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He Ge is a very excellent actor, and the...

He Ge is a very excellent actor, and the films and TV plays _____ he acts attracted many young people.

A.that B.in which C.with which D.what


B 【解析】 考查定语从句。句意:He Ge是一个非常优秀的演员,他出演的电影和电视剧吸引了很多年轻人。句中包含定语从句,先行词是films and TV plays指物,定语从句是he acts,先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,指在他出演的电影和电视剧中,用关系副词where或in which引导,故选B。  

假如你是假定你是李华,你最好的朋友Xiao Zhan最近吸烟上瘾,你想劝他戒烟。请用英语给他写一封邮件,内容包括:





Dear Xiao Zhan

Recently I've found you become addicted to cigarettes.



Li Hua




1.Chenshujie tried to l_______ on to a special website, when it was dark in the night.

2.Dengzhenmao and his girlfriend need a bigger house, but they just can’t a______ the rent.

3.Wangzhangxi runs away without any jacket on after the accident, but this is totally __________ (normal).

4.The physician made a p___________ against seasickness for Wangjiale.

5.The best _________ (treat) for your loneliness is to finish your homework and find a girlfriend.

6.Lighting the f______ has been an important part of every Olympic ceremony.

7.Selling cigarettes or alcohol drinks to students is considered i_________ in No3 middle school.

8.If you have any question about this Exam Paper, you can c_______ me by WeChat or QQ.

9.Not knowing how to operate the computer is one of the __________ (advantage) in seeking jobs.

10.Once we ___________ (form) a belief, we will continue to live our lives by the rule of the belief.



    When Zhangzijun was a little kid. He was doing very badly in math. His parents had tried everything: tutors, cards, special learning….. everything they could think of. Finally they took him to a catholic(天主教的)school.

After the first day, Zhangzijun came home with a very serious look on his face. He didn’t kiss his mother hello. Instead, he went straight to his room and started studying. Books and papers were spread out all over the room and Zhangzijun was hard at work. His mother was surprised. She called him down to dinner and as soon as he finished eating, he went back to his room, without a word. In no time he was back hitting the books as hard as before. This went on for some time, day after day while the mother tried to understand what was happening.

Finally, Zhangzijun brought home his report card. He quietly put it on the table and went up to his room and hit the books. His mom looked at it and to her surprise, Zhangzijun got an A in math. She could no longer hold her curiosity.

She went to his room and asked, ”Son, what was it? Was it the nuns (修女)?”

Zhangzijun looked at her and shook his head, “No. ”

“Well then,” she asked again. “What was it?”

Zhangzijun looked at her and said, “Well, on the first day of school, when I saw that man nailed ()to the plus sign, I knew they weren’t joking. ”

1.Why did Zhangzijun’s parents send him to a catholic school?

A.Because he could eat well there.

B.Because he could learn more about nuns.

C.Because his parents wanted him to do better in his math.

D.Because his parents didn’t want him to learn math any more.

2.Zhangzijun’s mother felt surprised that his son _______.

A.was still the same as usual B.ate so much at dinner

C.didn’t kiss her hello after school D.worked hard but said little

3.The last sentence in the passage shows that _______.

A.Zhangzijun felt sorry for the mail

B.Zhangzijun was afraid of being nailed

C.Zhangzijun didn’t like the plus sign

D.Zhangzijun liked playing jokes on others

4.From the passage, we can infer that _______.

A.mistaking might do good sometimes

B.teachers should be strict with their students

C.a catholic school is much better than other ones

D.nuns are good at helping children with their math



  Advertising actually has a dual(双重的)function: to sell, as well as to inform. If you stop to think of it, advertisements(ads)provide information of almost everything in our household and immediate environment, from shampoo to fuel for cars. An obvious purpose is to inform consumers of new products and services as well as to remind them of established ones. Performance, price, value for money, quality and reliability are some of the main features mentioned in ads.

Yet there is another important side of advertising that should not be forgotten: choice. A number of ads for different brands of the same product. e.g. toothpaste, shampoo or washing powder allow the consumer to choose. Choice is an important part of buying.

        In this busy day and age, there is little time for_________.To determine which product is the best to buy, and at the most competitive price, consumers these days rely on advertising in its various forms. This saves time and energy and makes shopping easier.

Few can deny that ads benefit the consumer since they encourage healthy competition. When companies compete for the consumer’s dollar, this is good for the purchaser of the product or service. Advertising tends to increase competition since it informs consumers of what is available. One company’s offer will be either matched or bettered by another company in its advertising.

It was unheard of ten years ago to buy products directly using a personal computer, but it has become a matter of course for some people to browse(浏览)the Internet, surf until they find an e commerce site and then select the product. Marketing products has been almost turned upside down by new ways of selling and buying. More than at any time in history, the choice of goods is unlimited. The whole world is a customer’s marketplace. For busy people like you and me, advertisements actually do us a favor.

1.What the writer of this passage wants to tell us most is that—————————.

A.advertisements benefit busy people in many ways

B.advertisements encourage more business competitions

C.advertisements provide main features of new products

D.selling and informing are two functions of advertising

2.Which is least discussed in the passage as, one of the important sides of advertising?

A.To inform consumers of new products and services.

B.To provide consumers with chances to choose.

C.To increase healthy competition of companies.

D.To change the way of selling and buying.

3.The“comparison shopping”refers to the behavior of      .

A.comparing and buying a product at the lowest price

B.comparing and deciding which is the best to buy

C.relying on advertising and simplifying shopping

D.buying a product at the least competitive price

4.Healthy competition benefits consumers because—————————.

A.it helps companies to compete for the market

B.it gets companies to improve their services

C.it provides them with the best products and services

D.it gives them many chances to choose their products



    Even thousands of years before the “selfie(自拍)” was invented, people were concerned with the image of themselves they presented to the world. The rulers of ancient Egypt had artists carve portraits of them to decorate their tombs and preserve their images even after death.

King Tutankhamen lived more than 3,000 years ago. He ruled ancient Egypt for 10 years, until his death at age 19. “King Tut” remained practically unknown in the modern world until 1922, when scientists discovered his tomb, buried and forgotten for centuries. The treasures inside gave the world the first detailed picture of ancient Egyptian life.

The ancient Egyptians worshipped(崇拜) many gods. They also believed that all people had a life spirit, called “ka” that needed a place to live after the body died. Tombs inside huge pyramids protected the pharaohs'(法老) ka. The ka could also exist in portrait sculptures like the one of a seated Hatshepsut. The wife of a pharaoh, Hatshepsut took on the role of king after her husband died. Carved from limestone, this Life-size sculpture shows the life force of Hatshepsut's ka. The artist suggests Hatshepsut's strength by placing her feet firmly on the ground and resting her hands on her knees in a firm, powerful pose.

Viewers are meant to look at the sculpture of Hatshepsut from a frontal angle only. But artist Thutmose created his portrait of Queen Nefertiti as a sculpture in the round, meaning viewers should observe it from many points of view. The work is a highly realistic portrait of a queen who ruled beside her husband, a pharaoh. Painted with delicate(精细的) features, the impressive colors in her portrait resemble the makeup Nefertiti probably wore in life.

Long before any of these portraits were created, a huge creature with a lion's body and a human head stood guarding in Egypt's Valley of the Kings. No one knows who created the Great Sphinx, or why, but it is said to resemble an early pharaoh. Carved out of solid rock on a larger-than-life scale, it is possibly the oldest and most imposing portrait in the world.

1.The artist presents Hatshepsut's strength mainly through the ________ of the sculpture.

A.gesture B.material

C.color D.size

2.According to the passage, the portrait of Nefertiti was ________.

A.imaginative B.lifelike

C.threatening D.abstract

3.The Great Sphinx might be ________.

A.a king of animals

B.a guard as brave as a lion

C.a portrait of an early pharaoh

D.a creature owned by a pharaoh

4.What's the passage mainly about

A.The oldest selfie in the world.

B.Some powerful kings in Egypt.

C.Some portraits of kings in some countries.

D.Some portrait sculptures of ancient Egyptian rulers.



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