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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Since t...


Since the start of reform and opening-up, Shenzhen1.  (grow) from a small fishing village to a modem city, with its GDP 2.(increase) soaring from less than 200 million yuan in 1980 to 2.4 trillion yuan in 2018.

With a population of 12 million people, the 3. (south) city is known for its strong innovation capabilities. It is home 4. more than 14,000 national high-tech giants, including Hua-Wei and Tencent.

Wang Xiaoguang, a professor of economics at the National Academy of Governance, said in5.article published on Aug 3 in the Outlook Weekly, a magazine 6.(attach) to Xinhua News Agency, that many good examples of China's reform and opening-up originated in Shenzhen.

It has accumulated valuable experience for China's reform and opening-up7.modern construction, and has made significant 8. (contribute) to exploring the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Wang said.

The essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Party,  9. plays a central role in adjusting the overall situation, he said ,10. (refer) to Shenzhen as a good example of handling the relationship between market and government since China's reform and opening-up began.


1.has grown 2.increasingly 3.southern 4.to 5.an 6.attached 7.and 8.contributions 9.which 10.referring 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。改革开放以来,深圳已经从一个小渔村发展成为一个现代化的城 市,它为中国的改革开放和现代建设积累了宝贵经验,为探索中国特色社会主义道路做出了重要贡献。 1.考查时态。句意:改革开放以来,深圳已经从一个小渔村发展成为一个现代化的城市。since引导的时间状语从句时,主句的谓语动词常用现在完成时,Shenzhen是句子主语。故填has grown。 2.考查副词。句意:深圳的GDP从1980年的不到2亿元人民币猛增到2018年的2.4万亿元人民币。修饰动词soar用副词,increase(增加)是动词,它的副词是increasingly(不断增加地)。故填increasingly。 3.考查形容词。句意:深圳这个南方城市拥有1200万人口,以其强大的创新能力而闻名。使用形容词修饰名词city作定语,south(南方)是名词,它的形容词是southern(南方的)。故填southern。 4.考查固定搭配。句意:它是包括华为和腾讯在内的14,000多家国家高科技企业所在地。固定词组be home to的意思是“为……的所在地”。故填to。 5.考查冠词。句意:王小光教授在一篇文章中说,中国改革开放的许多很好的例子起源于深圳。根据句意此处泛指“一篇文章”,所以使用不定冠词。article是以元音音素开头的单词。故填an。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:《展望周刊》是新华社的一本杂志。be attached to 附属于。分析句子结构,谓语动词是said,attach是非谓语动词,因此使用attached to短语作后置定语修饰magazine。故填attached。 7.考查并列连词。句意:深圳为中国的改革开放和现代化建设积累了宝贵经验。该空应填入并列连词连接China's reform and opening-up和modern construction。故填and。 8.考查名词。句意:深圳为探索中国特色社会主义道路做出了重要贡献。固定词组make contributions to意为“为…做贡献”。故填contributions。 9.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:王小光教授说,中国特色社会主义的根本特征是党的领导,它在调整大局中起着中心作用。分析句子结构可知,此处需填入引导非限定性定语从句的关系词,先行词是the leadership of the Party,从句缺主语,所以填which。故填which。 10.考查非谓语动词。句意:王小光教授提到深圳是中国改革开放以来处理市场与政府关系的一个很好的例子。分析句子结构可知,refer是非谓语动词,它与句子主语he是主动的关系,应使用现在分词referring。故填referring。

    In our daily life, if you feel sick or uncomfortable, you might _________  a doctor But what to do if you don't quite know _________  you fit into this world and you're tired of  carrying that _______ alone?

I answered _______ questions on life puzzles at the entrance to the Boston City subway at 55 th and 9th. A group of strangers had _______ because they were carrying around some _______, meaningful questions that had _______ gone unanswered, like why can't I be happier in my life?"

And then I _______ him, a little boy, who would be my_________ questioner of the day. He was about 6 years old and held his mother's hand ____________ he craned (伸长脖子)his neck to stare at us. His mother stopped, but the boy ____________. "It's OK," I offered. Do you have a question?" The boy smiled at his mother, then ____________ her hand to walk over towards us. He looked me ____________ in the eye and said: "How do I know I'm real?"

____________ I was back in graduate school. Should I talk about the French philosopher Rene Descartes to prove our ____________with the phrase "I think, therefore I am"? Or, ____________ English philosopher G. E. Moore and his famous "here is one hand, here is the other," to ____________ that the outside world really exists? But then the answer came to me. I remembered that the most important part of ____________ was feeding our sense of wonder. "Close your eyes," I said. He did. "Well, did you ____________?" He smiled and shook his head, then opened his eyes. "Congratulations, you're real.

He smiled ____________ and walked over to his mother, who looked back at us and also smiled.

1.A.seek out B.go out C.turn out D.make out

2.A.what B.where C.why D.when

3.A.experience B.message C.information D.burden

4.A.students’ B.passengers’ C.friends’ D.strangers’

5.A.gone by B.pulled over C.stopped by D.dropped off

6.A.innocent B.interesting C.deep D.absurd

7.A.never B.long C.seldom D.little

8.A.recognized B.knew C.spotted D.witnessed

9.A.loveliest B.friendliest C.toughest D.smartest

10.A.as B.before C.until D.since

11.A.hated B.cried C.delighted D.hesitated

12.A.let go of B.caught hold of C.got rid of D.got away from

13.A.dead B.likely C.wide D.honestly

14.A.Gradually B.Suddenly C.Shortly D.Previously

15.A.criterion B.distinction C.existence D.appearance

16.A.talk B.refer C.consult D.mention

17.A.condemn B.confirm C.command D.consume

18.A.philosophy B.life C.work D.research

19.A.exist B.escape C.fly D.disappear

20.A.strangely B.broadly C.bitterly D.confusedly



    I have been a teacher for some years. In my opinion, I don't believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) could replace my teaching career. I have always been interested in human connection, and the ways in which I can use these connections to inspire change and make a difference. 1., there are other ways where AI could make a more efficient and effective difference than I could on my own.

My teaching experiences over the past several years have been creative and inspiring- 1 believe that the job of educators extends beyond simply teaching students a set curriculum. 2.. They must constantly reflect on ways to better their teaching, and they must inspire their students to be the best versions of themselves. And now with the help of Al, they could achieve these goals much easier.

3. . First, AI can be used to promote fundamental skills, such as mathematical education and vocabulary lessons. Additionally, I see AI being used for necessary tasks such as answering questions and grading assignments. Thus I could focus my attention on establishing human connection, individualizing lesson plans and inspiring my students.

The benefit AI brings is far beyond my own classroom. 4.. According to Todd Leopold, close to 800 million people worldwide are functionally illiterate (不识字的).Due to its ability to efficiently pass knowledge across large groups of people, fewer teachers may be needed in some schools. 5..

A. Since students will always need a human teacher

B. I believe AI could provide a strong basis for educational equality around the world

C. I think AI is a powerful assistant to my future classroom

D. The need for students to learn how to use Al will also grow

E. Although human connection may never be able to be fully replaced by AI

F. This could be an opportunity for students everywhere to receive equal education

G. They must observe and get to know their students in order to individualize educational plan



    A chance meeting between two men who realized they had both been abused in the same Surrey children’s care home has led to a campaign that has seen hundreds of former residents claiming they were also victims of physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

Music producer Raymond Stevenson, physically abused during his time at the Shirley Oaks home in the 70s, met a childhood friend last year who revealed he’d been abused in the institution. Within a few months, the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association(SOSA) was hundreds strong.

“We have been in contact with over 300 people and the stories we are getting are just terrible,” Stevenson says. “Every time we interview someone and hear about what happened to them, it brings tears to our eyes. Reliving(再现) some of the horrors they went through hasn't been easy.”

There have been two major police investigations into abuse at children’s homes in South London and three people including a swimming instructor, William Hook, have been condemned for offences relating to Shirley Oaks.

Another operation is currently on-going, but SOSA has lost faith in the authorities who they claim have covered up the whole picture of abuse in Shirley Oaks. “We don’t trust them and that’s why we have decided to do this campaign ourselves,” Stevenson explains.

A couple of weeks ago, dozens of former Shirley Oaks residents crowded into a Lambeth council(议会)meeting-the authority which ran the show until its closure the mid-1980s. Councilor after councilor spoke of their shame at what had been allowed to happen to children in their care.

Among the crowd was the award-winning author Alex Wheatle who has written about the abuse he suffered as a child at Shirley Oaks. “We have not come here to go to war with the councilwe have come here to gain your support, ” Wheatle told the meeting.

The Shirley Oaks association is doing more than compiling evidence. It is using music to press its case. A song entitled “Don’t Touch It—It’s Mine” includes personal testimony(证词) from victims. “I was abused mentally, physically, emotionally and violently,” the track begins. “Of the original 16 of us, 12 have killed themselves...”

“We’re not going to be told lies anymore,” Stevenson explains. “We are not going to leave it in the hands of lawyers, politicians or council officials to tell us what happened to us. We want to discover it ourselves and we know music and dance and poetry are ways that can tell a greater story.”

1.What is the purpose of setting up SOSA?

A.To show sympathy for the abused children in society.

B.To reveal the abuse at a children’s care home.

C.To find the living victims from a care home.

D.To aid those people abused at a young age.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The former victims depend much on the police for investigation.

B.Twelve of the sixteen children were killed in Shirley Oaks.

C.All the people committing offences in Shirley Oaks have been arrested.

D.The former local authorities must have neglected their duty.

3.What has been done by campaigners of SOSA?

A.Collecting evidence for the police.

B.Creating music for the campaign.

C.Going to war with the government.

D.Turning to lawyers for assistance.

4.Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A.SOSA sings for justice.

B.Child abuse in Shirley Oaks.

C.Terrible memories in Shirley Oaks.

D.A campaign to abuse the authorities by SOSA  .



    It is becoming more and more important for researchers to closely observe our sea life, with climate change and overfishing damaging our oceans. However, this is almost impossible since human presence scares the animals. Now, thanks to The Soft Robotic Fish, also called SoFi, researchers may not only be able to keep a close eye on the creatures, but also uncover undersea secrets that have been confusing us for centuries.

Built by MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), the snow-white remote-controlled robot closely emulates real fish, complete with a flexible tail and two "fins". Though not the first autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) created to observe the oceans, SoFi solves many of the issues that have hindered (妨碍)the usefulness of previous robots.

AUVs traditionally have had to be tied to a boat because radio frequency communications do not work well underwater. To solve the problem, CSAIL director Daniela Rus and her team used sound waves which can travel greater distances, allowing drivers using a waterproofed Super Nintendo controller to pilot SoFi from up to 50 feet away. To ensure SoFi can freely move around the ocean, a pump moves water from one balloon-like structure to the other through its soft rubber tail, while a controller fitted with a battery powers the robot through the ocean, unhindered by propellers (螺旋桨).

During test dives in Fiji's Rainbow Reef, SoFi moved alongside the sea life at depths of 50 feet for up to 40 minutes at a time, taking high-resolution photos and videos. Even more importantly, it was able to do so without causing any disturbance. The researchers say sometimes the fish would swim alongside the strange-looking robo- fish out of curiosity, while at other times they appeared completely unaware of its existence.

While SoFi currently only records videos, future versions will include sensors. "For us, this fish is magical," says Rus. “We imagine someday it might help us uncover more mysteries from the amazing underwater world that we know so little about."

1.Why was SoFi created?

A.To protect fish from being caught.

B.To stop oceans from being polluted.

C.To learn about the underwater world

D.To solve the issues AUVs have found.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “emulates” in Paragraph2?

A.Feeds. B.Catches.

C.Protects. D.Imitates.

3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.The development of AUVs.

B.Working principles of SoFi.

C.How AUVs are used underwater.

D.SoFi's contribution to fish protection.

4.What is the main advantage of SoFi?

A.It will not scare real fish. B.It can record videos.

C.It is equipped with sensors. D.It cannot be seen by real fish.



    Naomi Shihab Nye has lots of things to write about. She never seems to run out of ideas, Naomi writes poetry for young people and adults, but she is also the author of essays, children's picture books, songs, and a novel for teenagers.

Where does Naomi get her ideas? She sees poetry in the details of everyday life, like the way things smell or taste, the sounds of nature, the voices of her family, and the colors of a flower or a bird's wing or a strawberry.

Naomi's poetry is also often influenced by places she has lived in and visited. Naomi was raised by her Palestinian father and American mother. She grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, US, Jerusalem Israel; and San Antonio, Texas, US. Each of these places has its own unique features, which Naomi has described with her rich, descriptive language.

Naomi also writes about her double cultures and the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East. Today, Naomi has settled down in San Antonio. She knows many people who have a Mexican-American identity, and she works their experiences into her poetry. Naomi focuses on the ways that people of different cultures and backgrounds are similar rather than different. She has even traveled to the Middle East and Asia to promote international goodwill through the arts. Naomi firmly believes in the power of writing to change the world and help people find common ground.

Naomi Shihab Nye began writing poetry as soon as she learned how to write. She published her first poem when she was only seven years old! Since that time, Naomi has written and edited more than 20 books. She often tells young writers to write about their daily lives—the things they observe and the feelings they have. That's a good reminder for a writer!

1.Which of the following best describes Naomi according to Paragraph 1?

A.Optimistic. B.Productive.

C.Generous. D.Traditional.

2.How does Naomi get her ideas?

A.By observing the world around her.

B.By visiting many different people.

C.By reading famous writers' works.

D.By comparing features of different places.

3.Where does Naomi live now?

A.In Missouri, US. B.In Mexico.

C.In Texas, US. D.In Israel.

4.What can we learn about Naomi from the last two paragraphs?

A.She has a strong sense of social responsibility.

B.She focuses more on cultural differences.

C.She lived a hard life in childhood.

D.She writes books for improving writing skills,



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