满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Do you know how children in other countr...

    Do you know how children in other countries spend their schooldays and what kind of games they always play?

Children in Brazil


The school year runs from February to December. Children attend (上学) school for about four hours in the morning or the afternoon. About a quarter of children in Brazil do not attend school at all.


Football is the most popular sport. Brazil’s beautiful beaches also make swimming and volleyball popular.


Brazilian families are often large. Nearly a third of the population is under eighteen!


Children in France


The school day begins from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, with a two-hour lunch break. Schools close on Wednesday and Sunday, and are closed for a half day on Saturday.


Football, bicycling and tennis are favorite sports in France. In some areas, pelote, a traditional ball game, is also very popular.


Most French mothers work. The majority of preschool (幼儿园) children attend day care centres known as crèches.

France has laws about naming children and all names have to be chosen from an official list.


Children in Japan


Schools in Japan are very competitive (竞争的). Even pre-schoolers may attend “cramming (填鸭式教学的) schools” to prepare for exams. There is a summer break about six weeks, but the children have homework during this time.


Comic books have been popular in Japan since the 1700s. Comics now account for about 40% of all published materials in Japan. Kite flying is enjoyed by people of every age.


Homes in Japan are small on average. The typical family of four lives in five small rooms. Most fathers in Japan work long hours. As a result, some children only see their fathers on weekends or holidays.



1.What kind of sport is very popular in France?

Kite flying.    Bicycling.    Football.    Pelote.

A.②③④ B.①②③

C.①④ D.①②③④

2.What is a crèche in France?

A.Places with beautiful beaches.

B.The name of the place where French mothers work.

C.A day care centre for preschool children.

D.Cramming schools to improve children’s exam results.

3.In Japan, many children ________.

A.like to read comic books B.write their names on an official list

C.only see their fathers on weekdays D.do not attend school


1.A 2.C 3.A 【解析】 本文是说明文。你知道其他国家的孩子是怎样度过他们的学生时代的吗?他们经常玩什么游戏?文章从学校、娱乐和家庭三方面对巴西、法国、日本的孩子进行了介绍。 1.细节理解题。根据Children in France部分中的Football, bicycling and tennis are favorite sports in France. In some areas, pelote, a traditional ball game, is also very popular.(足球、自行车和网球是法国人最喜欢的运动。在一些地区,pelote,一种传统的球类运动也很受欢迎)可知,足球、自行车、网球和pelote在法国很受欢迎。故选A。 2.词义猜测题。根据Children in France部分中的Most French mothers work. The majority of preschool (幼儿园) children attend day care centres known as crèches.(大多数法国母亲都工作。大多数学龄前儿童参加被称之为crèches的日托中心)可知,crèche是学龄前儿童参加的日托中心的另一种称呼。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据Children in Japan部分中的Comic books have been popular in Japan since the 1700s. Comics now account for about 40% of all published materials in Japan.(漫画书从18世纪开始在日本流行起来。漫画现在占日本所有出版材料的40%)可知,漫画在日本的影响面很大。由此可推知,在日本,许多孩子应该也是喜欢看漫画书的。故选A。

假如你是红星中学高三学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,给校刊英语角写一篇英文稿件,以“A New-year Gift for Our Motherland”为题,介绍你和同学参加2020年元旦快闪活动全过程。


提示词:快闪flash mob





1. 你校开设中国画选修课程;

2. 上课时间和地点;

3. 工具和材料。



提示词: 选修课 optional course

Dear Jim,



Li Hua



Life Lessons

Life is not easy when you are pursuing something worthwhile and ready to learn from the best experiences. 1. Here are some life lessons which people will learn the hard way in majority of cases.

It takes consistent time and effort to be successful in any area. However, People usually get discouraged when it takes more time than they thought it would. At this time, people refer only to people who have already achieved what you want to be, which most people fail to do. Look at any successful person and you’ll notice one thing common in all of them. They took time to learn and mastered their skills like no one else. 2.

Be brave to take the road less travelled. In our whole life, we always want to follow the same path that everyone suggests, do the same things everyone does, take the same career path everyone takes, wear the same clothes everyone wears, and hang out with the same people we work with. 3. But when you get bored of life, you will realize that you are not meant to do what everyone does and that your destiny is different from anyone else’s out there in the world. But the price you pay to realize this is high because it takes a great amount of courage to follow your own path.

You don’t have to live your life in a way society wants you to. 4. Parents sometimes force their children to select a career they don’t want because other children have selected that career. Worst of all, people follow them without even asking. There is no harm in old rituals(惯例) and beliefs but when you pursue them before your interest, sooner or later you’ll realize that you should first do what you think is right.

5. However, if you are smart enough to learn early and wish not to waste your precious time learning them the hard way, learn them now and apply it to your life as soon as possible.

A. You have to break the rules sometimes.

B. After all, life lessons are always learned the hard way.

C. There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs.

D. The reason why we follow others is that we are scared to fail.

E. It always takes tests and then fails us to learn anything worthwhile.

F. The general rule goes that the harder you try, the greater results you get.

G. Many old beliefs are being performed these days and are followed blindly.



    Time talks. It speaks more plainly than words. Time communicates in many ways.

Consider the different parts of the day, for example. The time of the day when something is done can give a special meaning to the event. It is not customary to telephone someone every early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it is a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.

In social life, time plays a very important part. In the United States, guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But this is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.

The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings often arise between people from cultures that treat time differently. Promptness(准时) is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S., no one would think of keeping a business partner waiting for an hour; it would be too impolite. A person who is five minutes late is expected to make a short apology.

This way of treating time is quite different from that of several other cultures. This helps to explain the unfortunate experience of a certain agriculturist from the United States, assigned to duty in another country. After a long delay, the agriculturist was finally agreed an appointment with the Minister of Agriculture. Arriving a little before the appointed hour, the agriculturist waited. The hour came and passed. At this point he suggested to the secretary that perhaps the minister did not know he was waiting in the outer office. This gave him the feeling of having done something to solve the problem, but he had not. Twenty minutes passed, then thirty, then forty-five. To an American, that is the beginning of the “insult period”. No matter what is said in apology, there is little that can remove the damage done by an hour’s wait in an outer office. Yet in the country where this story took place, a forty-five-minute waiting period was not unusual.

In the West, particularly in the United States, people tend to think of time as something fixed in nature. As a rule, Americans think of time as a road stretching into the future, along which one progresses. The road has many sections, which are to be kept separate— “one thing at a time”. People who cannot plan events are not highly regarded. Thus, an American may feel angry when he has made an appointment with someone and then finds a lot of other things happening at the same time.

Since time has such different meanings in different cultures, communication is often difficult. We will understand each other a little better if we can keep this fact in mind.

1.According to the passage, an announcement broadcast during class must be very important  because ________

A.it is a customary time to make. B.it makes everyone surprised.

C.it requires immediate attention. D.it speaks more plainly than words.

2.The author mentions an agriculturist’s experience in order to show ________

A.the value of promptness for Americans.

B.the cultural differences in treating time.

C.the bad manners of the Minister of Agriculture.

D.the importance of time in different parts of the day.

3.The underlined word “insult” in Paragraph5 probably means ________

A.boring. B.patient.

C.shameful. D.hopeless.

4.We can learn from the passage that people will understand better if ________

A.they are concerned with the value of time.

B.they know how to communicate with each other.

C.they escape dealing with many things at one appointed time.

D.they keep in mind that different cultures treat time differently.



    A few weeks ago, I called an Uber to take me to the Boston airport for a flight home for the holidays. As I slid into the back seat of the car, the warm intonations(语调) of the driver’s accent washed over me in a familiar way.

I learned that he was a recent West African immigrant with a few young children, working hard to provide for his family. I could relate: I am the daughter of two Ethiopian immigrants who made their share of sacrifices to ensure my success. I told him I was on a college break and headed home to visit my parents. That’s how he found out I went to Harvard. An approving eye glinted at me in the rearview window, and quickly, we crossed the boundaries of rider and driver. I became his daughter, all grown up—the product of his sacrifice.

And then came the fateful question: “What do you study?” I answered “history and literature” and the pride in his voice faded, as I knew it might. I didn’t even get to add “and African-American studies” before he cut in, his voice thick with disappointment, “All that work to get into Harvard, and you study history?”

Here I was, his daughter, wasting the biggest opportunity of her life. He went on to deliver the age-old lecture that all immigrant kids know. We are to become doctors (or lawyers, if our parents are being generous)—to make money and send money back home. The unspoken demand, made across generations, which my Uber driver laid out plainly, is simple: Fulfill your role in the narrative(故事) of upward mobility so your children can do the same.

I used to feel anxious and backed into a corner by the questioning, but now as a junior in college, I’m grateful for their support more than anything. This holiday season, I’ve promised myself I won’t get annoyed at their inquiries. I won’t defensively respond with “but I plan to go to law school!” when I get unrequested advice. I’ll just smile and nod, and enjoy the warmth of the occasion.

1.Why did the author feel warm at the driver’s accent?

A.The driver took her to the Boston airport.

B.The author became the driver’s daughter.

C.The driver worked hard to provide for his family.

D.The author’s parents were also African immigrants.

2.What disappointed the driver

A.The author’s attitude towards him.

B.The school that the author is attending.

C.The author’s major in history and literature.

D.The author’s interests in African-American studies.

3.Why are immigrant kids expected to be doctors or lawyers?

A.Their parents want them to move upward in society.

B.Their parents are high-achieving as well.

C.They have much more knowledge.

D.They are very smart in general.

4.How did the author react to the driver’s questioning

A.Getting upset. B.Feeling satisfied.

C.Defending herself. D.Appreciating his concern.



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