满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A new pastor(牧师) named John reopened a c...

    A new pastor(牧师) named John reopened a church that had been abandoned in a suburb. He found it broken, and in need of a lot of repair work. His goal was to have everything done in time for his first service on Christmas Eve.

He worked hard. However, when John went to the church on Dec. 21, his heart sank: a large area of plaster (石膏) had fallen off the front wall due to a terrible storm the night before. John headed home, and on the way he stopped at a market selling items for charity.

One of the items was an exquisite( 精致的)handmade tablecloth. It was just the right size to cover up the hole in the front wall. He bought it and headed back to the church. It started to snow. An old woman had missed her bus, and he invited her to wait in the warm church for the next one. As John put up the tablecloth the woman asked him to check the corner for the initials(手写字母). They were her initials: she had made this tablecloth 35 years before. Then the war broke out, and forced her to part with her husband.

John wanted to give her the tablecloth. but she asked him to keep it for the church. John insisted on driving her home which he thought was the least he could do.

What a wonderful service he had on Christmas Eve! John noticed one old man staring at the tablecloth on the front wall. The man said it was similar to one that his wife had made many years before.

John brought the old man to the house where he had taken the woman three days earlier. He helped him climb the three flights of stairs to her apartment, and saw the greatest Christmas reunion he could ever have imagined.

1.According to Paragraph one, we learn that John decided to_______.

A. help people affected by a terrible storm

B. buy goods for charity in the neighborhood

C. repair the abandoned church before his first service

D. do some work for the local people

2.Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. The woman’s husband had to leave her because of a war

B. Johns service on Christmas Eve was disappointing

C. Everyone was surprised by the beauty of the tablecloth.

D. John drove the old man home because he was lost.

3.The tablecloth drew the old man's attention because________.

A. he loved its colors B. he had seen it in a church

C. It was like one his wife had made D. it looked strange hanging on a wall

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. A kind pastor who had difficulty repairing an ancient church

B. A new pastor who gave his first service with a couples help

C. A tablecloth made 35 years ago being discovered by a pastor

D. An old couple being reunited on Christmas Eve through a tablecloth


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了一对在战争中失散多年的年迈夫妻在一位牧师的帮助下通过一张桌布在平安夜团聚的故事。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段 He found it broken and in need of a lot of repair work. His goal was to have everything done in time for his first service on Christmas Eve.(他发现它坏了,需要大量的修理工作。他的目标是在平安夜完成他的第一次服务。)可知牧师决定在圣诞前夜他第一次为人们服务之前修好这座教堂。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段 Then the war broke out, and forced her to part with her husband.(战争爆发了,她被迫与丈夫分手。)可知是一场战争导致老妇人夫妻分离的。故A项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第五段 The man said it was similar to one that his wife had made many years before.(这个男人说这和他妻子多年前做的很像。)可知桌布引起了老人的注意,因为它像他妻子做的一样。故C项正确。 4.主旨大意题。本文讲述了一对在战争中失散多年的年迈夫妻在一位牧师的帮助下通过一张桌布在平安夜团聚的故事。故选D。

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1.Which of the following books save you the most?

A.Furiously Happy.

B.Make Your Bed.

C.The Silent Wife.

D.Magpie Murders.

2.Which of the following books can be ordered in advance?

A.The Silent Wife.

B.Make Your Bed.

C.Furiously Happy.

D.Magpie Murders.

3.What do all the books have in common?

A.They are all best sellers of the same year.

B.They all have hardcover and paperback.

C.They are all mystery stories.

D.They all have discounted prices.



假如你是李华,是华文中学的学生会主席,为了丰富同学们的业余生活,提高同学们的英语水平,学生会组织了一个English club,请你写封邀请信,邀请同学们参加。


1. English club设立的目的;

2. English club要开展的活动;

3. 邀请大家参加 English club




Boys and girls,

I’m chairman of the Students’ Union, Li Hua.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




As a graduate student, my teacher taught me some unforgettable lessons. Once we were in Cardiac CathLab (心导管插入实验室), we had a middle-aged man around 50 years as our patient for angioplasty (血管成形术). But suddenly this patient fell down, blood pressure went down, heart rates went up, and couldn’t breathe. We had to put him on a ventilator (人工呼吸机) and start emergency drugs to keep his blood pressure normal. Nobody could understand what exactly happened, because the process went well. My teacher was calm all this time.

No rush, no shouting, no serious expressions on his face which could tell that he was stressed. I was bewildered! How could he be so calm? How could he handle things without any stress? Did he lose his pity for this man?

While I was filled with thoughts inside my head, he told me to tell the Cardiac surgeon that we got an emergency Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (体外循环心脏手术). I couldn’t understand. Then one nurse told me that patient’s heart got a rent (裂缝) during the process, so we had to take him to the operation theatre immediately.

I can’t forget that day. I got to CathLab at 8 a.m. and came out of the operation theatre at 8 p.m. with the same patient. I asked my teacher, “How could you be so calm in such a situation?”

He said, “Day in and day out I have faced such things for the last 20 years. You should be calm because whatever diseases they have, you have to manage those. Patients’ lives are in your hands. Being frightened would increase the risk of the operation. You can’t afford to lose control because within seconds patients would be either dead or brain dead.

I have followed his instructions since then. And believe me it takes experience to keep your stress under control in such situations. I am still learning it; there is a long way to go.

1.What was wrong with the middle-aged man during the process of angioplasty? (no more than 15 words)

2.How do you understand the underlined part in Paragraph 2? (no more than 5 words)

3.Why did the patient need an emergency Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery immediately? (no more than 10 words)

4.How could the author’s teacher deal with emergency situations? (no more than 5 words)

5.What can you learn from the story? Please write it in your own words. (no more than 20 words)



    I used to spend the second half of Sunday fearing Monday morning. Over the years, little tweaks to my routine and changes in my ideas have changed things to the point that I am in the “I Love Mondays” camp. Here’s what I’ve found that works:

Consider Sunday nights your warm-up for Monday. Get everything you need for the morning ready to go. If mornings are a struggle… give it a try at least for Mondays and see if it makes a difference. Once that’s done, consider a special “Sunday Night Only” calming down ritual (惯例). It might be tea and a favorite TV show, or it might be a long hot bath and reading until you’re ready for sleep. Whatever it is, enjoy this Monday morning warm-up, and consider sleeping a little earlier than you’re used to, in order to help with the second step.

One of my favorite parts of the weekend is sleeping in and waking up when I’m ready instead of fighting with the alarm for “Just five more minutes!” Sleeping a little early on Sunday night can help with getting up a little early on Monday morning — not to pack more into your morning to-do list, but to give yourself time to take it slowly. When you have a little extra time in the morning, you can gently settle into the day and keep that weekend feeling of ease as you start your new week.

Find a theme for the week. Every Monday, I post an inspiring quote or saying. These are intentional! Each week, as part of my Sunday night calming down time, I consider what I’d like to focus on in the coming week, and look for a quote that’s a good fit to strengthen it.

What are you excited about for the new week? What problem-solving opportunities do you have? What’s been hanging over your head undone from last week? During your preparation time on Sunday night, think about the week ahead and mark a few things that you want to get done and can reasonably accomplish. If possible, schedule at least one of them for Monday, so you’ve started your week off feeling successful, instead of feeling like there’s a mountain of tasks ahead of you. The work is the same either way, but our attitudes are always within our control.

When you are intentionally creating a life you love, Mondays begin to feel less like drudgery (单调乏味的苦差事), and more like a beautiful start!

1.The underlined word “tweaks” is the nearest in meaning to _________.

A.mistakes B.adjustments

C.encouragements D.problems

2.You had better start Monday morning _________.

A.with some morning exercises

B.with a morning to-do list

C.by getting thing ready on Sunday nights

D.by getting up early to do more things

3.What’s the benefit of getting up early enough on Monday morning?

A.It can help you get to your office and start work in time.

B.You can have enough time to make a to-do list for the week.

C.You can have enough time to sit with your tea or coffee.

D.It can make you feel the weekend feeling a little longer by starting slowly.

4.What does the author want to indicate in Para.5?

A.Be confident to solve the problems.

B.Look for opportunities for the week.

C.Positive attitude means a happy Monday.

D.Arrange your tasks well for the week.

5.What might be the best title for this passage?

A.How to Love Your Mondays B.How Do You Spend Mondays

C.Troublesome Monday Disease D.Monday Morning Warm Up



    It is always difficult when we are exposed to someone who has a different opinion than our own. When opinions differ, there is often a conflict. This is where much of the conflict with adults and teens begins. Therefore, it is important to always make the difference clear between fact and opinion. Opinions change, facts always remain the same.

I have found that it does absolutely no good to tell someone they’re wrong. I have found that to be more effective is to help someone see the consequences of their behavior for themselves. If you don’t know there is the cliff, why would you ever be concerned about being close to the edge?

I dealt with a teen today who was involved in some gangster (歹徒) activities. This girl was raised in a good home with concerned parents. However, other interests have taken over in her life. Friends have become everything. These friends come from different families with different values. This is where the conflict has appeared in her life. The challenge for the rest of us is helping this girl see how and where her new interests will take her. We have felt mild success as relationships of trust are built and improved.

In the end, however, the teen has to make a choice regarding this conflict. It is important for adults to remember how serious this choice is. For some this can feel like a choice between life and death. It’s easy for the rest of us to be casual about this because the right choice seems so obvious to us. It is important to know it is much different to this young person who is still developing and searching. Therefore, it is important that the adult should do everything possible to help the teen be fully informed about the choice before them. Provide choices and show how making different choices will improve things and provide security for the teen now and in the future.

The choice to go with the crowd or with the few can be a very difficult one to make. I believe it is absolutely essential that we never give up on these kids. Our very own future is absolutely at key point any time we advise and guide the youth.

1.From paragraph 1 we know the gap between father and son lies in that _________.

A.facts always remain the same

B.opinions are always different from facts

C.different opinions result from their conflict

D.they have a disagreement about the same fact

2.What contributes to the girl’s crime according to the text?

A.Different values. B.Unconcerned parents.

C.Her poor family. D.Gangster activities

3.Adults should try their best to help teens make a choice regarding the conflict because _________.

A.the wrong choice will lead to complete failure in the future

B.the choice is difficult to make for still developing teens

C.the right choice is easy for adults to see and understand

D.the choice made by teens determines their life or death

4.Why should the adult never stop helping the teen according to the last paragraph?

A.Because the teen won’t give up themselves.

B.Because the adults’ future depends on the youth.

C.Because the adult can give advice and guidance.

D.Because the teen’s future is in danger.

5.It can be inferred from the text that _________.

A.showing the results of their behavior is a good way to help people

B.helping teenagers always means meeting trouble

C.it’s quite easy to keep a good relationship with others

D.it’s hard to make wise choices in our life



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