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The holiday season is a joyful time — pa...

    The holiday season is a joyful time — packed with parties and traditions. But for millions of Americans living with depression, anxiety, addiction or other mental illnesses, the season can be especially challenging. According to a survey by National Alliance on Mental Illness, about 64% of those with mental illness say that the holidays make things worse. Therefore, it's imperative that we look out for friends, family and community members who struggle with mental health to assist them.

As a neuroscientist studying the brain biology of depression and anxiety, I am encouraged by the new tools and available behavioral treatments, but these treatments are only helpful if

people access them. Too often, fear of judgment and pressures from peers, employers, or family members cause many to avoid mental health services.

The holiday season is actually a perfect time to fight mental health problems. We can all watch out for signs of mental illness and depression in friends and loved ones — including feelings of worry or sadness, and extreme changes in mood.

All of us can play a role in relieving mental health problems, caring for one another, and encouraging each other to seek out professional help. In addition to one-on-one support, we can go a step further to build support networks.

People who recently attended a conversation shared personal stories about their mental health journeys. Attendees received input from mental health professionals and local resource groups. Many said they had waited for years to talk about these topics but had no place to discuss them. And they felt better informed about resources for addressing mental health challenges, hoping this kind of respectful, honest and informative conversation can take place in communities across the country.

1.What does the underlined word "imperative'' in paragraph 1 mean?

A.Essential. B.Sensitive.

C.Improper. D.Unnecessary.

2.What's the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The features of mental illness.

B.The categories of mental illness.

C.The reasons for people's refusal of treatment.

D.The importance of the new tools and treatments.

3.Where is the text most probably from?

A.A private diary. B.A health magazine.

C.A popular novel. D.A travel guidebook.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Be the Best You Can Make It.

B.People in need of health services.

C.My experience in dealing with mental illness.

D.A challenging season for those with mental illness.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。假日是一个快乐的季节——充满了派对和传统活动。但对于数百万患有抑郁症、焦虑症、成瘾或其他精神疾病的美国人来说,假日可能特别具有挑战性。作者希望要好好利用假日给患有精神疾病的人以帮助,通过已经进行的活动也证明了确能帮助到这些人。 1.词义猜测题。画线词前一句According to a survey by National Alliance on Mental Illness, about 64% of those with mental illness say that the holidays make things worse. 根据全国精神疾病联盟的一项调查,大约64%的精神病患者说假期情况会变得更糟。说明假期他们会有更严重的困扰,因此需要给他们以帮助,画线词所在句子中assist them(帮助他们),所以画线的形容词应该是必要的,选项A完全必要的,必不可少的,极其重要的。切题,故选A。 2.段落大意题。第二段的最后一句Too often, fear of judgment and pressures from peers, employers, or family members cause many to avoid mental health services. 经常由于同龄人、雇主或家庭成员的看法和压力产生的恐惧导致许多人不愿接受心理健康服务。解释了为什么很多人不愿意接受心理健康服务的原因,这是第二段的大意,选项C人们拒绝治疗的原因,切题,故选C。 3.推理判断题。文章第一段But for millions of Americans living with depression, anxiety, addiction or other mental illnesses, the season can be especially challenging. According to a survey by National Alliance on Mental Illness, about 64% of those with mental illness say that the holidays make things worse. Therefore, it's imperative that we look out for friends, family and community members who struggle with mental health to assist them. 对于数百万患有抑郁症、焦虑症、成瘾或其他精神疾病的美国人来说,假日可能特别具有挑战性。根据全国精神疾病联盟的一项调查,大约64%的精神病患者说假期情况会变得更糟。因此,我们必须关注那些与心理疾病作斗争的朋友、家庭和社区成员,帮助他们。可以看出文章是探讨假日对心理疾病的人为什么要帮助,如何帮助的,所以文章应该是在相关杂志上的专业文章。选项B健康杂志,切题,故选B。 4.主旨大意题。文章一开始的The holiday season is a joyful time — packed with parties and traditions. But for millions of Americans living with depression, anxiety, addiction or other mental illnesses, the season can be especially challenging. 假日是一个快乐季——充满了派对和传统活动。但对于数百万患有抑郁症、焦虑症、成瘾或其他精神疾病的美国人来说,假日可能特别具有挑战性。接着由此展开说明假日里有精神疾病的人更需要帮助,所以这是作者写文章的目的,作为标题恰当,选项D精神疾病患者的挑战季。切题,故选D。

    The phone rings. I wait for the answering machine to get it, but it does not. I exhale(呼 气),annoyed because I know the call would be the latest of 300 attempts to sell me products.

“Daddy, it's me. ” It's Alyce, my 12-year-old daughter “Mommy was just in a car accident.

My heart stops and then begins beating wildly.

“Are you all right?”

“Yes. ”

“Is Mommy?”

A deep sob “ I don't know. . . I don't think so. Come quick. ”

I sprint a few blocks to what looks like a scene of a disaster movie. A city bus is on the wrong side of the road, in front of which are the remains of Susan's car. Susan is severely injured but fortunately, still alive. Alyce is standing on the comer, uninjured.

Two years later at an event, our temple's musical director insisted that Susan and I had to meet someone. He returned with a woman with a bright smile. She told us, "When the accident happened that morning, I had rushed to the street and seen Alyce standing by the side of the car, crying. She wanted to call you but her phone was trapped inside the damaged vehicle. So I lent her my phone."

We had our photo taken together and introduced ourselves to each other. After hearing my name, she paused, as if maybe she hadn't heard me.

Then suddenly, she said, “Wait, your name is Susan?” Susan nodded. ''And your name is Douglas?”

“ Oh my goodness," the woman said. " My name is Susan Douglas."

1.Why did the writer refuse to pick up the phone himself at first?

A.Because he was too busy.

B.Because he didn't hear the phone ring.

C.Because he thought the call is commercial.

D.Because he wanted to test the answering machine.

2.What does the writer mean by saying "I sprint a few blocks"?

A.He went by a roundabout route.

B.He walked across a few barriers.

C.He wandered leisurely along the streets.

D.He ran very fast through several streets.

3.What can we learn from the story?

A.Alyce was hurt seriously in the car accident.

B.The couple and the woman had met before .

C.The woman lent Alyce her phone to call her father.

D.The woman wasn't surprised when hearing “Susan”.


















Dear Lucy,

I was delighting to receive your letter. Thank you for the English dictionary you bought it for me. I received it this morning. There is no doubt that it is of great helpful to me. I’m deeply grateful for your advice what I should pay more attention to practice my spoken English. I’ve made up my mind to speak English both in and out of class. Next month I’ll take trip to Australia, which is organizing by my school. I hope I can practise my spoken English there as many as possible. By the way, I am sending you a set of stamp with this letter, and I’ll send you more if I got any. I do hope you will have a good holiday.




While 1. (visit) Hangzhou’s West Lake and its surrounding beautiful hills, you'll understand why it's been a great source of inspiration for artists, poets and philosophers 2. Chinese history.

Though 3. rest of the country is moving from two wheels to four, cycling culture is thriving(繁荣的) in Hangzhou. The city 4. (develop) China's first bicycle-sharing system in 2008. Since then, it's grown into the world’s 5. (big) and one of the world’s best public bicycle systems.

Hangzhou grows some of China's finest green tea--- Longjing. Every spring, before the traditional Qingming Festival, tea 6. (love) from all over the country come to Longjing, a village 7. lies just south of West Lake, for the first cup of top-quality tea. During tea season-- 8. (usual) late March and April-- the air is filled with smell from the tea, when leaves 9. (pick) and roasted in the village. The village is open to the public and you can pick your own tea after getting 10. ( permit) from the local tea farmers.



    Jason, our son, was born with cerebral palsy(脑瘫). My wife and I often comforted him as he faced many _______ in his early years.

It was _______ to see him regularly chosen last for baseball, but his most _______ time came when he began high school. One afternoon, Jason returned home in _______ and shouted: “I’m never going to school again!” He was _______ with food that other kids had _______ him on the school bus on the way home. Jason later told us what had _______. A few days earlier, Jason had _______ up for the school running team. That day, a few older students made _______ of his performance on the track. I called the headmaster about the ________, and it never happened again.

One day, as the other kids exercised in the gym, they ________ one lonely runner-Jason jogging around the snow-covered track. A few weeks later, Jason said to me, “Dad, I was ready for the ________. He added that each month, each student ________ an “athlete of the month” and voted for the ________. Jason’s name had never been ________. But that day, one student said: “Sir, I would like to propose Jason for athlete of the month. “The coach looked ________. “He works harder than any of us, Sir,” the student continued. Tears ________ in Jason’s eyes as everyone in the class put their hands up. We, also in tears, looked on as he ________ displayed his certificate.

Whenever I despair, I think of this story. I ________ myself that challenges are not overcome by ________, but by patience, determination, and faith.

1.A.choices B.challenges C.changes D.chances

2.A.hopeful B.considerate C.convenient D.heartbreaking

3.A.special B.comfortable C.separate D.difficult

4.A.ruins B.tears C.shock D.surprise

5.A.covered B.followed C.attached D.filled

6.A.rolled down B.pushed against C.thrown at D.dropped out

7.A.recorded B.deserved C.happened D.promised

8.A.stayed B.signed C.pulled D.hung

9.A.comments B.use C.mistakes D.fun

10.A.process B.operation C.movement D.situation

11.A.admired B.watched C.noticed D.realized

12.A.best B.worst C.most D.least

13.A.hoped B.agreed C.meant D.chose

14.A.winner B.ruler C.advisor D.fighter

15.A.accepted B.listed C.attended D.organized

16.A.surprised B.delighted C.moved D.frightened

17.A.divided B.exploded C.changed D.formed

18.A.warmly B.proudly C.kindly D.seriously

19.A.blame B.warn C.remind D.inform

20.A.force B.construction C.discussion D.appearance



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