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I heard many parents complaining that th...

    I heard many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling (叛逆). I suggested they recall their own teenage years. At that age they would like to be growing away from parents. They preferred to stand on their own feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of going out fighting bravely on their own, most of them are grasping one another's hands for reassurance (肯定).

They declare they want to dress as they like, but they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music, but somehow they all end up gathering around listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in a similar way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon () into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of today's parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All these create a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don't, care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go for it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you are. That is the only kind of popularity that really matters.

1.What will teenagers do if they are rebelling?

A.Fight bravely.

B.Wear beautiful clothes.

C.Follow the crowd.

D.Stay away from teachers.

2.What's paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The symbols of the present rebellion.

B.The attitudes of parents to the present rebellion.

C.The reasons why teenagers fail in finding their own ways.

D.The ways of changing the teenagers' dependence.

3.What does the author suggest?

A.Finding popularity with others.

B.Growing away from parents.

C.Staying together with friends.

D.Holding on to our own thoughts.


1.C 2.C 3.D 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了青少年的叛逆行为,他们想远离父母,选择自立。但是许多父母为孩子的受欢迎程度打高分和广告的宣传给想要找到自己前进道路的青少年制造了巨大的障碍。作者鼓励青少年要找到自己前进的方向,做好自己,才会赢得别人的欢迎和尊重。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They declare they want to dress as they like, but they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music, but somehow they all end up gathering around listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in a similar way is that the crowd is doing it.”可知,青少年声称想穿自己喜欢的衣服,但他们都穿同样的衣服。他们开始选择欣赏新的音乐,但不知何故,他们都聚在一起听同一张唱片。他们以类似的方式思考或行动的原因是,大家都在这样做。因此如果青少年产生了叛逆心理,他们会跟随着同龄人做相同的事情。故选C。 2.主旨大意题。根据第三段中的“These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of today's parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All these create a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path. ”可知,如今,每个青少年都能从广告中学到青少年应该拥有什么和应该成为什么样的人而且许多父母都为孩子的受欢迎程度打高分。所有这些都给想要找到自己前进道路的青少年制造了巨大的障碍。因此第三段主要讲的是关于青少年找不到自己前进之路的原因。故选C。 3.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Well, go for it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you are. That is the only kind of popularity that really matters.”可知,作者鼓励青少年要找到自己前进的方向,做好自己,才会赢得别人的欢迎和尊重。即作者建议青少年要坚持自己的想法。故选D。

    Off-duty firefighter Roben Duge smelled the smoke, saw the flames and heard the screams from his neighbor's house and thought instantly of his own family. The heroic smoke eater pulled a grandmother and two children from a burning house, on Thursday night, while walking home from his job at Ladder 103 in Brooklyn.

“I’m not a hero, I'm just reacting off instinct (本能),” the fearless father said on Friday at home, right next door to the fire-damaged house. His wife Crystal disagreed “It’s just who he is.” He is a superman.

The mild-mannered firefighter was heading home from the subway when he noticed the thick black smoke pouring out of his neighbor’s house. “A child playing downstairs in the basement accidentally started the fire and he was too frightened to tell his grandmother as the flames spread quickly,” reporters said. Duge, a five-year FDNY experienced firefighter, started rushing toward the two-storeyed residence when he saw the smoke. Visions of his own three kids flashed through his mind. “When I heard the kids screaming, I realized it from the bottom of my heart,” Duge told the Daily Neivs. “I thought how I could get in deep enough because I didn’t have any equipment and I didn’t know how dangerous it was.”

The grandmother, a stroke victim, was merely able to get around on her own when he made his way inside. “The lady could stand up, but she needed assistance to walk and the kids were screaming and scared to death,” said Duge.

After getting the three residents out of their house, he assisted them over to his home. The fire was brought under control about half an hour after it started. Duge, reflecting on his daring rescue, shrugged (耸肩) off the praise that was arrived via text and voicemail from fellow  firefighters. “We often operate in chaos and we do put ourselves at risk,” said the FDNY officer.

1.Who was supposed to blame for the fire?

A.Duge’s kids. B.The old lady.

C.Duge’s wife. D.The neighbor’s kid.

2.What did Duge find when he entered the burning house?

A.The lady sat on the floor. B.The kids were frightened.

C.The firefighters arrived. D.The smoke was disappearing.

3.What did Duge think of the praise for him?

A.He thought what he had done deserved it.

B.He viewed it as a big surprise.

C.He owed it to his fellow firefighters’ help.

D.He cared little about it.



Directions: Write an English composition in 150 words. The composition must be based on the information given below.

假设你是高一年级学生Leo,最近学校英语周报( School Weekly)正在招募( recruit vt.)校园记者,你很感兴趣,决定写一封申请信。信的主要内容包括:

1. 你认为自己有什么特长或经验有助于你胜任这份工作;

2. 如果你申请成功,你打算展开哪几项具体工作。




Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.


2.他们在国庆节的第一次会面最终成为了双方合作的开始。( prove)

3.这部小说很受80后的欢迎,因为它令他们想起了那些天真懵懂的日子。( remind)

4.他每天花半小时阅读英语原版书籍,希望可以在一年后看到明显的进步。( in the hope of)



Directions: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable sentences to fill in the blanks and complete the passage. There are two extra sentences you do not need.

On a typical hot August day in Xianyou County, Fujian Province, Zeng Demei, a retired worker in his seventies, hurries down a busy street. In his hand is a black leather bag. Zeng opens his bag, taking out two forms. 1.

Each of the forms contains detailed information of a student. On his arrival two hours later a woman greets him and leads him to her office where another man is waiting. They are the two village officials. They inspect the forms handed to them by Zeng and immediately recognize the girls. 2. “It’s a pity but it doesn’t matter,” says Zeng, who wastes no time in deciding to look for the remaining child, Su Qinju.

After half an hour, they stop outside a small house made of mud brick. A middle-aged man and a girl in a faded pink dress greet them. Su Qiuju is eight years old. She was forced to drop out of school after both her parents died. She is now living with her uncle who cannot afford his own children’s education. However, the year of education Su Qiuju did complete was a successful one. 3.

When they are about to leave, Zeng says, “I must find a supporter for this girl to sponsor her education.” Zeng has made it his retirement task to help children complete their schooling. Back in 1999, Zeng took part in a campaign started by the local women’s organization to help students from poor families. He was so overcome by the tough situation of many poor children that he donated all his money to help out a girl.

His task had begun and since then he has spent his time persuading his friends and neighbors and others to donate money. “To me, children’s education is the most important. 4. I have to find sufficient funding before the school opens in September.”

When asked how long he will keep up his vital work as the community’s guardian angel, he has a simple reply, “Not until my eyes can’t see, and my feet can’t move.”

A. They were having problems with their school work.

B. These are for the two girls he’s going to visit this morning.

C. They live in a small village not very far, though only one of the girls is still living at home.

D. She displayed a talent for handwriting, writing her three-character name neatly and beautifully.

E. The thought of students dropping out of school bothers me so much that I can’t get to sleep at night.

F. Of course, some people question why I would want to give up my retirement to go to so much trouble.



    The name of the race comes from the name of an Alaska gold rush town, Iditarod. It means “distant” or “distant place.” It comes from one of the languages of native Alaskans.

More than sixty sled teams begin the race in Anchorage. When the teams reach the outskirts(郊外) of town, they get a taste of Alaska’s wilderness. For about two weeks, they will fight the unbearable cold, wind, snow, and ice to complete the race. The temperature on the trail is often well below zero degrees. The Iditarod trail extends for about a thousand miles. It has many rendezvous points. At these meeting places, the race teams “check in” to let the officials know how they are doing. Some teams get into trouble along the way. Officials will stop them and give them the help they need. For example, officials might stop a team’s progress to give first aid, or to collect an injured or tired dog. These dogs are well cared for and will be reunited with their owners after the race.

The Iditarod trail is an important part of Alaska’s history. A part of the trail was used by some heroic dogs and humans in 1925. In Nome, Alaska, many people were catching the deadly disease Diphtheria. So the whole town was in quarantine, or isolation, in order to stop this disease. The only way to get medicine to Nome was by dogsled. About twenty "mushers, "or dogsled drivers, offered to help. They wanted to save the people of Nome from this terrible disease.

Today the Iditarod race shows honors to this special heroic journey and to all of the journeys on the famous trail. As the race organizers say, the Iditarod is “the last great race on Earth.”

1.Which of the following is TRUE about the Iditarod race?

A.It is held every year in the downtown streets in Anchorage.

B.It usually lasts about two weeks in freezing cold weather.

C.It is held to honor the gold seekers who once lived in Iditarod.

D.Its trail is totally different from the one used by some heroic dogs.

2.In the race, it’s possible for a seriously injured dog ______.

A.to finish the race unnoticed B.to meet its owner again

C.to work for a new owner D.to get timely treatment

3.When a town is in quarantine (in Paragraph 3), people in the town ______.

A.can get whatever they want easily B.have to exchange gold for medicine

C.are not allowed to go out freely D.will be remembered as heroes

4.The passage is mainly about ______.

A.life in Alaska B.a dogsled race of Alaska

C.a period of Alaska’s history D.heroic dogs and people in Alaska



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