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We’re told that writing is dying. Typing...

    We’re told that writing is dying. Typing on keyboards and screens _______ written communication today. Learning cursive (草书的), joined-up handwriting was once _______ in schools. But now, not so much. Countries such as Finland have dropped joined-up handwriting lessons in school _______ typing courses. And in the US, the requirement to learn cursive has been left out of core standards since 2013. A few US states still place value on formative cursive education, such as Arizona, but they’re not the _______.

Some experts point out that writing lessons can have indirect benefits. Anne Trubek author of The history and Uncertain Future of Handwriting, argues that such lessons can _______ a skill called auto-maticity. That’s when you’ve perfected a task, and can do it almost without thinking, granting you _______ mental bandwidth to think about or do other things while you’re doing the task. In this sense, Trubek compares handwriting to driving.

“Once you have driven for a while, you don’t _______ think ‘Step on gas now’ or ‘Turn the steering wheel a bit,’” he explains. “You just do it. That’s what we want children to _______ when learning to write. You and I don’t think ‘now make a loop going up for the ‘I”-or “now look for the letter ‘r’ on the keyboard’. Trubek has written many essays and books on handwriting, and she doesn’t believe it will die out for a very long time. _______, she believes students are learning auto-maticity faster with keyboards than with handwriting: students are learning how to type without looking at the keys at earlier ages, and to type faster than they could write, granting them extra time to think about word choice or sentence __________. In an essay for the New York Times last year, Trubek argued that due to the __________ automaticity of keyboards, today’s children may well become better communicators in text as handwriting takes up less of their education. This is a view that has attracted both criticism and support.

She explains that two of the most common arguments she hears from __________ regarding the decline of handwriting is that not protecting it will result in a “loss of history” and a “loss of __________ touch.”

On the former she __________ that 95% of handwritten manuscripts can’t be read by the average person anyway-“that’s why we have paleographers (古文字学家),” she explains, paleography being the study of ancient styles of writing-while the __________ refers to the warm associations we give to handwritten personal notes, such as thank-you cards. Some educators seem to agree, at least to an extent.

1.A.defines B.dominates C.initiate D.benefits

2.A.compulsory B.satisfactory C.optional D.selective

3.A.in honor of B.for sake of C.in favor of D.on behalf of

4.A.majority B.necessity C.standard D.advocate

5.A.generate B.reveal C.measure D.strengthen

6.A.extra B.max C.important D.frequent

7.A.seriously B.occasionally C.formatively D.consciously

8.A.consider B.acquire C.forget D.associate

9.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Fortunately D.However

10.A.structure B.interpretation C.order D.selection

11.A.renewed B.accepted C.invented D.improved

12.A.students B.schools C.critics D.experts

13.A.intensive B.personal C.close D.constant

14.A.agrees B.persuade C.counter D.confirms

15.A.writing B.latter C.manuscript D.criticism


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。在键盘和屏幕上打字在今天的书面交流中占主导地位,一些专家指出,书法课可能有间接的好处。Anne Trubek认为书法课程可以加强一种叫做自动识别的技能,她并不认为书法会在很长一段时间内消失。她还认为如今学生的打字速度比手写速度更快意味着学生能促进他们的自动识别能力。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在键盘和屏幕上打字在今天的书面交流中占主导地位。A. defines定义;B. dominates占据支配地位,控制;C. initiate开始;D. benefits受益。结合上文We’re told that writing is dying.可知手写正在消亡,故本句话指在键盘和屏幕上打字在今天的书面交流中占主导地位。故选B。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:学习草书,联笔曾经是学校的必修课。A. compulsory必须做的,义务的;B. satisfactory满意的;C. optional可选择的;D. selective选择性的。结合后文But now, not so much.以及后文中学校放弃书法课程而选择打字课程,可知曾经书法课程是学校的必修课。but表示转折。故选A。 3.考查介词短语辨析。句意:像芬兰这样的国家已经放弃了在学校的书法课程,转而支持打字课程。A. in honor of为纪念;B. for sake of为了……;C. in favor of支持;D. on behalf of代表。结合上文Countries such as Finland have dropped joined-up handwriting lessons in school可知有些国家已经放弃了书法课程,而转向支持打字课程。故选C。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:美国仍有几个州重视形成性草书教育,比如亚利桑那州,但它们不是大多数。A. majority多数;B. necessity需要;C. standard标准;D. advocate拥护者。结合上文提到打字在今天的书面交流中占主导地位,可知虽然美国仍有像亚利桑那州这样的几个州还在重视书法课程,但是它们比较已经不是大多数了。故选A。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:《书写的历史和不确定的未来》一书的作者Anne Trubek认为,书法课程可以加强一种叫做“自动识别”的技能。A. generate产生;B. reveal揭露;C. measure测量;D. strengthen加强。结合上文Some experts point out that writing lessons can have indirect benefits.可知本此处是指作者Anne Trubek认为书法课程可以加强一种叫做“自动识别”的技能。搭配后文skill“技能”应用动词strengthen“巩固,加强”更为合适。故选D。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这时你已经完善了一项任务,几乎不需要思考就能完成,这就给了你额外的思维空间,让你在执行任务时思考或做其他事情。A. extra额外的;B. max完全;C. important重要的;D. frequent频繁的。结合后文to think about or do other things while you’re doing the task可知能让你有额外的思维空间来思考或做其他事情。故选A。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他解释道:“一旦你开了一段时间车,你就不会有意识地想‘马上加大油门’或‘稍微转动一下方向盘’。”A. seriously严肃地;B. occasionally偶尔;C. formatively形成的;D. consciously有意识地,自觉地。根据常识,开车一段时间后,如何行驶成为一种下意识活动,人们不会再去有意识地想到底该如何开车。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这就是我们想让孩子们在学习书法课时学到的东西。A. consider考虑;B. acquire获得,学到;C. forget忘记;D. associate联系。根据后文when learning to write可知是指在学习书法课时学到的东西。故选B。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,她认为,学生们学习键盘自动识别的速度要快于手写:学生们更早的时候就开始学习如何不用看键盘就能打字,而且打字的速度比他们写字的速度还快,这给了他们更多的时间来思考单词的选择或句子的结构。A. Therefore因此;B. Otherwise否则;C. Fortunately幸运地;D. However然而。结合上下文语境可知为转折关系,应用however。故选D。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,她认为,学生们学习键盘自动识别的速度要快于手写:学生们更早的时候就开始学习如何不用看键盘就能打字,而且打字的速度比他们写字的速度还快,这给了他们更多的时间来思考单词的选择或句子的结构。A. structure结构;B. interpretation解释;C. order命令;D. selection选择。根据后文sentence可知是指思考单词的选择和句子的结构,其它选项不符合语境。故选A。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:特鲁贝克在去年为《纽约时报》撰写的一篇文章中指出,由于键盘的自动化程度有所提高,如今的孩子很可能成为更好的文字交流者,因为手写所占的教育程度较低。A. renewed重新开始;B. accepted接受;C. invented发明;D. improved改善。根据第一段中Typing on keyboards and screens dominates written communication today. Even scribbling a signature has become rarer due to the prevalence of chip-and-pin credit cards.以及生活实际可知,键盘的自动化技术是在提高,故选D。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她解释说,她从批评者那里听到的关于书法衰落的两个最常见的论点是,不保护它将导致“历史的丢失”和“个人风格的丧失”。A. students学生;B. schools学校;C. critics评论家;D. experts专家。结合上文This is a view that has attracted both criticism and support.可知此处是批评者的两个论点。故选C。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她解释说,她从批评者那里听到的关于书法衰落的两个最常见的论点是,不保护它将导致“历史的丢失”和“个人风格的丧失”。A. intensive集中的;B. personal个人的;C. close紧密的;D. constant不变的。在手写中,每个人的字都不一样,因此每个人都有自己风格,故书法的衰落会导致个人风格的丧失。故选B。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:前者她反驳说,95%的手写手稿无论如何都不能被普通人阅读——“这就是为什么我们有古文字学家,”她解释说,古文字学是研究古代的书写风格,而后者则是指我们对手写的个人笔记,如感谢卡,给予的温暖联想。A. agrees同意;B. persuade说服;C. counter反驳,还击;D. confirms确认。结合后文95% of handwritten manuscripts can’t be read by the average person anyway可知Trubek是在对批评家说的书法衰落导致“历史的丢失”而进行反驳。故选C。 15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:前者她反驳说,95%的手写手稿无论如何都不能被普通人阅读——“这就是为什么我们有古文字学家,”她解释说,古文字学是研究古代的书写风格,而后者则是指我们对手写的个人笔记,如感谢卡,给予的温暖联想。A. writing书写;B. latter后者;C. manuscript手稿;D. criticism批评。上文批评家提出了两个论点,上文中Trubek对前者“历史的丢失”进行了反驳,故此处是在反驳第二个论点,即后者。故选B。

The study of colors indicates ______ persuades people to think of the bank as a safe and reliable place.

A.what is it that B.it is what C.what it is that D.it is that



Harry never enjoys visiting large cities because he thinks one such city is much like ______.

A.another B.the other C.the others D.others



Animal’s ability to act reasonably in its environment is believed to come partly from ______ we may call “genetic learning”.

A.how B.which C.what D.why



______ with the evidence, he had no choice but to admit his crime.

A.Facing B.Faced C.To face D.Being faced



The instant he finished his description, I knew it would be years ______ everything got right.

A.that B.before C.when D.since



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