满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Jadav Payeng, an Indian, has been planti...

    Jadav Payeng, an Indian, has been planting a tree every day since he was just 16 years old. Now, almost 40 years later, he has created a ______ of 1,360 acres on what was once a _____ land.

Growing up on Majuli, the world’s largest river island, he once ______ hundreds of animals dying from drought among the ______ greenery on the island, so he was ______ to plant one tree every day.

After almost four ______ of growth, his forest is now home to hundreds of elephants, tigers, deer and birds. Payeng says he has lost ______ of how many trees he has planted—but he ____ there are now thousands of trees providing ______ to the wildlife.

“It’s not as if I did it ______,” Payeng said. “You plant one or two trees, and they have to seed. And once they seed, the wind knows how to plant them, the birds here know how to ____ them, cows know, elephants ______, and even the river knows. The entire ______ knows.”

Island locals used to call Payeng “crazy” for his ______, but since he was accidentally ___ by a wandering wildlife journalist in 2007, the “Forest Man of India” has been ______ as a role model for protecting the environment.

Payeng doesn’t plan on ______ any time soon—he wants to continue planting trees “until his last ______”. He hopes to one day ______ the entire island with 5,000 acres of trees. “Nature is everything. It ______ me. It gives me power…As long as it survives, I survive.”

1.A.lake B.forest C.park D.hole

2.A.big B.fertile C.poor D.flat

3.A.witnessed B.imagined C.reported D.rescued

4.A.remote B.amazing C.fresh D.decreasing

5.A.delighted B.moved C.determined D.convinced

6.A.decades B.years C.months D.weeks

7.A.interest B.count C.control D.sight

8.A.argues B.dreams C.hopes D.believes

9.A.food B.care C.water D.shelter

10.A.by accident B.by myself C.by mistake D.by all means

11.A.eat B.pass C.repair D.sow

12.A.know B.work C.rest D.run

13.A.village B.ecosystem C.planet D.desert

14.A.confidence B.position C.ambition D.experiment

15.A.discovered B.connected C.decided D.regarded

16.A.ordered B.observed C.praised D.studied

17.A.stopping B.returning C.hiding D.waiting

18.A.purpose B.view C.breath D.picture

19.A.tighten B.restart C.arrange D.save

20.A.improves B.inspires C.changes D.forbids


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位叫做Jadav Payeng的印度人40年如一日,每天种植一棵树的故事。他种出了一片森林,展现了他独自种树的努力和毅力。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,将近40年后,他在曾经的贫瘠土地上营造了1360英亩的森林。A. lake湖;B. forest森林;C. park公园;D. hole洞。第三段的his forest提示他营造的是森林,故选B。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现在,将近40年后,他在曾经的贫瘠土地上营造了1360英亩的森林。A. big大的;B. fertile肥沃的;C. poor穷的,可怜的;D. flat水平的,平坦的。下文的hundreds of animals dying from drought(数以百计的动物死于干旱),提示Jadav Payeng所居住的地方是贫穷,选项C切题,故选 C。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:生长在世界上最大的内河岛屿Majuli,他曾经目睹数以百计的动物死于绿地不断减少的干旱,因此他决心每天种一棵树。A. witnessed目睹;B. imagined想象;C. reported报告,报道;D. rescued营救,抢救。设空词前的Growing up on Majuli他在Majuli长大,所以是目睹了动物的死于干旱,选项A切题,故选A。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:生长在世界上最大的内河岛屿Majuli,他曾经目睹数以百计的动物死于绿地不断减少的干旱,因此他决心每天种一棵树。 A. remote遥远的;B. amazing令人惊喜的;C. fresh新鲜的;D. decreasing递减的,减少的。设空词前的drought(干旱,旱灾)提示绿地是减少,选项D切题,故选D。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. delighted 高兴的;B. moved感人的;C. determined 坚定的, 坚决的;D. convinced坚信不移的。上文的almost 40 years later(几乎40年后)说明Majuli种了将近40年树,所以用坚决的,坚定的来形容Majuli的种树切题,故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:经过近四十年的种植,他的森林现在成了数以百计的大象、老虎、鹿和鸟的家园。A. decades十年;B. years年;C. months月;D. weeks星期。上文的almost 40 years later(几乎40年后)说明他种了40年树,4个10年,为40年,选项A切题,故选 A。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Payeng说,他已经数不清种植了多少棵树,但他相信现在有成千上万棵树为野生动物提供关爱。 A. interest利益,兴趣;B. count总数,点数;C. control管理权,控制权;D. sight视力,视野。下文的how many(多少)指数量,选项B切题,故选B。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Payeng说,他已经数不清他种植了多少棵树,但他相信现在有成千上万棵树为野生动物提供关爱。A. argues争论,辩论;B. dreams梦想;C. hopes希望;D. believes相信。上文his forest is now home to hundreds of elephants…,可知他的森林已经是动物的家园,所以是已经存在的事实,选项D切题,故选 D。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Payeng说,他已经数不清他种植了多少棵树,但他相信现在有成千上万棵树为野生动物提供关爱。 A. food食物;B. care照顾,照料,关心;C. water水;D. shelter居所,避难处。上文his forest is now home to hundreds of elephants…,动物在森林中生存,森林提供的是关心照顾,选项D切题,故选 D。 10.考查介词短语辨析。句意:种树似乎不是我自己在种。A. by accident 偶然,意外;B. by myself(我)独自地;C. by mistake错误地;D. by all means一定,务必。下文的the wind knows how to plant them, the birds here know how to…,可知Payeng认为风在种树,鸟在种树,大象在种树,……,所以他不觉得是他自己一个人在种,选项B切题,故选B。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一旦它们撒下种子,风知道如何播种,这里的鸟知道,奶牛知道,大象知道,甚至河流也知道。整个生态系统都知道。A. eat吃;B. pass通过;C. repair修理;D. sow播种。设空词所在句子与前面为并列关系,上文的plant(种植),提示设空词也为同义,选项D切题,故选D。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一旦它们撒下种子,风知道如何播种,这里的鸟知道如何种,奶牛知道,大象知道,甚至河流也知道。整个生态系统都知道。A. know 知道,了解;B. work工作,起效;C. rest休息;D. run跑。设空词所在句子与前面为并列关系,上文的knows how to(知道如何)提示设空词与know相同,选项A切题,故选A。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一旦它们撒下种子,风知道如何播种,这里的鸟知道如何种,奶牛知道,大象知道,甚至河流也知道。整个生态系统都知道。 A. village村庄;B. ecosystem生态系统;C. planet 行星,地球;D. desert沙漠。上文的风、鸟、牛、大象和河流,构成的是生态系统,设空词所在的句子是总结,选项B切题,故选 B。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:岛上的当地人曾称Payeng的雄心壮志为“疯狂”,但自从2007年被一名探险的野生动物记者意外发现后,这位“印度森林人”一直被誉为保护环境的榜样。A. confidence自信;B. position位置;C. ambition野心,抱负;D. experiment实验。选项C与设空词前的crazy(疯狂)吻合,切题,故选 C。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意: 岛上的当地人曾称Payeng的雄心壮志为“疯狂”,但自从2007年被一名探险的野生动物记者意外发现后,这位“印度森林人”一直被誉为保护环境的榜样。A. discovered发现;B. connected连接;C. decided决定;D. regarded看待,把……视为。上文Payeng已经种树将近40年,原来没有人知道,设空词句中的时间状语是2007年,记者才发现他,符合语境,选项A切题,故选A。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:岛上的当地人曾称Payeng的雄心壮志为“疯狂”,但自从2007年被一名探险的野生动物记者意外发现后,这位“印度森林人”一直被誉为保护环境的榜样。A. ordered命令,订购;B. observed 观察,注意到,评论C. praised表扬;D. studied学习,研究。设空词后的as a role model for protecting the environment(作为保护环境的榜样)是褒义,选项C切题,故选 C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Payeng从没想过停止种树——他想继续种树“直到他最后一口气”。A. stopping停止;B. returning返回,恢复;C. hiding隐藏;D. waiting等待。下文的continue(继续)就是not stop,提示设空词为停止,选项A切题,故选 A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Payeng从没想过停止种树——他想继续种树“直到他最后一口气”。A. purpose目的;B. view看法,意见;C. breath呼吸;D. picture图片,图画。设空词前是继续种树,当然是在有生之年,所以时间状语是直到死为止,until his last breath直到他最后一口气,切题,故选 C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他希望有一天能在整个岛上种出5000英亩树木。A. tighten加强,使变紧;B. restart重新开始;C. arrange安排;D. save节省,挽救,收集,攒。文章一开始说Payeng已经种了1,360英亩的森林,设空词所在的句子是要种出5000英亩,他要每天一点上点去种,所以是攒,选项D切题,故选D。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它激励了我。A. improves提高,改进;B. inspires激励,鼓舞;C. changes改变,变化;D. forbids禁止,妨碍。设空词后It gives me power.它给了我力量。给人力量是对激励的解释,所以设空词为激励,切题,故选B。

So, You Want to Be a Writer?

What are some tips on becoming a writer?

1. Read everything you can. Most writers are good readers. They read because they love to lose themselves in books. They like the sounds of language and the way that reading a good description can feel as satisfying as winning a race or eating really good food. 1.. Do you like stories that are fast-paced and full of unexpected twists? Do you prefer to read books with characters who seem like someone you might know? Do you like to feel scared or do you like a story that makes you laugh until you cry? Think about the types of writing you like best, and try to identify the qualities that attract you.

2. 2. It’s easy to forget a good idea if you do not record it immediately. If you get in the habit of carrying a notebook or journal with you everywhere you go, you can write down anything you want to remember. When you are talking to friends in the cafeteria or waiting for the bus, something might give you an idea for a character or a scene in a story. You might have a dream you don’t want to forget, or you might just write down the lyrics of a song you love. 3.

3. Do your homework. If you decide that you would like to submit your work for publication, make sure you do your research. If you are sending your writing to a magazine, look through old issues. 4. If you are submitting to a book publisher, explore their website to make sure your material is similar to (but not exactly the same as) other books they publish.

4. Stay positive. A writer’s life can be frustrating. Sometimes it’s hard to sit down and write. 5. This is why perseverance is an important quality for a writer to have.

A. Talk to friends.

B. Keep a notebook.

C. As you read, pay attention to what speaks to you.

D. You may get many refusals before you receive a single acceptance.

E. Does it seem like your writing fits in with other stories or articles?

F. These everyday thoughts and observations can be material for your writing one day.

G. Writing is a good way to clear your mind and make room for more of the “good stuff”.



    For the soldiers, the true technological hero may be the body armor (盔甲).

Capable of stopping most bullets, the body armor worn by all of the troops is being trusted for saving many lives. Soldiers shot at close range are walking away with no more than broken ribs (肋骨).

While the newest smart bombs get more attention, improvements in soldiers’ armor are improving safety on the battlefield. The new body armor in particular, may help reduce deaths in the firefights.

In addition to the lighter and more protective body armor, soldiers now wear more comfortable, stronger helmets.

“Everything they have is much better,” says Robert Kinney, director of individual protection at the Army’s Soldier Center in Natick, Mass. “It means an increase in their quality of life.”

The new equipment is a result of years of research and development at the lab.

The new body armor, named “the interceptor”, is similar to but stronger than ones worn by the police. It can also protect the neck. Two other plates are put into it and cover vital organs. As a result, far fewer deaths arrive at military hospitals with abdomen (腹部) or, chest wounds, says Air Force Maj. Mark Ervin, a surgeon at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. “That’s remarkable,” Maj. Ervin says.

Altogether it weighs 16 pounds, one-third lighter than the previous armor that protects only against shrapnel (弹片) but couldn’t stop bullets. The lighter weight is a welcome improvement for soldiers already carrying 100 to 120 pounds of gear.

Soldiers’ helmets have also been improved since the first Gulf War. They also offer more protection. They are capable of stopping handgun or small machine gun rounds, but not high-powered shots.

1.Why is the body armor regarded as a hero?

A.It’s able to stop all the bullets. B.It saves a hero soldier’s life.

C.It prevents rib injuries effectively. D.It reduces deaths among soldiers.

2.Which of the following best describes the new body armor?

A.Stronger. B.Heavier.

C.More expensive. D.More attractive.

3.What is the main idea of the text?

A.The new body armor is able to stop most bullets.

B.The new body armor has saved many lives on the battlefield.

C.Soldiers are equipped with improved body armors and helmets.

D.Helmets are as important as the body armor to soldiers.



    The foldable smartphone was shown for the first time on Wednesday during a Samsung developer’s conference in San Francisco, California. The company first announced plans to build a fully foldable phone five years ago.

The phone is designed to fold open to make the device the size of a small tablet. It can also perform some operations of a tablet. When folded closed, the device looks and works like a normal smartphone. The device will permit users to keep up to three apps open at one time. With normal size smartphones, users have to keep changing between apps.

Justin Dension is Samsung’s senior vice president. He introduced the device to people at the conference. He said it marked a major breakthrough in future smartphone technology. Denison said the design of the foldable device was very complex. One of the biggest difficulties was finding a material that was not only flexible but also strong enough to support repeated folding and unfolding of the device. Denison said Samsung would be ready to start mass production in the coming months.

Technology experts see the new foldable design as a way to get users to buy a new device seen as revolutionary. More people are deciding to hold onto smartphones longer because newly launched models do not offer major improvements and can be very costly. This behavior is one reason for a steady decrease in worldwide smartphone sales over the past year.

It remains to be seen whether foldable phones will become popular quickly. The device is expected to cost more than $1,000. The company has not yet announced when its FlexPai device will be available in America. But it is planning to launch the product in China starting next month, at a price of about $1,300.

1.What did Samsung company do on Wednesday in San Francisco?

A.It announced plans to build a foldable phone.

B.It introduced its foldable phone to the public.

C.It started to sell its foldable phone in America.

D.It held a conference to deal with new challenges.

2.What can we learn about the foldable smartphone?

A.It can run only one app at a time.

B.The material for it was hard to find.

C.It is popular worldwide now.

D.It will take the place of the tablet.

3.What does the underlined part “This behavior” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Recycling their old smartphones.

B.Repairing their old smartphones.

C.Keeping their old smartphones.

D.Replacing their old smartphones.

4.Where does the passage probably come from?

A.A brochure. B.A newspaper.

C.A research paper. D.A shopping guidebook.



    A family watching a dolphin from their boat were shocked when it dropped them off a cod (鳕鱼) supper for dinner.

The group were enjoying watching the mammal playing in the water when it suddenly dived down and caught the cod before placing it near to Lucy Watkins, 14.

The dolphin then appeared and began pulling the fish towards the stunned teenager. Lucy and her grandparents wondered whether they should pick up the fish in case the dolphin wanted it for tea.

But the dolphin then appeared seconds later with his own fish, this time a seabass (石斑鱼), and began eating. The family gratefully accepted the cod, which weighed about 10 pounds, before taking it home to cook for their dinner.

Lucy said, “He definitely wanted me to have his fish. He first dropped it 20 feet away but then pushed it to within 5 feet of my boat. Everyone was watching on the beach and we caused quite a stir (激动) when we came back with the cod.”

Grandmother Nina added, “It was as if he was saying to Lucy ‘Don’t worry, now I’ve got a fish to play with and so have you. This is mine for my tea; you have that one for yours.’ ”

“He was just so playful and content to be around us. Lucy was swinging her fingers in the water and he seemed to be attracted by that.”

“If I hadn’t seen it myself, I’d never have believed it. My theory is that he was lonely and wanted human company. He was with us for about two hours.”

“It seemed rude to refuse him so we took the fish and had cod and chips for supper. It was very large. I’ve still got half in the freezer.”

A spokesman from Whale and Dolphin Conservation said, “This is a very interesting account. There are many examples worldwide of dolphins interacting with humans. We would just make our usual appeal for people to generally keep their distance.”

1.What does the underlined word “stunned” probably mean?

A.Astonished. B.Upset.

C.Disappointed. D.Worried.

2.Why didn’t the family accept the cod at once?

A.Because Lucy’s grandparents didn’t like cods.

B.Because they were not sure whether it was a gift for them.

C.Because they didn’t know how clever the dolphin was.

D.Because they wanted to change for another one.

3.According to the text, we can infer that __________.

A.Lucy was afraid when she first saw the dolphin

B.Grandmother didn’t believe what the dolphin had done

C.the fish was delicious so they kept a half in the freezer

D.dolphins should be given their own living space










Dear Headmaster,

We are hoping that you can notice the problem with us students' campus life.


We would appreciate it if you could reply soon!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



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