满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Fall down as you come onstage. That’s an...

    Fall down as you come onstage. That’s an odd trick. Not recommended. But it saved the pianist Feltsman when he was a teenager back in Moscow. The experienced cellist Rostropovich tripped him purposely to ______ him of pre-performance panic. Mr. Feltsman said, “All my fright was gone. I already fell. What else could happen?”

Today, music schools are addressing the problem of ______ in classes that deal with performance techniques and career preparation. There are a variety of strategies that musicians can learn to fight stage fright and its symptoms: icy fingers, shaky limbs, racing heart, ______ mind.

Teachers and psychologists offer wide-ranging ______, from basics like learning pieces inside out, to mental discipline, ______ visualizing a performance and taking steps to relax. Don’t deny that you’re tense, they urge; some excitement is ______, even necessary for dynamic playing. And play in public often, simply for the experience.

Psychotherapist Diane Nichols suggests some strategies for the moments before ______, “Take two deep abdominal(腹部) breaths, open up your shoulders, then smile,” she says. “And not one of these ‘please don’t kill me’ smiles. Then choose three friendly faces in the ______, people you would communicate with and make music to, and make eye contact with them. “She doesn’t want performers to think of the audience as a judge.

Extreme demands by conductors or parents are often ______ stage fright, says Dorothy Delay, a well-known violin teacher. She tells other teachers to demand only what their students are able to achieve. .

When Lynn Harrell was 20, he became the principal cellist of the Cleverland Orchestra, and he suffered extreme stage fright. “There were times when I got so nervous I was sure the audience could see my chest responding to the heartbeat, which was just total ______. I came to a point where I thought, ‘If I have to go through this to play music, I think I’ m going to look for another job.’” Recovery, he said, involved developing humbleness—recognizing that whatever his talent, he was likely to make mistakes, and that an ______ concert was not a disaster.

It is not only ______ artists who suffer, of course. The legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitz’s nerves were famous. The great singer Franco Corelli is another example. “We had to push him on stage,” his partners recalled.

______, success can make things worse. “In the beginning of your career, when you’re scared to death, nobody knows who you are, and they don’t have any ______,” Singer June Anderson said. “There’s less to lose. Later on, when you’re known, people are coming to see you, and they have certain expectations. You have a lot to ______. ” He added, “I never stop being nervous until I’ve sung my last note.”

1.A.assure B.cure C.remind D.rob

2.A.anxiety B.adolescence C.principle D.psychology

3.A.absent B.blank C.keen D.narrow

4.A.advice B.choices C.services D.education

5.A.instead of B.along with C.such as D.with regard to

6.A.definite B.neutral C.natural D.precious

7.A.ceremony B.performance C.lecture D.rehearsal

8.A.audience B.orchestra C.staff D.choir

9.A.at the face of B.at the root of C.in favour of D.in contrast with

10.A.craze B.fault C.failure D.panic

11.A.unusual B.imperfect C.invalid D.unpopular

12.A.talented B.unknown C.young D.experienced

13.A.Actually B.Certainly C.Luckily D.Similarly

14.A.appreciation B.contribution C.expectation D.satisfaction

15.A.learn B.offer C.say D.lose


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了音乐表演艺术家怯场这一现象,并分析了原因以及提供了克服怯场的策略。 1.1考查动词词义辨析。句意:经验丰富的大提琴演奏家罗斯特罗波维奇故意绊倒他,以治疗演奏前的恐慌。A. assure担保;B. cure治疗、治愈;C. remind提醒;D. rob抢夺。空后费尔茨曼说自己所有的恐惧都消失了,这说明大提琴演奏家罗斯特罗波维奇故意绊倒他是为了治疗他演奏前的恐慌,故B项正确。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:今天,音乐学校正在解决课堂上的焦虑问题,这些课程涉及表演技巧和职业准备。A. anxiety焦虑;B. adolescence青春期;C. principle原则;D. psychology心理。根据上文举的费尔茨曼的例子及常识可知,舞台恐惧属于焦虑问题,故A项正确。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:音乐家可以学习多种策略来对抗舞台恐惧及其症状:手指冰凉、四肢发抖、心跳加速、头脑空白。A. absent缺席的;B. blank空白的;C. keen渴望的;D. narrow狭隘的。根据常识可知,头脑空白是舞台恐惧的症状之一,故B项正确。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:老师和心理学家提供广泛的建议,从基本的东西,如从内到外的学习到心理训练,如观看表演和采取措施放松。A. advice建议;B. choices选择;C. services服务;D. education教育。根据空后的“from basics like learning pieces inside out, to mental discipline,”可知此处指“建议”,故A项正确。 5.考查介词短语辨析。句意同上。A. instead of而不是;B. along with同……一起;C. such as诸如;D. with regard to至于。空后的观看表演和采取措施放松是对心理训练的举例,需要用such as引出例子,故C项正确。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不要否认你的紧张,有些小兴奋是自然的,甚至是有活力的比赛所必需的。A. definite确切的;B. neutral中性的;C. natural自然的;D. precious宝贵的。空前说不要否认你的紧张,此处解释原因,即有些小兴奋是自然的,甚至是必需的,故C项正确。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:心理治疗专家黛安·尼科尔斯建议在表演前的几分钟采取一些策略,“做两次深呼吸,张开肩膀,然后微笑,”她说。A. ceremony仪式;B. performance表演;C. lecture演讲;D. rehearsal排练。本文主要讨论的就是克服舞台恐惧的策略,因此此处指“在登台表演之前”,故B项正确。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后在观众中选出三张友好的面孔并与之交流。A. audience观众、听众;B. orchestra管弦乐团;C. staff职员;D. choir唱诗班。空后说她不希望演奏者把观众当成评委,因此此处是说要与观众进行交流,故A项正确。 9.考查介词短语辨析。句意:著名小提琴教师多萝西•迪莱表示,指挥家或家长的极端要求往往是怯场的根源。A. at the face of在……面前;B. at the root of是……的根源;C. in favour of支持;D. in contrast with形成对比。空后说她告诉其他老师,只要求学生能够做到的事情,因此她认为指挥家或家长的极端要求往往是怯场的根源,故B项正确。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有时候我很紧张,我确信观众可以看到我的胸部对心跳的反应,那完全是恐慌。A. craze狂热;B. fault错误;C. failure失败;D. panic恐慌。林恩·哈雷尔说他紧张得甚至观众都能看到他心跳时胸部的起伏,这说明他极度恐慌,故D项正确。 11.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一场不完美的音乐会也不是灾难。A. unusual不寻常的;B. imperfect不完美的;C. invalid无效的;D. unpopular不受欢迎的。空前说要认识到不管一个人多么有才能,他都有可能犯错误,因此一场不完美的音乐会不是灾难,故B项正确。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当然,受怯场之苦的不仅仅是年轻艺术家。A. talented有才能的;B. unknown不知名的;C. young年轻的;D. experienced老练的。上文提到的学生和20岁时的林恩·哈雷尔都是年轻人,空后又说传奇钢琴家弗拉基米尔霍洛维茨的怯场也是出了名的,伟大的歌手弗朗哥·科雷利甚至要被搭档推上舞台才能表演,因此不是只有年轻的艺术家才怯场,故C项正确。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:事实上,成功会让事情变得更糟。A. Actually实际上;B. Certainly当然;C. Luckily幸运地;D. Similarly相似地。根据空后歌手琼·安德森所说的话可知,实际上,成功会让艺术家的怯场更加严重,故A项正确。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:歌手琼·安德森说:“在你职业生涯的初期,当你被吓死的时候,没有人认识你,他们也没有任何期望。” A. appreciation感激;B. contribution贡献;C. expectation期望;D. satisfaction满意。刚步入演艺生涯的时候,你还不出名,观众自然不会对你抱有什么期望,故C项正确。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你害怕失去的东西也多了。A. learn学习;B. offer提供;C. say说;D. lose失去。后来,空前说随着你的名气越来越大,人们对你的期望也多了,所以你害怕失去的东西也多了,故D项正确。

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Surprise! A New Penguin

A team of scientists in New Zealand recently came across the remains of a previously unknown species of penguin—by mistake. The discovery of the Waitaha penguin species, which has been extinct for 500 years, is exciting news for the scientific community 1. it gives new insight into how past extinction events can help shape the present environment.

The researchers uncovered the Waitaha penguin remains while studying New Zealand’s rare yellow-eyed penguin. The team wanted to investigate the effects 2. humans have had on the now endangered species. They studied centuries-old bones from 3. they thought were yellow-eyed penguins and compared them with the bones of modern yellow-eyed penguins. Surprisingly, some of the bones were older than 4. (expect). Even more shockingly, the DNA in the bones indicated that they did not belong to yellow-eyed penguins. The scientists concluded that these very old bones 5. have belonged to a previously unknown species, which they named the Waitaha penguin.

By studying the bones, scientists further concluded that the Waitaha penguin was once native 6. New Zealand. But after the settlement of humans on the island country, its population 7. (wipe) out.

Based on the ages of the bones of both penguin species, the team discovered a gap in time between the disappearance of the Waitaha and the arrival of the yellow-eyed penguin. The time gap indicates that the extinction of the Waitaha penguin created the opportunity for the yellow-eyed penguin population 8. (migrate) to New Zealand.

9. yellow-eyed penguins thrived (兴盛) in New Zealand for many years, that species now also faces extinction. The yellow-eyed penguin today is considered one of the world’s 10. (rare) species of penguin, with an estimated population of 7,000 that is now the focus of an extensive conservation effort in New Zealand.




At the back of King's College there is a memorial stone of white marble to honor the Chinese poet Xu Zhimo. 1.moveto the UK in 1921 , Xu Zhimo spent a year studying at King's College where he 2.fallin love not only with the romantic poetry of English poets like John Keats, but also with Cambridge 3.it.

His poem, Taking Leave of Cambridge Again, 4. is considered to be his 5.famousone, is now a compulsory text on Chinese literature, 6.learnby millions of school children across our country every year. The poem 7.vividpaints a portrait of King's College and the River Cam, and serves 8. a reminder of Xu Zhimo's fondness for his time in Cambridge.

While the poem had been set to music many times before the English composer John Rutter, one of the mainstream classical 9.musician, was invited by King's College to make the first musical setting of the text. The new piece, written and recorded in celebration of the near 100-year link between King's College 10. Xu Zhimo, has been released(发行)on a new album on the King's College Record Label.



    Earlier this year, artist Malik was about to post a selfie(自拍)from the Brooklyn Bridge when he had second thoughts. He wanted to share something different with his friends and the world.

Malik thought social media(大众传播媒介)had become impersonal and he wanted to connect with people in a more meaningful way. Therefore, the Reading Project was born. He began leaving piles of his books in famous New York City locations with a card containing simple instructions put inside each one: take a book, read it and share your thoughts with the artist by email.

The piles of books themselves can be seen as works of art, and so is the process of sharing. Unlike many of the things we share today, he likes to keep the project off social media. To keep the project pure, he doesn't even turn around as he walks away once he has left a pile of hooks. When he has left them behind, he prefers emails to be the only way that he learns what happens to them. The project has now taken him — and his books — all over the world, including London where we recently caught up with him.

"I hope people pick them up and I also hope they read them and let me know. And even if they don't let me know, I just hope they read the books,'' Malik said.

He has received thousands of messages from people in more than 30 countries all over the world. For Malik, books are meaningless and lifeless if they gather dust on a shelf and are never read again. He plans to carry on with the project for some time, with a visit to Brazil next on his agenda(日程表)and then decides whether he will continue it or not.

Most of all, he loves the connection the books give him to strangers across the world, something other posts could never achieve.

1.What hit Malik when he wanted to post a selfie?

A.His selfie wouldn't become very attractive.

B.Social media made people close to each other.

C.His thoughts should be shared with more people.

D.A new way could be used to connect with the world.

2.Why does Malik prefer others to connect with him by email?

A.He wants to keep the project secret.

B.It is a quick way to know what happens.

C.He doesn't want to be bothered by social media.

D.He thinks people needn't know the process of sharing.

3.What does Malik expect people to do about his books?

A.People will share his books with social media.

B.People will pick them up and read them.

C.People will share his books with others.

D.People will help him store the books.

4.What can we infer about Malik's project from the passage?

A.It won't last long for a lack of books.

B.It was first started on the Brooklyn Bridge.

C.It has destroyed the relation among strangers.

D.It has proved to be effective to connect with others.



    Thomas Dambo, an artist from Denmark, is using his sculpting(雕刻)skills to help thousands of urban birds worldwide. _______ by the belief that humans should live _______ with other species, he uses reused wood to build houses for birds wherever he goes. Over the last seven years he has made more than 3,500 birdhouses.

Dambo's birdhouses are creative and _______, combining(结合)wonderful design with reused wood and other junk materials that he _______ collects. Through his _______, he wants to show that everyone can create something beautiful from trash, and he also hopes to _______ others to waste less of the world's resources.

Dambo describes his own _______ as colorful, positive, childish, and fun. He also makes birdhouses that easily _______ city environment, so birds can feel _______ in them. Some of his past projects ________ a collection of birdhouses made from ________ skateboards. He also sculpted 600 birdhouses for a festival, and later gave them away to people after the activity, only ________ that they hang them up and send him pictures.

Dambo is working with a large Danish company on a project that uses their waste wood for large birdhouse ________ In this way, he hopes to ________ more people and just teach more people about recycling and the ________ of protecting the world. He dreams of having a big recycle plant next to his workshop someday, so people could just bring him their ________ to work with.

________ birdhouses, Dambo has built several other structures from recycled wood, but his main ________ now is creating abundant housing structures for birds. People always ________ whether birds use the houses. Dambo tells them the fact that birds will move into the houses if there are birds in the area. Dambo is so ________ about birdhouses that he's also built a large red one for himself!

1.A.Directed B.Moved C.Driven D.Attracted

2.A.peacefully B.separately C.naturally D.thankfully

3.A.strange B.unique C.alive D.perfect

4.A.immediately B.rarely C.simply D.frequently

5.A.ideas B.aims C.projects D.views

6.A.encourage B.warn C.allow D.imitate

7.A.actions B.inventions C.creations D.experiences

8.A.meet with B.fit into C.come across D.put up

9.A.delightful B.free C.warm D.safe

10.A.adopt B.prove C.include D.cover

11.A.different B.unusual C.broken D.new

12.A.requiring B.persuading C.advising D.promising

13.A.purchase B.trade C.production D.description

14.A.force B.impress C.observe D.influence

15.A.risks B.benefits C.chances D.methods

16.A.hope B.family C.trash D.clothes

17.A.As for B.Other than C.Instead of D.Apart from

18.A.enjoyment B.focus C.purpose D.source

19.A.believe B.suggest C.wonder D.guess

20.A.crazy B.curious C.certain D.serious




1. 你以前从未去过北京,请他当向导,带你参观长城,颐和园和其它名胜古迹,购物,品尝风味小吃。

2. 想住在他家里,以便聊聊彼此的生活和学习;

3. 问候他的父母。

注意:1. 词数 100左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数

2. 颐和园 the Summer Palace 纪念品 souvenir

Dear Li Hong,

I haven’t heard from you for a long time.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________

Yours ,

Li Hua



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