满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Even thousands of years before the “self...

    Even thousands of years before the “selfie(自拍)” was invented, people were concerned with the image of themselves they presented to the world. The rulers of ancient Egypt had artists carve portraits of them to decorate their tombs and preserve their images even after death.

King Tutankhamen lived more than 3,000 years ago. He ruled ancient Egypt for 10 years, until his death at age 19. “King Tut” remained practically unknown in the modern world until 1922, when scientists discovered his tomb, buried and forgotten for centuries. The treasures inside gave the world the first detailed picture of ancient Egyptian life.

The ancient Egyptians worshipped(崇拜) many gods. They also believed that all people had a life spirit, called “ka” that needed a place to live after the body died. Tombs inside huge pyramids protected the pharaohs'(法老) ka. The ka could also exist in portrait sculptures like the one of a seated Hatshepsut. The wife of a pharaoh, Hatshepsut took on the role of king after her husband died. Carved from limestone, this Life-size sculpture shows the life force of Hatshepsut's ka. The artist suggests Hatshepsut's strength by placing her feet firmly on the ground and resting her hands on her knees in a firm, powerful pose.

Viewers are meant to look at the sculpture of Hatshepsut from a frontal angle only. But artist Thutmose created his portrait of Queen Nefertiti as a sculpture in the round, meaning viewers should observe it from many points of view. The work is a highly realistic portrait of a queen who ruled beside her husband, a pharaoh. Painted with delicate(精细的) features, the impressive colors in her portrait resemble the makeup Nefertiti probably wore in life.

Long before any of these portraits were created, a huge creature with a lion's body and a human head stood guarding in Egypt's Valley of the Kings. No one knows who created the Great Sphinx, or why, but it is said to resemble an early pharaoh. Carved out of solid rock on a larger-than-life scale, it is possibly the oldest and most imposing portrait in the world.

1.The artist presents Hatshepsut's strength mainly through the ________ of the sculpture.

A.gesture B.material

C.color D.size

2.According to the passage, the portrait of Nefertiti was ________.

A.imaginative B.lifelike

C.threatening D.abstract

3.The Great Sphinx might be ________.

A.a king of animals

B.a guard as brave as a lion

C.a portrait of an early pharaoh

D.a creature owned by a pharaoh

4.What's the passage mainly about

A.The oldest selfie in the world.

B.Some powerful kings in Egypt.

C.Some portraits of kings in some countries.

D.Some portrait sculptures of ancient Egyptian rulers.


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。在“自拍”发明前的几千年,人们就开始关注自己呈现给世界的形象。古埃及的统治者让艺术家雕刻他们的肖像,以装饰他们的坟墓和保存他们的形象。 1.细节理解题。根据第三段中 “The artist suggests Hatshepsut's strength by placing her feet firmly on the ground and resting her hands on her knees in a firm, powerful pose.”可知,艺术家主要通过雕塑的姿态来表现Hatshepsut的力量。结合选项,故选A。 2.细节理解题。根据第四段中 “The work is a highly realistic portrait of a queen who ruled beside her husband, a pharaoh.Painted with delicate(精细的) features, the impressive colors in her portrait resemble the makeup Nefertiti probably wore in life.”可知,这幅作品是一幅非常逼真的肖像画,画中的人物五官精致,令人印象深刻的色彩与娜芙提蒂可能在生活中所化的妆相似。故Nefertiti的肖像画应该是非常逼真的。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段中 “No one knows who created the Great Sphinx, or why, but it is said to resemble an early pharaoh.”可知,据说the Great Sphinx很像早期的法老。故可能是法老的肖像画。故选C。 4.主旨大意题。根据第一段中 “Even thousands of years before the “selfie(自拍)” was invented, people were concerned with the image of themselves they presented to the world. The rulers of ancient Egypt had artists carve portraits of them to decorate their tombs and preserve their images even after death.”以及下文对雕塑的详细描述可知,本文主要介绍了一些古埃及统治者的肖像雕塑。结合选项,故选D。

Look at the following timetable and answer questions.

Time Table

Lv.(Leave) Boston

Ar.(Arrive) Midway

Ar. New York

5:00 AM Ex.(Except) Sun.
7:10 AM Daily
9:10 AM Ex. Sat. & Sun.
10:00 AM Ex. Hol.(Holiday)
1:15 PM Daily
3:40 PM Ex. Hol.
5:20 PM Daily

7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:45 AM
3:15 PM
5:40 PM
7:20 PM

10:45 AM
12:45 PM
2:45 PM
5:45 PM
8:45 PM
9:55 PM



1.What is the shortest time between Boston and New York by train?

A.5 hours 35 minutes B.5 hours 5 minutes

C.4 hours 25 minutes D.4 hours 30 minutes

2.On Christmas Day, how many trains at least will go from Boston to New York?

A.Two B.Three

C.Four D.Five

3.You are traveling in the 9:10 AM train. In Midway you get off and stay there for an hour. If you want to get to New York before dark, which train from Boston should you change?

A.The 1:15 PM train. B.The 5:20 PM train.

C.The 3:40 PM train. D.The 10:10 AM train.



    Last year, four children waited for their school bus every day for ten minutes, on the same dirty street corner. There were old bottles, parts of old bikes, and ______ soda cans everywhere around the ______. The trees were brown and had no leaves, and there wasn't a flower in sight. It was ______.

One day, one of the children looked at the corner and ______ to do something about it. She had ______ minutes before the bus arrived. The next Monday, she brought a bag and ______ some of the old bottles to recycle. On ______ she spent another ten minutes picking up old bottles, while her best friend picked up soda cans and put them in a different ______ for recycling. On Wednesday, all the ______ picked up the remaining recyclable materials and put everything ______ in the rubbish can. The corner was ______

The corner looked ______ but it was still ugly, so the next day the girl brought some ______ seeds. She planted the seeds and watered them, and watered the ______ too. She only had ten minutes a day but that was ______. On Friday, the children found more ______ on the ground and put it in the rubbish can, or recycled it.

After one month, their ugly, dirty corner had become a beautiful ______ with pretty flowers and healthy trees. It only took ten minutes a day. Do you have ten minutes a day to ______ your city? Imagine what a beautiful ______ we would have if more people spent ten minutes a day cleaning up and making their ______ more attractive

1.A.full B.empty C.cheap D.expensive

2.A.school B.bus C.old bottles D.bus stop

3.A.cold B.gorgeous C.useless D.ugly

4.A.had B.refused C.decided D.managed

5.A.ten B.fifteen C.twenty D.thirty

6.A.made B.collected C.bought D.gave

7.A.Tuesday B.Sunday C.Saturday D.Friday

8.A.car B.bus C.corner D.bag

9.A.passengers B.children C.teachers D.girls

10.A.better B.useful C.else D.hard

11.A.clean B.dirty C.green D.gone

12.A.nice B.wrong C.larger D.better

13.A.tree B.flower C.vegetable D.fruit

14.A.flowers B.vegetables C.trees D.plants

15.A.enough B.limited C.long D.short

16.A.seeds B.toys C.garbage D.bikes

17.A.school B.home C.playground D.garden

18.A.see B.visit C.help D.enjoy

19.A.world B.school C.bus stop D.corner

20.A.homes B.gardens C.villages D.surroundings



____,the student insists that he be separated from his desk-mate,who is naughty.

A.To avoid being affected B.To avoid to be affected

C.Avoiding being affected D.Avoiding to be affected



He isn't a man to depend on because his action always ______ his words.

A.disagrees with B.disagrees on C.disagrees to D.disagrees over



—Ann is in hospital.

—Oh, really? I ________ know. I ________ go and visit her.

A.didn’t; am going to B.don’t; would

C.don’t; will D.didn’t; will



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