满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Rodney Smith is a man with a task. The B...

    Rodney Smith is a man with a task. The Bermuda native is in the midst of a trip that will take him to every state in the nation, mowing lawns(修理草坪).

Five years agoSmith came across a senior man mowing his lawn and stopped to help.“When I came across the elderly man, my life changed”he said. After that, Smith went on to  create the Raising Men Lawn Care Service (RMLCS) to mow lawns for the elderlydisabledsingle moms and former soldiers free of charge. As part of providing free yard work, the organization teaches children about serving their communities and lawn mower safety.

A key component of RMLCS is its 50-yard challengewhich sets a goal for children nationwide to mow 50 lawns for free in their community. When a kid signs up for the challenge, the group sends them a white shirt with the Raising Men logo(标识),shades and ear protection. The participants receive a different colored shirt after every 10th lawn they mow. When they have completed the task for 50 yardsthey receive a special visit from Smith or someone with RMLCS. They give the volunteer a new lawnmower, free of charge, and cut other lawns with them.

Since this challenge started in 201612 kids have already completed the challenge. And both boys and girls are part of it. At present they have 130 kids nationwide taking part in this challengeincluding 7 in Bermuda and the U. K. and one in Canada. So it5 s spreading worldwide. Even the Queen of England took notice — the governor of Bermuda presented Smith with an award late last year on behalf of her.

It was also last year that Smith came up with the 50 States 50 Lawns campaign. Now, in 2018he’s on the road again.

1.What is the purpose of the Raising Men Lawn Care Service?

A.Educate children to work hard.

B.Offer free lawn cutting service.

C.Make lawnmowers of high quality.

D.Train professional lawn mowing workers.

2.What indicates a child completing the 50-yard challenge?

A.A visit to RMLCS.

B.The Raising Men logo.

C.A white shirt and ear protection.

D.A new lawnmower from RMLCS.

3.Why is the Queen of England mentioned?

A.To praise the queen for her care.

B.To prove Smith is respected by everyone.

C.To show Smith’s behavior got recognized.

D.To introduce where Smith’s motivation came from.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Mow Lawns in Order to Travel

B.Lawn Mowing — a New Trend

C.Choose Mowing Lawns to Help

D.Smith — a Man Loves Mowing Lawns


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。史密斯创建了名为the Raising Men Lawn Care Service (RMLCS) 的组织来免费为老人,残疾人,单身母亲和退伍军人修剪草坪。这个组织有个帮助所在社区修剪50片草坪的挑战,完成最终挑战的孩子会得到一台新的割草机。自2016年这项挑战开始以来,有越来越多的孩子参与到其中,甚至引起了英国女王的注意。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“to create the Raising Men Lawn Care Service (RMLCS) to mow lawns for the elderly,disabled,single moms and former soldiers free of charge.”可知史密斯创建了RMLCS来免费为老人,残疾人,单身母亲和退伍军人修剪草坪。故选B项。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“When they have completed the task for 50 yards,they receive a special visit from Smith or someone with RMLCS. They give the volunteer a new lawnmower, free of charge, and cut other lawns with them.”可知当这些孩子完成修剪50片草坪的任务时, Smith或RMLCS的其他人会对他们进行一次特别的拜访。他们会给这些孩子一台新的割草机,并一起修剪草坪。这说明一个小孩如果收到一台RMLCS送的新的割草机意味着他/她完成了修建50片草坪的任务。故选D项。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“So it‘s spreading worldwide. Even the Queen of England took notice — the governor of Bermuda presented Smith with an award late last year on behalf of her.”可知这项挑战在全世界传播开来。甚至英国女王也注意到了-百慕大省长去年年底代表她给史密斯颁奖。女王的奖励意味着一种肯定,由此推断作者提到英国女王是为了说明史密斯的行为受到了认可。故选C项。 4.推理判断题。全文主要讲了史密斯创建了这个组织来免费为老人,残疾人,单身母亲和退伍军人修剪草坪,并发起修剪50片草坪的挑战来鼓励孩子为社区免费修剪草坪。因此C项(选择修剪草坪来帮助他人)最适合做全文的标题。故选C项。

The Moth Poetry Prize


The Moth Poetry Prize is an annual contest from Irish magazine. It is one of the biggest prizes in the world for a single unpublished poem of any length with the theme of peace. The prize is open to anyone over 16 as long as the poem is previously unpublishedand each year it attracts thousands of entries from new and established poets from over 50 countries worldwide.

The shortlist will be announced in June 2019 and the four shortlisted poems will feature in the summer issue of The Moth. The winners will be invited to a special prize-giving event at Poetry Ireland in Dublin in the summer of 2019.


The poet and novelist Jacob Polley will judge this year’s Moth Poetry Prize. Jacob is the author of four poetry collections published by Picadorthe latest of whichJackselfwon the T. S. Eliot Prize. He is also the recipient of a Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prizeand his novel Talk of the Tovun won a Somerset Maugham Award. He teaches at the University of Newcastle.


The entry fee is 15 euros per poem, and you can enter as many poems as you like.

You can enter online or send your poem (s) along with a cheque or postal order made   payable to “The Moth Magazine Ltd. ” with an entry form or a cover letter with your name and contact details and the title of poem(s) attached to The MothArdan Grange, Milltown, Belturbet, Co. Cavan, Ireland.

Please remember to read the rules of the competition before you enter.

Call 00 353 (0)87 2657251 or email enquiries®themothmagazine. com for more details.

1.What information about the contest can we learn?

A.Its closing date. B.Its evaluation criteria.

C.The award to winners. D.Its organizer.

2.What is the requirement of the contest?

A.One person can only submit one entry.

B.The participants must be Irish citizens.

C.The entries should be focused on peace.

D.Only teenagers of 16 are admitted to take part.

3.What will the winners get?

A.An award of 15 euros.

B.An invitation to Dublin.

C.A poetry collection by Picador.

D.A chance to interview Jacob Polley.



    I still keep the photo taken by my mom and treasure it as my life. That was many years ago when I was taking summer ______ in college and was moving into an apartment. I was carrying two ______ with everything that I was going to need to ______ the 6 weeks of classes. It is the last time I can remember ever traveling that ______.

Since then my possessions have ______. Though most of them like my furniture are ______, there are occasions when I feel ______ down by all of them. I am sure that I will need two trucks rather than two suitcases if I ever ______ again.

One thought, however, brings me ______. It is the knowledge that when I make my ______ journey from this world-I am dead, I won’t ______ any of those things with me. The only things I will take with me will be what I have packed in the suitcase of my ______. I will be carrying with me every ______ thing I ever did, every loving thought I ever shared, and every bit of ______ I ever brought into this world to make others laugh. I will be carrying all the goodness I gave to others, all the______ I was able to share, and all the joy I created. These things won't be weighing me down. Instead, I will be surely ______.

As you are ______ for your own final trip-completely prepared, make sure that you should not make your ______ heavy. Make sure that the belongings in your home ______ take second place to the love in your heart. When you ______ it in Heaven, God and all His angels will smile.

1.A. journeys B. holidays C. lectures D. classes

2.A. trucks B. suitcases C. books D. computers

3.A. bring out B. take away C. get through D. pay for

4.A. hard B. light C. unforgettably D. happily

5.A. gone B. appeared C. lessened D. grown

6.A. expensive B. useful C. beautiful D. enjoyable

7.A. weighed B. put C. turned D. calmed

8.A. treasure B. possess C. move D. demand

9.A. confusion B. matter C. hate D. comfort

10.A. final B. pleasant C. tiring D. latest

11.A. compare B. take C. fill D. stand

12.A. soul B. body C. home D. college

13.A. strange B. little C. kind D. smart

14.A. knowledge B. hope C. thought D. laughter

15.A. love B. information C. time D. money

16.A. burst out B. worn out C. given up D. lifted up

17.A. ready B. eager C. fit D. responsible

18.A. world B. weight C. travel D. heart

19.A. hardly B. always C. rather D. never

20.A. cover B. wrap C. unpack D. untie



    During my first year in China, I spent the summer holiday 1. my family at the seaside in Beidaihe. The hotel 2. we were staying in was near the sea, so we used to spend most of our time 3.(swim). Now, my wife is from Switzerland and when she was at home, she bought me a watch as 4. present. The watch she bought 5.(be) waterproof(防水的) and I never took it off, even when I was having a bath. When I went swimming at Beidaihe, I didn’t take my watch off either. On the last day of our holiday, I went swimming and 6.(come) out of the sea without my watch. As I was leaving, the manager of the hotel said, “Leave your address and phone number so that we can send your watch to you if we can find it.” I did so but I wasn’t very 7.(hope). One week later, I got a phone call form the hotel. The man who 8.(find) my watch was a PLA man. He picked it up when he was out 9.(walk) on the beach one day and handed it in at the police station. After several 10.(day), I got my watch back and it was still working.




Most students experience a lot of stress while preparing for examsas both their parents and teachers expect them to get high scores. Students who feel anxious are likely to experience problems like difficulty in concentrating while studyingconfusionfeeling stressed while looking at difficult questionsfeeling blanksweatingsleeplessetc. Under such circumstances they end up scoring less than they could have. Thereforeit's extremely important for students to learn about how to overcome fearso that they can take their examination confidentlyfinally earning good grades. Here are a few tips on ways to overcome exam fear.

There are many students who take studies lightlyleaving everything to be studied at the last minute. As a resultwhen exams are around the cornerthey feel scaredas they don't know where to startand what to study. So the easiest way of overcoming this problem is to start studying much before the exam. Another common mistake that many students make is that they don't make an effort to understand the subject. When they have memorized without understandingthe chances of forgetting are more. Thereforeit is vital to understand the concept before memorizing it. In this way, you will never forget any important point. Besidesthat the exams are coming does not mean that you have to sit with your books for the entire dayand students should take regular breaks to relax and refresh their mind. Howeverthey should avoid watching too much TV and addicting themselves to the Internetin which waythey are more likely to waste time.

Apart from the tips abovehere are some points that will help students cope with exam-related anxiety. For examplebefore the examavoid studying anything new or having conversations with your classmates about what they have studied and how much they have studiedboth of which will make you more nervous. During the exam, if you get blank after seeing difficult questionsignore them for the time beingand attempt those you find easier. Once you have completed themgo back to the difficult ones.




    Everyday on the way to work I drive down a street lined with pine trees. One tree in particular_______my attention. It must have suffered some _______ Part of its trunk grew nearly parallel to the ground, and then in an effort to _______ its own course of life. The trunk took a 90-degree turn _______ to stand tall and stretch toward the sun.

This tree became a_______for me. Each day as I drove by, I saw this bent but determined tree and I would be _______. It was a reminder to me that _______I may not have had the best start in life, I could change_______in the parts of my life at any time.

I was planning to stop one day to get a perfect _______of my kindred-spirit (志趣相同) tree. But that week I was________. After that busy week, I still didn't take any action. Every time I drove by the tree I would________myself, "Tomorrow, I'll stop tomorrow to take one. " Then one day, as I ________ by "my" tree, I glanced over, and much to my________,I found a sawed-off stump (树桩) where that symbolic tree had stood. Gone. I had________my plan until "tomorrow" and tomorrow proved to be too ________ .

A picture of a tree is not of great ________. But my lesson rang through clearly ________ I found out one of my colleagues had been________with stage-four cancer. He may no longer have many ________.

What have you been putting off? What would you do today if you knew you would ________ have the opportunity to do it again? Why not do those things now that you have been putting off until tomorrow?

1.A.paid B.caught C.fixed D.escaped

2.A.damage B.sadness C.experience D.influence

3.A.change B.design C.continue D.imagine

4.A.applying B.learning C.happening D.attempting

5.A.symbol B.sign C.signal D.shelter

6.A.interested B.satisfied C.encouraged D.educated

7.A.as if B.even if C.in case D.if only

8.A.purpose B.plan C.habit D.direction

9.A.look B.view C.picture D.knowledge

10.A.busy B.free C.worried D.bored

11.A.call B.help C.tell D.see

12.A.walked B.drove C.rode D.ran

13.A.happiness B.pleasure C.regret D.astonishment

14.A.taken off B.cut off C.put off D.called off

15.A.cold B.far C.long D.late

16.A.value B.achievement C.fun D.disappointment

17.A.before B.when C.because D.unless

18.A.linked B.combined C.provided D.diagnosed

19.A.lives B.tomorrows C.lessons D.opportunities

20.A.ever B.almost C.never D.surely



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