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In the 19th century, doctors tried to tr...

    In the 19th century, doctors tried to transfuse blood (输血)to patients who had lost blood in accidents or to try to save them. However, in most cases there would be a horrible reaction. When the donated blood mixed with the patient's own bloodit clotted (凝结)almost immediately. That stopped the circulation (循环)and the patient would die. Born on 14th June 1868Karl Landsteinera doctor in Vienna, was very concerned about this. He knew there was something in the blood that caused reactions, but some people did manage to escape. Perhaps different people had different kinds of blood? He got a lot of blood samples (标本)from people, and mixed and matched them. Blood has two partsthe blood cells and the liquid serum(血清).You take blood cells from one person and mix them with the serum of another. If they react, the cells will clot and form a big lump. That means it is not safe to transfuse blood between these people. Landsteiner matched hundreds of samples like thisto find out who was safe for whom and who wasn’t. In fact, there were blood groups now called A, B, AB and O.

So what was going on in the blood? All our red blood cells have sugar molecules(糖分子) that are stuck on their surfaces. The red blood cells of people with group A have one kind of sugar, while those with B have another. People with AB have both of these while people with O have none.

People with the A blood group have a chemical substance called anti-B, while those of B blood group have anti-A in their serum. People with AB group have neither anti-A nor anti-B, while people with O have both. If you were B group and got blood from an A person,the anti- A in your blood would cause all the cells with A-sugar on them to clot immediately, stopping the circulation of blood.

In 1907, Dr. Reuben Outenberg carried out the first safe blood transfusion by matching blood groups. Blood transfusion became quite common from then on. And it helped saved thousands of lives in the First World War.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Accidents in blood transfusion.

B.The discovery of blood groups.

C.Who Karl Landsteiner is.

D.The success of Dr. Reuben Otlenberg.

2.What inspired Landsteiner to carry out his experiment?

A.Some doctors in the 19th century.

B.The cause of some patient deaths.

C.Many medical accidents that he came across.

D.Certain successful cases of blood Iransrusion.

3.In which of the following can ''anti-A'' be found?

A.Only in the A blood group.

B.Only in the B blood group.

C.Only in the AB blood group.

D.In blood groups of B and O.

4.Since when has blood transfusion Income universal?

A.The first successful blood transfusion done by Ottenberg.

B.The time when blood groups were named by Landsteiner.

C.The year when the First World War broke out.

D.The blood transfusion by matching blood groups.


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了人们对于不同血型的人之间的凝结研究的探索,最终实现了不同血型间的输血救人的案例。 1.主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是第一段的 Landsteiner matched hundreds of samples like this, to find out who was safe for whom and who wasn't. In fact, there were blood groups now called A,B,AB and O. (Landsteiner研究匹配了上百种血液样本,发现了谁和谁的血液匹配是安全的,实际上人们的血液有A、B、AB以及O几种)可知本文主要讲述了血型的发现。B. The discovery of blood groups. (血型的发现)符合以上说法,故选B项。 2.推理判断题。根据第一段的That stopped the circulation (循环)and the patient would die. Born on 14th June 1868, Karl Landsteiner, a doctor in Vienna, was very concerned about this. He knew there was something in the blood that caused reactions, but some people did manage to escape. (那使得血液循环系统停止,然后病人去世了。生于1868年6月14日的维也纳医生Karl Landsteiner对此非常担忧。他知道血液里有什么东西引起了反应,但也有人幸存了下来)可知有一些人也避免了血液凝结死亡的事情,故推测成功输血的案例激励着Karl Landsteiner去做他的实验。D. Certain successful cases of blood transition (有某些成功的输血案例)符合以上推测,故选D项。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段 while those of B blood group have anti-A in their serum.(B型血是与A型血相互排斥的)和People with AB group have neither anti-A nor anti-B, while people with O have both(AB型血的人既没有排斥A型,也没有排斥B型;而O型血的则排斥A型和B型的)可知B型血和O型血会排斥A型血。D. In blood groups of B and O. (在B型和O型血中)符合以上说法,故选D项。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段In 1907, Dr. Reuben Outenberg carried out the first safe blood transfusion by matching blood groups. Blood transfusion became quite common from then on. (1907年,鲁本.古登堡医生通过血型匹配进行了第一次安全输血。从那时起,输血变得很普遍)可知,1907年实施了第一例输血成功的例子后,输血就变得很常见了。A. The first successful blood transfusion done by Ottenberg. (鲁本.古登堡医生进行的第一例成功的输血)符合以上说法,故选A项。

    We see art everywhere around us. In public parks, city squares, shopping streets and public buildings, we find modem art objects on display. Classical art, such as valuable paintings, precious statues and other fine arts, usually ends up in the collections of museums, companies or rich people.

Both art and architecture have a history of ages. All forms and ways of expressing the beautiful things have been explored. In the case of architecture, many buildings designed in the past have proven beautiful and served their purposes. Governments and companies could save millions of dollars by building or copying designs of architecture of buildings from the past. There are still many designs for buildings made by famous architects that were never realized. Besides, some people find modern architecture ugly. So why should we pay a lot of money to architects for designing new buildings?

The same holds for modern art, both paintings and statues. Many storerooms contain enough art lo decorate all public buildings and other public places. There is no need to create more art, and as with modern architecturemany people find new art difficult to understand or appreciate.

Given these facts, why are architects and artists asked to create new art works? The answers have to do with the function of art in society today. First of all, the function of art is to decorate. Art works make our living environment more beautiful. Another function of art is enriching real life. Art helps people to learn to think creatively. In art things are not always what they seem to be. Very often you can hardly tell what the funny art objects are. People need such creative moments. Finally, art is often seen as a way to instruct the audience. Statues of heroes from the past remind us of our history. Paintings and other art objects can also help us realise which goals we should set for ourselves.

Because ideas about society change and every period of time has its own taste, there is always a need for new art. We can still appreciate the beautiful art works made in the past but they are often too valuable to be placed in public buildings. Besides, they also often need  special protection.

1.Who owns collections of ancient statues and paintings?

A.Public parks or city squares.

B.Shopping streets or public buildings.

C.Museums, companies or rich people.

D.In some historical sites or private possessions.

2.What's the writing purpose of Paragraph 2?

A.To explain why some people find modem art ugly.

B.To introduce the reason for the necessity of new art.

C.To show the benefits of copying designs from the past.

D.To prove both art and architecture have a long history.

3.Why can't we use old art to decorate public buildings?

A.Because they need long-lasting restoring.

B.Because more people prefer modem art.

C.Because of the changes and difference of tastes.

D.Because of their value and need for protection.

4.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The functions of art in society.

B.The functions of architecture,

C.The reason why art is difficult.

D.The reason why art is precious.



    I was driving home from my laughter club when I passed a patrol policeman going in the opposite direction. I looked in my rear-view mirror(后视镜)and saw him make a quick Ilium. I looked down at my speedometer(速度计)and saw that I was going at the speed of 65 mph. He got behind me and started flashing those pretty red and blue lights. I could feel my heart pounding.

I am a Laughter Yoga Teacher. I teach people that laughter is the best medicine for stressful situations, so I decided to practice what I teach. I started laughing, not because it was funny, but because I know that laughter can reduce blood pressure and make people happy. The police officer walked to my car. When I rolled down my window I was giggling (笑)to myself.

''Did you know you were going at 75 mph in a 55 mph zone? '' he shouted. I tried to keep laughing and said ''No'' with a smile, I looked clown and saw that I was going at 65 mph. He responded, ''That is still breaking the law. The speed limit is 55. ''

I was thinking about the laughing. ''Ha ha ha, I made a mistake and I will learn a lesson from it Please forgive me''. I kept giggling to myself while he asked about my driving record. Then I laughed out loud when I explained to him, ''I used to get letters in the mail stating if I got one more ticket my license would be revoked'', I went on to say, ''when I was a teenager and in my early twenties. I haven’t had a ticket in at least 10 years. ''

He took away my license and went back to his police car. I could see him writing through my rear-view mirror. Soon he came back to my car, handed me back my license, smiled and said, ''Slow down, and have a nice day. ''

I believe that the laughter and smile changed him.

1.At what speed was the author driving before she was stopped?

A.50 mph. B.55 mph.

C.65 mph. D.75 mph.

2.Which of the following is similar to the underlined word ''revoked'' in Paragraph 4?

A.Withdrawn. B.Guaranteed.

C.Approved. D.Tested.

3.During what time the author did not get a ticket in her life?

A.When she was a teenager.

B.When she was in her twenties.

C.In the first ten years of driving.

D.In the recent ten years of driving.

4.Why did she escape from being punished in the end according to the author?

A.Because of her laughter.

B.Because of her clean license.

C.Because the weather was nice.

D.Because the policeman smiled.



    Shanghai Grand Theatre New Year’s Concert 2020

When: Dec 30 and 31, 7:30 pm

Where: Shanghai Grand Theater

After five years of excellence.the Shanghai Graid Theater and the Shanghui Opera House join hands for the sixth New Year's Concert, which will be  also the opening perfornance for

Shanghai Opera House's 2020 season.

Italian conductor Fabio Luisi. together with the symphony orchestra and chorus from the Shanghai Opera House, will delight audiences.

Pieces from Rossini, Mozart,and Symphony Vo 2 in D major by Brahms will be  performed  on Dec 30.The second concert on Dec 31. will include vocals (声乐作品) (tom several leading soloists, and the traditional annual performance of Beethoven's Symphony No 9 in D minor.

Napoleon, the Man Who Never Sleeps

When: Dec 31 to Jan 2, 7: 30

Where: Guangzhou Opera Hou.

Takarazuka Revue is an all-feimale  theater company founded in Takarazuka, Jupan, in 1914. Women play both the male and female rolrs in abundant Broadway-style pruductions.

The play focuses on a love story of Napoleon Bonaparte(1769-1821),the French military leader and emperor.

The Chinese New Year

When: Jan 17-19, 7:30 pm

Where: National Center for the Performing Arts, Beijing

With its excellent mix of Western ballet and Chinese culturethe National Ballet of China has won a distinguished reputation for performing cherished works and original creations (创作).It will delight audiences with The Chinese New Year, the localized version of The Nut- cracker before the Spring Festival which falls on Jan 25.

Lord of the Dance

When: Jan 26-28, 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm; Jan 29 and 30, 7:30 pm

Where: National Center for the Performing Arts, Beijing

Lord of the Dance is an Irish musical and dance production that was created and produced by Irish-American dancer Michael Flatley.

In 1994, Flatley changed the face of Irish dance forever with his breathtaking creation River-dance. He broke the way of traditional Irish dancing by incorporating upper-body movement and creating rhythmic patterns that departed from the traditional. Flatley went on to create Lord of the Dance, which made its first public performance at the Point Theater in Dublin in 1996.

1.What can we know about Napoleon, the Man Who Never Sleeps?

A.It is a war story.

B.All of the actors are women.

C.December 31 will be its first run.

D.It was produced by a French company.

2.What is Flatley like according to the introduction to Lord of the Dance?

A.Square. B.Easygoing.

C.Creative. D.Conservative.

3.Which will be shown at the same place?

A.Lord of the Dance and River-dance.

B.Lord of the Dance and The Chinese New Year.

C.The Chinese New Year and Napoleon, the Man Who Never Sleeps.

D.Shanghai Grand Theatre New Year's Concert 2020 and The Chinese New Year.









3. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Sir/Madam,

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________    _

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua







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2. 只允许修改10,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I don’t think this wise that the school requires us to have some extra classes on weekends. In our view, we should be allowed more time of our own. It might be true that adding some extra classes would be of some helpful to a few passive students. However, we cannot always expect rely on someone else to decide for us which is necessary for our success. Besides, the place that we are weak varies great from person to person. What our teachers do in the class can rarely meet the needs of individual students. Thus, if we can have more free times, we can focus on our weaknesses and balanced our energy on different subjects.



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