满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的...

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语写两段,使之构成篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

One day, when I was a first-year student in high school, I saw a kid from my class walking home from school. His name was Kris. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, ''Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd (书呆子).''

I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on. As I was walking, I saw a gang of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His gasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up, and I saw terrible sadness in his eyes.

My heart went out to him. So I jogged over to him, and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his gases, I said, ''They are bad guys! They really should be punished.'' He looked at me and said, "Hey, thanks!" There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.

I helped him pick up his books and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now. I would have never hung out with a private school kid before, but we talked all the way home, and I carried his books.

He turned out to be a pretty cool kid._______________________

We hung out all weekend, and the more I got to know Kris, the more I liked him.___________


He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. At first, he didn't fit in. He, however, volunteered to play basketball with us, and gradually made many friends. Since then, we had often played together. All of my friends thought he was great. Besides, he was hard-working and willing to help others, which changed my view of private students. He studied very hard and become the top student of our class. When I had difficulty in studying, he always offered to help me. We hung out all weekend, and the more I got to know Kris, the more I liked him. One day we hung out as usual. Feeling tired we sat in a bar to have a rest and have some drink. Suddenly he stared at me and said: ''Actually, I have been considering to tell you something. Do you still remember the day you met me? '' ''Yes, of course! '' I answered. ''Actually, the first time I met you I was planning to end my life, for I lost my beloved parents. It was your kindness that saved me. You made me know that life is meaningful with friends around'' he continued. Hearing this, I felt touched, bursting into tears. ''I also thought it was my fortune to meet you and be friends with you, and you helped me a lot too. I believe our friendship would last forever. '' ''Yes, you are right. We are sure to be friends all our life. '' We both smiled. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写。文章主要讲述了作者碰巧帮助了一个受欺负的同学,后来他们成了好朋友的故事。 续写时应注意以下三点:基础时态为一般过去时;人称的使用;故事情节符合逻辑。 第一段的开头是:事实证明他是一个很酷的男孩。所以可以接着写表现他“酷”的事例,例如学习好,乐于助人,篮球也打得好等。第二段的开头是:周末我们经常一起出去逛,了解他越多,我就越喜欢他。所以可以接着写我们一起逛时发生的一些让我更加了解和喜欢他的事情。

假定你是李华。新年期间,你的英国朋友John 将来中国旅游。请给他写信,邀请他到你家乡参观。内容如下:










Chopsticks, or kuaizi in Chinese,1. (be) a pair of small equal- length sticksusually made of wood,2.( use) for eating Asian food It is believed the first chopsticks3. (develop) over 5,000 years ago in China. The4.(early) evidence of a pair of chopsticks made out of bronze was excavated (出土) from the Ruins of Yin near Anyang, Henan provincedating back to roughly 1,200 BC.

Chopsticks play,5.important role in Chinese food culture. Chinese chopsticks are usually 9 to 10 inches long and rectangular with a blunt (钝的) end. They are round on the eating end6.symbolizes heavenand the other end is square which symbolizes earth. This is because7.(maintain) an adequate food supply is the greatest concern between heaven and earth.

There is an old Chinese custom making chopsticks part of a girl's dowry, since the 8.(pronounce) of kuaizi is similar to the words for ''quick" and "son".

Chopsticks are9.(frequent) used in daily life. They have become more than a kind of tableware and have established a set of etiquette (礼仪) and customs10.their own.



    Jarrell Little W8s road testing his mountain bike outside of Columbus, Georgia, when his riding partner, Chris Dixon, stopped suddenly. Something in the distance_______among the trees caught her attention. It_______to be a sandy-colored five-month-old Great Dane mix.

He was skinny, and had a lot of road rash and a_______leg. The cyclists fed the friendly pup and_______their water. They were more than seven miles from_______and riding bikes. ''We couldn't_______ him," Little told his partner. He_______picked up his new friend and slipped the dog's hind legs into the back pockets of his cycling jersey. Then he put the dog's_______paws over his shoulders.

The 30-minute ride into town"_______at a bike store, where they got more water and ________ for the dog. That was when Andrea Shaw, a woman from Maine in town on business,________by. The dog made a beeline for her, licking her. Shaw was________and, after learning what had happened, declared her________ : I am keeping this dog.

Shaw called him Columbo ________the town where they'd met and scheduled an operation on his leg. Today, Columbo is living the high________on a farm with a horse, a pony, a six-year-old boy, and two coon dogs to keep him company.

1.A.calling B.moving C.standing D.sleeping

2.A.turned out B.looked C.found out  D.figured

3.A.dirty B.broken C.burnt D.beaten

4.A.shared B.drank C.poured D.finished

5.A.school B.home C.village D.downtown

6.A.take B.carry C.leave D.keep

7.A.quickly B.carefully C.natural D.finally

8.A.front B.other C.hurt D.injured

9.A.turned B.reached C.arrived D.ended

10.A.medicine B.care C.food D.rest

11.A.happened B.made C.stopped D.moved

12.A.excited B.touched C.shocked D.annoyed

13.A.luck B.wish C.intention D.mind

14.A.at B.in C.from D.after

15.A.friendship B.way C.life D.chance



    Maybe you live in places where English is not the main language. When you speak, your speech might be slower than you would like. This is because your mind is still translating things from your first language into Englishwhich can also sound unnatural.1. It is not very difficult, but it does take conscious effort and practice.

Think in single words

Charles Thomas has taught English to Union members, children and teenagers for over 10 years. He tells his students to name the things that they see around them, wherever they are.


Think in sentences

For example, if you are sitting in a park, you can tell yourself things like, ''It' s such a beautiful day" and ''People are playing sports with their friends." 3.

Think in conversation

This is a great way to practice what you might say in a real conversation. For example, let' s say the imaginary person asks you a question like, ''What did you think of the talk show last night?"4. Imagine the conversation and practice it in your head. You can do this out loud or in silence.


''When you're doing it every day, over and over again, little by little, that's the key. Because when you make things a habit, it just pops up into your mind without thinking and then, before you know it, really, you're thinking in English, '' Thomas says.

A. Practice it daily.

B. How would you answer?

C. Speak English with a native speaker.

D. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

E. Start with nouns and then add in verbs, he suggests.

F. Once this becomes easy, move on to more difficult sentences.

G. The good news is that thinking in English will bring you closer to fluency!



    For decades, doctors have warned patients that too much salt can be bad for the heart. Heat attack has long been considered a grown-up problem, but a new research suggests that salt is starting to affect children. Eating too much salty food when you're young can lead to health problems later.

Salt is made up of two elements: sodium and chlorine. Dietary guidelines recommend that adults and kids aged 9 — 13 shouldn't consume more than about a teaspoon of salt daily. The average American eats twice this amount. This worries doctors because too much sodium results in the body producing more blood. To pump the extra blood, the heart has to work harder. This causes a rise in blood pressure a measurement of how stressed the heart is. High blood pressure often leads to heart disease.

A kid with high blood pressure is more likely to become a grown-up with high blood pressure. Reducing salt might also help stop childhood obesity (肥胖). British researchers recently found that kids who eat less salt also drink fewer sugary soft drinks. Drinking fewer fizzy drinks makes kids less likely to gain weight, become obese and develop high blood pressure.

Salt can affect more than just your heart and weight. A recent study found that a growing number of kids in the US are suffering from kidney stones. This painful condition usually affects people aged over 40. Now, kids as young as five are getting it.

Cutting down on salt can be hard, but you can retrain yourself to prefer less salty food. The best way to reduce the amount of sodium you eat is to make changes gradually. Start by adding half as much salt to your dinner as you normally do. Switch to fresh foods instead of canned and bottled versions. And go easy on the condiments (调味品). You might also want to start reading nutrition labels. You may be surprised to learn that there are 1,150 mg of sodium in a double cheeseburger, and over 2 ,000 mg in many frozen meals.

1.What is the author's major concern?

A.Children eat too much salty food. B.Many adults suffer from heart attack.

C.Americans consume too much salt. D.Heart attack is now a youth problem.

2.What does the author refer to as the cause of childhood obesity?

A.Eating more salty food. B.Lack of physical exercise.

C.Drinking many sugary soft drinks. D.Eating the same food as the adults.

3.What is another disease tending to be younger according to Paragraph 4?

A.Obesity. B.Kidney stone.

C.Blood disease. D.Heart attack.

4.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A.The laws of health. B.How to cut down on salt.

C.Healthy diet. D.The amount of salt we need.



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