满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Scientists say only enlarging the world’...

    Scientists say only enlarging the world’s nature reserve to help protect plants and animals may be useless. The main reason is that levels of human activity are rising in and around the nature reserves. In fact, recognizing spaces as protected areas is not reducing human activity there.

The researchers found that a lack of money to pay for land conservation(保护)is affecting conservation efforts. And it is a lack of communication between people who live in protected natural areas and outsiders. About 17 percent of the world is within protected areas, including the national parks, nature reserves and wilderness areas. Protected areas are important for supporting environments with many different kinds of plants and animals.

The researchers again found increasing human activity in most protected areas in every country. However, they said that human activity appeared to be more of a problem in nations with fewer roads and lower life standards on the Human Development Index(指数). The index uses information about life length, education and earnings to grade countries on human development.

Across the northern Australia, protected areas often proved effective at slowing human activity when compared with unprotected areas. But in South America, Southeast Asia and African countries, pressure from human activity inside protected areas was higher.

Experts say governments need to provide fund support to help protected areas. Simply recognizing a place as a protected area can’t be the beginning and the end of a conservation effort. Working with local people to take efforts is also important. If they’re not partners in the protected areas, then wildlife conservation is much more difficult.

1.What are protected areas mainly affected by according to the text?

A.Human activity. B.Climate change.

C.Population growth. D.Environmental pollution.

2.What’s the Human Development Index used to do?

A.Record more roads in the world.

B.Improve education in all countries.

C.Grade countries on human development.

D.Lead more people to make more money.

3.What can be the best title for the text?

A.People May Cause Harm to Plants and Animals

B.Nature Reserves May Not Protect Wildlife Safely

C.Nature Reserves in the World Should Be Increased

D.Local People Should Focus on the Natural Environment


1.A 2.C 3.B 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。作者提出了扩大世界自然保护区以帮助保护植物和动物可能毫无用处的观点。简单地将一个地方确认为保护区,既不是保护工作的开始和也不是就此万事大吉,应该有足够的资金支持,还有当地人的共同参与,才能真正使保护区发挥其作用。 1.细节理解题。第段中的The main reason is that levels of human activity are rising in and around the nature reserves. In fact, recognizing spaces as protected areas is not reducing human activity there. 主要原因是人类活动水平在自然保护区内和周围都在上升。事实上,划定地方为保护区并没有减少那里的人类活动。可知,自然保护区主要是受人类活动影响的,选项A人类活动,切题,故选A。 2.细节理解题。第三段中的The index uses information about life length, education and earnings to grade countries on human development. 该指数使用有关寿命、教育和收入的信息对各国人类发展水平进行分级。可知,the Human Development Index就是对国家人类发展水平进行分级。选项C根据人类发展对国家进行评级,切题,故选C。 3.主旨大意题。文章一开始的Scientists say only enlarging the world’s nature reserve to help protect plants and animals may be useless. 科学家们认为扩大世界自然保护区以帮助保护植物和动物可能毫无用处。接着文章给出了相关的论据:人类活动在自然保护区有增无减,保护资金短缺,还举了the northern Australia、 South America、Southeast Asia和African countries这些具体国家和地区的实例来论证论点,所以这篇议论文的开头就是它的论点,就是文章的主旨,做为文章标题最合适。选项B自然保护区不能安全保护野生动物。切题,故选B。

    For the first time since my open-heart operation, I have the energy to take my harp(竖琴)to the hospital rooms and play for anyone who likes it.

I checked in with two nurses and they gave me a list of rooms. The first man I played for was a patient who found it difficult to sleep. He smiled and with his eyes closed, he reached out to my harp. He was not interested in my voice, but he appreciated the harp. In the next room was a woman patient. I played some soft music for her and then she slept soundly.

Then I found a lovely elderly woman who was awake. There were flowers everywhere and photos of her and her husband at her bedside. She held my hand and talked for some time and was pleased to receive harp music. Playing for her was a special pleasure. She asked me how long I had been playing the harp, how much the harp weighed, how I learned it and why I wanted to learn it and so on.

We talked about books for a bit as well. I played until her grandson came in and he came back from overseas to see her. This woman was deeply loved—you could see that. She was beautiful and kind. I learn so much from these beautiful people who are brave to face their illnesses. It is always such a great honor to play for them.

1.How did the author feel when playing for the elderly woman?

A.Sad. B.Worried.

C.Amazed. D.Pleased.

2.What did the author say about the elderly woman?

A.She had no relatives. B.She had many hobbies.

C.She would recover soon. D.She was loved by her family.

3.How many patients did the author play the harp for according to the text?

A.Two. B.Three.

C.Four. D.Five.




When the young horse Daisy May came to us, she was pregnant (怀孕的). With no related experience, I was unprepared for what might come next.

After some difficulty, Daisy’s baby was born. I heard a gurgling noise. I couldn’t believe that baby was breathing and blinking his big brown eyes at me! We called him Samson, and of course I became his mother as much as Daisy was. I prepared to bottle-feed him, but Samson quickly found his natural food source. Thank God! This new mother was going to stay with her baby.

Samson has grown up surrounded with loving companions. I had to separate Daisy and Samson for a few hours a day when he was nine months old to wean (使……断奶) him, but otherwise he goes wherever she does. I think she would be lost without him. His horse stepdad Bernard taught him to always be ready to have fun. They enjoy playing football together and going for a roll on a hot summer day.

I asked a worker to make a harness (马具) for my three little horses. When I brought it home I taught them one by one how to pull a cart. Samson watched and freely followed Daisy. When he was three, I put the harness on him and he knew exactly what to do.

The most exciting thing about Samson is that he has become a little famous for his talents. Last winter, I wondered how Samson would feel about dragging a plastic sled behind him with me sitting on it. No problem at all- we moved smoothly across the snow.

People came from all over to see him perform.





1. 推荐一种美食;

2. 简要介绍其特色;

3. 邀请他来华品尝。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jonah,



Li Hua



Dear Mrs. Koch,

I never thanked you for all you did for me. When I had you as a ______, I was in a bad place. You didn’t know why I was ______ your class, and you were confused why a A student began to fail in every test. You were also ______ I wouldn’t do my homework. I told you I ______, but you didn’t buy that.

You had me come in after school for chemistry ______ almost every day. You spent loads of time helping me with ______ labs and homework I hadn’t done. The more I came for help, the more I began to ______ you. I eventually trusted you enough to ______ my problems. I told you that my grandma was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer and had three months to ______. I hadn’t told anyone what was going on, not ______ my good friends.

The day of our second term exam, my grandma ______. My mom and sister had already left to take care of her, ______ me by myself to receive the news. That day, I entered your class and you knew ______ something was wrong. After the ______, you asked me what was going on and I told you. You were ______ for my loss and told me you were there if ______.

You saved me from the tides of the ocean that were ______ me beneath the big blue. You were my rescue ______, and I thank you for being there when no one else was. I have never had a teacher ______so much to me and ask for so little in return. You are my ______ and by far the greatest teacher I have ever had. Thank you.

1.A.director B.teacher C.student D.player

2.A.starting B.planning C.continuing D.failing

3.A.shocked B.ashamed C.excited D.inspired

4.A.refused B.doubted C.understood D.forgot

5.A.knowledge B.opinion C.instruction D.information

6.A.missed B.dropped C.lost D.imagined

7.A.support B.accept C.hate D.trust

8.A.expect B.share C.keep D.enjoy

9.A.live B.work C.wait D.sleep

10.A.also B.always C.even D.still

11.A.drove away B.ran away C.passed away D.took away

12.A.sending B.forgetting C.taking D.leaving

13.A.suddenly B.immediately C.nearly D.finally

14.A.exam B.news C.problem D.experiment

15.A.funny B.regretful C.sorry D.ill

16.A.invited B.needed C.agreed D.happened

17.A.forcing B.warning C.reminding D.encouraging

18.A.runner B.rider C.walker D.swimmer

19.A.add B.owe C.give D.connect

20.A.precious B.favorite C.pleasant D.successful



    Learning English as a second language can be a challenge, but it can also bring a lot of advantages. 1. The international business community often uses it for communication, even among people who do not speak the same native language. There are also many professional publications printed in English, which means it is often an important language for anyone working in science or research.

2. People who speak two or more languages can easily get jobs in travel, international business, or translation. Even outside of a professional environment, people often like to be able to talk to individuals from around the world. They can communicate and talk with others more easily.

Knowing English can broaden the types of people you can speak to. Many people find great social and cultural benefits in having pen friends from other countries. 3.A large number of websites are available primarily in English. Anyone who does not understand the language may have difficulty using them. Besides, for anyone interested in traveling to countries in which English is the common language, it is often essential to understand and speak it. Throughout the UK, US, and Canada, traveling and shopping are often made easier by speaking English. 4.

Learning a language can also be a great way to meet people, even if you never plan on leaving home. A class at a local community center or college can introduce you to a wide variety of people. Language courses often encourage students to carry on conversations with each other in the language being learned. 5.

A. It’s hard to get a job without speaking English.

B. This can be a great way to break the ice with new people.

C. And the Internet makes such communication fast and easy.

D. For many people, learning English can broaden their employment opportunities.

E. Reading novels, watching movies and listening to music in English can also be helpful.

F. One of the primary benefits is that it is often considered the language of global business.

G. It is much easier for you to explore these regions and more easily communicate with the locals.



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