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The human body is made up of over 75%wat...

    The human body is made up of over 75%water, and we cannot live without water. Keep in mind that water is healthy and necessary for leading yourself towards better health.

Your own personal need for water can vary greatly due to exercise, weight and temperature.1. .By drinking water on a regular basis you can replenish (补充)the water in your body.

By the time you are thirsty you have already lost two or more cups of the body’s water supply.2.. Whenever you exercise, you need more water. Due to exercise, your body loses quite a bit of water. For each pound lost, you need to drink two cups of water.

3.. By drinking a glass of water before you go to sleep, you can wake up with your body functioning as it should be. When you are sick, you need more water than at any other time.4.. Therefore, you feel more thirsty than usual when you have a cold. You can try to prevent this by drinking more water at times when you become sick.5.. You should keep a bottle of water with you at all times and drink it throughout the day. You should also teach yourself to drink water instead of other drinks that don’t include the things that your body needs.

A. Always make it a habit to drink water on a daily basis

B. You should decide which the best type of water is

C. Therefore, drinking water regularly is much better than simply waiting until you are thirsty

D. Even when you lie down to sleep, your body loses water

E. When you get a cold, your body loses water quite quickly

F. There are several different opinions as to whether drinking water is actually beneficial

G. Research has proven that over two thirds of adults don’t get the water they need on a daily basis


1.G 2.C 3.D 4.E 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了维持正常每日喝水量的重要性。不能等渴了再喝水,生病了也更要多喝水,要随身携带一瓶水,让喝水形成一种习惯。 1.空格位于段中。空格后一句句意为:通过经常规律地喝水,你能补充体内的水分。G选项中的“don’t get the water they need on a daily basis(没有每天喝足够的水)”与下句中的“you can replenish the water in your body”前后内容一致,故G选项“研究已经证明,超过三分之二的成年人得不到他们每天所需的水”切题。故选G。 2.空格位于段中。空格前一句句意为:当你口渴的时候,你已经缺了你身体需要的两杯或者更多杯的水。选项C(因此,经常喝水比简单的等口渴了在喝水要好很多。)可与上句之间形成因果关系。选项C中的thirsty与上句中的thirsty前后呼应,故选C。 3.空格位于段首。空格后一句句意为:睡觉前喝一杯水,你醒来时身体就可以正常运行。选项D(即使你躺着的时候,身体也会失去水分。)与下句句意吻合。且其中的sleep与下一句中的before you go to sleep中的sleep前后呼应,故选D。 4.空格位于段中。空格前一句句意为:当你生病时,你比其它时候更需要更多的水。选项E(当你感冒时,你的身体失水会特别快。)与上句句意吻合,且选项E中的“When you get a cold(当你感冒时)”与下句中的“when you have a cold”也呼应。故选E。 5.空格位于段中。由空格后的“You should keep a bottle of water with you at all times and drink it throughout the day. You should also teach yourself to drink water instead of other drinks that don’t include the things that your body needs.(你应该随时带一杯水。你应该让自己喝水而不是其他不包含你身体所需要的的东西的饮料。)”可知,这是对读者如何喝水提出的建议。选项A(让每天按时喝水成为一种习惯。)与下文意思吻合。且其中的drink water on a daily basis与下文中的drink it throughout the day前后呼应,故选A。

    For a generation now, school reform has meant what students must be taught and carried out by standardized(标准化的)tests.

Here’s a thought experiment. Suppose that next year almost every student passed the tests. What would the reaction be from people? Would they shake their heads in respect and say, “Damn, those teachers must be good!”?

Of course not. Such remarkable success would be used as evidence that the tests were too easy and it needs to raise standards. “High standards” really means “standards that all students will never be able to meet”. My little thought experiment uncovers a truth that we have been taught to respond with doubt whenever all members of any group are successful. In America, success doesn’t count unless it is got by only a few.

Consider widespread complaints about “grade inflation(膨胀)” in higher education. Many people don’t even bother to stress that grades have risen over time. They simply point to how many students get A’s right now. The goal, in other words, isn’t to do well but to defeat other people who are also trying to do well. Grades in testing should be used to announce who’s beating whom. A school’s final task, apparently, is not to help everyone learn but to prepare the game so that there will always be losers.

This makes no sense in any situation. Perhaps, for example, we can defend rating states or nations based on the quality of their air, health care or schools, but ranking them is foolish. School testing ranking doesn’t lead to improvements in performance but tends to hold us back from doing our best. It makes productive teamwork less likely and leads all concerned to focus not on meaningful improvements but on trying to beat everyone else.

Most of all, it encourages the false belief that excellence is a zero-sum game. It would be more reasonable to rescue the spirit of the concept: Everyone may not succeed, but at least in theory all of us could.

1.What did the writer’s thought experiment prove?

A.Good teachers represent higher test scores.

B.Excellence is regarded as a rare thing.

C.American tests are usually too easy.

D.Students don’t meet the test standards.

2.What does the writer think American schools seem to do?

A.Promote teachers to teach better. B.Remove the belief of beating others.

C.Help all students do well at school. D.Ensure the existence of failures.

3.What is the writer’s attitude towards schools testing ranking?

A.Disapproving. B.Optimistic.

C.Sympathetic. D.Unconcerned.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.How Can Students Succeed? B.Why Can’t Everyone Get A’s?

C.What Standards Do Schools Set? D.Who Get Best Grades at School?



    Gases, like black carbon, methane(甲烷)and the ozone in city smog, are called “short-lived climate pollutants(污染物)”, which exist both outdoors and indoors and decrease agricultural crops.

WHO says emissions(排放物)from these climate pollutants cause many serious illnesses, including lung cancer. And these pollutants are responsible for many of the more than 7 million premature deaths each year that are connected to air pollution.

Maria Neira in WHO says the pollutants have a strong impact on climate change. But the good news is that they only stay in the atmosphere for a few days to 10 years. That is much shorter than carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that can remain for hundreds, or even thousands of years.

According to Maria Neira, when you address the short-lived pollutants, you can reduce emissions very rapidly, and then improve air quality. You will have an immediate reduction in the ill-health and diseases caused by the reduction of air pollution.

WHO has many available and affordable ways to reduce these short-lived climate pollutants. At the top of their list: cutting vehicle emissions by requiring higher emissions and efficiency standards. More emissions are released when engines are running.

Indoor air pollution also contributes to bad health and premature death. WHO reports that nearly 3 billion low-income households rely on “dirty fuels”. Coal, wood and kerosene used for cooking and heating are examples. Cleaner and more efficient stoves and fuel alternatives could cut down on the health risks.

Another way to cut back on these pollutants is to have more investments and policies for rapid transport. These include buses, trains, bicycles and pedestrians or walking routes. These investments could have many benefits, including safer travel, reduced health risks from noise and air pollution and more physical activity.

The WHO report also calls for encouraging high and middle-income populations to include more plant-based foods in their diets. It says this could reduce heart disease and some cancers. It could also slow the methane gas production that comes with some animal-sourced foods.

1.The “short-lived climate pollutants” are so called because           .

A.they cause many to die young.

B.they exist shorter than the greenhouse gas.

C.they live indoors for a short time.

D.they have a short effect on people’s health.

2.The underlined word “address” in Paragraph 4 means “          ”.

A.live on. B.talk about.

C.deal with. D.turn to.

3.What can be inferred from the whole passage?

A.Rich people hardly ever eat plant-based foods in daily life.

B.No emissions are released from stopped engines.

C.Governments should take measures to fight pollution.

D.Heart disease and some cancers are caused by the pollutants.

4.Which of the following may be the best title for the text?

A.The ways to fight air pollution.

B.Reducing short-lived climate pollutants to save lives.

C.Some sources of serious air pollution.

D.A report about pollution from WHO.



    At the age of eight, Glenn Cunningham was severely injured in a fire. He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital.

From his bed, the semi-conscious(半昏迷的)little boy heard the doctor talking to his mother. The doctor told his mother that her son would surely die—which was for the best, really—for the terrible fire had destroyed the lower half of his body.

But somehow, to the amazement of the physician, he did survive. The mother was told that her son was bound to spend a lifetime in a wheelchair.

But this brave little boy was determined that he would walk and even run. But unfortunately, from the waist down, Glenn had no motor ability. His thin, scarred legs just hung there, all but lifeless. Yet his courage that he would walk was as strong as ever.

One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air. This day, instead of sitting there, he threw himself from the chair. Glenn worked his way to the fence, dragging his legs behind him. Then, step by step, he began dragging himself along the fence, determined that he would walk. He started to do this every day until eventually Glenn did develop the ability first to stand up , then to walk with help, then to walk by himself—and then amazingly—to run. Glenn began to run to school. He ran everywhere as fast as he could. Later in college, Glenn joined the track team where he received the nickname(绰号)the “Kansas Flyer”.

1938 witnessed this young man’s another amazing achievement. This young man, who was not expected to survive, who would surely never walk, who could never hope to run, ran the mile in 4 minutes and 4.4 seconds, the world’s fastest indoor mile! His persistence paid off.

1.What did the doctor think of Glenn’s injury?

A.It would take a long time for him to fully recover.

B.It would cost lots of money to cure him.

C.He would be semi-conscious.

D.He had little chance of surviving.

2.Why did Glenn receive the nickname the “ Kansas Flyer”?

A.Because he looked like the “ Kansas Flyer”.

B.Because he once acted as the “ Kansas Flyer”.

C.Because he could run very fast.

D.Because he joined the track team.

3.What achievement did Glenn make in 1938?

A.He survived. B.He developed the ability to walk.

C.He began to run to school. D.He set a world record.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.The power of determination. B.The dream for championship.

C.The key to high performance. D.The mistake of a doctor.




Over 70 million people have registered with Duolingo, a free and incredibly well-designed language learning app. Though not a replacement for proper language tuition, the app is a fun way to get the basics, or to keep yourself fresh on grammar and vocabulary, before a trip abroad. Just like a computer game, the app guides you through levels that you need to complete before advancing, and you gain experience points along the way.

* Free, iOS and Android, duolingo.com

XE Currency(货币)

XE is the go-to site for currency conversions on the web, so it’s no surprise that its app is so popular: with over 20 million downloads since launch. It has lots of business-oriented features, such as rates for previous metals and historic charts, but for the traveler it is most useful for the simple fact that it’s able to convert every world currency. It also functions offline by saving the latest updated rates.

* Free, iOS and Android, xe.com

App in the Air

App in the Air is a smart, straightforward, flight tracking app that has the best coverage of airlines and airports. It will keep you updated about flight status even if you don’t have internet coverage and help you manage your time at the airport, breaking down each flight into four stages: check in, boarding, takeoff and landing time.

* Free, iOS and Android, appintheair.mobi

Wolfram Sun Exposure

There are a few apps out there that help you manage your time in the sun safely, but this one offers the most detailed information to keep you informed. You enter your skin type and it calculates how long you can spend sunning yourself before getting burned, based on the time of day, where you are and the strength of sun cream you’re wearing. It also provides UV forecasts for your location.

* £0.79, iOS

1.If you want to know the information about the change rate of money, you can turn to      for help.

A.Wolfram. B.App in the Air.

C.XE Currency. D.Duolingo.

2.About these apps, which of the following is TRUE?

A.All of these four can be used in the same system.

B.Duolingo is an unbelievable gaming app where you gain experience points along the way.

C.You can learn the latest news about the flights with limited connectivity in App in the Air.

D.Your time in the sun safely is influenced by the brand of sun cream you’re applying.

3.The passage is intended for      .

A.teenagers. B.travelers.

C.businessmen. D.guides.



假如你是学生会主席李华,为了让外国人了解中国传统文化,学生会将进行唐诗吟诵大赛”(Tang Poetry Recitation Contest),特邀请学校国际部学生参加,请你根据提示写一则通知。



2.主办方:校学生会(The Student Union) 时间:2020117 地点:校报告厅(assembly hall)

3.范围:唐诗三百首(Three Hundred Tang Poems)




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