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Intelligence makes for better leaders —f...

    Intelligence makes for better leaders —from undergraduates to managers to presidents — according to multiple studies. It certainly makes sense that handling a market shift or anything alike require intelligence. But new research on leadership suggests that, at a certain point, having a higher IQ stops helping and starts hurting.

Although previous research has shown that groups with smarter leaders perform better by objective measures, some studies have suggested that followers might subjectively view leaders with extremely high intellect as less effective. Decades ago, Dean Simonton, a psychologist from the University of California, Davis, proposed that brilliant leaders' words may simply go over people's heads, their solutions could be more complicated to carry out and followers might find it harder to relate to them. Now Simonton and two colleagues have finally tested that idea, publishing their results in the July 2017 issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology.

The researchers looked at 379 male and female business leaders in 30 countries across fields including banking, retail and technology. The managers took IQ tests and each was rated on leadership style and effectiveness by an average of eight co-workers. IQ positively correlated (和......正相关)with ratings of leader effectiveness, strategy formation, vision and several other characteristics—up to a point. The ratings peaked at an IQ of around 120, which is higher than roughly 80 percent of office workers. Beyond that, the ratings declined. The researchers suggest the "ideal" IQ could be higher or lower in various fields, to 140 or 100, depending on whether technical or social skills are more valued in a given work culture.

"It's an interesting and thoughtful paper,” says Paul Sackett, a management professor at University of Minnesota, who was not involved in the research. “To me, the right interpretation of the work would be that it highlights a need to understand what high-IQ leaders do that leads to lower understanding by followers,” he says. “The wrong interpretation would be, “Don’t hire high-IQ leaders.'"

The study’s lead author, John Antonakis, a psychologist at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, suggests leaders should use their intelligence to use creative language that will persuade and inspire others—the way former U.S. President Barack Obama did. "I think the only way a smart person can signal their intelligence properly and still connect with the people,”  Antonakis says, "is to speak in charming ways."

1.The reason why those with high IQs are viewed as worse leaders is probably that .

A.followers think of their leaders to be less effective

B.their IQ has a positive correlation with leader effectiveness

C.they are hard to get their schemes across to followers

D.their social skills can't be recognized in some work culture

2.Which of the following graphs shows the correct relationship between IQ points and leadership qualities?

A. B.

C. D.

3.To improve their leadership, high-IQ leaders can.

A.interpret the work they are involved in

B.use inspiring and accessible language

C.take a course in leader effectiveness

D.communicate more with their followers

4.What could be the best title for the passage?

A.A way to success for high-IQ leaders

B.The latest research on intelligence

C.Choose to be a leader of low intelligence

D.Does a high IQ advance your leadership


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要探讨的是高智商的领导和其领导力的关系。文章开头提出高智商对领导力有害,紧接着举例一些相关研究者做过的实验,阐述其观点和结论,说明了其背后的原因。指出高智商领导者应该用他们的智慧来使用创造性的语言,从而说服和激励他人,提高自身领导能力。 1.细节理解题。根据文章第二段中Decades ago Dean Simonton, a psychologist at the University of California, Davis, proposed that brilliant leaders' words may simply go over people's heads, their solutions could be more complicated to implement and followers might find it harder to relate to them. (几十年前,加州大学戴维斯分校的心理学家Dean Simonton提出,杰出领导者的话可能会被人们忽视,他们的解决方案可能实施起来更加复杂,追随者可能会发现很难与他们产生共鸣)可知高智商的人被认为是糟糕的领导者的原因可能是他们很难让追随者理解他们的计划。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段中IQ positively correlated with ratings of leader effectiveness, strategy formation, vision and several other characteristics—up to a point. The ratings peaked at an IQ of around 120, which is higher than roughly 80 percent of office workers. Beyond that, the ratings declined. (在一定程度上,智商与领导者的效率、战略形成、远见和其他几个特征的评分呈正相关。这些人的智商最高时约为120,比80%的上班族都要高。超过120,评分下降。)可知,智商与领导效能的关系为当智商评分小于120时,二者成正相关,当智商评分大于120时,二者成负相关。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中a psychologist at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, suggests leaders should use their intelligence to use creative language that will persuade and inspire others(瑞士洛桑大学的一位心理学家建议,领导者应该运用自己的聪明才智,使用创造性的语言来说服和激励他人)以及 ... the only way a smart person can signal their intelligence appropriately and still connect with the people is to speak in appealing ways(一个聪明的人能够恰当地表达他们的智慧并与人们保持联系的唯一方法就是用吸引人的方式说话) 可知高智商的领导者可以使用鼓舞人心和吸引人的语言来提高他们的领导力。故选B。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句But new research on leadership suggests that, at a certain point, having a higher IQ stops helping and starts hurting.(但一项关于领导力的新研究表明,在某种程度上,高智商不再有益,反而有害)以及文章主要内容围绕着探讨高智商的领导和其领导力的关系,可知D选项“高智商能提升你的领导能力吗”符合文章标题。故选D。

    Some people always seem to have sunny outlooks, while others never stop complaining. Naturally, scientists have asked why

In a study, University of Minnesota researchers David Lykken and Auke Tellegen analysed well-being questionnaires answered by 254 twins over a 10-year period. They found that identical twins' (同卵双胞胎)happiness was much closely paired over time than that of fraternal twins (异卵 双胞胎).In a smaller sample of twins separated in infancy (婴儿期)and raised apart—removing the influence of a shared environment—the effect was slightly more pronounced. The authors went on to calculate that about 50 per cent of happiness genetic. The scientific community is still arguing about the exact number; but the basic finding is widely accepted.

If a large part of happiness is genetic, does that mean the rest can be acquired by upgrading your job, your house or where you live?

Decades of research support the theory of hedonic adaptation (享乐适应),sometimes called "happiness treadmill (快乐水车理论)"after negative and positive life changes, individuals tend to return to a baseline level of well-being. One study examined 3,658 Germans who moved into new houses because they were frustrated with their old ones. Housing satisfaction generally rose in the first year and then began falling, though remained higher than before the move. But life satisfaction remained unchanged. Other studies have found that spikes in well-being after marriage, or a job promotion tend to fade within months. On the flip side, even after calamitous changes like widowhood, disability, and job loss, happiness usually trend upward again although slowly and with more variability.

In other words, chasing material life changes doesn’t offer much joy. Does that mean happiness is out of our control? Not at all, says Sonja Lyubomirsky, a psychology professor at the University of California, Riverside and the author of The Myths of Happiness. After conducting a review of 51 "happiness interventions"—including writing letters of gratitude, counting one's blessings and practicing random acts of kindness—Lyubomirsky and her co-author, Nancy L. Sin, found that these simple activities had a significance effect on well-being. In addition, enjoying positive experiences tended to increase appreciation of them.

"Happiness is not something where you either have it or you don't. You definitely can do something about it," says Lyubomirsky.

1.What does the theory of Hedonic adaptation refer to?

A.A person's happiness grows over time.

B.A person, tend to be happier when positive changes occur.

C.A person tends to be less happy when negative changes occur.

D.A person's long term happiness is not significantly affected by any event.

2.What does the underlined word “calamitous” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.significant. B.disastrous

C.gradual. D.constant

3.Which of the following may Soja Lyubomirsky agree with?

A.He who makes others happy is truly happy.

B.Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbors.

C.Man is the master of his happiness.

D.Joys shared with others are more enjoyed.



The 9th China International Garden Expo

May 18—November 18 Beijing


Green-Fingered Beijing Garden Expo Opens to Public

International Garden Expo Opens in Beijing

13,000 Volunteers Prepare for Beijing Garden Expo

Beijing Garden Expo Encourages Family Gardening

Cover stories

Land Rehab

Beijing Garden Expo presents a combination of traditional beauty and enlightened urban development

African Pavilions Open for Business

Beijing Garden Expo's International Exhibition Area still developing Impetus for Development

For your information

Opening time: 8:00 a.m. ― 9:30 p.m.

Location: Beijing Garden Expo Park, Fengtai District

Ticket price: 100 yuan ($16) on normal days; 150 yuan ($24) on 16 designated days


Subway: Garden Expo Park Station on Line 14

Shuttle bus: Start from Beijing West Railway Station and Beijing South Railway Station

Bus: Line310, 843,327,385

Beijing Garden Expo in photos

Garden Valley Formerly a 30-meter-deep large sand pit covering 20 hectares of land area, in the Garden Expo Park on the western bank of the Yongding River in Beijing's Fengtai District (CHINANEWS.COM)

Ginkgo Avenue in the Garden Expo Park (CHINANEWS.COM)

European-Style Garden (SHI GANG)

Beijing Park (XINHUA) Hong Kong Garden (CHINANEWS.COM)

Taiwan Garden (CRI)

Harbin Park

It features the white Russian-style church, one of the core landscapes in the parkCHINADAILY Hefei Park

Four stone lions around the memorial arch represent majesty and decency. The vivid stone lotus carved on the arch stands for incorruptibility, which corresponds with the design concept of the park CHINA DAILY

Related reports

2011 International Horticultural Exposition 2010 Shanghai World Expo Beijing in Pictures

1.Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Visitors can take subway Line 14 starting from Beijing West Railway Station.

B.The two photos of Ginkgo Avenue and Harbin Park come from the same source.

C.A family of three will pay 300 yuan to visit the Garden Expo on any day.

D.Visitors can appreciate the beauty of the stone lotus in Hefei Park at the Expo.

2.What is the purpose of this passage?

A.To introduce volunteers to the Garden Expo. '

B.To offer information about the Garden Expo.

C.To promote the gardening industry in China.

D.To attract more visitors to the Garden Expo.



    On the last day of college before graduation, our professor walked up on stage to give us a final lesson, which she called "a life lesson on the ____ of mindsets (思维模式)As she _____ a glass of water over her head, everyone __ her to mention the typical "glass half empty or glass half full" question. _____ with a smile on her face, the professor asked, "How heavy is this glass of water I'm holding?"

Students shouted out answers __ from eight ounces (盎司)to a couple pounds.

After a few moments of __ answers, she replied, “In my opinion, the absolute weight of this glass doesn't _____ . It all __ how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, it's ___ light. If I hold it for an hour ___, my arm might feel painful. If I hold it for the whole day, my arm will feel completely numb, __ me to drop the glass to the floor. In each ___/the weight of the glass doesn't change, __ the longer I hold it, the heavier it _____ to me."

As the class nodded their heads in ______, she continued, "Your worries, ________ and

stressful thoughts are like this glass of water. Think about them for a while and _____ happens. Think about them a bit longer and you begin to feel ______ . Think about them all day long, and you will feel completely numb, ______ to do anything else until you  ______  them.”

1.A.origin B.trend C.standard D.power

2.A.picked B.laid C.raised D.pulled

3.A.urged B.begged C.expected D.advised

4.A.Instead B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Anyway

5.A.coming B.ranging C.transforming D.judging

6.A.various B.visible C.quick D.short

7.A.concern B.matter C.care D.mean

8.A.refers to B.results in C.depends on D.mixes with

9.A.fairly B.exactly C.theoretically D.merely

10.A.only B.again C.later D.straight

11.A.permitting B.forcing C.encouraging D.reminding

12.A.section B.problem C.case D.field

13.A.so B.or C.for D.but

14.A.remains B.feels C.proves D.looks

15.A.agreement B.relief C.fear D.shock

16.A.happiness B.disappointment C.curiousness D.engagement

17.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

18.A.pain B.terror C.sorrow D.doubt

19.A.unwilling B.unable C.unwise D.unlucky

20.A.destroy B.hide C.drop D.accept



Paying too much attention to the details, Yuke is _____.

A.out of the woods B.as free as a bird

C.not able to see the forest for the trees D.salt of the earth



If we had paid enough attention to the issue of the heavily-overloaded vehicles, the tragedy of the collapse of an overpass in Wuxi _____ avoided.

A.should B.could be C.should have been D.could have been



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