满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Sweetest Thing When I was ten, I was...

The Sweetest Thing

When I was ten, I was crazy about candy. Whenever in our small-town ______ with my mom, I would run my fingers through my favorite candy on the shelf.

Once there, thinking about all things sweet, I noticed a man a few feet away pushing buttons on the ATM machine. Dressed in a suit, he seemed to be late for something, ______ waiting for his cash to appear. The machine made a noise, and he immediately ______ a pile of bills and headed out. Curiously, I walked over to the ATM, where I started pressing the buttons as if knowing the ______. Then I looked into the bottom of the machine. There I saw it: a beautiful, crisp $20 bill! ______ I wanted to believe my magic made the cash appear, I knew the man in the suit must have left it behind.

I held the money in my hand, staring at the number “20” and feeling ______ than I ever had. I thought about slipping the money into my pocket. No one would know, but it didn’t feel ______. I knew it didn’t belong to me. I had to find its owner and give it back! So I told my mom what had happened. “We’ll look for him.” she said kindly. We rushed out and found him stepping into his car in the parking lot! We ______ him and asked whether he had left money at the cash machine.

“Let me ______,” he said, pulling out his wallet and bills. “Twenty, forty, eighty…Oh! You’re right,” he said with surprise, “I’m ______ a $20 bill.”

“Here you go,” I said, smiling with pride, as if I was a(n) ______ who had solved a mystery. “Thank you so much,” he said, bending down and shaking my hand. My heart ______. Before saying goodbye, he asked my mom for my name and ______. “I want to send your daughter a thank-you card,” he said.

On my way home, my ______ was racing. Twenty dollars. What could I have done with it? I bet I could have bought a puppy or every single candy bar in town! But now ______ of that would happen. Yet I knew I had done the right thing.

A few weeks later, I got a box with a note. I ripped it open to find packages of candy.

“Dear Felice, Thank you very much for ______ my $20. You are a great girl, and I appreciate your ______. I hope you enjoy this candy. Best Wishes, Tom.” Tom included his business card. It turned out he was vice-president for the candy company. The candy tasted sweet, each ______ reminding me that what I had done mattered. Although my honesty wouldn’t always be ______ with candy, it would make a difference to someone. And that was the ______ part of all.

1.A.school B.church C.store D.bank

2.A.angrily B.excitedly C.hopefully D.anxiously

3.A.covered B.seized C.handed D.posted

4.A.machine B.assistant C.man D.password

5.A.Though B.Since C.Once D.Until

6.A.smarter B.stronger C.prettier D.richer

7.A.right B.good C.fair D.easy

8.A.caught B.approached C.guided D.searched

9.A.try B.think C.check D.guess

10.A.sparing B.seeking C.missing D.changing

11.A.engineer B.detective C.manager D.designer

12.A.hurt B.sank C.swelled D.jumped

13.A.address B.age C.habit D.birthday

14.A.car B.memory C.time D.mind

15.A.both B.none C.some D.either

16.A.returning B.remembering C.keeping D.lending

17.A.loyalty B.devotion C.honesty D.bravery

18.A.dollar B.bite C.product D.choice

19.A.marked B.replaced C.shared D.rewarded

20.A.sweetest B.hardest C.freshest D.heaviest


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 本文讲述了一个小女孩捡钱并且归还给失主的故事。开头以女孩喜欢吃糖开始介绍。然后写到在之前一次,小女孩看到一个男人匆匆忙忙从ATM取钱,然后她走过去之后发现有一张20美元的钞票,她知道那是男人落下的,就在诚信与糖果的思想斗争中,最后让妈妈带着她将钱还给男人,作了正确的事情。在之后又得到了男人的回报,也意外地收到那包诚信行为得来的糖果。最后谈了女孩对于诚信的认识,是不求回报,造福他人,即是最甜美的事情,照应题目。 1.考查名词词义和文章细节理解。school学校;church教堂;store商店;bank银行。根据文意:我十岁的时候,对糖果十分痴迷,当我跟我妈妈去小镇的商店的时候。根据逻辑,糖果应在商店里买。故选C。 2.考查副词。angrily愤怒地;excitedly兴奋地;hopefully有希望地;anxiously不安地,忧虑的。结合文意:他看起来要迟到了,等着他的钱出来。按照逻辑,要迟到了就是“不安地,忧虑的”。故选D。 3.考查动词用法。covered覆盖;seized抓住;handed传递;posted邮寄。根据文意:ATM机响了一声之后,他立马……一堆钞票走了。可见,这里应是抓了一堆钱走了。其余选项不合语境,故选B。 4.考查名词词义。machine机器;assistant助手;man人;password密码。结合文意:“我”好奇的走到ATM机前,好像知道……一样开始按那些按钮。当需要输密码时才需要按按钮,所以password符合文意。故选D。 5.考查逻辑连接词。Though表转折;Since自从;Once曾经;Until直到…时候。根据段尾的I wanted to believe my magic made the cash appear, I knew the man in the suit must have left it behind.,第一句说我想相信是我的魔法使钱出现,第二句说我知道肯定是那个穿套装的男人留下的。可知这两句之间的逻辑关系为转折。故选A。 6.考查形容词的比较级的用法。smarter更聪明的;stronger更强壮的;prettier更美丽的;richer更富裕的。结合文意:我把钱拿在手里,看着20美元,从未感觉……。按照逻辑,有了钱,就应该感觉到很富裕。故选D。 7.考查形容词的词义。right正确的;good好的;fair公平的;easy容易的。结合文意:我想把钱放进口袋里,没有人会知道,但我感觉这样是……,我知道这不属于我。不属于自己的东西放进自己口袋里是不对的,right符合文意,故选A。 8.考查动词过去式的词义。caught赶上,抓住;approached接近;guided指导,引导;searched调查,探求。结合文意:我们跑过去看到他在停车场正打开车门准备上车,我们……他问他是不是在ATM机上丢了钱。只有接近他才能询问,approached符合文意,故选B。 9.考查动词。try尝试;think思考;check检查;guess猜。结合文意:我们询问他钱是不是丢了,他说到:“让我……,打开他的钱包和账单”,按照逻辑,应为打开钱包检查一下钱是否丢了。故选C。 10.考查动词的词义。sparing节约;seeking寻找;missing错过,丢;changing改变。结合语境:他检查完钱包后,非常惊讶的说到,我真的……了20元。按照逻辑,应为他丢了20元钱,故选C。 11.考查名词的词义。engineer工程师;detective侦探;manager管理者;designer设计师。结合语境:“我”把钱还给他后,骄傲的笑了,好像我是一个……解决了一个秘密。按照逻辑,秘密一般被侦探所破解。故选B。 12.考查形容词的词义。hurt受伤的;sank下沉的;swelled骄傲的;jumped跳跃的。结合语境:“非常感谢你”,他说到,然后弯腰握了我的手,我的心……。“我”做了好事,被他人感谢,心里自然是十分骄傲,swelled符合题意。故选C。 13.考查文章细节理解。文章说到,在离开之前,他向我的妈妈要了我的名字和……,想要写一封感谢信给“我”。文章后面提到几周后,“我”收到一个装满糖果的盒子。可见,他是像我妈妈要了我的名字和地址,然后寄了糖果给“我”。故选A。 14.考查文章细节理解。作者做了一件好事,但是又出于糖果诱惑,所以在做思想mind斗争。故选D。 15.考查不定代词的使用和对上下文意思的把握。因为女孩还了20美元后,就不能买糖了。所以她打赌不去归还给失主钱的话,“bought a puppy or every single candy bar in town”都能发生。但她没有这么做,那么这些也就不能发生了,这里是一件事,因此用表否定意义的词none。故选B。 16.考查动词词义。女孩把钱归还失主。失主表达感谢自然是感谢女孩归还钱的行为。故选A 17.考查名词词义。loyalty忠诚;devotion奉献;honesty诚实;bravery勇敢。男人应该感谢的是女孩归还钱的诚实精神。故选C。 18.考查名词词义。each bite每一口。女孩吃糖是一口一口吃。故选B。 19.考查被动语态。根据女孩因为诚实将捡到的20美元归还给男人而得到了男人给予的赞美与糖果的回报。因此说女孩的诚实是“be rewarded”的。“but”转折,说不是每一个诚实的行为都是可以“be rewarded”的,从而引出下文女孩对“honesty”的认识。故选D。 20.考查形容词最高级词义。根据文章题目“The Sweetest Thing”,“……,it honesty would make a difference to someone”,可知sweetest是最符合文章意思的词。故选A。

How to be a better reader

Reading is an extremely important skill.1. Here are some suggestions on how to be a better reader.

Know your reading purpose.2. The kind of reading you do in class or for your homework is different from how you read a novel for pleasure in the summer vacation. If you know your reading purposes you can choose the best reading methods.

Use all the information in the book. Good textbooks are well-organized with title subtitles introductions summaries or conclusions. Many books also have pictures with captions(说明文字).3. Another aspect of good writing is that each paragraph has a topic sentence. If you concentrate on understanding the topic sentence this may help you to understand what comes next.

4. You can't really expect to understand a difficult book if you are trying to read in the same room with the television on and your little brother distracting(使某人分心) you. The same goes for reading on the bus on the way to school. You can't expect to read a textbook and listen to music at the same time either. Try to find a quiet and comfortable place with good light and your dictionaries and other materials nearby.

Use your dictionary wisely. A common mistake of ESL students is to look up each unknown word in the texts they are given to read.5.It can even make understanding more difficult because by the time you reach the end of the paragraph you have forgotten what you read at the beginning! So use your dictionary wisely.

A. Choose the right time to read.

B. Choose a right place to read.

C. Look at all these first before starting to read.

D. But it takes a long time and can be very boring.

E. The wider your vocabulary is the easier you will find your reading.

F. Reading is also an excellent way to improve your general English.

G. the way you read a book or a text depends largely on your reasons for reading it.



Imagine a cat that does not need someone to clean up after it keeps an older person company and help them remember to take their medicine. That is the shared dream of the toy maker Hasbro and scientists at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. The researchers received a $3-million-dollar award from the National Science Foundation for a special project. They want to find ways to add artificial intelligence, or A.I., to Hasbro’s “Joy for All” robotic cat.

The cat has already been for sale for two years. Though priced over 1000 dollars, it sold quite well. It was meant to act as a “companion” for older people. Now the project is aimed at developing additional abilities for the cat. Researchers at Brown’s Humanity-Centered Robotics Initiative are working to decide which activities older adults may need the most. They hope to make the cat perform a small number of activities very well. Such activities include

finding lost objects and reminding the person to take medicine or visit their doctor. They also want to keep the cost down to just a few hundred dollars.

It is an idea that has appealed to Jeanne Elliott. Her 93-year-old mother Mary Derr lives with her in South Kingstown. Derr has dementia (痴呆). The Joy for All cat that Elliott bought this year has become a true companion for Derr. The cat stays with Derr and keeps her calm while Eliot is at work. Elliott said a robotic cat that helps her mother to remember to take her medicine and be careful when she walks would be greater.

The researchers are trying to learn how the improved cats will complete helpful activities and how they will communicate. They say that they do not want a talking cat, however. Instead they are trying to design a cat that can move its head in a special way to successfully communicate its message. In the end, they hope to create an exchange between the human and the cat in which the human feels the cat needs them. By doing so, the researchers hope they can even help prevent feelings of loneliness and sadness among elderly people.

1.What’s the purpose of the project?

A. To relieve the pain of the elderly.

B. To promote the sales of a medicine.

C. To help make the robotic cat smarter.

D. To invent a robotic cat for the elderly.

2.Compared with the old model, the new robotic cat will be ________.

A. cheaper

B. smaller

C. more talkative

D. more expensive

3.What does Paragraph 3 intend to tell us?

A. The more functions of the cat, the better.

B. The cat gives much help to the elderly.

C. There is no cure for dementia at present.

D. Mary Derr would have died without the cat.

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. A talking cat is quite popular among the elderly.

B. Feelings of sadness among the elderly are unavoidable.

C. Each family can afford such a cat in the future.

D. The feeling of being needed is vital to the elderly.



    Many kids help out around the house with chores(家庭杂务) such as emptying the dishwasher putting laundry away and taking out the trash. In exchange some kids get allowances(补贴) or other rewards such as extra computer time.

But some people do not think that kids should get rewards for doing chores. Susie Walton a parenting educator and family coach believes that by rewarding kids parents are sending a message that work isn't worth doing unless you get something in return. “Running any kind of household is a team effort” Susie said“a home is a living space for everyone in the family. It's important for kids to see that we all have responsibilities in the house and that families decide together how they want their home to look and how they are going to keep it looking like everyone wants it to look.”

Other people believe that getting a cash allowance or other rewards motivates kids to do chores and it also teaches them real world lessons about how we need to work to earn money. There are also new applications that give kids points and digital gifts that can be redeemed(兑取) either online or in the real world. With the Chore Monster app kids earn digital points by completing chores that they can turn in for real-life rewards such as extra Xbox time or a trip to the mall. “Our goal is to encourage kids to earn rewards” says Chris Bergman founder of Chore Monster“Kids need positive reinforcement(强化) to help motivate them.”

What do you think? Should kids be rewarded for doing chores? Or should kids help out around their homes without getting anything in return? Write a 200-word response. Send it to tfkasks4you@timeforkids.com. Your response may be published in a future issue of Time For Kids. Please include your grade and contact information of your parent or teacher if you want your response to be published. The deadline for responding is February 18.

1.How does the author start the passage?

A.By listing some evidence.

B.By presenting some facts.

C.By comparing different views.

D.By stating his own experiences.

2.Which statement is true according to Susie Walton?

A.Kids should be rewarded for doing chores.

B.Parents decide what kids can do for the family.

C.Kids have the responsibility to share housework.

D.Kids can get extra computer time for doing chores.

3.The purpose of writing the text is to        .

A.invite readers to express their opinions

B.inform readers of two different opinions

C.call on readers to reflect on their behavior

D.present the author's viewpoint about parenting



    I used to be crazy about the hunting season. The excitement of waiting for a prey(猎物)and the pride of showing off the kill fascinated me. However, everything changed after that cold morning.

Early on that day of the late fall, I set off alone for the woods, packing a gun, a bottle of hot coffee and three thick sandwiches. After finding the fresh deer’s tracks in the snow, I settled down behind a little bush.

I sat there for about an hour. It was then that I saw him. A deer, a big beautiful deer! There was no cover nearer to him than 30 yards. Surely I couldn’t miss! I waited for him to realize I was there. I waited for him to be shocked and run away. But he fooled me completely. He came towards me! He was curious, I suppose, or maybe he was stupid---how else can you explain it? Well, that deer walked right up to where I was sitting. Then he stopped and looked at me!

What happened next is hard to believe, but it’s true. And it all seemed quite natural. Just as when a friendly young deer comes near you, I reached up and scratched his head. And he liked to be scratched. In fact, he practically asked for more. Then, I fed him my sandwich! Yes, I know what a deer eats, but that deer ate my sandwich. Well, he finally went his way, down the hill and up the deer trail. Shoot him? Not me. You wouldn’t have either, not after that. I just watched him go.

When I was about half way back, I heard two shots, followed by a dull slam(撞击)a few seconds later. Those two shots usually mean a kill. I had forgotten there were other hunters that day.

Those hunters would never know they could have scratched his head.

1.Why didn’t the author kill the deer?

A.He preferred to shoot a shy deer. B.He was fooled by the tricky deer.

C.He was sympathetic for the deer. D.He was too shocked to shoot the deer.

2.What most probably happened to the deer in the end?

A.Other hunters shot the deer to death.

B.Other hunters scratched the deer’s head too.

C.The deer managed to escape from being shot.

D.The deer would become friends with the author.

3.What’s the best title of this text?

A.A Hunting in Late Fall. B.A Lovely Deer.

C.The Cruel Killing. D.The Last Hunting.



假定你是李华,计划邀请你的英国朋友David春节期间来你家做客,请你用英文给他写一封信,内容 包括:

1. 一道包饺子,跟你的家人共进晚餐;

2. 询问合适时间等。






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