满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It took about three weeks for me to beco...

    It took about three weeks for me to become mute. In 2007, I visited a client as a financial adviser and _____ a virus. I had a sore throat. My doctor _____ me it would soon return to normal.

________ , it got worse, I could no longer make phone calls and started carrying a little whiteboard to write everything down I tried to work with people I already knew, who were likely to be more ________ with me but explaining financial details to _______ investors with marker pen was a big challenge.

At home? my wife and teenage sons _______ as best they could. Soon I was using a computer that read out phrases typed into it

My situation ______ when I was offered a tuition-assisted place at Iowa State University. I _______ myself by accepting a job in the student services office. Forced to _______ with people face to face, I started to have fun with computer voices.

In 2010, I read a news story about a waitress who'd had her voice _____ with the help of a doctor in Cleveland. It had to be worth a ______. Dr Milstein ______ me to do some vocal exercises to stretch the muscles in my neck and to my astonishment I started to make __________.It was the first time I'd heard my voice in three and a half years.

Then I did more exercises, my voice becoming more ______ Milstein asked me to go over to the window and ______ the friends across the street. I was afraid at first, ___I damaged my voice, but he kept _____ me. Friends at university heard my voice for the first time and even when I was alone, I talked to myself.

I don't regret those years of _______. I spent more time with my boys and had time to ______ where I'd gone wrong as a husband and parent. That time _____ my rough edges. I prefer who I am now.

1.A.picked up B.touched on C.went about D.brought in

2.A.shocked B.bothered C.convinced D.condemned

3.A.Therefore B.Moreover C.Eventually D.Instead

4.A.casual B.patient C.cautious D.satisfied

5.A.shallow B.potential C.explicit D.stubborn

6.A.withdrew B.resisted C.declined D.adjusted

7.A.worsened B.softened C.brightened D.ripened

8.A.challenged B.applauded C.abandoned D.sacrificed

9.A.correspond B.compete C.compare D.communicate

10.A.regained B.controlled C.registered D.modified

11.A.praise B.try C.bonus D.reward

12.A.instructed B.appointed C.allowed D.enabled

13.A.comments B.chokes C.sounds D.rhythms

14.A.aggressive B.offensive C.confident D.unique

15.A.head for B.yell at C.glance down D.shrink from

16.A.even if B.as though C.now that D.in case

17.A.dragging B.pulling C.pushing D.kicking

18.A.silence B.enquiry C.twist D.reform

19.A.reveal B.reflect C.classify D.confirm

20.A.sharpened B.maintained C.accumulated D.smoothed


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者由失声变哑到恢复声音的经历,作者从中感悟到了生命中重要的人或事。 1.考查动词短语。句意:在2007年,我做为金融咨询拜访了一个客户并且染上了疾病。 A. picked up 染上疾病; B. touched on提及;C. went about 着手干; D. brought in 赚得,引进。根据语境,此处表示作者染上的病毒。故选A。 2.考查动词。句意:医生使我相信嗓子很快就能恢复正常。A. shocked 使惊讶; B. bothered 烦恼; C. convinced 确信; D. condemned 谴责。it would soon return to normal.得知医生告诉我很快就会好,我也相信了。故选C。 3.考查副词。句意:然而,情况变得糟糕了。A. Therefore 因此; B. Moreover 而且; C. Eventually 最后;D. Instead 相反。it would soon return to normal.得知原本以为很快会好,相反病情恶化,表示转折。故选D。 4.考查动词。句意:我试着和我的已经熟悉的人一起工作,这些人对我更加地耐心。A. casual 随意的; B. patient 耐心的; C. cautious 谨慎的; D. satisfied 满意的。由于嗓子疼,不方便说话。因此,我试着和我已经认识的人一起工作,他们可能对我更有耐心。故选B。 5.考查形容词。句意:但用记号笔向潜在投资者解释财务细节是一个很大的挑战。A. shallow 浅的; B. potential 有潜力的; C. explicit 明确的;D. stubborn 固执的。这里描述我的工作是给那些会成为投资者的人描述财务细节。故选B。 6.考查动词。句意:在家里,我的妻子和十几岁的儿子们尽可能地调整过来适应我的情况,很快我就用一台计算机来读出我输入的短语。A. withdrew 取回; B. resisted 抵制; C. declined 减少; D. adjusted调整。前后都是在讲周围的人适应我不能说话的状况。故选D。 7.考查动词。句意:当我被大学给予一个学费帮助名额,我的情况变得好转了。A. worsened 恶化; B. softened 变软; C. brightened 发光,好转;D. ripened 成熟。根据下文得知我得到在爱荷华州立大学工作的机会后,情况开始好转。故选C。 8.考查动词。句意:我通过接受学生服务办公室的工作来挑战自己。A. challenged 挑战; B. applauded 鼓掌; C. abandoned 抛弃;D. sacrificed 牺牲。我不能说话,这对于我在学生服务办公室的工作来说是一个挑战。故选A。 9.考查动词。句意:被迫与人面对面交流,我开始觉得用电脑发出声音来与他人交流很有意思。A. correspond 一致; B. compete 竞争; C. compare 比较; D. communicate 沟通。和人面对面当然是交流。故选D。 10.考查动词。句意:2010年,我读了一篇关于一位女服务员的新闻报道,她在克利夫兰的一名医生的帮助下恢复了她的声音。A. regained 使恢复; B. controlled 控制; C. registered 登记;D. modified修改。with the help of a doctor in Cleveland.我读到一个医生帮助服务生恢复声音的报道。故选A。 11.考查名词。句意:我认为值得试一试。A. praise 表扬; B. try 尝试; C. bonus 红利; D. reward 报酬。因为女服务员的成功案例,我认为值得试一试故选B。 12.考查动词。句意:米尔斯坦医生指导我做一些发声练习来舒展我脖子上的肌肉。A. instructed 指导; B. appointed 任命; C. allowed 允许;D. enabled使能够。do some vocal exercises得知在医生指导下练习。故选A。 13.考查名词。句意:经过努力,我开始发出声音。213. A. comments评价; B. chokes 哽咽; C. sounds声音;D. rhythms旋律。It was the first time I'd heard my voice in three and a half years.得知三年半以来我第一次可以发出声音。故选C。 14.考查形容词。句意:接着,我做了更多的练习,我的声音变得更加自信。A. aggressive 侵略性的; B. offensive 防卫的;C. confident自信的; D. unique独特的。经过不断的练习,我对自己的声音有了自信。故选C。 15.考查动词短语。句意:米尔斯坦让我走到窗前,对街对面的朋友大声喊叫。A. head for 前往; B. yell at 对着…大声喊叫;C. glance down D. shrink from。能发出声后,医生让我喊出声来。故选B。 16.考查状语从句连接词。句意:我一开始很害怕,万一我毁了我的嗓子。A. even if 即使;B. as though 好像; C. now that 既然; D. in case 预防万一。此处表示作者的担心。故选D。 17.考查动词。句意:起初我很害怕,以防我的声音受损,但他一直在催促着我。A. dragging拖拽; B. pulling 拉; C. pushing 推,催促; D. kicking 提。根据四个动词区别,当时医生催促着我喊出声来。故选C。 18.考查名词。句意:作者并不后悔这些年的沉默。A. silence 沉默; B. enquiry 询问; C. twist扭曲; D. reform 改革。根据上文可知作者由于嗓子问题,好几年不能说话。故选A。 19.考查动词。句意:我花了更多的时间和我的孩子们在一起,并有时间反思我作为丈夫和父亲可能做得不到位的地方。A. reveal 揭示; B. reflect 反映,反思; C. classify 分类; D. confirm 确定。where I'd gone wrong as a husband and parent.得知作为丈夫和父亲,我反思自己。故选B。 20.考查动词。句意:那段时间抚平了我的棱角,我更喜欢我现在的样子。A. sharpened削尖,改善; B. maintained保持; C. accumulated积累; D. smoothed 抚平。I prefer who I am now.经过反思我现在变了,因为那段时间抚平了我的棱角。故选D。

—What's wrong? It seems that you are losing control of the situation.

—_____ Don't stick your nose into my business.

A.Let me alone! B.I have no idea.

C.Are you kidding? D.Take your time!



—What's your opinion of the new medical insurance policy?

—_____,if I were you, I would not accept it.

A.Generally speaking B.That is to say

C.To be honest D.To my surprise



—May you live longer, grandpa!

—Thank you! It's the favorite wish I _____.

A.should have waited for B.must have waited for

C.may have waited for D.could have waited for



The argument doesn't hold much _____ that family backgrounds offer graduates an ad vantage in the career competition nowadays.

A.belief B.ground C.concept D.truth



Our capacity for innovation is not strong, and our weakness _____ core technologies for key fields remains a vital problem.

A.in response to B.in line with

C.in face of D.in terms of



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