满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据句意及所给中文,填入正确的词(每空一词)。 1.His parents ar...


1.His parents are very happy because he has been ________(录取)to a key university.

2.A polite ________ (道歉)is necessary if you have hurt someone else.

3.He has caught a very bad cold, but he continues his work ________ (不管怎样).

4.AI technology has a great effect on various aspects in our life, ________(在一定范围内变化)from education to medicine, and so on.

5.Water ________(保护)is becoming increasingly important at an age of serious water shortage.

6.Would you please explain your opinion more ________ (简洁)? We have much to talk about today and we don’t have much time.

7.________ (克服)shyness and nervous feeling is quite difficult for those people who seldom speak in public.

8.Though he was extremely angry with her cold remarks, he ended up ________ (原谅)her.

9.The treatment didn’t have much effect because it was in ________ (冲突)with what the patient was ready to accept.

10.Whenever we come across difficulties, we are supposed to take ________(措施)to deal with them.


1.admitted 2.apology 3.anyway 4.ranging 5.conservation 6.briefly 7.Overcoming 8.forgiving 9.conflict 10.measures 【解析】 本题是单词拼写题。按要求根据句意及所给中文,填入正确的词(每空一词)。 1.考查动词的被动语态。句意:他的父母很高兴,因为他被重点大学录取了。结合句意以及空前的has been可知此处为现在完成时的被动语态,admit的过去分词拼写成admitted,故填admitted。 2.考查名词。句意:如果你伤害了别人,礼貌的道歉是必需的。根据前面的形容词及不定冠词a可知此处应该用名词的单数形式。apology道歉。故填apology。 3.考查副词。句意:他得了重感冒。但是不管怎样,他继续工作。anyway副词,意为“无论如何,不管怎样”,常位于句尾。故填anyway。 4.考查现在分词作定语。句意:人工智能对我们生活的各个方面产生了巨大影响,范围从教育到医学等待。ranging from…to…在句中作定语(range from…to…“范围从……到…….”是一种主动的动作与aspects在逻辑上是主动关系),相当于一个非限制性定语从句which range from education to medicine, and so on.故填ranging。 5.考查名词。句意:在一个严重缺水的时代,水的保护变得日益重要。分析句子结构可知此处为名词做主语,且结合空后的is可知应用单数名词conservation“保护”。为故填conservation。 6.考查副词。句意:请你更为简洁地解释一下你的看法,可以吗?分析句子结构可知此处为副词修饰动词explain,briefly简洁地。故填briefly。 7.考查动名词做主语。句意:克服害羞和紧张对于那些很少在公开场合讲话的人来说很困难。分析句子结构可知此处缺主语,故应用动名词做主语。故填Overcoming。 8.考查动名词作宾语。句意:尽管他对她冷淡的的评价很生气,但是他最终原谅了她。end up doing sth.结果/最终做某事,在短语中doing作介词up的宾语,forgive原谅。故填forgiving。 9.考查名词。句意:这种治疗对病人没有太大效果,因为这个治疗和病人需要的相冲突。此处考查短语in conflict with与…冲突,在这个短语中,conflict为名词。故填conflict。 10.考查名词复数。句意:每当我们遇到困难的时候,我们应该采取措施应对它们。根据句意可知此处考查短语take measures 采取措施,在短语中measure应用复数形式。故填measures。


Why aren’t the British having as many children as they used to?

Well, there is a whole range of reasons. One of them is that nowadays, British people are having their children at a much older age than before, 1. (mean) they have fewer years in which they can have children. Most young people nowadays want a job 2. they are well-paid, so they often go to university after high school. After years of study at university, they then need a few years of work experience before getting the job they want. Besides, houses are unbelievably expensive in the UK, so many young people 3. (force) to stay with their parents early on their careers. And no one wants to start a new family when still 4. (live) with their parents! So, it’s not5. people are about 30 years old that they can afford to move out and think about settling down and having children. After getting 6. (marry), the couple have to work 7. (pay) for their home and living expenses.8., they have to pay someone to look after their child during the day, and it’s also very expensive!

9. (discourage) by all these difficulties, it’s no surprise 10. people today don’t want to keep a large family.



    Clara Daly was seated on an Alaska Airlines flight when a flight attendant asked a(n) _______ question over the loudspeaker, “Does anyone on board know American Sign Language?”

Clara, 15 at the time, _______ the call button. The flight attendant came by and _______ the situation. “We have a passenger on the plane who’s _______ and deaf.” she said. The passenger seemed to want something, but he couldn’t _______ his message.

Clara _______ to have been studying ASL for the past year and knew she’d be able to finger spell into the man’s palm. So she _______ her seat belt and walked toward the seat of Tim Cook, then 64. _______taking his hand, she _______, “Are you OK?” Cook asked for some water.

When it arrived, Clara returned to her seat. She came by again a bit later because he wanted to know the time. On her third ________, she stopped and stayed a while.

“He didn’t need anything. He was lonely and wanted to ________.” Clara says.

So for the next hour, that’s what they did. She talked about her plans for the future. Cook told Clara ________ he had gradually become blind over time and ________ stories of his days as a traveling salesman. Even though he couldn’t see her, she “looked ________ at his face with such kindness,” a passenger reported, “We can see she smiled with happiness, ________ she made a difference in someone’s life.”

“Clara was amazing.” a flight attendant told Alaska Airlines in a blog interview. “You could tell Tim was very ________to have someone he could speak to, and she was such a(n) ________.”

Cook’s ________, “Best trip I’ve ever had.”

Life is a continuous learning experience. As for Clara, she said, “I’ve also learned a lot. The best thing for ________ is to learn something. Learning is the only thing that never ________.

1.A.urgent B.awkward C.challenging D.difficult

2.A.adopted B.lifted C.pressed D.tied

3.A.analyzed B.faced C.observed D.explained

4.A.blind B.ill C.homesick D.thirsty

5.A.get into B.get through C.get across D.get off

6.A.intended B.pretended C.happened D.attempted

7.A.uncovered B.unlocked C.unfolded D.unfastened

8.A.Cautiously B.Gently C.Secretly D.Seriously

9.A.whispered B.asked C.signed D.repeated

10.A.turn B.intention C.journey D.visit

11.A.talk B.relax C.sleep D.cheer

12.A.how B.why C.what D.when

13.A.invented B.conveyed C.transformed D.shared

14.A.attentively B.surprisingly C.crazily D.anxiously

15.A.if B.so C.because D.but

16.A.absorbed B.excited C.ashamed D.touched

17.A.angel B.donator C.sponsor D.translator

18.A.concept B.relief C.credit D.reaction

19.A.appreciation B.consideration C.amazement D.freedom

20.A.discourages B.fails C.inspires D.benefits



When we’re young children, many of us seem to have little trouble making new friends.1.. As adults, we tend to become more guarded with new people and have less time to devote to friendships. Consequently, most of us find it much harder to make new friends. If you’ve never experienced a close friendship, even as a child, you may find it even harder. But we all need and want good friends, even those of us who may sometimes pretend otherwise.

The need for friends is instinctual (本能的). Our survival used to depend on having friends to hunt and find food with, to help us build shelter and keep our families safe.2.They add meaning to life. They help you enjoy the good times and overcome the difficult ones. While strong relationships with friends can be a huge source of fun and pleasure, they are also important for your physical and emotional health.

Good friends can


Even if it’s just having someone to share your problems with, friends can help you cope with serious illness, the loss of a job or loved one, the break­up of a relationship, or any other challenge in life.

● Help you to reach your goals.

Whether you’re trying to get fit, give up smoking, or otherwise improve your life, encouragement from a friend can really boost your willpower.4.

● Improve your mood.

Happiness can be infectious.5.

● Reduce stress and depression.

Having an active social life can benefit your immune system and help reduce isolation, a major factor for depression.

AFriendships take time to form and even more time to deepen.

BProvide support when you're going through tough times.

CBut as we age, friendships grow and develop differently.

DSpending time with positive friends can be happy.



E. Yet they are less important nowadays.

F. It also increases your chances of success.

G. Todaygood friends are just as important.



Never Talk to Strangers?

“Never talk to strangers.” Many children are taught this simple rule as a caution against abduction(诱拐). In June, 2005, an 11-year-old boy was lost in the Utah wilderness for four days. During that time, he stayed on the path. He saw people searching for him but hid from them, afraid someone might “steal” him. Eventually, the unfortunate game of hide-and-seek ended and he was found. According to the Canada Safety Council, this alarming incident shows how unwise it is to instill(灌输) a fear of strangers in children. The “stranger danger” message can prevent children from developing the social skills and judgment needed to deal effectively with real-life situations. In a difficult situation, a stranger could be their lifeline to safety.

To have a child go missing is a parent’s worst nightmare. The threat of abduction by a stranger is minimal when compared with other possible reasons for a disappearance. In 2004, there were 67,266 missing-children cases in Canada. Only 31 involved abduction; in most of those cases the abductor was a relative, friend, or person known to the family. There were 671 cases of children wandering off, and 332 cases of abductions by a parent. Almost 80 percent of all cases were runaways. These statistics cast doubt on the idea that children should never talk to strangers. Wandering off is more common - but a lost children may have to call upon a stranger for help, and must develop the ability to judge what kind of people to approach. The “never talk to strangers” rule does not protect children in the situations they are most likely to face. On top of this, it can be confusing. Adults do not model the behavior; they often talk to strangers. A child may not know how to tell who is a stranger, and who is not.

For young children, nothing replaces close supervision(监管). Pre-schoolers do not understand risk and tend to act without thinking. Children need to develop habits and attitudes that will protect them from the real threats and dangers they may face. The Canada Safety Council encourages parents to give their children age-appropriate positive messages about safety, bearing in mind how youngsters may understand their world.

1.Which of the following statements is true about the 11-year-old boy?

A.He practiced the “never talk to strangers” rule.

B.He hid from the rescuers just as he was told.

C.He eventually showed up when the game ended.

D.He went somewhere else to avoid being found.

2.Among the possible reasons for the missing-children cases in Canada, which one is the most frequent?

A.Being abducted by a parent. B.Wandering off.

C.Being abducted by strangers. D.Running away.

3.The “never talk to strangers” rule is confusing to children because __________.

A.a friendly and attractive person may be dangerous

B.adults do not act upon the rule and strangers are hard to tell

C.the rule does not protect children in the situation of abducting

D.a lost child may have difficulty in communicating with a stranger

4.Which would the author agree with about the “never talk to strangers” rule?

A.It is not well recognized by parents.

B.It is not effective in keeping kids safe.

C.It is easy enough for children to follow.

D.It is practical as a safety tip in daily life.



    Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks. His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he’s an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road. What is even more interesting is that one of Stein's jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bag.

Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year. So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts(收银台) . The bags are banned in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles. Eyeing these headwinds, plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume.

Among the bag makers' argument: many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce and transport. And while plastic bags may be ugly to look at, they represent a small percentage of all garbage on the ground today.

The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its replacement: reusable shopping bags. The stronger a reusable bag is, the longer its life and the more plastic-bag use it cancels out. However, longer-lasting reusable bags often require more energy to make. One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.

Environmentalists don't question these points. They hope paper bags will be banned someday too and want shoppers to use the same reusable bags for years.

1.What has Steven Stein been hired to do?

A.Help increase grocery sales. B.Recycle the waste material.

C.Argue for the use of plastic bags. D.Stop things falling off trucks.

2.What does the word “headwinds”in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Effects of city development. B.Bans on plastic bags.

C.Headaches caused by garbage. D.Plastic bags hung in trees.

3.What is a disadvantage of reusable bags according to plastic-bag makers?

A.Producing them requires more energy. B.Replacing them can be difficult.

C.They are less strong than plastic bags. D.They are quite expensive.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Garbage Collection and Waste Control B.Industry, Pollution and Environment

C.Recycle or Throw Away D.Plastic, Paper or Neither



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