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Can you imagine being able to remember e...

    Can you imagine being able to remember every single experience of your life and every word in your favorite book? That’s___ Becky’s life is like.

Three years ago, Becky was reading a  newspaper  article  which mentioned that it was_____ for people to _______  the details of their  life in the first three years. “What __________!”  she thought,  because  she could____ remember her life all the way back to when she was just 12 days old. Her parents had  carried her to the driver’s seat of their car and___ her down for a photo.

But it wasn’t nonsense. She was just one of only 80 known people_____ a  mysterious condition  called HSAM. Becky’s unusual_____ was  shown  on  a program called 60  Minutes, where  reporter  Allison _______  her ability by asking her about her favorite book series, Harry Potter. Allison would pick up a ______ and open a page and read her a line. _______ Becky would name the book, chapter number, chapter name and could recite every word___ Allison told her to stop.

Being able to remember every little ______  is great, but  as every HSAM sufferer will tell  you,  it’s also_____ to deal with it. We  always ______ things to get over sad experiences in our lives, but it’s   something that people like Becky can’t do. Even walking on the street and lightly______ somebody can bring back ________  memories from Becky’s childhood. Also, like Becky, people with HSAM _________  do well in school, because they have problems picking up the important information from what they’ve learnt. Becky’s great brain could help scientists find a___ for terrible mental illnesses like Alzheimer. Her condition could hold the secret to treating or even___ Alzheimer.

1.A.what B.which C.that D.where

2.A.possible B.impossible C.necessary D.important

3.A.forget B.think C.imagine D.remember

4.A.fun B.interest C.meaning D.nonsense

5.A.clearly B.naturally C.hardly D.surprisingly

6.A.knocked B.placed C.lay D.pulled

7.A.going through B.getting over C.suffering from D.bringing back

8.A.thing B.matter C.problem D.case

9.A.tested B.recognized C.knew D.proved

10.A.film B.book C.magazine D.chapter

11.A.Probably B.Slowly C.Immediately D.Gradually

12.A.when B.if C.unless D.until

13.A.detail B.information C.message D.moment

14.A.fresh B.great C.tough D.easy

15.A.reject B.forget C.mention D.discover

16.A.knocking at B.talking with C.knocking into D.coming across

17.A.happy B.wonderful C.rapid D.bad

18.A.never B.ever C.always D.often

19.A.way B.cure C.solution D.suggestion

20.A.suspending B.researching C.preventing D.studying


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了拥有超忆症的Becky的生活,她能够记住每一个细节,但能记住每一个细节也会让她的生活非常困扰,会让她回忆很多不好的事情。但超忆症可以帮助科学家找到治疗阿尔兹海默症的一些方法。 1.考查连接代词。句意:这就是Becky生活的样子。分析句子可知,is后接表语从句,表语从句中缺少宾语成分,因此需使用what做like的宾语, A. what什么,B. which哪一个,C. that那个,D. where哪里。故选A。 2.考查形容词。句意:三年前,Becky在读报纸时看到在人们很难记住自己三岁前的所有细节。A. possible有可能的,B. impossible不可能的,C. necessary有必要的,D. important重要的。根据后文可知,Becky认为报纸在乱说,因为她自己就可以清楚的记得她三岁前的每一件事,而对于大多数人来讲是不可能记住的。B项符合文意,故选B。 3.考查动词。句意:三年前,Becky在读报纸时看到在人们很难记住自己三岁前的所有细节。A. forget忘记,B. think认为、想,C. imagine想象,D. remember记住。根据后文可知,Becky自己就可以清楚的记得她三岁前的每一件事。D项符合文意,故选D。 4.考查形容词。句意:真是胡说!A. fun搞笑的,B. interest 有趣的,C. meaning有意义的,D. nonsense荒谬的。根据后文可知,Becky自己就可以清楚的记得她三岁前的每一件事,说明Becky认为报纸在胡乱报道。且第三段第一句“But it wasn’t nonsense”有相应的提示,D项符合文意,故选D。 5.考查副词。句意:因为她可以清楚地记得她从12天大到现在所有的事情。 A. clearly清楚地,B. naturally自然地,C. hardly几乎不,D. surprisingly惊讶地。Becky看到报纸说人们很难记得自己三岁前的事,第二段最后一句提到“Her parents had carried her to the driver’s seat …her down for a photo”Becky还记得她的父母带她照的照片这一些细节的事情,说明她记得很清楚。A项符合文意。故选A。 6.考查动词。句意:她的父母把她带到驾驶位并把她放下照了一张照片。A. knocked敲击、敲打,B. placed放置,C. lay躺,D. pulled拉。根据句意,应该是将她放在座位上,place down意为“放下…”,B项符合文意,故选B。 7.考查动词短语。句意:她只是80名已知患有一种叫做HSAM神秘疾病的人之一。A. going through通过、忍受,B. getting over恢复、克服、原谅,C. suffering from忍受、遭受,D. bringing back使回忆起来、使恢复。根据第四段提到,Becky无法忘记生活中让她觉得难受的事,这对于她而言就是一种折磨。C项符合文意,故选C。 8.考查名词。句意:Becky这一不寻常的案例在一个叫做60分钟的节目中展示出来了。A. thing事情,B. matter问题,C. problem难题,D. case案例。第三段第二句提到,像Becky这样的情况只有80例,并且可以根据她这样的情况来研究阿尔兹海默症,D项符合文意。故选D。 9.考查动词。句意:主持人Allison 通过询问她最喜欢的哈利波特来测试她的能力。9. A. tested测试,B. recognized认识,C. knew认识,D. proved证明。该段提到Allison随便选择了一本书并给Becky随便读一句话,由此可见Allison也不相信Becky的能力,需要通过这样的方式来测试真假。A项符合文意。故选A。 10.考查名词。句意:Allison随便选了一本书,随便打开一页,随便读了一句话给她。A. film电影,B. book书,C. magazine杂志,D. chapter章节。根据前文可知,Harry Potter是系列小说,因此是随便选择了一本书,B项符合文意,故选B。 11.考查副词。句意:Becky立刻就能说出是哪一本书、章节数、章节名称,并且可以重复出每一个词,直到Allison叫她停下来。A. Probably很有可能地,B. Slowly缓慢地,C. Immediately立刻地,D. Gradually逐渐地。根据文章可知,Becky有着超强的记忆力,因此可以快速地复述出来。C项符合文意,故选C。 12.考查连词。句意:Becky立刻就能说出是哪一本书、章节数、章节名称,并且可以重复出每一个词,直到Allison叫她停下来。A. when当…时,B. if如果,C. unless除非,D. until直到…才。分析句子可知,句子(主句)的谓语动词是延续性动词(即动作可以延续一段时间的动词),表示动作一直延续到until所表示的时间为止。这时until可意为“直到……为止”。故选D。 13.考查名词。句意:能记住每一个小细节是非常好的。句意:A. detail细节,B. information信息,C. message短信,D. moment时刻。根据第四段“Even walking on the street and lightly…memories from Becky’s childhood.”可知,Becky走在街上随便看到一个人都能让她想起小时候的回忆,说明细节能让人产生回忆。A项符合文意。故选A。 14.考查形容词。句意:能记住每一个小细节是非常好的,但对于HSAM患者而言,面对这种问题是非常困扰的。A. fresh新鲜的,B. great好的,C. tough艰难的,D. easy简单的。分析文章可知,but是具有转折含义的连词,因此需选择与great意思相反的形容词。同时根据第四段“Even walking on the street and lightly…memories from Becky’s childhood.”可知,Becky走在街上随便看到一个人都能让她想起小时候的回忆,这对于Becky而言是非常痛苦的,而且Becky无法忘记让她难过的回忆。C项符合文意,故选C。 15.考查动词。句意:我们通常会通过遗忘来熬过生命中难过的经历。A. reject拒绝,B. forget遗忘,C. mention提到,D. discover发现。该段提到“but it’s something that people like Becky can’t do”像Becky这样的人是无法做到的,因为Becky能够记得她生命中的每一件事,说明她无法忘记,B项符合文意。故选B。 16.考查动词词组。句意:即使走在大街上,轻轻地撞到某人都会唤起Becky童年时不好的记忆。A. knocking at敲门,B. talking with和…交谈,C. knocking into 撞上,D. coming across偶遇。在街上走很有可能撞到别人,C项符合文意,故选C。 17.考查形容词。句意:即使走在大街上,轻轻地撞到某人都会唤起Becky童年时不好的记忆。A. happy高兴的,B. wonderful精彩的,C. rapid迅速的,D. bad不好的。第四段提到Becky患有HSAM的Becky能记住每一个小细节,而且她不能通过遗忘来摆脱伤心的记忆,这对于她是非常痛苦的。D项符合文意,故选D。 18.考查副词。句意:此外,像Becky一样的HSAM患者在学校的表现也不好,因为他们很难提取学习重点。A. never从不,B. ever曾经,C. always总是,D. often经常。分析句子可知,because引导原因状语,解释说明了HSAM患者在学校表现不好的原因,A项符合文意,故选A。 19.考查名词。句意:Becky强大的大脑可以帮助科学家发现阿尔兹海默症等精神疾病的治疗方法。A. way方式,B. cure治疗方法,C. solution方式,D. suggestion建议。分析句子可知,阿尔兹海默症的症状是记忆力衰退,科学家正好可以通过Becky的案例找出治疗方法。B项符合文意,故选B。 20.考查动词。句意:她的情况可能掌握治疗或预防阿尔兹海默症的秘密。A. suspending暂停,B. researching研究,C. preventing防止,D. studying学习。分析文章可知,Becky的情况可以帮助科学家对阿尔兹海默症进行研究,只要研究出解决方法就可以阻止患上阿尔兹海默症。C项符合文意。故选C。

How to keep screens from ruining your vision

Laboratory studies  have shown that prolonged exposure  to high-intensity blue light damages retinal (视网膜的) cells in mice. But epidemiological (流行病学的) studies on real people tell a different story.

So,1.Human eyes are different from rodent (啮齿动物) eyes. We have protective elements, such as macular pigments and the natural blue-blocking ability of the crystalline lens (晶状体).2. Just because blue light isn’t harming your retina doesn’t mean your electronic devices are harmless. Because of its wavelength, blue light does disrupt healthy sleep physiology. Mounting evidence suggests that3.It  also robs  you of restorative  rapid-eye-movement  sleep,  dulls  focus,  and diminishes brain activity the next day.

4. First, turn off your  electronic devices before bed. Outside of the bedroom, when you do   look at your screens, lower the brightness. Second, follow the “20-20-20” rule. The American Optometric Association defines this rule as taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet in the  distance. This will allow your eyes to blink and relax. Third,5. This way will reinforce the    body’s natural tears and keep the eye’s surface hydrated.

A. why does it damage our human retinal cells?

B. These structures absorb blue light before it reaches the delicate retina.

C. why is there difference between blue light’s effects on rodent eyes and human eyes?

D. screen time before bed increases the time it takes to fall asleep.

E. There are ways to make your screen viewing more comfortable and more conducive to sleep.

F. use lubricating eye drops before extended computer use.

G. we should decrease screen time before bed.



    Heart disease is one of the major killers in the world today. Many who suffer from it must have heart transplants. However, it’s difficult to get a suitable heart donation, and even if a patient survives the wait, his or her body often rejects the heart.

But there is now new hope for sufferers of heart disease. According to a study published in the journal Advanced Science, researchers from Israel’s Tel Aviv University printed a 3D human heart on April 15.

“This is the first time anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart,” professor Tal Dvir told CNN. Unlike the previous 3D-printed heart structure, the new heart is complete with cells, blood vessels, chambers and other structures a heart needs to function normally. But scientists still have more to figure out before the 3D-printed heart can be fitted into the body. For one thing, the experimental heart is only the size of a thumb. And, although it can contract like a muscle, it cannot pump out blood like a real one. At present, the heart prototype is like a tiny airplane that has all of the right parts, but can’t fly.

However, the development is still regarded as a major breakthrough in medicine.

In the experiment, the researchers turned human fat tissue into human heart tissue with stem cell technology. The tissue was then turned into “bio-ink” for a 3D printer to ensure that tissue in the heart came from the patients themselves. So ideally, if it were to be placed in the body of someone in need of a transplant, there would be less risk of organ rejection. “Patients will no longer have to wait for transplants or take medications to prevent their rejection,” researchers told USA Today. “Instead, the needed heart  will be printed, fully personalized for every patient.”

But the scientists think that 3D printing can be used to create other human organs. They foresee a time when the 3D printing of organs will be an everyday medical practice. “Maybe, in 10 years, there will be organ printers in the finest hospitals around the world and these procedures will be conducted routinely,” Dvir said.

1.Why do scientists have to do further research before fitting the 3D-printed heart into the body?

A.Because the heart is incomplete.

B.Because the heart can’t pump out blood.

C.Because the heart is an airplane that can’t fly.

D.Because the heart can’t contract like a muscle.

2.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A.The needed heart will be printed to meet every patient’s need.

B.The 3D printing of organs will be an unusual medical practice.

C.Dvir has a negative attitude towards the future of organ printers.

D.Patients will need medicines to stop their rejection for their heart transplant.

3.What can serve as the best title for the passage?

A.Organ printers in the hospitals.

B.How to get a suitable heart donation.

C.Heart disease: one of the major killers.

D.A 3D-printed heart: new hope for heart disease sufferers.



    From Mozart to Metallica, tons of people enjoy listening to various types of music while they paint, write, or draw. Many believe that music helps boost creativity, but an international study conducted by English and Swedish researchers is challenging that belief. Their findings indicate music actually stymies creativity.

To come to their conclusions, researchers had participants complete verbal insight problems designed to inspire creativity while sitting in a quiet room, and then again while music played in the background. They found that background music “significantly damaged” the participants’ ability to complete tasks associated with verbal creativity. The research team also tested background noises such as those commonly heard in a library, but found that such noises had no impact on subjects’ creativity. The tasks were simple word games. For example, participants were given three words, such as dress, dial, and flower. Then, they were asked to find a single word associated with all three that could be combined to form a common phrase or word. The single word, in this case, would be “sun” (sundress, sunflower, etc). Participants completed the tasks in either a quiet room, or while exposed to three different types of music; music with unfamiliar lyrics, instrumental music, or music with familiar lyrics.

“We found strong evidence of damaged performance when playing background music in comparison to quiet background conditions,” says co-author Dr. Neil McLatchie of Lancaster University.

Dr. McLatchie and his colleagues theorize that music interferes with the verbal working memory processes of the brain, blocking creativity. Also, as far as the library background noises having seemingly no effect, the study’s authors believe that was the case because library noises create a “steady state” environment that doesn’t disrupt concentration. It’s worth mentioning that even familiar music with well known lyrics damaged participants’ creativity, regardless of whether or not it caused a positive reaction, or whether participants typically studied or created while listening to music.

“To conclude, the findings here challenge the popular view that music strengthens creativity, and instead demonstrate that music, regardless of the presence of semantic (语义的) content (no lyrics, familiar lyrics or unfamiliar lyrics), consistently disrupts creative performance in insight problem solving,” the study reads.

1.Why are Mozart and Metallica mentioned at the beginning?

A.To prove they are very creative. B.To introduce the topic of the text.

C.To show the importance of music. D.To offer some background information.

2.What does the underlined word “stymies” in the first paragraph probably mean?

A.Blocks. B.Boosts.

C.Inspires. D.Strengthens.

3.If the participants were given the words fire, place and book during the game, a proper answer could be  .

A.man B.store

C.work D.birth

4.What do we know about the study?

A.The tasks were very difficult for participants to finish.

B.All participants were exposed to two different types of music.

C.Music with famous lyrics didn’t harm participants’ creativity.

D.Library background noises hardly affected participants’ creativity.



    Back in 2012, Dylan Mayer was 19 years old. He was a few years into a new passion: scuba (水肺) diving. He says spending time under water is like visiting an alien planet full of strange creatures.

Dylan grew up in Maple Valley Washington, just outside of the liberal blue bubble of Seattle. Dylan learned young how to hunt and do farm work. On October 31, 2012, he decided to marry his love of scuba diving with his desire to be self-sufficient and harvest his own food. That gray morning, the goal was to pull a giant pacific octopus from its den, wrestle it to the surface and take it home for dinner.

He and a friend headed to the popular dive site at Cove 2 in West Seattle. With his bare hands, Dylan caught an 80-pound cephalopod (头足类动物). “The key is to stay calm. Once you start to panic, you’ll drown,” said Dylan, recalling his 45-minute hand-to-tentacle (触须) battle with the octopus.

But when he hauled it out of the water, people nearby didn’t look very happy. Dylan and his dive partner threw the octopus in the back of their truck and quickly left the scene.

Even though what Dylan did was perfectly legal and even though octopus is on restaurant menus all over the Northwest, the taking of this particular octopus touched a nerve. Adult members of the diving community that Dylan was so excited to be a part of not only roundly rejected him, but also threatened to kill him and his family. However, one diver from the Cove 2 community rose above the criticism to guide this young diver.

1.What did Dylan Mayer decide to do on October 31, 2012?

A.To get married. B.To grow his own food.

C.To support himself by diving. D.To pull a giant pacific octopus.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.Dylan went to Cove 2 alone.

B.Dylan spent 54 minutes catching the octopus.

C.Dylan attached great importance to keeping calm.

D.Dylan caught a cephalopod with some equipment.

3.What were people’s reactions to Dylan’s taking of the octopus?

A.Not all people liked it.

B.People nearby were very satisfied.

C.Adult members of the diving community were very excited.

D.Nobody liked it because they thought it was against the law.



Directions: Write an English composition in 100-120 words according to the instructions given below.

Angela wants to write a letter to a travel agency asking for help in arranging a one-week family trip to Shanghai. Help her write a letter to the travel agency.

Angela 给某旅行社写信,想要旅行社为其一家安排去上海进行为期一周的旅行。请帮她完成这封信,具体询问旅行的住宿,饮食以及景点的安排等。




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