满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was my twenty-eighth birthday, and I ...

    It was my twenty-eighth birthday, and I was seriously upset. I was a newly divorced mom, raising two small children on my own. Feeling _______ myself had become comfortable for me.

The evening before my _______, my six-year-old son Nick said,“Tomorrow's your birthday, Mommy! I can't _______!”Unable to return his enthusiasm, I kissed his cheeks and _______ he could forget it the next day.

The next morning, I _______ noises in our living room and then I heard Nick _______ his baby sister Maya, telling her to“make Mommy smile today.”It suddenly hit me. I'd been so _______ in my sadness that I hadn't realized how it was affecting my children. Sensing my _______, my little boy was doing his best to _______ something about it.

I marched into the living room to hug my children — and was __________ in my tracks. There sat Nick on the floor, Maya on her blanket next to him, and in front of them was a pile of __________.

I looked wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the presents, then back to my son. “Happy Birthday!” he cried. “I __________ you, Mommy, didn't I?” I knelt (跪) down next to him and asked how he'd __________ to get me the presents. He reminded me of our __________ to the Dollar Tree store, and I __________ remembered him telling me he was going to spend the pocket money he'd been saving for ages. I had almost __________ him for spending everything he had so carefully saved. I would never have imagined that he was __________ gifts for me.

__________ the presents, I suddenly saw the beauty in my life. The sadness __________ from my heart. I hugged my son and daughter and told them how __________ I was to have them in my life.

1.A.satisfied with B.sorry for C.afraid of D.amazed by

2.A.graduation B.anniversary C.retirement D.birthday

3.A.lie B.leave C.wait D.play

4.A.hoped B.proved C.promised D.advised

5.A.tested B.made C.heard D.remembered

6.A.singing to B.talking to C.arguing with D.speaking about

7.A.similar B.skilled C.lost D.scared

8.A.unhappiness B.importance C.impatience D.confusion

9.A.explain B.read C.find D.do

10.A.blamed B.stopped C.refused D.chosen

11.A.clothes B.bags C.toys D.presents

12.A.surprised B.trusted C.missed D.frightened

13.A.expected B.managed C.agreed D.pretended

14.A.dream B.plan C.trip D.task

15.A.immediately B.frequently C.recently D.continuously

16.A.forgiven B.thanked C.supported D.scolded

17.A.preparing B.designing C.opening D.ordering

18.A.Depending on B.Running into C.Looking at D.Paying for

19.A.expanded B.rose C.appeared D.removed

20.A.busy B.lucky C.wrong D.greedy


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 本文为记叙文。作者作为带着两个孩子的单亲妈妈时常感到沮丧,儿子和女儿为了让妈妈开心准备了生日礼物,这给作者带来了惊喜和感动。 1.考查短语辨析。句意:为自己感到难过对我来说已经变得很舒服了。A. satisfied with感到满意;B. sorry for感到难过;C. afraid of感到害怕;D. amazed by感到惊讶。作为带着两个孩子的单亲妈妈,我感到沮丧,经常为自己感到难过。故选B。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我生日的前一天晚上,我六岁的儿子尼克说:“妈妈,明天是你的生日。我等不及了。”A. graduation毕业;B. anniversary纪念日;C. retirement退休;D. birthday生日。根据下文Tomorrow's your birthday, Mommy!可知,在我生日的前一天晚上。故选D。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我生日的前一天晚上,我六岁的儿子尼克说:“妈妈,明天是你的生日。我等不及了。”A. lie躺;B. leave离开;C. wait等;D. play玩。儿子等不及要为我过生日了。故选C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我无法回应他的热情,我吻了他的脸颊,希望他第二天能忘记这一切。A. hoped希望;B. proved证明;C. promised应允;D. advised建议。我心情沮丧,没有过生日的心情,希望儿子能忘掉生日的事儿。故选A。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,我听见客厅里有吵闹声,然后我听到尼克在和他的小妹妹玛雅说话,告诉她今天要让妈妈开心。A. tested测验;B. made制造;C. heard听到;D. remembered记得。根据下文noises in our living room and then I heard Nick ___6___ his baby sister Maya, telling her to “make Mommy smile today.”可知,我听见客厅里有吵闹声。故选C。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,我听见客厅里有吵闹声,然后我听到尼克在和他的小妹妹玛雅说话,告诉她今天要让妈妈开心。A. singing to给……唱歌;B. talking to跟……说话;C. arguing with和……争论;D. speaking about谈论。根据句意可知,儿子跟他的妹妹说话。故选B。 7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我一直沉浸在悲伤中,没有意识到它是如何影响我的孩子们的。A. similar熟悉;B. skilled熟练;C. lost沉浸;D. scared害怕。根据下文Sensing my ___8___, my little boy was doing his best to ___9___ something about it.可知,我一直沉浸在自己的悲伤中。故选C。 8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:儿子看出了我的忧愁,总是想办法为此做点什么。A. unhappiness不幸,忧愁;B. importance重要;C. impatience急躁;D. confusion困惑。根据下文my little boy was doing his best to ___9___ something about it.可知,儿子看到我的忧愁。故选A。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:儿子看出了我的忧愁,总是想办法为此做点什么。A. explain解释;B. read读;C. find发现;D. do做。儿子想为我做些事情让我高兴起来。故选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我大步走进客厅去拥抱我的孩子们,却被挡住了去路。尼克坐在地板上,玛雅坐在他旁边的毯子上,他们面前是一堆礼物。A. blamed谴责;B. stopped阻止;C. refused拒绝;D. chosen选择。根据下文There sat Nick on the floor, Maya on her blanket next to him, and in front of them was a pile of ____11____.可知,孩子们挡住了我的去路。故选B。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我大步走进客厅去拥抱我的孩子们,却被挡住了去路。尼克坐在地板上,玛雅坐在他旁边的毯子上,他们面前是一堆礼物。A. clothes衣服;B. bags包;C. toys玩具;D. presents礼物。根据下一句I looked wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the presents…可知,地上堆满了礼物。故选D。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我让你大吃一惊了,妈妈,是吗?”A. surprised令人吃惊;B. trusted信人;C. missed思念;D. frightened恐吓。儿子想要给我惊喜。故选A。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在他旁边跪下来,问到他怎样给我准备了这些礼物。A. expected预料;B. managed设法;C. agreed同意;D. pretended假装。我想要知道儿子如何准备的这些礼物。故选B。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他让我想起了我们去Dollar Tree商店的那次经历,我立刻记起他告诉我,他要把存了很久的零花钱花掉。A. dream梦想;B. plan计划;C. trip旅行,经历;D. task任务。儿子向我提起那次去Dollar Tree商店的经历。故选C。 15.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他让我想起了我们去Dollar Tree商店的那次经历,我立刻记起他告诉我,他要把存了很久的零花钱花掉。A. immediately立即;B. frequently时常;C. recently近来;D. continuously不断地。儿子提起去Dollar Tree商店的那次经历,我立即想到了儿子说过的话。故选A。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我几乎要责备他花光了他仔细保存的所有东西。A. forgiven忘记;B. thanked感激;C. supported支持;D. scolded责备。看到儿子花光了自己苦心积攒下来的东西,我想要责备儿子。故选D。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我万万没有想到他在为我准备礼物。A. preparing准备;B. designing设计;C. opening打开;D. ordering订购。根据语境可知,我没有想到儿子为我准备礼物。故选A。 18.考查动词短语辨析。句意:看着这些礼物,我突然发现了我生命中的美丽。A. Depending on依靠;B. Running into撞倒;C. Looking at看着;D. Paying for支付。看到儿子为我准备的礼物,我内心感到了美好。故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:悲伤从我心里消失了。A. expanded扩张;B. rose升起;C. appeared出现;D. removed消除。我看到礼物,感到了美好,因此悲伤从内心消失。故选D。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我拥抱了我的儿子和女儿,告诉他们我的生活有他们是多么的幸运。A. busy;B. lucky;C. wrong;D. greedy。儿子和女儿给我带来感动,因此我的生活是幸运的。故选B。

    In Poland the ever closer economic relationship with China has aroused people's interest in the country more than 6,600 kilometers away. Many of them often turn to a popular _______ named Chinytolubie, Polish for “China, I like it", which was created by Chodak.

Chodak had never been to China before. Nor had he worked in a China-related field. When he was a little boy, he was interested in martial arts and _______  by Bruce Lee. But he didn't try to_______ a martial arts star himself. His interest_______ to other areas of the Chinese culture.

While gaining more knowledge about China himself, Chodak noticed that more of his fellow Poles were taking interest in China but found it_______ to gather relevant information, and thus decided to help them _______ launching the website.

He started by publishing information carried on the website of the Chinese embassy in Warsaw, and soon extended the range to a variety of _______in different fields such as business, culture, education, travel, technology and China-Poland relations.

Later, Chodak tried to _______ something himself. When there were important political events, he tried to explain them in a/an  _______  way. Someone learning Chinese or planning a business trip to China would ________ find some useful information on his website.

In the beginning he had 250 fans. The number seems tiny today________ he cherishes the memory of those days. Chinytolubie is now also present on social media, with over 12 ,000 followers. They are supportive and some are often________that Chodak is not living in China yet.

As the website's scale________ and popularity increases, sometimes publicists come to him with news stories, but Chodak still________on following China-related topics around the clock and writing most of the content himself. For the future, he has an ambitious goal. His________ is to make Chinytolubie a recognizable platform worldwide, where everyone can read about China.

1.A.party B.website C.book D.company

2.A.fascinated B.taught C.discovered D.liked

3.A.fight B.train C.report D.become

4.A.shifted B.stuck C.attempted D.adopted

5.A.strange B.convenient C.difficult D.incredible

6.A.to B.in C.under D.by

7.A.cities B.countries C.chances D.sources

8.A.make up B.write about C.look for D.pick out

9.A.mysterious B.traditional C.understandable D.academic

10.A.definitely B.sincerely C.generally D.secretly

11.A.or B.and C.but D.for

12.A.frightened B.worried C.regretted D.surprised

13.A.disappears B.decreases C.lifts D.expands

14.A.insists B.depends C.moves D.carries

15.A.trial B.dream C.schedule D.duty



    One day, many years ago, when I was working as a psychologist at a children's institution in England, an adolescent boy showed up in the waiting room. I went out there where he was _______up and down restlessly.

Tim wore a black raincoat that was_____ all the way up to his neck. His face was pale, and he stared at his feet while wringing(扭)his hands nervously. He had _________his father as a baby, and had lived with his mother and grandfather ever since. But the year before he turned 13, his grandfather and mother were killed in a car accident. Now he was fourteen and in family care.

I looked at Tim. He was very ______and depressed. He refused to talk to me. The first two times we _______, Tim only sat hunched up (蜷缩) in the chair without saying a word. As he was about to leave after the second visit. I put my hand on his shoulder. He didn't _______ back, but he didn't look at me either.

“Come back next week, if you like, ”I said. I ____ a bit. Then I said, “I know it hurts. ”

He came, and I _____ we play chess. He nodded. After that we played chess every Wednesday afternoon in _______and without making any eye contact. It's not easy for me to _______ in chess, but I admit that I made sure Tim won once or twice.

Usually, he arrived earlier, took the chessboard and pieces and set them up before I even got an ______ to sit down. It seemed as if he enjoyed my ______. But why did he ______look at me?

“Perhaps he simply needs someone to share his _______with, ”I thought.

One afternoon. Tim took off his raincoat and put it on the back of the chair. While he was setting up the chess pieces, his face seemed more ________and his motions more lively.

Some months later, I sat staring at Tim's head, _____he was bent over the chessboard. I was thinking about how little we knew about the healing process. ______, he looked up at me. “It's your _______ ,” he said.

After that day, Tim started talking.

Maybe I gave Tim something, but I learned a lot from him. He showed me how one without any words can________ another person. All it_______is a huga shoulder to cry on, a friendly touch, a sympathetic nature and an ear that listens.

1.A.walking B.jumping C.sitting D.jogging

2.A.put B.buttoned C.wrapped D.tied

3.A.hated B.found C.missed D.lost

4.A.sad B.mad C.calm D.tough

5.A.talked B.tried C.gathered D.met

6.A.call B.come C.draw D.get

7.A.suspected B.hesitated C.worried D.doubted

8.A.insisted B.demanded C.required D.suggested

9.A.satisfaction B.patience C.silence D.excitement

10.A.cheat B.move C.play D.win

11.A.promise B.invitation C.order D.chance

12.A.attendance B.technique C.company D.instruction

13.A.sometimes B.never C.often D.ever

14.A.pain B.secret C.prejudice D.disagreement

15.A.serious B.anxious C.alive D.pale

16.A.since B.until C.before D.while

17.A.Suddenly B.Nervously C.Strangely D.Fortunately

18.A.time B.turn C.fault D.way

19.A.appeal B.tolerate C.refresh D.possess

20.A.works B.gives C.takes D.makes



    My heart beat with that feelingpumping it like blood to my body as my fingers flew across the piano keysAs the piece neared the endI _____ up to take my final bowFor a secondthe room was _____Yeteven in that one secondI had enough time to _____ whether I had done perfectlyThen_____the applause came

"Thank you…so much"I said_____ to the person standing on my other sideOlgamy piano teacher for six yearssmiled back at me"You've been an _____ student all these years"She said"I hope that whatever you doyou never stop _____"

I leaned forward_____ I would keep playing because I loved pianoand hugged her

It _____ to be that the promises weren't as meaningful as I'd hoped

Right after the _____I kept up my strict practicing schedule every day_____it began slipping away from meThe reason I had stopped taking _____ was because of my busy schedule with homeworkNot long afterI stopped practicing altogetherIt was _____ not to have to stress about piano anymore

But something was _____ inside of meI was empty inside

One day I met Michellewho had also taken piano lessons from Olga

"Are you _____ taking lessons from Olga"she asked

"Umno!Actually I just quit a while ago"I replied

"That's a  _____"she responded"You used to be so _____I remember your performance a year ago it was breathtaking"

Two days _____ talking to MichelleI subconsciously sat down on the bench and started playingI wasn't even trying to make the notes sound musically correct…I was simply doing what I should have been this entire timeplaying_____ to be playing

As the music spreadan_____ feeling rose inside me

1.A.stood B.sat C.showed D.looked

2.A.light B.nervous C.colorful D.quiet

3.A.expect B.remind C.know D.doubt

4.A.immediately B.suddenly C.hopefully D.successfully

5.A.running B.waving C.turning D.pointing

6.A.easy-going B.imaginative C.amazing D.honest

7.A.practicing B.training C.competing D.gaining

8.A.admitting B.telling C.promising D.speaking

9.A.carried on B.turned out C.brought up D.showed off

10.A.play B.final C.presentation D.performance

11.A.Soon B.Besides C.Thus D.Instead

12.A.lessons B.parts C.lectures D.pieces

13.A.disappointing B.puzzling C.inspiring D.pleasing

14.A.beating B.rising C.changing D.shining

15.A.even B.still C.much D.yet

16.A.shame B.relief C.pleasure D.deal

17.A.poor B.good C.nice D.old

18.A.after B.before C.when D.until

19.A.still B.always C.also D.just

20.A.unknown B.familiar C.awful D.empty



    Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Turning our weaknesses into strengths makes us ________ . A 12-year-old boy, Kim overcame his weakness by unknowingly making it his______ .

Poor Kim _____ his left arm in a terrible accident and was _____. To cheer him up, his father made him join a Judo(柔道)club. As the boy always wanted to learn Judo, his father thought this would make him _____ .

Everyone wondered how a single-armed boy could learn Judo._____ , the master happily accepted him. Kim practiced nothing but a single stroke(击).He trained for all 8 months in mastering a single stroke. The boy was ____ and sometimes annoyed as his master taught him only one stroke.

Yet, he said nothing. The boy mastered the stroke and grew in confidence as ____ could do that particular stroke better. The boy was _____ by the master to compete in a Judo championship tournament

Everyone _____ Kim and his master. Even the boy was not sure about why his master had chosen him.

To everyone's surprise, Kim easily ____ six competitors with his single stroke. He struggled a bit in the semi-finals but managed to win the match. Then the final match began. The opponent(对手)was very strong and the referee(裁判) ____ with Kim's master about stopping the match as he feared the opponent could ____ Kim. However, his master __ and told Kim to continue the match. With a huge effort, Kim ____ the match.

Kim thought it was __ and asked his master how he had become champion. His master told him “My dear boy, you learned the most ____ stroke in Judo that very few can master to perfection. If your opponent wants to beat you and ____ you from using the stroke, they should hold your left arm. This was the_____ behind your victory!'*

If the boy turned his weakness, the loss of his left arm, into such a great _____ . why can't we?

1.A.brave B.reliable C.powerful D.flexible

2.A.chance B.strength C.interest D.choice

3.A.bent B.raised C.broke D.lost

4.A.heartbroken B.impatient C.embarrassed D.angry

5.A.popular B.normal C.happy D.special

6.A.However B.Besides C.Therefore D.Otherwise

7.A.excited B.nervous C.ambitious D.surprised

8.A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody D.anybody

9.A.taught B.picked C.forced D.paid

10.A.feared B.admired C.knew D.doubted

11.A.shook B.hurt C.beat D.hit

12.A.discussed B.competed C.agreed D.quarreled

13.A.frighten B.blame C.harm D.move

14.A.struggled B.refused C.begged D.regretted

15.A.ignored B.organized C.watched D.won

16.A.unbelievable B.strange C.unacceptable D.satisfying

17.A.suitable B.standard C.terrible D.difficult

18.A.prevent B.protect C.save D.excuse

19.A.effort B.reality C.secret D.meaning

20.A.fun B.success C.challenge D.dream



    I’m not a person who loves collecting, but the TV room of my house is full of things. In it are things that there’s no other place to put, and things I can’t decide ______ to throw away, such as a lot of old bottles and boxes, some books and out-of-date magazines and a wood stove (炉子) I ______ use. The TV itself could actually work, but I only turn it ______ every four years to watch the presidential election.

The other night, scratching () sounds from the TV room ______ me up. Quietly, I entered the room, ______ the stove and opened its front door. There it was, a trembling squirrel, ______ me desperately.

I decided to give it a(n) ______ escape way. Therefore, I opened the outside door, stepped back and ______. The squirrel jumped out of the ______, but didn’t head outside. ______, it run through my magazine pile and then struggled among the bottles.

“Why didn’t it ______?” I wondered for a while until I ______ that I probably put _______ into that small squirrel’s heart. So I quickly ______ myself in the kitchen and watched the uninvited guest through the window. In my ______, the squirrel became _______ enough to look around and assess the situation. Suddenly, it ______ merrily.

The animal actually did a great ______: I couldn’t stand my ______ TV room for so long, so after the unexpected guest’s leaving I spent half a day cleaning and throwing. I eventually got a tidy TV room and some _______space.

1.A.whether B.how C.what D.when

2.A.relatively B.hardly C.eagerly D.frequently

3.A.off B.over C.down D.on

4.A.cheered B.rang C.kept D.woke

5.A.filled B.lighted C.approached D.replaced

6.A.staring at B.pointing to C.shouting to D.waving at

7.A.difficult B.easy C.tough D.steady

8.A.screamed B.jumped C.waited D.escaped

9.A.room B.bottles C.magazines D.stove

10.A.Instead B.Therefore C.Besides D.Again

11.A.play B.sleep C.leave D.click

12.A.realized B.spotted C.searched D.requested

13.A.amazement B.fear C.sorrow D.joy

14.A.raised B.behaved C.treated D.hid

15.A.absence B.opinion C.house D.career

16.A.excited B.nervous C.calm D.disappointed

17.A.jumped up B.ran away C.laughed out D.danced around

18.A.performance B.support C.favor D.diagnosis

19.A.dark B.wet C.tidy D.messy

20.A.formal B.extra C.natural D.alternative



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