满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I sit outside of my daughter’s nursery s...

    I sit outside of my daughter’s nursery school classroom, patiently waiting for her. When the door opens, my daughter runs out with a broad smile. She _______the excitement of school.

"How was your _______?" I ask casually, while _______wanting to hear every single detail. "It was so good, Mommy!" my daughter replies. That’s it. That’s all I _______.

On the car ride home, I ask her a lot of questions. She answers me with a few words, but never goes into much _______. Usually she tells me that she wants to _______something else.

It has only been a few weeks, but I still find it so _______that my daughter has a whole morning in school without me. I _______ask the teachers for details and I am often provided with the same _______answers that my daughter gives.

Now, three mornings a week, I close her classroom door behind me and she has her own ________. I am given some ________of her days like apples glued onto paper trees and paint dirt under her fingernails.

I know she ________this privacy and the time to ________a new environment and meet different kids. ________, I can’t help but want to know about the details of her days. The ride home is the ________time that she will provide me with some ________about her morning.

When we pull into the driveway, I change the ________to something else. I am sure that my constant questions annoy her, so I try to ________them to the car ride after school.

I am ________that my daughter doesn’t quite know our driving route yet; she can’t tell that I sometimes take the long way home, ________we have those few extra minutes together.

1.A.learns B.adds C.misses D.enjoys

2.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night

3.A.tiredly B.carelessly C.secretly D.suddenly

4.A.get B.need C.plan D.understand

5.A.study B.detail C.advice D.work

6.A.wait for B.prepare for C.worry about D.talk about

7.A.strange B.simple C.common D.practical

8.A.always B.just C.even D.never

9.A.satisfying B.funny C.short D.confusing

10.A.direction B.imagination C.influence D.experience

11.A.kindness B.excuses C.evidence D.challenges

12.A.promises B.achieves C.deserves D.ignores

13.A.remember B.explore C.choose D.consider

14.A.Then B.Again C.Also D.Still

15.A.only B.other C.second D.last

16.A.permission B.information C.devotion D.intention

17.A.interest B.rule C.conversation D.routine

18.A.take B.guide C.show D.limit

19.A.proud B.disappointed C.anxious D.grateful

20.A.although B.because C.so D.or


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.D 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者一直想了解女儿在学校的情况,但每次女儿总是简短的回答,作者了解女儿需要隐私和时间去探索一个新的环境,去认识不同的孩子,所以作者只在接女儿的路上问问题,为此作者不惜开车绕远回家,只希望有更多的时间与女儿相处。可怜天下父母心。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她喜欢上学的快乐。A. learns学习;B. adds 增加;C. misses想念;D. enjoys喜爱。根据前句“my daughter runs out with a broad smile.”可知,女儿很高兴,所以很喜欢上学的快乐。故选D。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:你早上过得怎么样?”我若无其事地问,心里却想知道每一个细节。。A. morning上午;B. afternoon 下午;C. evening傍晚;D. night晚上。由下文“ a whole morning in school without me”可知,作者在问女儿早上过的怎么样。故选A。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:你早上过得怎么样?”我若无其事地问,背地里却想知道每一个细节。A. tiredly疲劳地; B. carelessly 粗心地;C. secretly 背地里;D. suddenly突然地。由“I ask casually”可知,作者若无其事地问,背地里却想知道每一个细节。故选C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我就知道这些。A. get 获得,得到;B. need 需要;C. plan 计划;D. understand理解。由前文“It was so good, Mommy!”可知,女儿在回答作者提出的问题,女儿就知道这些。故选A。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在回家的路上,我问了她很多问题。她回答了我几句话,但从不讲太多细节。A. study 学习;B. detail 细节;C. advice建议;D. work工作。由下文“for details”可知,女儿回答了作者几句话,但从不讲太多细节。故选B。 6.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:通常她会告诉我她想谈点别的。A. wait for 等待;B. prepare for 为……做准备;C. worry about 担忧;D. talk about谈论。由前文可知,女儿对自己的回答很短,也不讲太多的细节,所以女儿告诉作者谈论一些别的事情。故选D。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然只有几个星期,但我还是觉得很奇怪的是,没有我在身边,她自己整个上午都可以自己呆在学校。A. strange 奇怪的;B. simple 简单的;C. common 普通的;D. practical实践的,实际的。由“my daughter has a whole morning in school without me”可知,作者对自己没有在她身边,她自己整个上午都可以自己呆在学校,作者感到奇怪。故选A。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我总是向老师询问细节,他们给出的答案也和我女儿的答案一样简短。A. always总是;B. just仅仅;C. even甚至;D. never从来没有。作者总是向老师询问细节。可见作者对女儿的关心。故选A。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我总是向老师询问细节,他们给出的答案也和我女儿的答案一样简短。A. satisfying令人满意的;B. funny好笑的;C. short短的;D. confusing令人困惑的。由上文“She answers me with a few words, but never goes into much ___5___.”老师给出的答案也和我女儿的一样简短。故选C。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,每周有三个早上,我把她送进教室,她有了自己的经历。A. direction方向;B. imagination想象;C. influence影响; D. experience经验,经历。根据常识可以判断出,常做一件事情或者常去一个地方,就会形成自己的经历。故选D。 11.考查名词词义辨析。 句意:我得到了她作一些事情的证据,就像苹果粘在纸树上,或者在她的指甲里涂上脏东西。A. kindness好心;B. excuses借口; C. evidence证据; D. challenges挑战。由“like apples glued onto paper trees and paint dirt under her fingernails.”可知,作者得到了女儿作一些事情的证据。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我知道她值得拥有这样的隐私和时间去探索一个新的环境,去认识不同的孩子。 A. promises许诺;B. achieves取得; C. deserves值得;D. ignores忽略。由下文“this privacy and the time to ___13___a new environment and meet different kids”可知,作者知道女儿值得拥有这样的隐私和时间去探索一个新的环境,去认识不同的孩子。故选C。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我知道她值得拥有这样的隐私和时间去探索一个新的环境,去认识不同的孩子。A. remember 记住;B. explore勘查, 探测;C. choose 选择;D. consider考虑。由“a new environment”可知,新环境对孩子来说是神秘的,所以要去探索。故选B。 14.考查副词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,我还是仍然想知道她生活的细节。A. Then 那时;B. Again 再次;C. Also 也;D. Still仍然。根据常识可以判断出,无论孩子怎么样,父母仍然想知道孩子生活的细节。可怜天下父母心。故选D。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 只有在回家的路上,她才会告诉我她早上的情况。A. only 仅仅的,唯一的;B. other 其它的;C. second 第二的;D. last最后的。开车回家是唯一的时间她可以提供关于她一上午的情况的时候。故选A。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意: 只有在回家的路上,她才会告诉我她早上的信息。A. permission 允许;B. information 信息;C. devotion 奉献;D. intention目的。由前文“How was your morning?”可知,作者想知道关于女儿早上的信息,所以,只有在回家的路上,女儿才会告诉作者早上的信息。故选B。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们开进车道的时候,我把谈话转移到别的事情上。A. interest 兴趣;B. rule 规则;C. conversation 对话;D. routine常规; 例行程序。由前文可知,作者一直在与女儿交谈,但效果甚微。所以作者这次把谈话转移到别的事情上。故选C。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我确信我不断的问题会惹恼她,所以我试着把问题限制在放学后的车上。A. take 拿走;B. guide指导;C. show 展示; D. limit限制。由前文“I am sure that my constant questions annoy her”可知,作者确信自己不断的问题会惹恼她,所以作者试着把问题限制在放学后的开车时间内。故选D。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很感激我的女儿还不太清楚我们的行车路线。A. proud 自豪的;B. disappointed失望的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. grateful感激的。女儿不知道作者的行车路线,作者感到很感激。否则女儿会不高兴的。故选D。 20.考查连词词义辨析。句意:她不知道我有时会走很远的路回家,所以我们会多呆几分钟。A. although尽管;B. because因为;C. so所以; D. or或者。分析句子可知,前后句意表示因果关系。故选C。

    A gratitude journal is a great way to keep yourself in a positive state of mind. This article will offer some tips for starting and keeping one.

1.Make it a rule to write down things you are thankful for per day. 1.This will make writing the journal more challenging as time goes on, but that's how your awareness and thankfulness will grow. You'll find new things to be thankful for what you never noticed before.

2.Write about extended material things in your life. 2.For example, if you love to paint, you may be grateful for the paint that you have. Or, if you like music ,you may be grateful for your CD connections.

3.3.. You can start by feeling grateful to be alive . Avoid the trap of being grateful for something that is better than what other people  have. Instead, compare whatever you are grateful for with how you would feel if you didn't have it.

4.Think about your abilities. You may start with basic abilities like your abilities to see and hear., 4.Think about skilful things like singing and dancing ,and your character like your skills in cheering up people or your skills in being a good friend.

5. Consider the people in your life. Think about all the people you are grateful to and write down the reasons. It's also good to write about the people that you don't really like and find a reason to appreciate them, its also a test of your character.5.After all ,There is good in everyone.

A. Avoid repeating the same things,

B. Describe how you are grateful for what you have have.

C. This can be difficult but very uplifting.

D. Then progress to those that are unique to you.

E. Feel grateful for any advantage you may have.

F. These things vary greatly depending on your interests.

G. In this way,everything will become more heartwarming.



    Just under a decade ago, faced with a declining economy and rising oil prices, drivers were turning away from gas-powered vehicles and toward hybrid-electric cars (油电混合动力汽车) that promised, over time, to save them millions.

That was then, In recent years, as the economy recovered and gas prices dropped, so has demand for more-fuel-efficient cars. Electric cars and hybrids now make up less than 3% of new-car purchases, down from years past. Roughly 75% of Americas who traded in a hybrid or an electric car this year took home an all-gas car, an 11-point increase from 2015

At the same time, it's unreasonable to expect drivers to change their habits purely because of a sense of duty to build a better world. Buying a Toyota Camry, for example, would save its owner about $400 yearly in gas spending (vs. a similar-size all-gas vehicle). But it would also cost an extra $3000 in advance. For Americans, that payoff isn't worth the investment.

Automakers face this stalemate (僵局)? The government. Thanks to a set of regulations, automakers are required to keep improving their average fuel efficiencies to a certain degree, no matter how oil prices might change.

But starting a true green-car revolution will require more than fuel-efficiency standards. One solution, favored by some economists and environmental activists, is an increase in the gas tax, Which hasn't been raised since 1993. Others have suggested taxing carbon emission(排放), so people will rethink how they drive. In Norway, where drivers pay both fees, the electric cars from Tesla Motors have enjoyed a brief period as the country's top-selling vehicle.

Indeed, the best approach may well be to create the impossible: an electric car that actually offers more value than its gas-powered competitor. Many are trying, from Tesla to GM, which is releasing an inexpensive all-electric car this year. The future of driving is “not going to be determined by gas prices," says economist Jeff Sachs. “It's going to be determined by technology."

1.What change has taken place in the US car market?

A.Car purchases have dropped sharply

B.People are beginning to favor all-gas cars

C.Electric cars have become the most popular

D.Hybrid-electric cars have become more expensive

2.What do Americans think of the Toyota Camry hybrid?

A.It is a good investment

B.It is perfectly comfortable.

C.It has a price disadvantage.

D.It will change bad driving habits.

3.What can we infer about green cars in Norway?

A.They will slow they country's economy.

B.They may be a big potential market.

C.They will cause an increase in the gas tax.

D.They require higher fuel-efficiency standards.

4.Which of the following will Jeff Sachs probably agree with?

A.There will be more electric cars.

B.All-gas cars will be the general trend.

C.Gas-powered cars will cost much more.

D.Technology will affect driving negatively.



    Many of America's young adults appear to be in no hurry to move out of their old bedrooms. For the first time on record, living with parents is now the most common choice for millennials (bon from the early 1980s to late 1990s), a study by the Pew Research Center has found. And the percentage of older millennials those aged 25 to 34 who are living at home has reached its highest point (19 percent) on record, Pew analysts said.

Nearly one-third of all millennials live with their parents, slightly more than the proportion who live with a spouse(配偶). It's the first time that living at home has outpaced living with a spouse for this age group since such record-keeping began in 1880. The remaining young adults are living alone, with other relatives, in college dorms, as roommates or under other circumstances.

Jennifer Post, 26, has been living with her parents in Villas, New Jersey, since dropping out of law school two years ago. A law career wasn't a good fit for her, Post decided, and now she's seeking a job in digital media or marketing. Post spends her days on her computer, sending resumes(简历) and refreshing LinkedIn and other job sites. To her parents, it looks as though she's slacking off. "It's definitely a generation gap thing," she said. "I think they literally think I just sit down and watch movies all day."

Declining employment is a factor (因素 ) keeping many 18- to 34-year-olds at home. The share of young people with jobs fell to 71 percent in 2014 from 84 percent in 1960 the year when the percentage of young adults living outside the home reached the highest point. Other factors contributing to more millennials living with parents range from rising apartment rents to heavy student-debt loads to longer periods in college.

Casey Marshella moved back in with her parents in Fairfield, Connecticut, after graduating from Boston University last year. Just this week, she moved into an apartment with her sister. Within weeks, she and a friend — who also lives with her parents — expect to find their own place. Because many people her age share the same circumstances, most sympathize with her.  Marshella, 22, says. Still their first question is usually, "So when are you planning on moving out?"

1.What has Pew found out about young people in the US?

A.The percentage of those maxing out is the highest since 1880

B.Living at home has become their preferred choice.

C.About one-third of them are living alone

D.19% of them are living with a spouse

2.What can we learn about Post's parents?

A.They want her to live at home. B.They are helping her find a job.

C.They can hardly understand her. D.They disagree on her law career.

3.Why does the author use the numbers in Paragraph 4?

A.To prove the link between jobs and moving out.

B.To explain the reason of declining employment.

C.To compare different reasons for living at home.

D.To show the difficulties of living outside the home.

4.Which can be the main idea for the text?

A.Millennials stay longer with parents.

B.Millennials lead a more colorful life.

C.Young adults increasingly value family

D.Young adults try hard to seek jobs.



    The other day I came across an Instagram post from my friend and colleague Danielle. It was a photo of a review of Danielle s recent photography exhibit. The review was positive, but also critical. That’s why Danielle posted it. She was proud of her work, no matter what her critics thought.

I was shocked by the post- -- it was one of the most honest things I've ever seen on social media! Usually when I scroll (滚读) through Facebook or Instagram, everything I see is perfect. Perfect vacations, perfect babies, perfect birthday cakes…

I' m guilty of it too. I only post photos of happy stuff. If someone saw my Instagram, they’d probably think, “Wow, this girl doesn’t have a care in the world.... and also she must really, really love ice cream.”

Danielle s post didn’t show a perfect world. And yet that didn’t make me think less of her. Quite the opposite, I respected her even more as an artist. That got me thinking. Maybe social media could be more meaningful if we showed off our mistakes or our struggles. And not a world where everything’s perfect, ice cream never melts and the lighting s always just right.

I’m going to try it out. Start with this blog post, which I’ll share on social media. I’ve included a photo here. It’s about a story I worked on for Guideposts magazine. See all those cross- outs and rewrites? That’s just the first of five pages of edit after edit from Guideposts editor- in-chief Edward Grinnan.

I remember the horrible day it happened like it was yesterday. I admit that I wept some tears over it. I considered giving up writing for a career. Eventually, though, I faced the music. I talked to Edward and asked him to explain the edits in detail so I could do better next time. The whole situation was rough. But, looking back now, it was a great learning experience.

1.Why was the author surprised at Danielle' s post?

A.It showed a perfect exhibit

B.It showed a beautiful photo

C.It included a strange picture

D.It included an objective review

2.What was the influence of Danielle s post on the author?

A.She realized the world is not perfect.

B.She was no longer afraid of mi stakes.

C.She stopped posting ice cream photos.

D.She began changing her posting habit.

3.What is the author's newly- posted photo about?

A.Her artworks B.Her happy times

C.Her failures as a writer D.Her favorite magazines

4.Which can replace the underlined part faced the music in the last paragraph?

A.Listened to music B.Stuck to my opinions

C.Accepted the criticisms D.Played a piece of music.



    Welcome to Parkside Federation Academies

We are pleased to introduce you to a wide range of courses, training programs and other activities.

Enrolment (注册)

You can enrol for any course on 01223 712340 from 29th June. You can download course information from http://www.parksidefederation.org. uk/adult-learn-train/.

The office will not be open from 23rd July until 3rd September for enrolment in person due to building work, however, we will be taking bookings over the phone and by email during this time.

Our hosted enrolment dates are:

Parkside Campus: 12th September 10:00-12:00

Coleridge Campus: 10th September 18:00-19:30


Fees are payable in full when you enrol.

Refunds(退款) will be paid in full when a class is closed according to the College's decision, or if you cancel your enrolment at least two weeks before the course starts. If you decide to cancel less than two weeks before the course starts you will receive a 50% refund. Unfortunately we cannot offer a refund if a course has already started.

Learner information

If you supplied your email address, you should expect to receive a confirmation email after your enrolment.

Free parking is available in the evening at all centers.

Upon enrolment you will receive learner information about college support as well as policies and regulations.

In the event of severe weather conditions that result in school closure: please check the website http://www.parksidefederation.org.uk/ or turn on local radio for up-to-date information.

1.Which date you should avoid if you want to enrol in person?

A.29th June B.23rd July

C.10th September D.12th September

2.How much can you get back if you cancel your enrolment a week before the course starts?

A.No refund. B.A 20% refund.

C.A 50% refund. D.A full refund.

3.How will the school inform learners if it is closed due to bad weather?

A.Give learners calls.

B.Write emails to learners.

C.Post notices on

D.Announce the closure on local TV.



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