满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1. 分享创城的意义;

2. 争做文明市民的建议;

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

全国文明城市  the National Civilized City



Li Hua


What is known to all is that Jingmen city has been making every effort to be one of the civilized cities across China. The purpose of activity is to improve the qualities of the citizens. What's more, it's an extremely important opportunity to make Jingmen a better place for us to live. Therefore, all citizens should do something meaningful. First and foremost,our little action counts. As a student, we’d better show respect for teachers on campus and parents at home. What's more, we are supposed not to throw rubbish in public places and should obey the traffic rules wherever we are. Last but not least, nothing can be better if we attach great importance to environmental protection. The idea of three Rs “recycle, reuse and reduce” can make a great difference to a better city. All in all, only by making joint efforts can we be civilized citizens and make great contributions to our city. 【解析】 本题为应用文中的建议信写作。 本文要求以李华的身份给荆门日报写一封建议信,呼吁大家行动起来,争做文明市民,内容包括:1. 分享创城的意义;2. 争做文明市民的建议;需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的主题都要包括,写作时也要注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。写建议信时,观点要合情合理,简洁明确、理由充足,具有合理性和说服力。通常包括:1.说明写信目的或反映某种情况;2. 提出建议与改进措施并给与忠告;3. 表达希望采纳建议并期盼回复。

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续 写的词数应为150左右。

Christmas was hanging around. Six-year-old David was thinking what presents he could get from Santa. He wanted slippers; he wanted a silk tie; he wanted some toys. And school starting soon, he also hoped to get something about schooling. In order to get Santa to know what he needed, he thought he would write a letter to Santa, which he believed would bring him those presents. He found a sheet and made a list of the items on it, and then bent down to post the letter up the chimney, waiting for the winds to take it up.

David got up very early on the Christmas morning. He searched his room carefully, but to his disappointment, he didn't find the presents he hoped for. Hadn't Santa received the letter? Was he too busy to send him the gifts? Although feeling a little upset, David was convinced that Santa would not forget him and he was bound to receive the items.

Many years had passed and 2019 came. In an old house, a young builder, Lewis Shaw was removing the fireplace with his colleagues when he suddenly found a small piece of paper, which was still in perfect condition even if it had turned yellow. He picked it up and unfolded it. It was a letter written to Santa. The touching hand-written note read

Dear Father Christmas ,

Please can you send me a drum , box of chalks , slippers , silk tie , pencil box , any little toys you have to spare.



It was then signed off with lots of kisses.

This was the very letter written by David and the house was where he had lived during his childhood! The letter struck Shaw so much. How simple Christmas once was! David didn't ask for much, just the things he just needed. Nowadays kids always wanted expensive gifts and took it for granted.


所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词;



Paragraph 1:

Shaw decided to find out the author of the letter. He shared a photo of the note on Facebook. He also                                                                                             


Paragraph 2:

A great surprise was on the way. After a pleasant chat,                                           






2. 帮他起一个中文名字,并给出理由;

3. 询问他的意见。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不要出现自己的真实姓名。




假如你是某杂志健康栏目的主持人Mr Helper,人们经常写信询问健康之道,请你写一封回信,指出健康的重要性,并针对“如何保持健康”给出自己的建议。信的内容需包含以下信息:




Dear readers,


Yours sincerely,

Mr Helper











Dear Helen,

I’m very glad to receive your email. Now I would like to tell you something about the extracurricular reading in our school.


Best wishes!


Li Hua




Is a knife useful instrument or a dangerous weapon? It depends on how it is used. It’s the same with technology and one of those greatest inventions is cell phones. They have revolutionized the human existence. This is possible only because they are getting cheaper and cheaper. The technology has made it even easier to give them a longer life.

Undoubtedly, if cell phones are in right hands, no matter how far we are setting we can talk anytime anywhere! We can watch favourite TV shows, listen to favourite songs,etc, as cell phones are equipped with all high-tech features. In fact, it’s good to parents as well as children. Parents can monitor their children and children are also safe. If anyone is an any ind of danger, ahe or he can call for help immediately.

There are always two sides of a coin. The technology has caused a danger that we keep ignoring. The cell phones have progressed rapidly and at the same time they provide us with more tasks than what we would attempt. When a person is multitasking rather than complete a single task, this causes burden and results in stress. Also cell phones have made terrorist attacks in the world very easy. Besides, children spend much of their time in playing games instead of going out and playing, which is very harmful to them.

We should always remember that there lives a wise man between the valley of two mountains. Are cell phones a useful instrument or a dangerous weapon? The answer lies in our hands.




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