterious severe lung disease rocked the health society, 1. doctors looking for the cause of the illness. They found the link between vaping and lung disease. Now, there are 805 lung injury cases reported across 46 states in the United States. There had been twelve 2.(death) reported, and all cases reported a history of e-cigarette use.

E-cigarette use poses a significant and avoidable health risk to young people in the United States. Besides increasing the 3.(possible) of addiction and long-term harm to brain development and respiratory health, e-cigarette use 4.(associate) with the use of other tobacco products that can do even 5.(great) damage to the body. Even breathing in e-cigarette smoke that someone else has breathed out 6.(carry) health risks.

It is important to prevent harm to youth and young adults from e-cigarettes. Everyone has 7. role, including parents, health care providers, teachers, and those 8.   work with and care about young people. A visit to a health care professional is a great chance 9.(educate) your child on the potential risks of e-cigarette use. Ask your provider to discuss these health risks, including nicotine addiction and the impact of nicotine on the 10.(develop) brain, etc.



    Bobby the mountain climber was famous for his attempts to climb the big snowy mountain. He had tried it at least thirty times, but had always failed halfway.

For the sake of ________ Bobby to try again, Old Peeper, the town optician, who bore witness to his ________, presented him with a pair of ________ sunglasses. "If it starts clouding over or if your feet start hurting, put on these glasses. They'll help you.” Bobby accepted the ________ without giving it much mind, but when his feet started _________ again he remembered his words and put on the glasses. Then ________ came as usual in the form of cloud cover, but seemingly not so thick this time. So Bobby ________climbing, leaving the clouds behind, forgetting his ________, and finally arriving at the summit. It was ___________ worth it. His feeling of triumph was ________, almost as magnificent as that wonderful ________. Resplendent in its silence, the mountain below was surrounded by a dense sea of clouds. Bobby didn't remember the clouds being as ________ as that, so he looked more closely at the sunglasses, and ________ everything.

Peeper had carved a light ________ on the lenses (镜片), in the form of the snow-covered summit. It was made in such a way that you could only ________ it if you looked upwards. Peeper had understood that whenever Bobby lost sight of his ________, he would similarly lose sight of his dream, and his ________ to continue would weaken.

Bobby realised that the only obstacle to reaching the summit had been his own _______. When he could no longer see the top of the mountain, the problems ________. He thanked Peeper for using that little ________ to help him see that his aims were not impossible, and that they were still there, where they had always been.

1.A.convincing B.encouraging C.educating D.entertaining

2.A.practice B.disadvantage C.growth D.failure

3.A.special B.beautiful C.fancy D.expensive

4.A.gift B.challenge C.award D.request

5.A.breaking B.damaging C.aching D.swelling

6.A.danger B.adventure C.pressure D.misfortune

7.A.quitted B.kept C.accomplished D.abandoned

8.A.problem B.pain C.injury D.anxiety

9.A.normally B.practically C.certainly D.exactly

10.A.incomparable B.invisible C.undesirable D.unmeasurable

11.A.experience B.attempt C.view D.present

12.A.white B.thin C.dark D.thick

13.A.recognized B.grasped C.believed D.acknowledged

14.A.image B.spot C.photo D.message

15.A.move B.feel C.change D.see

16.A.objective B.power C.success D.journey

17.A.preference B.will C.competence D.concentration

18.A.mistake B.prejudice C.ignorance D.discouragement

19.A.set off B.cut in C.set in D.showed off

20.A.technology B.tool C.trick D.mark



    Many people wonder what they can do to become well-rounded and competitive while increasing their rate of success. An often overlooked yet simple way to improve is to increase your knowledge by being a self-starter.

1. Rid yourself of assumptions and convictions so that you can be open and receptive to new information. This at times may even contradict what you have always believed to be true. You will eventually come across information that challenges your worldview. Rather than remaining resting in your comfort zone, use this time to stop, reflect and shed light on these ideas in a way that can develop and expand your vision.

After the mind has been ready, the next step is application. Create a to-learn list just as you would a to-do list. Learning information you can utilize in your daily life is very important to having a continuous desire to further advance your education. 2. Reading a book on automobile repair isn’t the same as physically changing the oil or tire on your car. Reading about art isn’t the same as picking up a brush. If your knowledge can be directly applied in a functional and fun fashion, put it into practice! 3.

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and try to always take something valuable away from your daily interactions. Many people are professionals in their field and have valuable information and insight to share. 4. Never be too prideful, for each question you don’t ask is a missed opportunity!

Go ahead and challenge yourself today. Commit to expanding your mind, continuing your education and becoming a student of life. 5.  Remember to cultivate your mind so it is prepared to expand, blossom and grow. And share your fountain of knowledge.

A. Be willing to expand your mind.

B. Get ready to seek new information.

C. Many people learn by being hands-on.

D. Learning on the go has actually never been easier!

E. If you come across anything that bewilders you, ask them!

F. Skill-based learning, for example, is useless if it isn’t applied.

G. Utilize the world as your classroom, and always come away with a lesson.



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