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Live Long and Prosper You can't avoid ge...

Live Long and Prosper

You can't avoid getting old. But the decisions you make now about how you spend your day will have a great impact on the quality of your life.

We collected the latest research and talked to health, financial, and wellness experts to uncover the most important things you can do to keep the spring in your step and a healthy balance in your bank account through the years. 1.

Be grateful

Write down three things you're grateful for each day. 2. Studies show that people who are grateful report better sleep, stronger relationships, fewer aches and pains, and lower blood pressure. Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan, happiness researchers who are married to each other, share positive things about their days with one another. "It's a simple two-minute habit that allows us to learn about high moments and feel more connected," Gielan says.


Going outside, especially into a green space, is an easy way to improve your well-being and mental state, says Lori Gottlieb, a psychotherapist and the author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. "I actually make it a point to go outside every day," she says. "I'll walk around the block, breathe, and look at the sky. It's like pushing the reset button. "4. Researchers from University of Alabama found that spending just 20 minutes in a park led to a 64 percent increase in life satisfaction——even if you just sit on a bench.

Get moving

Yes, you've heard it before, but decades of research show that exercise improves your health, lifts your mood, and lengthens your life. In fact, Harvard researchers found that as little as 15 minutes of moderate physical activity a day can increase your life span by three years. 5. Ball State University researchers found that people in their 70s who were lifelong exercisers were indistinguishable in many ways from healthy people 30 years younger.

Simple as these tips are, they have proven to be very useful if carried out on a regular basis. To live long and prosper, you always have a choice.

A. This simple practice helps rewire your brain for greater happiness.

B. Do some indoor activities.

C. Read on for some great advice.

D. It also appears to keep your body young.

E. Be grateful to those who have been there for you through thick and thin.

F. Get fresh air every day

G. Spending time in nature has been proved to lower stress and blood pressure.


1.C 2.A 3.F 4.G 5.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章就如何长寿提出了一些建议。 1.下文几个小标题具体介绍了你该如何做。该空引出下文,C选项(往下读,你会得到一些很棒的建议。)符合语境。故选C。 2.前一句提到:每天写下你感激的三件事。下一句提到:研究表明,心存感激的人睡眠更好,人际关系更融洽,疼痛更少,血压更低。该空承上启下,A选项(这个简单的做法可以帮助你重塑大脑,获得更大的快乐。)与上下文连接密切。且A选项中的This simple practice就指空前的“Write down three things you're grateful for each day”。故选A。 3.结合该段中的“Going outside”,“spending just 20 minutes in a park”可知,该段建议人们到户外去,F选项(每天得到新鲜空气)符合该意,适合作标题。故选F。 4.前一句提到:“我会绕着街区走一圈,深呼吸,看看天空,就像按了重置键一样。”。下一句提到:即使你只是坐在长椅上,只要在公园里呆上20分钟,你对生活的满意度就会提高64%。 前后文都叙述的是到户外去的好处。该空承上启下,也应该叙述到户外去的好处。G选项(花时间在大自然中已被证明可以降低压力和血压。)符合语境。故选G。 5.上一句提到:每天只需15分钟的适度体育活动,就能让你的寿命延长3年。下一句提到:70多岁的终身锻炼者在很多方面与比他们年轻30岁的健康人没有什么区别。前后都在介绍锻炼的好处。该空承上启下,也应该介绍锻炼的好处。D(它似乎会使你的身体年轻)符合语境。D选项尤其和下一句衔接密切。故选D。

    Campuses should be safe places for children to learn and develop. However, the movie, Better Days, released on Oct 25 , highlights a serious issue—school bullying. Some experts say people should treat bullying seriously and not regard it as a joke. School bullying involves hurtful words, physical attacks, even sexual violence.

1.In quite a few cases, a child is bullied merely because another sees him/her as being weak in strength or character, and he or she is singled out for violence.

That the offenders are just children does not mean bullying is simply high spirits or that the children are just being naughty. 2.and it does not matter how old the perpetrator(施暴者)of the violence is or what form it takes.

It is not helpful for parents and teachers to ignore the matter by saying it is a private affair between the children and they can solve it by themselves. 3.All violence should be prevented, and the most effective way of preventing bullying on campus is to call the police and let the professionals deal with it. 4.

Bullying is a serious offense. While there may be no visible harm, it can leave invisible scars and wounds that can prove fatal over time. According to data from the United Nations Education, Science, and Culture Organization, over 32 percent of male pupils and 28 per-cent of female pupils suffer from campus violence with many suffering serious emotional and psychological problems as a result. 5.

A. Whether verbal or physical, violence is violence.

B. The bullying is only verbal insults and not threats.

C. That doesn't happen instead the bullying becomes worse.

D. People even in their 50s or 60s may still suffer the hurt of childhood bullying.

E. Sometimes bullying can arise out of a quarrel or conflict, but often it arises out of nothing.

F. Bullying causes injury to health and makes you ill. How many of these symptoms do you have?

G. Especially, in China the role of the police is not only to enforce the law, but also to educate the public about punishments for violations.





1. 春节的时间; 2. 庆祝方式;3. 发出邀请

注意: 1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tom,

I know you are interested in traditional Chinese culture.



Li Hua




1.It is obviously that the Internet has affected our life deeply.

2.Carry on, and your dream will be come true sooner or later.

3.If you got up early this morning, you would have caught the first bus to work.

4.It is so fine weather that that we want to have a picnic.

5.There is going to have an important sports game in our city next month.

6.My classmate has made rapid progresses in his study so far.

7.I know the girl whom bike was lost in the park yesterday.

8.I can’t stand talk in front of the class.

9.The population of Shanghai is a lot more than that of Huainan.

10.I’d like to congratulate you for your passing the final examination.




It was a beautiful morning. I was still asleep in bed when 1. rising sun got through the curtains and shone brightly. I quickly 2.(wake) up. I saw my cat was sitting on top of my desk 3. (quiet). I smiled at her and headed outside. Looking up at the sky, I thanked God 4.the beautiful morning.

Later in the day I was shopping at the local grocery store. I was joking with the cashier (收银员) when I heard a giggle (咯咯笑) behind me. I turned and saw a little girl 5.(hold) her mom’s hand. She looked up at me and said, “You sing when you talk.” Her mom looked embarrassed and made an 6.(apologize) immediately, but I just smiled at the little girl and laughed along with her. It was only then 7.I realized I had been feeling so fine on this wonderful day that 8. ( I )voice had taken on a song-like quality. Instead of feeling upset by it, though, I felt even 9.(good). It was wonderful 10.(know) that I had been singing when I talked and that I had made that little girl giggle with joy.



    I have always been hard-working in school. And I enjoyed gaining new understanding about study. One way was making ________.

Math has always been my ________ subject. During each math class, while ________, I waited for my golden ________ to show myself, which were questions. when they came, I would _________ my hand. Answering them _________ made me feel I was recognized by my classmates and teacher. The only problem was that I wanted to be ________ —to be right every time.

As it turned out, reaching this standard was _______. In one class, I stood up________but gave a wrong answer. Even though I knew this was certainly not my first mistake in life, something __________had come at that moment. I thought that my classmates might think I was ________. The beautiful castle that I had built up _________after my mistake.

In the following classes, I was in low spirits and became __________. Even if I may have known the answer, I was _________ to take the risk of damaging my self-confidence any more. Noticing my abnormality(异常), my math teacher talked with me and learned my________. She told me that mistakes are an important part of learning _________ they can point out our weakness and help us __________ , I should set up the principle (原则) of ________ mistakes.

From that experience, I realized that even though I thought I was right about most things, I was wrong in my_________. School is not a place to _________but a place to learn. What I now know is that by holding fast to humility(谦虚)and learning to grow from my mistakes, I can truly learn in a way I could never in the past.

1.A.mistakes B.rules C.friends D.promises

2.A.urgent B.favorite C.awful D.peaceful

3.A.teaching B.writing C.reviewing D.listening

4.A.reports B.opportunities C.tasks D.challenges

5.A.touch B.shake C.raise D.wave

6.A.briefly B.finally C.carefully D.correctly

7.A.perfect B.creative C.smart D.popular

8.A.natural B.impossible C.unnecessary D.informal

9.A.confidently B.equally C.obviously D.extremely

10.A.important B.disabled C.different D.funny

11.A.stupid B.funny C.clever D.strange

12.A.carried on B.turned up C.took up D.fell down

13.A.sad B.silent C.violent D.optimistic

14.A.easy B.happy C.unwilling D.determined

15.A.destination B.quality C.admiration D.question

16.A.if B.so C.as D.before

17.A.recover B.destroy C.progress D.compete

18.A.accepting B.making C.supporting D.repeating

19.A.project B.concern C.hobby D.attitude

20.A.get along B.show off C.hang on D.let out



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