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假定英语课上老师要求同桌修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错 误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






As more and more people choose bike-riding instead of drive, bike-sharing enjoys great popularity in China. It’s very convenient of you to use a mobike if you have a mobile phone. You just need to find the nearest mobike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, but enjoy your trip. Compared with other form of shared bikes, a mobike have many advantages. One obvious advantage is that you can find a mobike easy and never worry about where to park them. In word, bike-sharing benefits people a lot. It has become a new way of transportation, that reduces traffic jams and helps protect the environment as well as.


1.drive→driving 2.of→for 3.but→and 4.form→forms 5.have→has 6.easy→easily 7. them→it 8. 在word前面加a 9. that→which 10. 去掉最后一个as 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了共享单车的优点:使用方便而且还、减轻交通压力和环保。 第一处:考查非谓语动词。句意:随着越来越多的人选择骑自行车而不是开车。instead of“代替”是介词词组,此处应使用动名词。故drive改为driving。 第二处:考查介词。句意:如果你有手机,使用摩拜单车很方便。当介词前面形容词与人的性格品质有关时,使用介词of,除此之外都用for,convenient意为“方便的”与人的性格品质没有关系,故of改为for。 第三处:考查连词。句意:你只需要通过APP找到最近的摩拜单车,扫描自行车上的二维码,便享受你的旅程。这里enjoy your trip“享受你的旅程”与前面句子没有转折关系,是并列关系,故but改为and。 第四处:考查名词。句意:与其他形式的共享单车相比,摩拜单车有很多优势。这里指其他许多共享单车形式,可知应使用复数形式,故form改为forms。 第五处:考查主谓一致。句意:与其他形式的共享单车相比,摩拜单车有很多优势。主语a mobike是单数,谓语动词也用单数形式,句子描述的是客观事实,应使用一般现在时。故have改为has。 第六处:考查副词。句意:一个明显的优势是,你可以很容易地找到一个摩拜单车,从来不担心在哪里停车。修饰动词find“找到”,应用副词形式,故easy改为easily。 第七处:考查代词。句意:一个明显的优势是,你可以很容易地找到一个摩拜单车,从来不担心在哪里停车。句子里出现a mobike是单数,此处指代前面说的那台共享单车,应用单数,故them应改为it。 第八处:考查冠词。句意:总之,共享单车让人们受益匪浅。in a word“总之”是固定用法,故在word前加a。 第九处:考查定语从句。句意:共享单车已成为一种新的交通方式,减少了交通堵塞,并有助于保护环境。此处是非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中做主语,先行词是a new way of transportation,应使用关系代词which引导,故that改为which。 第十处:考查副词。句意:共享单车已成为一种新的交通方式,减少了交通堵塞,并有助于保护环境。as well as“既……又……”常用来连接两个并列的成分,as well =too也用在句末,故去掉最后的as。  


Organized by Beijing Normal University, an 1.importance forum (论坛)on the spirit of the Chinese women’s volleyball team was held on Saturday in Beijing. Around 500 people from different fields 2.attend the forum.

Professors and experts gave significant speeches, sharing their 3.opinion on the spirit of women’s volleyball and on 4. building of sports power. Lang Ping, chief coach of women’s volleyball team, also shared her views, 5.make all the audience deeply impressed.

Cheng Jianping, the Party chief of Beijing Normal University, said in his speech women’s volleyball has influenced people 6.great, and encouraged them 7.struggle for their aspirations (抱负).The spirit of women’s volleyball has not only showed patriotism (爱国主义)but also brought confidence and courage to people 8. are facing new challenges. So far, China 9.enter a new era (时代),and it should continue to carry forward this spirit. Meanwhile, this spirit should be closely linked 10. patriotism education, Cheng said.



    When I look back on my childhood, a mixture of happiness and sorrow floods over me. I have living memories of every past life story that has had deep _______ on my future view of life. Here is one such _______ story.

Shaking in my underwear (内衣)on the driveway, I watched the home quickly _______ to the ground. A moment ago I was sleeping _______ in my comfortable bed when a _______ woke me up. My grandma’s bedroom was just next to mine and my brother’s. A fire had _______ there and awakened her. Upon hearing her, my older brother began to take action. The house, however, was over 50 years old and made of _______ . Before we could do anything, the fire had _______ it.

I stood trembling with great _______ as the fire ruined my books, clothes, and toys. I watched ________while my mother cried and my father swore (咒骂). I wondered what would ________ ahead of us since everything was lost. However, as I looked around, I ________ something for the first time: What matters aren’t ________. I saw my older brother running across the ________ by our house to get help. I saw my oldest brother who ________ from an earlier accident standing painfully on one leg. I saw my parents gathering together and my grandma ________ our little dog in her arms. Everything that was ________ had survived the fire. Our lives would continue. And that was all that mattered.

The accident that night helps me learn the ________ we share actually means much more than materials. Live our life for the things that ________, not for the things we own. Let the ________ inside us make this world a warmer place.

1.A.impression B.challenge C.difference D.influence

2.A.classic B.lovely C.meaningful D.funny

3.A.pull B.burn C.run D.push

4.A.deeply B.badly C.terribly D.nervously

5.A.event B.notice C.scream D.song

6.A.broken in B.broken out C.broken up D.broken down

7.A.mud B.steel C.wood D.curtain

8.A.destroyed B.attacked C.spread D.injured

9.A.delight B.joy C.hope D.fear

10.A.hopefully B.excitedly C.helplessly D.happily

11.A.earn B.inform C.meet D.lie

12.A.dismissed B.realized C.desired D.approached

13.A.families B.surroundings C.things D.people

14.A.bridge B.pole C.tree D.rope

15.A.starved B.escaped C.recovered D.suffered

16.A.holding B.defending C.hitting D.beating

17.A.cheap B.important C.expensive D.native

18.A.pain B.worry C.wealth D.love

19.A.matter B.decide C.determine D.depend

20.A.heart B.fire C.spirits D.feelings



    Why do you run? Different people have different reasons. Whatever your reason, there’s one thing we can be sure of: Running is much better injury-free. In his book, Dr. Jordan Metzl’s Running Strong, Metzl has the perfect suggestions for enjoying your running without losing your well-being. Here are five must-follow rules for injury-free running:

1. Train for your level of fitness and your goals.

1. If you run for fitness and your goal is 30 minutes a day, that’s cool. But if you are just starting out, you need to get there slowly.

2. Wear the right shoes for your feet.

You will hear lots of opinions about whether running shoes really help prevent injury and whether you should even wear them. 2. And some of you may need a little added assistance from inserts (鞋垫).

3. 3..

Be honest about how much sleep you need and stick to it. The cool runner is the one who wins the race. Sleep will get you there.

4. Fuel (给提供能量) your body right for running and recovery.

4. And after workout or race, you need to deliver nutrients (营养物)to all the body rebuilders in your muscles, so they can do their job and get you back into perfect shape for your run tomorrow.

5. Pay attention to pain.

When pain changes the way you run, stop running. 5. And use dynamic rest (动态休息)to stay in shape until you are back on your running feet.

A. Try to find out what’s going on and treat it.

B. Get seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

C. Running should be seen as fun rather than pain.

D. Don’t run more miles than your body can deal with.

E. A good pre-run meal plan is one that keeps you stepping strong.

F. It is because of the health benefits, including lowering your risk for disease.

G. The right running shoes can help correct foot-movement problems that lead to injury.



    On Sunday, November 3, 2019, most North Americans will mark the end of Daylight Saving Time (DST) by moving their clocks back an hour. This simple action will not only add an extra 60 minutes to their weekend, but also shift (变换,变动) daylight back into the morning hours, making it a little less painful to wake up for school and work during the shorter winter days.

Operating the clocks was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin in 1784. He mentioned the idea in a letter to the editor of the Journal of Paris and advised it should be a way to save candles, but it was not taken seriously. George Hudson from New Zealand also recommended moving the clocks back two hours in 1895 to get extra daylight time to study insects. Unfortunately, neither he nor British people William Willett, who suggested it in 1907 as a way to save electricity costs, got their wish.

It was the German Empire that began the clock shifting tradition on April 30, 1916, to save fuel needed to produce weapons and bombs for World War I. Though a few others, including the US and Britain, adopted the tradition shortly after, all the countries returned to Standard Time once the war ended, only to start DST again during World War II. Once the battle ended in 1945, the US government ended DST nationally but allowed states and districts to continue the tradition and even allowed them to establish their own start and stop dates.

However, though there have been many attempts to persuade lawmakers to end DST, both in the US and Europe, they have not been successful. Therefore, unless you live in places like Hawaii and Arizona, you have little choice but to “Fall Back” and enjoy the extra hour this weekend! Health experts suggest the best way to adjust is going to bed at your regular time, even if the day is an hour longer.

1.Who first suggested operating the clocks?

A.William Willett in 1907. B.Benjamin Franklin in 1784.

C.George Hudson in 1895. D.The German Empire in 1916.

2.Why was the “DST” used by the German Empire?

A.To end the World War II earlier.

B.To give the states and districts freedom.

C.To meet the needs of the US and British people.

D.To save fuel needed to produce weapons and bombs.

3.Before the start of DST, when it is 7:30 a.m. in Beijing, it is 7:30 p.m. in Boston. If it is 11:30 a.m. in Beijing, what time will it be in Boston after using DST?

A.10:30 p.m. B.11:30 p.m.

C.12:30 p.m. D.9:30 p.m.

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.Attempts to end DST B.The Shorter Winter Days

C.End of DST this year D.Sunday’s Extra Time



    Parents do not owe (欠) their children a college education. If they can afford it, they can certainly send them to a good university. But they needn’t feel guilty if they can’t. When children grow up and want to get married, their parents do not owe them an apartment. They do not have the duty to look after their grandchildren, either. If they want to do it, it must be considered a favor, not an obligation.

Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.

One of their obligations is to give their children a personal worth. Children who are always made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly compared with brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will become so unsure, so afraid of failing that they won’t try at all. Of course they should be properly corrected when they do wrong, but it’s often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves in time. All their parents should do is to trust them, respect them, understand them and give them chances to try and fail. They must learn to stand failure. When criticisms (批评) are really needed, they should be balanced with a smile and a kiss. That is the way children learn.

Parents owe their children a set of solid values around which to build their lives. This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others; it means being respectful to elders, to teachers, and to the law. The best way to teach such values is by deed. A child who is lied to will lie. A child who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have difficulty laughing and loving.

No child asks to be born. If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something.

1.The author thinks parents ________.

A.should send their children to college

B.should support their children after they get married

C.need to buy an apartment for their children

D.needn’t feel guilty if they can’t send their children to universities

2.What does the underlined word “obligation” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Right. B.Promise.

C.Duty. D.Excuse.

3.According to the passage, what should parents do when children make mistakes?

A.Understand them and tell them not to do that again.

B.Let them learn the mistakes by themselves in time.

C.Compare them with brighter brothers or sisters.

D.Correct their mistakes immediately.

4.What does the author mainly talk about in this passage?

A.The duties of parents.

B.The best way to teach children.

C.The reason why children feel stupid and unworthy.

D.The reason why parents owe their children something.



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