满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I never thought a misunderstanding over ...

    I never thought a misunderstanding over strawberries would send my mother-in-law out to the hills at dusk, just to pick an entire basket for me, an English.

It happened in May many years ago. I lived with my in-laws (公婆)in their _______. One day at the dinner time. I thought I had _______ somebody say miaozi., the term for strawberries in the local _______ . They were my favorite fruit in _______ . so I didn't wait to ask if there were some in the house.

It turned out that I was _______ ,but that didn't stop my Chinese in-laws from regarding my _______ as a veiled (含蓄的)request. Then. my father-in-law, _______ my mother-in-law to go into the hills and _______ some for me.

I was so _______ and I begged her not to do this. ________ she just smiled and disappeared into the kitchen for a while. Just as we prepared to ________ the table after the meal, she appeared in the dining room, carrying a basket of the very fruit.

Although I ________ my head for that was not my intention. I also ________ it for what it really was—another way to show how much she ________ me.

My Chinese in-laws have ________ told me "I love you." nor have they ever ________ or kissed me like my parents do. But I've felt that same care and regard in ________ ways.

While all this has meant learning a ________ language of love. I've come to appreciate just how ________ Chinese families will go to show their affection—even into a hillside in such a rural ( 农村的)village at __________  looking for strawberries.

1.A.city B.village C.hotel D.apartment

2.A.helped B.made C.heard D.lei

3.A.dialect B.motto C.farm D.school

4.A.March B.April C.May D.June

5.A.right B.lucky C.reasonable D.wrong

6.A.question B.explanation C.order D.answer

7.A.assisting B.urging C.taking D.leading

8.A.produce B.buy C.gather D.borrow

9.A.annoyed B.satisfied C.appreciated D.embarrassed

10.A.for B.but C.or D.so

11.A.leave B.set C.wash D.repair

12.A.nodded B.raised C.washed D.shook

13.A.predicted B.recognized C.remembered D.proved

14.A.missed B.admired C.loved D.needed

15.A.never B.sometimes C.often D.always

16.A.believed B.consulted C.blamed D.hugged

17.A.boring B.expected C.unspoken D.enthusiastic

18.A.global B.different C.crazy D.difficult

19.A.far B.wide C.well D.short

20.A.sunrise B.noon C.midnight D.sunset


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了作者作为一个外国人体会到中国家长尽管对孩子表达爱的方式不同,但感情并不少。 1.考查名词辨析。句意:我和我的公婆住在他们的村子里。A. city 城市;B. village 村庄;C. hotel 酒店;D. apartment公寓。根据上文的I never thought a misunderstanding over strawberries would send my mother-in-law out to the hills at dusk,及文章最后even into a hillside in such a rural ( 农村的)village可知,是在农村。故选B。 2.考查动词辨析。句意:有一天在吃饭的时候,我以为我听到有人说苗子。当地方言是“草莓”的意思。A. helped帮助;B. made制造;C. heard 听说;D. lei花环。根据下文so I didn't wait to ask if there were some in the house. 可知,是我听到了有人说,才问家里有没有草莓。故选C。 3.考查名词辨析。句意:句意:有一天在吃饭的时候,我以为我听到有人说苗子。当地方言是“草莓”的意思。A. dialect方言;B. motto座右铭;C. farm农场;D. school 学校。根据句意可知,miaozi即指草莓,因此可以推测出,这是个方言。故选A。 4.考查名词辨析。句意:它们是我六月份最喜欢的水果。A. March三月;B. April 四月;C. May五月;D. June 六月。根据常识可知,草莓是六月份的水果。故选C。 5.考查形容词辨析。句意:事实证明我错了,但这并没有阻止我的中国公婆把我的问题当作一个含蓄的请求。A. right对;B. lucky 幸运的;C. reasonable 合理的;D. wrong 错的。根据上文I thought I had ___2___ somebody say miaozi.,可知,作者听到有人说草莓,随口一问,根据下文公婆当真了,去山上给她摘草莓可知,此处是指作者想表达自己不该问,事实证明作者错了。故选D。 6.考查名词辨析。句意同上。A. question问题; explanation; 解释;C. order 命令;D. answer 回答。根据上文so I didn't wait to ask if there were some in the house.可知,是问的问题。故选A。 7.考查动词辨析。句意:然后,我的公公催促我的婆婆去山上为我收集一些。A. assisting协助;B. urging催促;C. taking服用;D. leading领导。根据语境可知,作者随意的一句话,公婆却非常在意,由此可推测出此处是指公公催着婆婆去摘草莓。故选B。 8.考查动词辨析。句意:然后,我的公公催促我的婆婆去山上为我采摘一些。A. produce生产;B. buy 购买;C. gather 采摘;D. borrow 借。根据上一句Then. my father-in-law, ___7___ my mother-in-law to go into the hills可知,去山上自然是采摘草莓。故选C。 9.考查形容词辨析。句意:我很尴尬,我求她不要这样做。A. annoyed生气;B. satisfied 满意的;C. appreciated 感谢;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据上文It turned out that I was ___5___ ,but that didn't stop my Chinese in-laws from regarding my ___6___ as a veiled (含蓄的)request. Then.,my father-in-law, ___7___ my mother-in-law to go into the hills可知,作者只是随口一问,公婆却要去给她上山摘草莓,作者感到很尴尬。故选D。 10.考查连词辨析。句意:但她只是笑了笑,消失在厨房里一会儿。A. for因为;B. but但是;C. or或者;D. so因此。根据上一句句意(我很尴尬,我求她不要这样做)并结合本句句意可知,前后是转折关系,用but,故选B。 11.考查动词辨析。句意:就在我们饭后准备离开餐桌时,她端着一篮子水果出现在餐厅里。A. leave离开;B. set设置;C. wash 洗涤;D. repair修理。根据句意可知,吃完饭后自然是要离开餐桌。故选A。 12.考查动词辨析。句意:尽管我摇摇头,因为那不是我的本意。A. nodded点头;B. raised筹集;C. washed洗;D. shook 摇晃;根据句意和上文语境可知,作者本意不是要公婆为她摘草莓吃,所以作者摇头表达不是那个意思。故选D。 13.考查动词辨析。句意:我也意识到这是另一种表达她爱我的方式。A. predicted预测;B. recognized承认,意识;C. remembered记住;D. proved 证明;根据上文语境可知,作者只是随口一问,公婆便当真,去山上摘草莓,因此,此刻作者意识到这是他们表达爱的一种方式。故选B。 14.考查动词辨析。句意:我也意识到这是另一种表达她爱我的方式。A. missed错过;B. admired佩服;C. loved爱;D. needed需要。根据下文My Chinese in-laws have ___15___ told me "I love you." 可知,这是他们表达爱的方式。故选C。 15.考查副词辨析。句意:我的中国公婆从来没有告诉过我"我爱你",也从来没有像我父母那样拥抱或亲吻过我。A. never从不;B. sometimes有时;C. often经常;D. always 总是;根据后一句的nor have they ever ___16___ or kissed me like my parents do.可知,他们从来没有说过“我爱你”,故选A。 16.考查动词辨析。句意同上。A. believed相信;B. consulted咨询;C. blamed指责;D. hugged 拥抱;根据句意并结合选项及常识可知,有些国家往往用语言,拥抱,吻来表达爱意,故选D。 17.考查形容词辨析。句意:但我也感受到了同样的关心和尊重。A. boring无聊的;B. expected预期的;C. unspoken 不言而喻的;D. enthusiastic 热情的。根据上文My Chinese in-laws have ___15___ told me "I love you." nor have they ever ___16___ or kissed me like my parents do.可知,公婆的爱是行动上的,不言而喻的。故选C。 18.考查形容词辨析。句意:而这一切都意味着学习另一种爱的语言。A. global全球的;B. different不同的;C. crazy 疯狂的;D. difficult困难的。根据上文My Chinese in-laws have ___15___ told me "I love you." nor have they ever ___16___ or kissed me like my parents do.可知,这是与作者所在的国家完全不同的表达爱的方式,故选B。 19.考查形容词辨析。句意:我开始意识到,中国家庭为了表达他们的爱,会走多远,即使是在这样一个乡村的山坡上,在夕阳西下的时候,也会去采摘草莓。A. far远;B. wide宽的;C. well好的;D. short 短的。根据上文语境可知,只是作者的随心的一句话,公婆就去山上为我摘草莓,因此,此处是指走多远,故选A。 20.考查名词辨析。句意同上。A. sunrise日出;B. noon 中午;C. midnight午夜;D. sunset日落。根据文章开头的I never thought a misunderstanding over strawberries would send my mother-in-law out to the hills at dusk可知,是在日落时分。故选D。

    Newton's law of motion ( 运动定律).where every action has a reaction, is appropriate not just to physics. 1. from the value of products and prices of produces to customer choices, advertising affects society and plays an important role in increasing business sales.

2. When companies use advertising, sales increase, according to Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet, founder of a French advertising company. The increase in business sales also promotes the quality of life for consumers. Basically, advertising causes a chain reaction that increases the economy of the area where the product or service ad is.

3. In the minds of consumers, advertising can add value to a product. The image or brand that advertising helps to create becomes a part of the product, which is what makes one product brand more valuable than the competitors. This is why a consumer may be willing to pay a higher price for a name brand product rather than buy a brand they are not familiar with at a lower cost.

Pricing. 4. It spurs (促进)a sense of competition. When one company advertises a product for its price, its competitors want to stay competitive. Then they may lower their prices to meet the competition.

Consumer choice. Advertising also has an influence on businesses because it leads to the creation of new products and improvement of existing products to meet consumers' needs. 5.However, when advertising introduces a new product that is better than the existing one. market share can quickly shift to the company offering the newly-advertised product.

A. Product value.

B. Product quantity.

C. Economic influence.

D. Advertising can be a form of price control.

E. An increase in competition has effects on the market.

F. One company may possess a larger share of the market for a time.

G. It is also true that advertising causes reactions that occur in society and business.



    Exercise may hold the key to youth, according to a study published on Monday which showed people who keep fit are up to nine years biologically younger than those who do not. The findings are the first to show in humans how keeping fit affects the ageing process.

The study of 2,40twins found that a sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle raises the risk of a range of problems from heart disease to cancer and appears to play a key role in the ageing process.

It all appears to boil down to(归结为)the length of structures called telomeres(染色体终 端)---which protect the DNA on the chromosomes(染色体),the researchers from King's College London wrote in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Many studies have shown telomeres get shorter over time, suggesting the cells are ageing or dying. The study, which extracted (提取)a DNA sample from their volunteers, found people who exercised more each week had longer telomeres.

Exercise lowers the risk of a range of problems such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, the researchers said. “It is not just walking around the block. It is really working up a sweat." said Tim Spector, a genetic epidemiologist who led the study, in a telephone interview.

The study found people who exercised energetically 3 hours each week had longer telomeres and they were 9 years biologically younger than people who did under 15 minutes.

Spector's team, who also adjusted for body weight, smoking, economic status and physical activity at work, also said moderate(适度的)exercise for 1-2 hours each week provided a four- year advantage.

Studying twins also provided a unique opportunity to judge the effects of exercise on people with the same or similar genetic make-up. the researchers said.

The reason why exercise has this effect is not clear but the researchers said they believe physical activity somehow defends against the natural process called oxidative stress (氧化应激反应).which damages and kills cells.

1.What is the risk of sedentary lifestyle?

A.It can cause diseases.

B.It can make our cells alive.

C.It can lengthen telomeres.

D.It can keep us fit.

2.What do we know from the text?

A.Exercising can shorten the telomeres.

B.The less exercise, the longer telomeres.

C.Sitting often boils more chromosomes.

D.Telomeres affect human being's ageing.

3.What can cause ageing according to the last paragraph?

A.Cells with diseases. B.Oxidative stress.

C.Genetic structure. D.Physical activities.

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce some exercise.

B.To show how to do research.

C.To encourage people to exercise.

D.To advise people to lose weight.



    Short-term overseas visitors can now use mobile payments on the Chinese mainland. China's leading mobile payment company Alipay backed by Alibaba announced on Tuesday.

The digital payment giant just introduced an international version of its popular app. designed for overseas travelers to provide them with convenience when paying with their smartphones for shopping, eating and traveling in the Chinese mainland, according to Alipay.

In China, users can have access to services such as paying for taxis and booking hotel rooms and movie tickets directly within the app. However, if a user needs to open the payment function in the app. a local phone number and a Chinese bank account are required, which is inconvenient for short-term international visitors.

Now with the international version of Alipay, there is no more need to open a Chinese bank account. Visitors can use the "Prepaid Card" service provided by the Bank of Shanghai to top up Chinese yuan and enjoy services including scanning a QR code (二维码)to pay at restaurants and shops, as well as making online purchases.

An increasing number of visitors are choosing China as their travel destination, as the country eases visa requirements to promote tourism. In 2018, China welcomed about 30.54 million international visitors to the mainland, a year — on — year increase of 4.7 percent, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

1.What do we know about Alipay?

A.It offers enough money to consumers.

B.It has shifted its business to China.

C.It has moved its business to the world.

D.It is a new app for mobile payment.

2.Why does Alibaba develop the international version of Alipay?

A.To offer overseas visitors convenience.

B.To help visitors gain a bank account.

C.To promote the company's smartphones.

D.To prove the app is the most popular.

3.What does the underlined words “ceases" probably mean?

A.lowers B.increases

C.raises D.explains

4.What is the writer's attitude to the international version of Alipay?

A.Worried. B.Doubtful.

C.Supportive. D.Indifferent.



    A child prodigy (奇才)from Belgium is on course to gain a bachelor's degree at the age of nine. Laurent Simons is studying electrical engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology TUE—a tough course even for students of an average graduate age. Described by staff as “simply extraordinary” Laurent is on course to finish his degree in December. He then plans to work on a PhD program in electrical engineering while also studying for a medicine degree, his father told CNN.

His parents, Lydia and Alexander Simons, said they thought Laurent’s grandparents were overstating (夸大其词)when  they said Laurent had a gift, but his teachers soon agreed. "They noticed something very special about Laurent." said Lydia.

Laurent was given test after test as teachers tried to work out the degree of his talents. "They told us he is like a sponge (海绵)said Alexander. While Laurent comes from a family of doctors, his parents have so far not received any explanation as to why their child prodigy has the ability to learn so quickly. But Lydia has her own theory. “I ate a lot of fish during the pregnancy (怀孕)," she joked.

The TUE has allowed Laurent to complete his course faster than other students. “That is not unusual. “said Sjoerd Hulshof education director of the TUE bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, in a statement. ''Special students that have good reasons for doing so can arrange an adjusted schedule. In much the same way we help students who participate in top sport."

1.Who first found Laurent Simons’s talent tor studying?

A.Alexander. B.His teacher.

C.His parents. D.His grandparents.

2.What can best describe Laurent Simons?

A.Brilliant and talented. B.Hardworking but childish.

C.Helpful and friendly. D.Average but clever.

3.What can we know about TUE?

A.It gave Laurent a sport course.

B.It offered Laurent flexible schedule.

C.It stopped Laurent studying further.

D.It treated Laurent as a usual student.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.An Important Test B.A Careful Teacher

C.A Gifted Child D.A Vital Course



    Florida by Lauren Groff

From the author of "Fates and Furies" comes a collection of short stories exploring the moments that make us feel alive, all based on the landscape, climate, history, and stale of mind of Florida.

The Perfect Couple by Elin Hilderbrand

When the bride-to-be is discovered dead in Nantucket Harbor just hours before the ceremony, everyone in the wedding party is suddenly a suspect, from the best man and the maid of honor to the groom's famous mystery novelist mother.

The Last Time / Lied by Riley Sager

It's just a harmless game, right? The author of "Final Girls'* puts a deadly twist on ''two truths and a lie" as successful artist Emma revisits her dark past, the one night at summer camp that still appears in her memories and her paintings.

Rust and Stardust by T. Greenwood

Based on the experiences of real-life kidnapping (绑架)victim Sally Homer and her kidnaper, whose story shocked the nation and inspired Vladimir Nabokov to write his controversial and iconic "Lolita,'' this heart-pounding (动人心弦的)story gives a voice to Sally herself.

Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn

From his first meet with the man who will one day become Darth Vader to his rise to power, Grand Admiral Thrawn proves his reputation as one of the most cunning fighters in the history of the Galactic Empire in this thrilling "Star Wars tale.”

1.If you like to read a detective novel, you may buy           .

A.Florida B.The Perfect Couple

C.The Last Time I Lied D.Thrown: Alliances

2.Who wrote a novel depending on real experience?

A.Lauren Groff. B.Elin Hilderbrand.

C.T. Greenwood. D.Timothy Zahn.

3.In which part of a newspaper can this text be probably found?

A.Cartoon. B.Business.

C.Campus life. D.Book review.



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