满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was unusually quiet in the emergency ...

    It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I didn’t think there would be any________, sighing about having to work on Christmas. Just then five bodies________at my desk, a pale woman and four children.

“Are you all________?” I asked. “Yes,” she said weakly and lowered her head.

But when it came to________of their problems, things got a little strange. Two of the children had headaches, but they didn’t show any________of headaches at all. Two children had earaches,  but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother________of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.

Something was wrong. Our hospital policy,________, was not to turn away any patient. I explained it might be a little while before a doctor saw her. She responded immediately, even a bit________“Take your time,” and then added, “It’s warm in here.”

Then, I checked their registration form out of curiosity. No address—they were________.The waiting room was warm. I went back to the nurses’ station and mentioned we had a homeless________in the waiting room. The nurses, complaining of________on Christmas, turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get________on Christmas. The team went into action, much as we do when there’s a________emergency. But this was a Christmas emergency.

We were all________a free meal on Christmas Day, so we took back that meal and prepared a big dinner for our________.We needed presents. We________from different departments candies, fruits and other things________that could be presents. As seriously as we met the________needs of the patients, our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas.

____, as the family walked to the door to leave, the mother came______back, gave me a hug and whispered, “Thanks for being our angels today.”

1.A.customers B.workers C.patients D.doctors

2.A.took in B.showed up C.came out D.looked on

3.A.tired B.hungry C.warm D.sick

4.A.comments B.descriptions C.instructions D.results

5.A.systems B.symbols C.signs D.secrets

6.A.explained B.expressed C.compared D.complained

7.A.therefore B.otherwise C.moreover D.however

8.A.shyly B.calmly C.happily D.politely

9.A.homeless B.greedy C.clever D.lonely

10.A.Christmas B.holiday C.woman D.family

11.A.working B.interrupting C.managing D.operating

12.A.present B.relief C.warm D.approval

13.A.beneficial B.friendly C.different D.medical

14.A.rewarded B.allowed C.offered D.ordered

15.A.guests B.relations C.brothers D.neighbors

16.A.borrowed B.received C.bought D.collected

17.A.available B.useful C.convenient D.expensive

18.A.healthy B.tragic C.physical D.mental

19.A.Soon B.Next C.Later D.Gradually

20.A.to run B.run C.and ran D.running


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。圣诞节那天,作者和其他同事在医院照常上班。正在作者以为不会有病人的时候,五个人走进了医院。作者发现,他们是一个无家可归的家庭,一个母亲带着四个孩子来医院取暖。作者及医院的其他值班人员热心的让他们一家度过了一个真正温暖的圣诞节。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我觉得(今天)不会有任何病人, 叹息必须在圣诞节这一天工作。A. customers顾客;B. workers工人;C. patients病人;D. doctors医生。根据前文“It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25”可知10月25号的急诊室一般很安静,说明作者是在医院工作,根据经验觉得今天不会有病人,故选C项。 2.考查动词词组辨析。句意:就在那时五个人出现在我的桌子前,一个脸色苍白的女人和四个孩子。A. took in吸收;B. showed up出现; C. came out出版;(事实)暴露;D. looked on观看。根据后文“a pale woman and four children”可知来了五个人,故选B项。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“你们都生病了吗?”我问。A. tired疲惫的;B. hungry饥饿的;C. warm温暖的;D. sick生病的。作者是在医院工作,所以会问他们是否生病了。故选D项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是当他们描述他们的问题时,事情变得有些奇怪。A. comments评论;B. descriptions描述;形容;C. instructions 说明; D. results结果。根据后文“Two of the children had headaches”等可知这五个人向作者描述了他们得了什么病,故选B项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。 句意:其中两个小孩说他们头痛,但是他们没有任何头痛的迹象。A. systems系统;B. symbols象征;C. signs记号;迹象;D. secrets秘密。读完整篇文章可知这家人根本没有生病,所以这两个小孩说自己头痛,但是没有头痛的迹象。故选C项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:妈妈声称自己咳嗽,但似乎是故意咳嗽的。A. explained解释;B. expressed表达;C. compared比较; D. complained诉说有…病痛;抱怨。这位妈妈对作者说自己咳嗽,故选D项。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们医院的政策是不允许拒绝接收病人。A. therefore因此; B. otherwise否则;C. moreover此外;而且;D. however然而。根据前文“Something was wrong.”可知事情有些不对劲,根据后文“was not to turn away any patient.”可知医院不允许拒收病人,前后为转折关系,故选D项。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这个母亲马上甚至有点开心地说““不着急,这里很暖和。”A. shyly害羞地;B. calmly冷静地;C. happily高兴地; D. politely礼貌地。根据后面几段可知这位母亲不是来看病而是带着孩子来取暖的,所以作者说医生要过一段时间才来意味着他们可以在医院多呆一会儿,所以这里她是有些高兴地。故选C项。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有地址—他们无家可归。A. homeless无家可归的;B. greedy贪婪的;C. clever聪明的;D. lonely孤独的。根据“No address”可知这家人没有家庭住址,说明他们无家可归,故选A项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。 句意:我回到护士站并提到候诊室有一个无家可归的家庭。A. Christmas圣诞节;B. holiday假日;C. woman女人;D. family家庭。这五个人是一家人,故选D项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那些抱怨圣诞节还要工作的护士开始对这个在圣诞节需要温暖的家庭产生同情心。A. working工作;B. interrupting打断;中断;C. managing管理;D. operating操作。根据第一段“sighing about having to work on Christmas.”可知作者他们在圣诞节这一天还要工作,护士们对此产生抱怨,故选A项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那些抱怨圣诞节还要工作的护士开始对这个在圣诞节需要温暖的家庭产生同情心。A. present礼物;B. relief减轻;安慰;C. warm暖和;热情;D. approval赞同。根据后文“a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas.”可知这家人只是想在医院取暖,故选C项。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:(我们)这支队伍开始行动起来,跟我们碰到医疗紧急事故时一样。A. beneficial有益的;B. friendly友好的;C. different不同的;D. medical医学的。医院里护士碰到的自然是医疗紧急事故,故选D项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:圣诞节那天(医院)给我们提供一顿免费的饭,所以我们拿回了饭,为客人准备了丰盛的晚餐。A. rewarded奖励;B. allowed允许;C. offered提供;D. ordered命令。根据语境可知医院为圣诞节这天工作的人提供免费的饭,故选C项。 15.考查名词词义辨析。 句意:圣诞节那天(医院)给我们提供一顿免费的饭,所以我们拿回了饭,为客人准备了丰盛的晚餐。A. guests客人;B. relations亲属;家庭成员;C. brothers兄弟;D. neighbors邻居。根据后文“We needed presents.”可知作者他们不仅为这家人准备了饭还准备了礼物,这说明他们把这家人当成客人一样来对待。故选A项。 16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们从其它部门收集了糖果、水果和其他所有能找到的可以当作礼物的东西。A. borrowed借;B. received收到;C. bought 购买; D. collected收集。作者他们从其他部门收集了一些可以当作礼物的东西,故选D项。 17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们从其它部门收集了糖果、水果和其他所有能找到的可以当作礼物的东西。A. available可获得的; B. useful 有用的;C. convenient方便的;D. expensive昂贵的。作者他们收集了所有可以得到的东西,故选A项。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:像满足病人的身体需要一样,我们的团队尽力满足这个只是想在圣诞节这天取暖的家庭的需要。A. healthy健康的;B. tragic悲剧的;C. physical身体的;D. mental精神的。护士照顾病人应该满足病人的身体上的需求,故选C项。 19.考查副词词义辨析。句意:随后,当这家人走向门口准备离开时,这位妈妈突然跑向我,给了我一个拥抱,悄悄说“谢谢你今天做我们的天使。”A. Soon很快;B. Next其次;C. Later随后;D. Gradually逐渐地。根据后文“as the family walked to the door to leave” 可知这里是这家人吃完饭后发生的事情,故选C项。 20.考查现在分词作状语。分析可知run在句中为非谓语,与逻辑主语the mother之间是主动关系,应该用其现在分词形式在句中做方式状语。故选D项running。

    Time is the most valuable thing that mankind has.1.. Many people try to manage their time. They arrange information and tips in order to effectively do so.

2.. Time can be managed easily by finding out what is important and arranging these things in the order of importance. In this way you know your direction before making any plans and do not waste time and energy unnecessarily.

Now comes the next question. 3.. The answer is that you need to find out what steps you need to take and what you want to do. Then you know much time to spend for each thing. These steps are like goals. 4.. Not having them is like walking blindly in a dark room, trying to find the door.

Time management also demands a set schedule that works best for you. In this way you will be able to arrange your tasks based on their importance and finish them. In this way you will not waste your time in beating around the bush.

5.. There are lots of things that we need to do in short time. Therefore, having good itme management skills is at the top of the list of things we all need.

A. We all live in a fast-paced world now.

B. Using every passing second effectively can benefit us.

C. Could you divide your time equally while doing your work?

D. How do you manage time and what type of information is needed to do so?

E. Setting goals is the most important part of time management.

F. Managing time is not that hard.

G. The aim of time management is to give us a feeling of satisfaction.



    An earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters It may cause great damage So it is wise to learn some simple safety tips to protect yourself or your family members

Fragile items like those made of glass should usually be placed on a lower surface near the ground instead of placing them on cupboards higher up Never place them near your bed sofas and other furniture where you would be sitting or lying down When there is a strong movementthese pieces will fall on the floor directly and not on you

There is a strong chance of short circuits (短路) and fire breakouts during an earthquake Make sure you turn off electrical connections and gas immediately when an earthquake happens

During an earthquake lie beneath an object that is not easily damaged Do not go near objects that could directly fall on you Never use the elevator to go down Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside Research has shown that most injuries happen when people inside buildings try to go out Use the staircases at all times

If you are outdoors do not take shelter under a tree streetlights electric poles or tall buildings If you are driving stop your car and stay in a safe place Do not park your car under a tree or any tall object

If trapped in debris (瓦砾堆), cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can find you Use a whistle (哨子) if one is available Never shout for help Shouting can cause you to breathe in dangerous amounts of dust Do not light a match because you may burn yourself Do not move about or kick up dust

1.The purpose of the passage is to tell readers  

A.the damage caused by earthquakes

B.the rescue work after earthquakes

C.what to do about earthquakes

D.how to prevent earthquakes

2.The underlined word "Fragile" in Paragraph 2 probably means  

A.easily broken

B.easily found



3.During the earthquake people are advised to  

A.go out the building at once

B.turn off power and gas immediately

C.take shelter under a tree

D.drive to a safe place

4.What should people NOT do when they are trapped in debris

A.Cover their mouth with a handkerchief

B.Tap on a pipe or wall for help

C.Use a whistle for help

D.Light a fire for help

5.If you are driving what should you do in the earthquake

A.take shelter under a tree

B.stop your car and stay in a safe place

C.park your car under a tree

D.park your car under a tall object



    One morning in July, Tina came downstairs and saw Mom and Dad talking at the kitchen table. Mom saw Tina standing at the doorway. She smiled at Tina, but her smile was missing in the sunshine.

“Good morning, my little treasure,” Dad said. “Could I talk to you about something?” “OK.” Tina said. “You know that Dad has a very important job,” Mom said. Tina nodded. “He helps keep people safe.” Tina said.

“That’s right,” Dad said. “Sometimes that means I need to help people who live far away from us,” he paused (停顿).

“When I do that, I have to leave you and Mom for a while.” Tina looked at Mom then at Dad. ”Are you going away?” she asked. Dad nodded. “Dad, how long is a while?” “In order to really help,” he said, “I have to go back home in July next year.” After Dad said this, Tina couldn’t hear anything but the tick-tock of the clock on the wall. Then Tina felt tears started to roll down her cheeks.

Tina didn’t want her dad to leave her. That’s because Dad is her favorite person. Dad and Tina do lots of fun things together. They can spend a whole day playing table tennis. They play musical instruments together. Dad plays the drums, and Tina plays the cymbals. Mother calls them “rock stars”.

“But if you are away for that long,” said Tina, “won’t you forget me?” Mom put her hand on Tina’s back and Dad pulled her and Tina into a big hug. “No, honey,” Mom said, “Dad could never forget you.”

1.Why was Tina’s mother’s smile missing in the sunshine?

A.Because the weather was cloudy on that day in July.

B.Because her daughter did not get up early on that morning.

C.Because she didn’t want her daughter to know Dad would leave.

D.Because her husband had to be away from them for a long time.

2.Where does Tina’s father probably work?

A.At the university. B.In the army.

C.On the farm. D.At the hotel.

3.How long would Tina’s father be away from them?

A.For about a year. B.For about a month.

C.For about a week. D.For about a season.

4.From Paragraph Five we can infer(推断) the underlined word “cymbals” is .

A.a kind of sport B.a kind of rock

C.a kind of toy D.a kind of instrument

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Tina’s father’s job is to keep people healthy.

B.Tina’s mother has no time to play with Tina.

C.Tina’s parents are both good at playing table tennis.

D.A big hug of the family shows the true love from Tina’s father.



The Outdoor Centre

Opening times

Water sports: 9 am-5 pm

Play Park: 10 am-4 pm

Entrance / Car park fees

Low season: Weekdays £2.00 per car

Weekends £3.00 per car

High season: 23 July-11 September

Weekdays and weekends £4.00per car

One-day adventure (冒险) course

This is a chance you have been waiting for. Come and try sailing, climbing and surfing. This course is trying to introduce outdoor activities to adults in a fun way. You do not need to be very fit or to have had experience of the activities. All you need is to be interested.

Play Park

The Play Park is suitable for children from 2to 10 years of age. It is one of the best of its type in the country. It has sand and water play, a large ball pool, play castle and much, much more.

Group day and weekend courses

We also offer day and long weekend courses for groups. We receive regular visits from schools and colleges. There are three large rooms with twelve beds in each, which can be booked beforehand for groups of up to 36people (12 at least).

Summer adventure holiday (for 8 -14 years of age)

Safety is of great importance at the Outdoor Centre. All our workers are fully trained in first aid, and able to teach the activities on offer. We also make certain that all children only take part in activities that are suitable for their age and physical abilities. For this programme children must be able to swim 25metres and be in good physical health.

1.How much should a family driving two cars pay when entering the centre in August?

A.£2.00. B.£4.00.

C.£6.00. D.£8.00.

2.Which of the following is suitable for a group of ten children aged 6 to 8?

A.Summer adventure holiday. B.One-day adventure course.

C.Play Park. D.Group day and weekend courses.

3.If you want to take One-day adventure course, you need to _________.

A.be in good physical health

B.be pupils

C.have rich experience

D.have interest in outdoor activities

4.Which of the following students numbers can take Group day and weekend courses?

A.25. B.10.

C.38. D.50.

5.People who want to take the summer adventure holiday __________.

A.can stay overnight if they want B.can do any sport they are interested in

C.should have a knowledge of first aid D.should have basic skills in swimming




Located halfway up the Italy’s Apennine Mountainabout 1 00 miles northeast of Romethe Hotel Rigopiano has never been easy to reach. But its isolation(隔绝)only adds to its appealattracting a great number of tourists.

Snow began to fall across the Apennines in January and lasted for days. From his home in the Rome suburbsMatrone watched the weather with concern. He and his wifeCicionihad planned an overnight getaway to the hotel. But now he wondered whether they should go. After phoning the hotelthey decided to make the trip. By the time they neared the hotel six hours laterthey were battling a snowstorm. When they finally arrivedthey were both cold and exhausted. They checked into their room and went to bed early.

As they awoke the next daythey discovered that their difficulty had worsened overnight. The cars in the parking lot were invisible. The phone and power lines were down. They were having breakfast when the hotel began to shake. An earthquake with a magnitude(震级)of 5. 7 had struck the mountain. “Get out of here!”Matrone shouted to his wife. They headed quickly to the parking lotwhere others were digging their cars. Fifteen minutes after the first earthquakeanother quake hitthis one measuring 5. 6.

With a dozen vehicles freed by noonthe guests set off down the driveway. But when they reached the main roadthe path was blocked by a six-foot-high wall of snow. Matrone climbed out of his car and investigated it. There was no road in sight“We’re trapped!”he told his wife. So they had no choice but to make their way back to the hotel.

As it was getting darkthey managed to be back.  That was when the snow on the mountain began to slide. They heard the avalanche(雪崩)before they saw it. The avalanche gathered speed and sizegrabbing rocks and trees and anything else in its way down the mountaintearing the hotel from its foundation. When the avalanche came to a stopthose caught inside the hotel were left buried in the icy rocks and ruins.

Para1 When Matrone came to himselfhe was stuck in the darkness.


Para 2 It was not until the next morning that the rescuers finally arrived.




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