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A Forget Cyclists, Pedestrians are Real ...



Forget Cyclists, Pedestrians are Real Danger
We are having a debate about this topic. Here are some letters from our readers.
■Yes, many cyclists behave dangerously. Many drivers are disrespectful of cyclists. But pedestrians are probably the worse offenders.
People of all ages happily walk along the pavement with eyes and hands glued to the mobile phone, quite unaware of what is going on around them. They may even do the same thing while crossing a road at a pedestrian crossing or elsewhere. The rest of us have to evade (避让) them or just stand still to wait for the unavoidable collision.
The real problem is that some pedestrians seem to be, at least for the moment, in worlds of their own that are, to them, much more important than the welfare of others.
——Michael Horan
■I love the letter from Bob Brooks about cyclists (Viewpoints, May 29). I am afraid they seem to think they own the roads.
I was walking across Altrincham Road one morning when a cyclist went round me and on being asked what he was doing he shouted at me.
The government built a cycle lane on the road but it is hardly used.
The police do nothing. What a laugh they are!
The cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanes and wear helmets, fluorescent (发荧光的) jacket and lights at night and in the morning they should pay some sort of tax and be fined for not wearing them.
——Carol Harvey
■Cyclists jump on and off pavements (which are meant for pedestrians), ride at speed along the pavements, and think they have a special right to go through traffic lights when they are on red.
I was almost knocked down recently by a cyclist riding on the pavement when there was a cycle lane right next to him.
Other road users, including horse riders, manage to obey the rules so why not cyclists?
It's about time they had to be registered and insured, so when they do hit a pedestrian or a vehicle, or cause an accident, at least they can be treated and there might be an opportunity to claim.
Write to Viewpoints of the newspaper.


1.Michael Horan wrote the letter mainly to show that _______.

A.drivers should be polite to cyclists

B.road accidents can actually be avoided

C.sine pedestrians are a threat to road safety

D.walking while using phones hurts one's eyes

2.Carol Harvey suggests that cyclists should _______.

A.be provided with enough roads

B.be asked to ride on their own lanes

C.be made to pay less tax for cycling

D.be fined for laughing at policemen

3.What is a complaint of JML?

A.Very few drivers are insured.

B.Cyclists ride fast on pavements.

C.Pedestrians go through red traffic lights.

D.Horse riders disrespect other road users.

4.The underlined word "they" in the third letter refers to ______.

A.accidents B.vehicles

C.pedestrians D.cyclists

5.The three letters present viewpoints on _______.

A.real source of road danger

B.ways to improve road facilities

C.measures to punish road offences

D.increased awareness of road rules


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。本文围绕一个主题展开一场争论——谁才是马路安全隐患的威胁。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的最后一句话:But pedestrians are probably the worse offenders. (但是,路人可能才是更严重的罪犯)可知Michael Horan的观点是,路人对道路安全存在威胁。故选C 2.细节理解题。根据第八段的开头:The cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanes and wear helmets.可知Carol Harvey建议骑自行车的人应该在他们应该走的车道去骑行。故选B 3.细节理解题。根据倒数第四段第一句话Cyclists jump on and off pavements(which are meant for pedestrians),ride at speed along the pavement, and think they have special right to go through traffic lights when they are on red可知,骑自行车的人沿着人行道快速行驶,并且认为他们享有红灯时通过的特权。所以JML抱怨骑自行车的人骑的太快,对道路安全产生隐患,故选B 4.词义猜测题。根据最后一段It’s about time they had to be registered and insured, so when they do hit a pedestrian or a vehicle, or cause an accident, at least they can be treated and there might be an opportunity to claim可知,JML希望对自行车拥有者登记,当他们撞到行人或者车辆、制造出车祸的时候,他们能够被追查到,所以判断出they在此指的是cyclists。故选D 5.主旨大意题。根据Forget Cyclists, Pedestrians are Real Danger. We are having a debate about this topic. Here are some letters from our readers. 忘掉自行车吧,行人才是真正的危险,我们正在就这个话题进行辩论。所以通过一些读者来信和文章的标题可以判断出,这三封信表达了对道路危险真正来源的看法。故选A

Food serves as a form of communication in two fundamental ways. Sharing bread or other foods is a common human tradition that can promote unity and trust. Food can also have a specific meaning, and play a significant role in a family or culture's celebrations or traditions. The foods we eat—and when and how we eat them—are often unique to a particular culture or may even differ between rural (农村的) and urban areas within one country.

Sharing bread, whether during a special occasion (时刻) or at the family dinner table, is a common symbol of togetherness. Many cultures also celebrate birthdays and marriages with cakes that are cut and shared among the guests. Early forms of cake were simply a kind of bread, so this tradition hits its roots in the custom of sharing bread.

Food also plays an important role in many New Year celebrations. In the southern United States, pieces of corn bread represent blocks of gold for prosperity (兴旺) in the New Year. In Greece, people share a special cake called vasilopita. A coin is put into the cake, which signifies (预示) success in the New Year for the person who receives it.

Many cultures have ceremonies to celebrate the birth of a child, and food can play a significant role. In China, when a baby is one month old, families name and welcome their child in a celebration that includes giving red-colored eggs to guests. In many cultures, round foods such as grapes, bread, and moon cakes are eaten at welcome celebrations to represent family unity.

Nutrition is necessary for life, so it is not surprising that food is such an important part of different cultures around the world.

1.According to the passage, sharing bread______.

A.indicates a lack of food

B.can help to develop unity

C.is a custom unique to rural areas

D.has its roots in birthday celebrations

2.What does the coin in vasilopita signify for its receiver in the New Year?

A.Trust. B.Success.

C.Health. D.Togetherness.

3.The author explains the role of food in celebrations by______.

A.using examples B.making comparisons

C.analyzing causes D.describing processes

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The custom of sharing food.

B.The specific meaning of food.

C.The role of food in ceremonies.

D.The importance of food in culture.



    As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information, are people remember less? If you know your computer will save information, why store it in your own personal memory, your brain? Experts are wondering if the Internet is changing what we remember and how.

In a recent study, Professor Betsy Sparrow conducted some experiments. She and her research team wanted to know the Internet is changing memory. In the first experiment, they gave people 40 unimportant facts to type into a computer. The first group of people understood that the computer would save the information. The second group understood that the computer would not save it. Later, the second group remembered the information better. People in the first group knew they could find the information again, so they did not try to remember it.

In another experiment, the researchers gave people facts to remember, and told them where to find the information on the Internet. The information was in a specific computer folder (文件夹). Surprisingly, people later remember the folder location (位置) better than the facts. When people use the Internet, they do not remember the information. Rather, they remember how to find it. This is called “transactive memory (交互记忆)”

According to Sparrow, we are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the Internet. Instead, computer users are developing stronger transactive memories; that is, people are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a later date. This doesn’t mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent, but there is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing.

1.The passage begins with two questions to ________.

A.introduce the main topic B.show the author’s attitude

C.describe how to use the Internet D.explain how to store information

2.What can we learn about the first experiment?

A.Sparrow’s team typed the information into a computer.

B.The two groups remembered the information equally well.

C.The first group did not try to remember the formation.

D.The second group did not understand the information.

3.In transactive memory, people ________.

A.keep the information in mind

B.change the quantity of information

C.organize information like a computer

D.remember how to find the information

4.What is the effect of the Internet according to Sparrow's research?

A.We are using memory differently.

B.We are becoming more intelligent.

C.We have poorer memories than before.

D.We need a better way to access information.



    In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment. Modern businesses have been following his lead, with more tactics (策略).

One tactic involves where to display the goods. For example, stores place fruits and vegetables in the first section. They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food (垃圾食品) later in their trip. In department stores, the women’s shoe section is generally next to the women’s cosmetics (化妆品) section: while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over and find some cosmetics they might want to try later.

Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers’ senses. Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping, so they make their own bread each morning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day. Music sells goods, too. Researchers in Britain found that when French music was played, sales of French wines went up.

When it comes to the selling of houses, businesses also use highly rewarding tactics. They find that customers make decisions in the first few seconds upon walking in the door, and turn it into a business opportunity. A California builder designed the structure of its houses smartly. When entering the house, the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows, and then the pool through an open stairway leading to the lower level. The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $ 10 million houses.

1.Why do stores usually display fruits and vegetables in the first section?

A.To save customers time. B.To show they are high quality foods.

C.To help sell junk food. D.To sell them at discount prices.

2.According to Paragraph 3, which of the following encourages customers to buy?

A.Opening the store early in the morning. B.Displaying British wines next to French ones.

C.Inviting customers to play music. D.Filling the store with the smell of fresh bread.

3.What is the California builder’s story intended to prove?

A.The house structure is a key factor customers consider.

B.The more costly the house is, the better it sells.

C.An ocean view is much to the customers’ taste.

D.A good first impression increases sales.

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To explain how businesses turn people into their customers.

B.To introduce how businesses have grown from the past.

C.To report researches on customer behavior.

D.To show dishonest business practices.




In 2004 ,when my daughter Becky was ten , she and my husband ,Joe, were united in their desire for a dog . As for me , I shared none of their canine lust.

But why , they pleaded. “Because I don’t have time to take care of a dog.” But we’ll do it. ” Really? You’re going to walk the dog? Feed the dog? Bathe the dog?” Yes, yes , and yes .”I don’t believe you .” We will . We promise.

They didn’t . From day two (everyone wanted to walk the cute puppy that first day ) , neither thought to walk the dog . While I was slow to accept that I would be the one to keep track of her shots , to schedule her vet appointments , to feed and clean her , Misty knew this on day one . As she looked up at the three new humans in her life (small, medium, and large) , she calculated , The medium one is the sucker in the pack.

Quickly, she and I developed something very similar to a Vulcan mind meld (心灵融合) . She’d look at me with those sad brown eyes of hers , beam her need , and then wait , trusting I would understand — which , strangely , I almost always did . In no time , she became my feet as I read , and splaying across my stomach as I watched television .

Even so , part of me continued to resent walking duty . Joe and Becky had promised. Not fair , I’d balk (不心甘情愿地做) silently as she and I walked . “Not fair , ” I’ d loudly remind anyone within earshot upon our return home .

Then one day — January 1, 2007 , to be exact — my husband ‘ s doctor uttered an unthinkable word : leukemia ( 白血病) .With that , I spent eight to ten hours a day with Joe in the hospital , doing anything and everything I could to ease his discomfort. During those six months of hospitalizations, Becky, 12 at the time, adjusted to other adults being in the house when she returned from school. My work colleagues adjusted to my taking off at a moment's notice for medical emergencies. Every part of my life changed; no part of my old routine remained.

Save one: Misty still needed walking. At the beginning, when friends offered to take her

through her paces, I declined because I knew they had their own households to deal with.

As the months went byI began to realize that I actually wanted to walk Misty. The walk in the morning before I headed to the hospital was a quiet, peaceful time to gather my thoughts or to just be before the day's medical drama unfolded. The evening walk was a time to shake off the day's upsets and let the worry tracks in my head go to white noise.

When serious illness visits your household, it's , not just your daily routine and your assumptions about the future that are no longer familiar. Pretty much everyone you acts differently.

Not Misty. Take her for a walk, and she had no interest in Joe's blood counts or ’one marrow test results. On the street or in the park, she had only one thing on her mind: squirrels! She Was so joyous that even on the worst days, she could make me smile. On a daily basis she reminded me that life goes on.

After Joe died in 2009Misty slept on his pillow.

I'm gratefulto a point. The truth is, after years of balking, I've come to enjoy m’ walks with Misty. As I watch her chase after a squirrel, throwing her whole being into the here-and-now of an exercise that has never once ended in victory, she reminds me, too, that no matter how harsh the present or unpredictable the future , there's almost always some measure of joy to be extracted from the moment.

1.why didn't the writer agree to raise a dog at the beginning of the story?

A.She was afraid the dog would get the family, into trouble.

B.It would be her business to take care of the dog

C.Her husband and daughter were united as one.

D.She didn't want to spoil he’ daughter.

2.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to " The medium one is the sucker in the pack” (Paragraph 3)?

A."The middle-aged person loves me most.”

B.”The medium-sized woman is the hostess.”

C."The man in the middle is the one who has the final say.”

D."The woman is the kind and trustworthy one in the family.”

3.It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that_______.

A.Misty was quite clever

B.Misty could solve math problems

C.the writer was a slow learner

D.no one walked Misty the first day

4.The story came to its turning point when________.

A.Joe died in 2009

B.Joe fell ill in 2007

C.the writer began to walk the dog

D.the dog tired to please the writer

5.Why did the writer continue to walk Misty while Joe was in hospital?

A.Misty couldn’t live without her

B.Her friends didn’t offer any help

C.The walk provided her with spiritual comfort.

D.She didn't want Misty to ’others companion.

6.What is the message the writer wants to convey in the passage?

A.One should learn to enjoy hard times.

B.A disaster can change everything in life.

C.Moments of joy suggest that there is still hope ahead.

D.People will change their attitude toward you when you are in difficulty.




Graph can be a very useful tool for conveying information especially numbers percentages, and other data . A graph gives the reader a picture to interpret. That can be a lot more pages and pages and pages explaining the data .

Graphs can seem frightening, but reading a graph is a lot like reading a story. The graph has a title ,a main idea ,and supporting details .You can use your active reading skills to analyze and understand graphs just like any other text .

Most graphs have a few basic parts: a caption or introduction paragraph, a title , a legend or key, and labeled axes. An active reader looks at each part of the graph before trying to interpret the data. Captions will usually tell you where the data came from (for example, a scientific study of 400 African elephants from 1980 to 2005). Captions usually summarize the author's main point as well. The title is very important. It tells you the main idea of the graph by stating what kind of information is being shown. A legend, also called a key ,is a guide to the symbols and colors used in the graph. Many graphs, including bar graphs and line graphs, have two axes that form a corner, Usually these axes are the left side and the bottom of the graph .Each axis will always have a label. The label tells you what each axis measures.

Bar Graphs

A bar graph has two axes and uses bars to show amounts. In Graph 1 ,we see that the x-axis shows grades that students earned, and the y-axis shows bow many students earned each grade .You can see that 6 students earned an A because the bar for A stretches up to 6 on the vertical measurement. There is a lot of information we can get from a simple graph like this(See Graph 1).

Line Graphs

A line graph looks similar to a bar graph ,but instead of Bars, it plots points and connects them with a line .It has the same parts as a bar graph – two labeled axes –and can be read the same way .To read a line graph, it’s important to focus on the points of intersection rather than the line segments between the points, This type of graph is most commonly used to show how something changes over time.

Here is a graph that charts how far a bird flies during the first Five days of its spring migration (See Graph 2).

The unit of measurement for the x-axis is days. The unit of measurement for the y-axis is kilometers. Thus we can see that ,on the first day, the pipit flew 20 kilometers. The line segment goes up between Day 1 and Day 2,which means that the bird flew farther on Day 2.If the line segment angled dawn, as between Day 4 and Day 5,it would mean that the bird flew fewer  kilometers than the day before. This line graph is a quick, visual way to tell the reader about the bird’s migration.

Pie Graphs

A typical pie graph looks like a circular pie. The circle is divided into sections, and each section represents a fraction of the data. The graph is commonly used to show percentages; the whole pie represents l00 percent, so each piece is a fraction of the whole.

A pie graph might include a legendor it might use icons or labels within each slice. This pie graph shows on month’s expense, (See Graph 3 ).

Food $ 25

Movies $ 12

Clothing $ 36

Savings $ 20

Books $ 7

1.When used in a grapha legend is_____

A.a guide to the symbols and colors

B.an introduction paragraph

C.the main idea

D.the data

2.What is the total number of students who earned a C or better ?

A.4. B.6. C.10. D.20 .

3.The bird covered the longest distance on _____

A.Day 1 B.Day 2 C.Day 3 D.Day 4

4.Which of the following cost Amy most ?

A.Food. B.Books C.Movies D.Clothing.



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