满分5 > 高中英语试题 >




1. 有利于保障孩子的安全

2. 可以增加家长与孩子的交流



1. 造成交通堵塞

2. 孩子容易过分依赖家长,从长远看,不利于孩子成长





注意:1. 词数100左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:in the long run

Dear editor,



Li Hua


Dear editor, Last Friday, our class held a heated discussion on whether parents should drive their children to and from school. The results are as follows. On the one hand, some students consider it reasonable for it is beneficial to children's safety. Besides, they think it provides more opportunities for parents to communicate with their children. On the other hand, others hold different opinions. They believe it may cause traffic jams and that in the long run, children may be more excessively dependent on their parents, which does harm to their growth. In my opinion, parents can do so if their children are very young, but as they grow up, they should be given a chance to be independent. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达是向《中学生英语报》的投稿。 第1步:根据提示可知,目前,家长开车接送孩子上学的现象很普遍。假如你是李华,上周五你们班就该现象进行了激烈的讨论。请根据下列表格中的内容用英语写一篇短文,向《中学生英语报》投稿。赞成方:1. 有利于保障孩子的安全;2. 可以增加家长与孩子的交流;3.......。反对方:1. 造成交通堵塞;2. 孩子容易过分依赖家长,从长远看,不利于孩子成长;3你的观点.......。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:a heated discussion on whether parents should drive their children to and from school(关于父母是否应该开车接送孩子上学的热烈讨论);On the one hand(一方面);provides more opportunities(提供更多的机会);hold different opinions(持不同的意见);等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。







When I was eleven year old, my father and I went on our first camping trip together. It was one of worst experiences of my life. On the way, it rained heavy, so I didn’t want to go any further. My Dad tried to teach me what to tell directions. I was cold and bored, so I didn’t listen to him well. He left me and told me to find my way to back. In my way home, we got lost. There were several roads. I don’t know which one to choose. It was dark when my dad found me, so he said there was always light ahead. I never felt happy to get home than that day.




Why do different people like different colors? The answer depends largely 1.  cultural values. To the Egyptians, green is a color 2. stands for the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims, it means heaven. Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures. During the Spring Festival in China, children 3. (give) money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year. For many nations, blue is a symbol of protection and religious beliefs. Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect 4. (they) against evils.

People’s 5.(choose) of colors is also affected by their bodies’ reactions toward them. Green is said to be the most restful color. It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally 6. physically. When 7.(work) in green environment, people have fewer stomach aches. Red can make a person’s blood pressure 8.(rise) and increase people’s appetite. Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant. And many commercial websites will have a red “Buy Now” button because red is a color that 9. (easy) catches a person’s eye. Unlike red, blue is believed to cause people to lose appetite. Therefore, 10. you want to eat less, eating from blue plates can help.



    During his freshman year at Columbia University, Sanford Greenberg stood on campus with his classmate Arthur Garfunkel. “Sanford, look at the ____. You see the colors? The shapes?” Arthur asked. Sanford was ____. Other guys talked about girls and sports, but Arthur wanted to talk about grass.

Was there a ____ guy on campus than Sanford? Here he was, a poor kid from Buffalo, New York on a full scholarship, taking classes from superstars such as physicist Leon Lederman and poet Mark Van Doren.

But in 1960, Sanford’s fortune ____. He was playing baseball when suddenly he couldn’t ____ very well. He had to ____ on the grass until his eyesight returned. At first he didn’t believe it was anything ____.

But when Sanford went back to Buffalo, ____ there told him he had a very serious eye disease. They operated on him, but he was still going ____. He was so sad that he ____ to meet anyone from college.

But Arthur ____ Sanford to go back to Columbia. In September 1961, Sanford returned to campus. But he was ____ about getting around alone and depended on Arthur to help him.

Then, one afternoon, Sanford and Arthur went to Manhattan. When it was time to go back to their ____, Arthur said he had a meeting and couldn’t go with Sanford. They ____, and Arthur walked off, leaving Sanford alone. It took Sanford a long time to get back to school. But as he arrived at the university’s gate, someone ____ him.

“Sorry, sir.”

Sanford knew the ____. It was Arthur’s. Sanford was angry at first, but then he ____ what Arthur had done.

“It was one of the most brilliant ____,” Sanford says. “Arthur, of course, had been ____ me the whole way.”

After ____, Sanford got his MBA from Columbia and a PhD from Harvard and went on to become a successful inventor and businessman.

1.A.clouds B.trees C.grass D.baseball

2.A.excited B.surprised C.disappointed D.worried

3.A.luckier B.braver C.smarter D.kinder

4.A.improved B.remained C.lost D.changed

5.A.hear B.smell C.see D.speak

6.A.lie down B.stand up C.walk D.run

7.A.difficult B.serious C.new D.usual

8.A.teachers B.friends C.relatives D.doctors

9.A.blind B.deaf C.wrong D.crazy

10.A.planned B.forgot C.refused D.wished

11.A.reminded B.persuaded C.expected D.allowed

12.A.careful B.hopeful C.nervous D.certain

13.A.campus B.library C.station D.work

14.A.agreed B.smiled C.waited D.argued

15.A.shouted at B.knocked into C.looked for D.laughed at

16.A.behavior B.movement C.voice D.sound

17.A.excused B.realized C.believed D.wondered

18.A.meetings B.journeys C.opportunities D.ideas

19.A.supporting B.showing C.correcting D.following

20.A.graduation B.practice C.preparation D.chatting



    How to change the world

You want to change the world, but you aren’t sure where to start. First, remember that changing the world can mean so many different things.

Understand what's wrong.

1.The world is such a big place, so you won't be able to change much if you don't understand what's going on out there. Try to learn about what is happening both home and abroad.

Know that change doesn't come overnight.

2.Try to live your values each day, even if you don't see much appreciable change on a day-to-day level. Work hard and don't give up.
    Start small.

Find ways to make a difference every day. It may feel as though you are just one tiny part of a huge system. At first, you almost certainly will be. Be patient.3.. Try to put your activism into practice and make it a reality.


Write letters to newspapers; post an article, video, or idea on the internet; wear a T-shirt. If you think that it is important and worthy of attention, try to raise awareness(意识) by telling as many people as you can.

Consider a career.

Think about which sort of job might put you in the best position to change the world. 5.There are a lot of ways to get paid for adding value to the world. Start researching to find jobs in fields that feel valuable.

A. Read the news.

B. Spread the word.

C. All things begin small

D. Remember that you don’t need to do it alone

E. You could be a teacher, a reporter, or something else.

F. There are other, less public ways to show your support!

G. Don’t expect to change the world with one big heroic act.



    With the increase in cross-country marriages, many Australian children are growing up with other languages spoken at home. Actually, it’s not just in Australia. In many countries, more and more children grow up speaking two, if not three or more languages. Thus, we know it is possible to learn more than one language from a young age. We also know that children are much better at learning another language than adults. But many parents have a common question. Should they speak to their children in their first language, or try to speak to them in the second language?

Some older studies have reported that bilingual(双语的) children learn language more slowly and have smaller vocabularies than others of the same age. Parents of bilingual developing children felt worried when they saw these reports. But these studies are doubtable. They haven’t taken schooling and parental income into consideration, both of which heavily influence language outcomes.

Recently some new studies focus mainly on the advantages of being bilingual. It appears that repeatedly switching from one language to another will exercise the brain. Bilingual children will particularly ignore unrelated information and keep unnecessary reactions under control. That makes the process of learning new rules much faster.

Some new Australians have no choice but to speak to their children in their native language. While learning English is quite necessary, connections to family cultural backgrounds are also important. Through the native language, children can better understand their parents’ native culture. Happily, being bilingual appears to be good for the cross-cultural communication.

1.What is the shared concern of many parents from bilingual families?

A.The schedule of training courses for children.

B.Their family members’ different living habits.

C.Their children’s losing interest in language learning.

D.The choice of the spoken language in the family’s daily life.

2.Why does the author doubt the older studies on bilingual children?

A.They used a lot of outdated data.

B.They were not done in Australia.

C.They ignored some influential aspects(方面).

D.They were not supported by scientific evidence.

3.According to the new studies, being bilingual can help children ________.

A.focus on certain things.

B.have more confidence in playing games.

C.show their strong family backgrounds.

D.lead a better life in the future.

4.What function (作用) of the native language is talked about in the last paragraph?

A.Remind parents of their homeland.

B.Bring economic benefits to parents.

C.Connect children to their family’s original culture.

D.Help children develop the habits of following rules.



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