满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I had driven home to celebrate my 38th b...

    I had driven home to celebrate my 38th birthday with my mother. When I arrived, I found her sitting_______ at the kitchen table, a chocolate cake and two boxes wrapped in orange ribbon (丝带)in front of her. “Happy birthday!” she said,_______ at the boxes. “Open them.”

As she knows me _______  than anyone, she'd gotten me exactly what I wanted—running clothes. I _______ her and thanked her and proceeded (接着)to eat the cake.

“Too many _______ ,” I said, not really caring.

“You'll run them off tomorrow,” Mom said.

Many adult children with a parent suffering from _______ memory will tell you there was one day that _______ to them that their relationship with their mother or father would be forever changed.

For me that day_______two weeks later, when I drove back for another short_______. I ________ exactly the same scene: my mom sitting at the kitchen table; a chocolate cake ________next to two boxes wrapped in curly ribbon. The ribbon was green this time. That was the only________ “Happy birthday!” my mom said.

I was totally ________. “What's going on?”I asked. Mom smiled, “Can't I celebrate my daughter's birthday?”

This was no ________ . This was real life, and ________my mother clearly only wanted to make me happyI pushed aside my fear and fulfilled my role as the ________ daughter. I hugged her, thanked her and ________ the clothes... I did not mention to her that we'd done all this two ________ ago.

My house is her world now. My mother and I have the ________ conversation roughly 10 times a day.________, I consider it a pleasure, because every minute is new for her.

1.A.delicately B.proudly C.casually D.randomly

2.A.targeting B.fascinating C.staring D.gesturing

3.A.earlier B.longer C.better D.deeper

4.A.paid B.hugged C.comforted D.ignored

5.A.calories B.colors C.fruits D.candles

6.A.trustworthy B.misleading C.failing D.offending

7.A.signaled B.added C.appealed D.contributed

8.A.responded B.came C.changed D.disappeared

9.A.memory B.birthday C.party D.visit

10.A.got across B.passed through C.came upon D.got through

11.A.resting B.placing C.putting D.laying

12.A.color B.feature C.attraction D.difference

13.A.disturbed B.confused C.embarrassed D.shocked

14.A.pleasure B.trouble C.trick D.dilemma

15.A.since B.if C.when D.whenever

16.A.reliable B.dishonest C.forgetful D.grateful

17.A.admired B.reckoned C.attached D.attained

18.A.days B.weeks C.months D.minutes

19.A.previous B.annoying C.precise D.same

20.A.Therefore B.Instead C.Nevertheless D.Moreover


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者与母亲之间的亲情故事。作者的母亲在为作者精心筹备完38岁的生日后不久患上了记忆障碍,记忆力衰退,在两周后准备了同样的礼物再次为作者庆祝生日,面对生病的母亲,作者用实际行动回报母亲的爱。 1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我到达时,我发现她自豪地坐在厨房的桌子旁,面前有一个巧克力蛋糕和两个用橙色丝带包装的盒子。A. delicately精致地,优美地;B. proudly骄傲地;C. casually随便地,偶然地;D. randomly任意地,无目的地。根据句意和语境可知,母亲为作者庆祝生日准备的很充分,应是很自豪的(proud)。故选B项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“生日快乐!”她指着那些盒子说。“打开”。 A. targeting面向,对准;B. fascinating使着迷;C. staring凝视;D. gesturing作手势,用动作示意。根据句意和语境可知,母亲在说“Happy birthday!”的同时,应该是用手指向(gesture)装礼物的盒子,并告诉作者“Open them”。故选D项。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:因为她比任何人都了解我,她给我买了我想要的东西——运动服。A. earlier更早地;B. longer长期地;C. better更好地;D. deeper更深入地。根据后文内容“she'd gotten me exactly what I wanted”可知,母亲比任何人都更了解我,well的比较级,well可以与know搭配,表示程度。故选C项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我拥抱了她,谢谢她,然后开始吃蛋糕。A. paid支付;B. hugged拥抱;C. comforted安慰;D. ignored忽略。根据后文“thanked her”,可知所选单词应与thanked相呼应,表达作者对母亲的感激之情。B项hugged(拥抱)符合语境。故选B项。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“卡路里太多了,”我说,其实并不在乎。A. calories卡路里;B. colors颜色;C. fruits水果;D. candles蜡烛。根据前文内容“proceeded to eat the cake(开始吃蛋糕)”可知,这里的太多应指蛋糕中的卡路里。故选A项。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:许多父母记忆衰退的成年孩子会告诉你,有一天他们与父母的关系会永远改变。A. trustworthy可靠的,可信赖的;B. misleading误导的,引入歧途的;C. falling下降的;D. offending令人不快的,违法的。根据后文内容可知,母亲忘记了已经给作者过了生日,以及末段内容母亲可能每天跟作者说上10遍左右同样的话,可看出母亲出现了记忆力衰退。故选C项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多父母记忆衰退的成年孩子会告诉你,有一天他们与父母的关系会永远改变。A. signaled标志,表示;B. added增加,添加;C. appealed吸引;D. contributed致力于。根据句意和语境可知,后文在讲述作者在两周后的一天发现母亲记忆力衰退,因此在此句中应是强调“这一天”的标志性作用(signal)。故选A项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对我来说,那一天是两周后的一天,那天我又开车回去做了一次短暂的探望。 A. responded回复;B. came到来,开始;C. changed改变;D. disappeared消失。根据句意和语境可知空前的that day指的是上文提及的one day,这样的一个日子在两周后到来了。故选B项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:对我来说,那一天是两周后的一天,那天我又开车回去做了一次短暂的探望。A. memory记忆;B. birthday生日;C. party聚会;D. visit拜访。根据句意和语境可知,作者再次回家“看望(visit)”母亲。故选D项。 10.考查动词词组辨析。句意:我遇到了完全相同的场景:我的妈妈坐在厨房的桌子旁;一个巧克力蛋糕放在两个用卷带包裹的盒子旁边。A. got across通过,使……被理解;B. passed through穿过;C. came upon偶遇,邂逅;D. got through结束,通过。根据后文内容可知,作者这次到母亲家经历了与生日那天同样的场景。C项“came upon”放在此句中可以理解为“遭遇,经历”了同样的事情。故选C项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我遇到了完全相同的场景:我的妈妈坐在厨房的桌子旁,一个巧克力蛋糕放在两个用卷带包裹的盒子旁边。A. resting休息,搁置;B. placing放置,任命;C. putting放,安置;D. laying躺下,搁放。根据句意和语境可知,巧克力蛋糕被放在两个礼物盒子旁边。所选动词的逻辑主语为a chocolate cake, A项“resting”与其搭配使用。其他选项虽然也具有“搁放”含义,但与逻辑主语之间为被动关系,不应是现在分词形式。故选A项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是唯一的不同。A. color颜色;B. feature特色,特征;C. attraction吸引;D. difference区别。根据前文内容“The ribbon was green this time.”可知,这次丝带是绿色的,这是这个“生日”与刚刚度过的生日唯一的不同(difference)。故选D项。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很疑惑。 A. disturbed扰乱的;B. confused困惑的;C. embarrassed尴尬的;D. shocked震惊的。根据后文“What's going on?”I asked. 可知作者面对眼前的一幕,不知发生了什么,感到困惑(confused)。故选B项。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不是恶作剧。 A. pleasure快乐,令人高兴的事;B. trouble麻烦;C. trick诡计,恶作剧;D. dilemma困境,进退两难。根据作者在前文提及记忆力衰退问题,且后文“I did not mention to her that we'd done all this two ____18____ ago.”可看出,此时作者意识到母亲的记忆力出现了问题,而非母亲捉弄自己的“恶作剧(trick)”。故选C项。 15.考查连词词义辨析。句意:这是真实的生活,因为我的母亲显然只是想让我快乐,我抛开了恐惧,履行了作为一个感恩的女儿的职责。A. since因为,既然;B. if是否,如果;C. when当……时候;D. whenever无论何时。根据句意和语境可知,“my mother clearly only wanted to make me happy(我母亲显然只是想让我快乐)”是母亲做出这些事情的原因。故选A项。 16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是真实的生活,因为我的母亲显然只是想让我快乐,我抛开了恐惧,履行了作为一个感恩的女儿的职责。A. reliable可靠的,可信赖的;B. dishonest不诚实的;C. forgetful健忘的;D. grateful感激的。根据后文“I hugged her, thanked her(我拥抱她,感谢她)”,可知,无论怎么样作者对母亲都是感激的(grateful)。故选D项。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我拥抱她,感谢她,欣赏她送的衣服。A. admired欣赏,羡慕;B. reckoned估计,猜想;C. attached附上,粘着;D. attained达到,获得。根据句意和语境可知,作者这里提到的clothes应与上文提及的母亲送的生日礼物(she'd gotten me exactly what I wanted—running clothes.)是一样的,上文提及正是作者想要的。因此母亲又一个running clothes同样得到了作者的欣赏喜爱(admire)。故选A项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我没有告诉她我们两个星期前就做了这一切。A. days天;B. weeks周;星期;C. months月;D. minutes分钟。根据句意和语境可知,上次生日是两周(weeks)前的事情。故选B项。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我和妈妈每天大概会说10次同样的话。然而,我认为这是一种乐趣,因为每一分钟对她来说都是新的。A. previous 以前的;B. annoying讨厌的,恼人的;C. precise精确的;D. same同样的。根据句意和语境可知,母亲已经记忆力衰退,作者与母亲同样的(same)的对话有可能一天中会重复多次。故选D项。 20.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我和妈妈每天大概会说10次同样的话。然而,我认为这是一种乐趣,因为每一分钟对她来说都是新的。A. Therefore因此;B. Instead然而;C. Nevertheless虽然如此;D. Moreover而且,此外。根据上下文可看出前后两句应是转折关系,尽管母亲记忆力衰退,作者与母亲的生活中重复着一遍遍同样的对话,作者没有厌烦,反而把此事当作pleasure。 选项B“Instead”虽然也表示转折含义,但是并没有承接上文的含义,C项“Nevertheless” 意为虽然如此,有承接上文的含义。故选C项。

Try This at Home!

Are you looking for a new pastime that will create a balance between physical activity and relaxation? Then yoga may be the perfect choice for you.1.It can also be done anywhere at any time. It's a great way to strengthen your muscles and become more flexible.

In the 1930s, Indian Sri Tirumali and K. Pattabhi developed one of the most popular forms of yoga practised worldwide today. They worked together using an ancient Sansknt text called Yoga Korunta to create a set routine of yoga movements and breathing exercises.2.

Ashtanga yoga is different from other forms of yoga. It is a very powerful form of aerobic (有氧的)exercise which creates deep heat in the body. 3.In other forms of yoga, however, the routine can change each time and the stretching exercises aren't aerobic.

4.As well as making you stronger and more flexible, it can also help you to stay calm.By focusing on your breathing while doing physical exercise, you are able to get a balance between mind and body. In addition, yoga helps to make us healthier so we are less likely to get common illnesses like colds.

Furthermore, yoga encourages you to think about what you're doing. Often you will close your eyes while doing certain movements.5..After a few lessons you'll stop looking at what the others around you are doing. You will stop comparing yourself and start focusing on yourself.

A. Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages and levels of fitness.

B. The result of their co-operation was ashtanga yoga.

C. Whatever kind of yoga you choose, there are many long-term benefits.

D. This allows you to concentrate better and it makes you less competitive.

E. Every time someone practices ashtanga, he or she does exactly the same movements.

F. If you're interested in yoga, but cannot find a class near you, then it might be an excuse to travel.

G. Recently, it has become extremely common for beginners as well as advanced yoga students to go on yoga holidays.



    Microsoft PowerPoint is the world’s most common presentation tool. It emerged from software company Forethought Inc in the 1980s. Bob Gaskins was the man behind it.

“I knew in the early 80s that there were as many as a billion, a thousand million presentation slides being made per year just in America,” Gaskins says,“ but they were all made by hand and almost nobody was using computers to do them.

“It was clear to me that here was a huge application worth billions and billions of dollars a year that could be done on computers as soon as there was a revolution in the kinds of computers that we had.”

Gaskins was onto something, but it was a hard sell at the time. The software wouldn’t run on any existing personal computers. Anyone wanting to use it had to buy a new machine. Even so, people bought personal computers for the first time in order to be able to use PowerPoint, says Wired magazine journalist Russell Davies.

Davies explains that before PowerPoint, people used slides to convey information to groups --- but anyone creating a presentation had to send away to get their materials made. It took a long time to do, was difficult to make changes and because it was so expensive, only the most senior people in an organisation got to do it.

PowerPoint,” Davies says,“made it possible for everyone in an organisation to stand up and say their piece.

PowerPoint has helped turn us all into presenters --- but it’ s also been accused of over-simplifying ideas and distracting (干扰)us from clear thinking.

Sarah Kaplan is a management professor at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. She has noticed that, rather than people asking for new analysis or insights in meetings, they were asking for more PowerPoint slides.

Kaplan says that some CEOS, such as Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, have banned its use. “He felt, and I think many people feel, that PowerPoint became such an object of the process that they lost the ideas inside of it and that is the risk.”

1.What drove Bob Gaskins to develop PowerPoint?

A.His personal needs at the office.

B.The support from Forethought Inc.

C.The great potential market demand.

D.His interest in science and technology.

2.What was the problem with Bob Gaskin’s PowerPoint in the 1980s?

A.It was very expensive.

B.It was very difficult to use.

C.It couldn’t t be used on old computers.

D.It couldn’t satisfy young people’s needs.

3.What might be Russell Davies’s attitude to PowerPoint?

A.Critical. B.Appreciative. C.Cautious. D.Contradictory.

4.Why does Jeff Bezos ban the use of PowerPoint?

A.It fails to solve practical problems.

B.It fails to convey messages effectively.

C.It makes something valuable unavailable.

D.It results in creative thinking getting ignored.



    Positive thinking is a significant element of happiness.  In order to become a positive thinker, determination and consistency are important. The first thing to know about positive thinking is that everyone can do it.  With certain cognitive (认知的) and behavioral changes, we can all become positive thinkers.  Another important factor is that being a positive thinker does not mean you become numb to anything that is not working properly in your life or is negative - it just means that you approach life and face challenges with a healthier outlook.

Instead of selectively attending to negative events, focus on the positive ones. Then pay attention to the delayed consequences of your behavior rather than the immediate ones. For example, if a job is not going like you want, focus on the fact that you have a job and how you can take your time to make the situation better.

Challenge any internal attributions and see if you compare your behavior to standards that are excessively rigid and perfectionistic. If so, change these and be reasonable with your comparisons. For example, if you constantly compare your weaknesses with other people's strengths, then switch this and compare yourself with those who are doing poorer than you as well. Overall, people who focus more on their strengths than their weaknesses but at the same time are aware of their weaknesses have a healthier self-evaluation result.

When faced with too much fear about a situation, imagine the worst case and visualize a solution for it, then let go of fear.  This way, you will be prepared for anything and your fear will not block you from being open and creative to different solutions. For example, if you are constantly worried about losing your job up to a point where it is creating a lot of anxiety and fear and is effecting your performance and your happiness negatively, then think of losing your job, visualize how you will handle it, find solutions in your mind and then let go of the thought and the fear attached to it.

So positive thinkers are better problem solvers and have better interactions. In addition to that, people who are positive thinkers are happier and more satisfied with their life.

1.Why is positive thinking a significant element of happiness?

A. It means that one is blind to the troubles and difficulties that exist.

B. It means that one constantly compares everything with other people's.

C. It means that one is strong in mind and has nothing to be afraid of.

D. It means that one approaches life and faces challenges more healthily.

2.What does the text suggest about the job you don't like?

A. Quitting it and finding a better one.

B. Keeping and trying to make it better.

C. Being negative and numb to it.

D. Challenging yourself with a new outlook.

3.What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 4?

A. Be prepared for the worst: and let go of fear.

B. Being constantly worried will lose your job.

C. Fear will prevent you being open and creative.

D. There is nothing to fear if well prepared.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. How to focus on the positive events

B. How to be a positive thinker

C. What to do when faced with fear

D. What to know of self-evaluation



    I walked up to the counter. Behind it was a lady with glasses on the tip of her nose and gray hair on her head.

"Excuse me," I said. She looked up. "You're that Clements kid," she said."I'm Miss Bee.Come closer and let me get a look at you." She pushed her glasses up her nose. "I can describe you to the police if something goes missing from the store."

"I'm not a thief!" I was shocked. I was seven, too young to be a thief!

"From what I can see, you're not much of anything. But I can tell you've got potential." She went back to reading her newspaper.

"I need to get these." I said, holding up my list. "So? Go get them."Miss Bee pointed to a sign on the screen door. "I'm not your servant,so I suggest you get yourself a basket and start filling."

I visited Miss Bee several times a week that summer. Sometimes she short-changed me. Other times she overcharged. "That can of beans is only twenty nine cents" I corrected her one afternoon. I had watched the numbers change on the cash register closely, and Miss Bee had added 35 cents. She didn't seem embarrassed. She just looked at me over her glasses and fixed the price.

But she ever let me declare victory. All summer long she found ways to play tricks on me. No sooner had I learned how to pronounce bicarbonate of soda(小苏打)and memorized its location on the shelf than Miss Bee rearranged the shelve and made me hunt for it all over again.

One day before I left, she said, "I know what you think of me, but I don't care! Each of us is put on this earth for a reason.I believe my job is to teach every child I meet life lessons. When you get older you'll be glad our paths crossed!" Glad I met Miss Bee? Ha! The idea was absurd...

Until one day my daughter asked me to finish her math problems. "If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself?" I said. Suddenly, I remembered the lady Miss Bee.

1.The girl felt       when Miss Bee implied she could be a thief.

A.surprised B.shocked

C.puzzled D.annoyed

2.We can infer from Paragraph 6 that Miss Bee       .

A.showed no care about her mistakes

B.made the girl learn to double-check

C.was always playing tricks on the girl

D.was careless and dishonest to do business

3.It can be learned from the passage that Miss Bee       .

A.knew her job was to help every child she met

B.asked the girl to shop by herself to test her honesty

C.taught the girl many lessons but she didn't understand

D.rearranged the shelves to teach the girl to be changeable

4.Which is NOT the lesson the writer learnt from shopping?

A.Treat others kindly and politely.

B.Don't be so quick to judge others.

C.The best teachers aren't only in school.

D.Try our best though the task seems beyond us.



    Auctions(拍卖行) are everywhere. Here are just a few standouts and some of the areas they specialize in. All have brick-and-mortar(实体的) sales rooms in addition to online buying.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers

Headquarters(总部): Chicago

Founded: 1982

Best bets: contemporary art, jewelry

The founder, Leslie Hindman, has been on an expansion kick from her Chicago base and now runs eight offices across the country. Ms. Hindman said that plenty of items sell at her house for around $500. As in the auction world generally, jewelry and contemporary art receive lots of attention from bidders(出价者) and in2017 a diamond ring sold for $97,000.

Swann Auction Galleries

Headquarters: New York

Founded: 1941

Best bets: books, works on paper, African-American art

Founded as a rare-book auctioneer, Swann still holds dozens of such sales a year. The president, Nicholas D. Lowry, noted that Swann was the first auction house to sell old photographs, in 1952.The house has also had a department of African-American art for 12 years.

Stair Galleries

Headquarters: Hudson, N.Y.

Founded: 2001

Best bets: English and Continental furniture and paintings, modern and contemporary art

Colin Stair, the founder and president, comes from a long line of antiques dealers (商人). Stair is frequented by dealers and bargain hunters, and it's a place to find interesting things like a George I carved walnut wing armchair, coming up as part of a sale on April 28 and 29.

Heritage Auctions

Headquarters: Dallas

Founded: 1983

Best bets: coins, sports memorabilia, movie posters

With roots in coin auctions, Heritage has grown quite large. But their bread and butter are items that the company president, Greg Rohan, calls "the kinds of things that everyone has. " "People aren’t buying what were selling for decoration or for resale, " he added. "They’re buying things they absolutely love. "

1.At which place can you buy old photographs?

A.Stair Galleries. B.Heritage Auctions.

C.Swann Auction Galleries. D.Leslie Hindman Auctioneers.

2.Who once sold antiques?

A.Colin Stair. B.Greg Rohan. C.Leslie Hindman. D.Nicholas D. Lowry

3.What can be learned about these auctions?

A.They all have online shops.

B.They all sell valuable artworks.

C.They are all run by local people.

D.They are all located in New York.



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