满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The day before Christmas I pulled into a...

The day before Christmas I pulled into a store parking lot and counted my money again. It wasn’t much. I ______ being poor, not having enough to ______ my small children a few simple toys. As I was ______ I noticed the Salvation Army (救世军) bell ringer at the ______. I felt bad again because I didn’t feel I could ______ anything to give him. I started walking towards the entrance ______ two cars entered empty parking spaces in front of me. The first was a ______, new Cadillac which became the ______ of me the moment I saw it. “How ______ I thought, “would it be to have enough money to buy a car like that!” The second car,______, was an ancient car more shabby than the one I was driving.

A man got out of the Cadillac and hurried into the store ______ past the bell ringer without a second ______. Out of the old car came a young mother with three small children following ______ behind her. Her clothes looked as ______ as her car, yet she slopped at the entrance and ______ a bill. In that second a(n)______ touched me, my envy and dislike ______ me, and all the love and joy filled me. I fished a bill out of my own purse,______ it in the Salvation Army kettle, and wished the ______ a “Merry Christmas!”

Now I felt I was a poor man hut rich on the ______. After finding a few things for my kids, I drove home with my heart singing.

1.A. regretted    B. permitted    C. escaped    D. hated

2.A. make    B. buy    C. award    D. lend

3.A. pulling out    B. settling in    C. getting out    D. cutting in

4.A. parking space    B. entrance    C. parking lot    D. counter

5.A. spare    B. split    C. spend    D. save

6.A. when    B. since    C. though    D. if

7.A. sharp    B. dull    C. pure    D. shiny

8.A. target    B. item    C. envy    D. bargain

9.A. nice    B. precious    C. rare    D. expensive

10.A. therefore    B. however    C. anyhow    D. besides

11.A. merely    B. seldom    C. hopefully    D. right

12.A. smile    B. nod    C. glance    D. wave

13.A. firmly    B. closely    C. casually    D. bravely

14.A. worn out    B. cast down    C. tired out    D. broken down

15.A. paid    B. passed    C. donated    D. rejected

16.A. equality    B. sympathy    C. approval    D. warmth

17.A. left    B. visited    C. reached    D. missed

18.A. took    B. handed    C. dropped    D. started

19.A. salesman    B. bell ringer    C. woman    D. man driver

20.A. wealth    B. luck    C. inside    D. outside


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.C 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者在去商店购物的时候看到的一幕对作者震撼很大,这让作者领悟到贫穷并不可怕,内心富有才更重要。 1.D考查动词以及对语境的理解。hate 讨厌,痛恨。我讨厌贫穷。 2.B考查动词理解。没有足够的钱给我的孩子买一些简单的礼物。buy 买。 3.C考查动词短语。这里指的是我从商店停车场出来。pull out 拉出 settle in 定居 get out 出来 cut in 插话,插入 4.B考查名词词义。at the entrance 在…入口。这里指的是从商店的停车场出来去往商店的入口。 5.A考查动词。spare 分享。我不能分享给他任何东西。 6.A考查连词用法。though尽管 since 因为 when 当…时 if 如果。我开始朝商店的入口走,这时有两辆车停在了我前面的空车位。这里表示同时发生。故选C。 7.D考查形容词以及对语境的理解。sharp 尖锐的 dull迟钝的 pure纯洁的 shiny闪亮的。由后文的凯迪拉克可知,这里应该是耀眼的。 8.C考查名词以及对语境的理解。A. target 目标; B. item 物品,东西 C. envy 羡慕,嫉妒 D. bargain讨价还价。根据上下文,我第一眼看到很是羡慕。 9.A考查形容词辨析。A. nice 好的; B. precious 珍贵的; C. rare稀有的 D. expensive昂贵的。如果有钱买一辆这样的车该多好(nice)。 10.B考查连词及上下文逻辑。A. therefore 因此; B. however 然而; C. anyhow 不管怎样; D. besides除此之外。本句话跟上一句是转折关系,然而(however)第二辆车比我开的还要破旧,古老。 11.D考查副词词义。A. merely 仅仅; B. seldom 很少; C. hopefully 希望地; D. right正好。一个从凯迪拉克出来的人正好匆忙地从敲钟人身边走过。 12.C考查名词以及对语境的理解。这里指的是:都没有瞥一眼,表示没有看一下敲钟老人。 13.B 考查副词词义辨析。A. firmly坚定地; B. closely 紧紧地 C. casually 偶然地; D. bravely勇敢地。从破旧的车上下来的年轻妇女带着三个孩子,三个孩子紧跟在她的后面。 14.A 考查动词短语辨析。A. worn out穿破; B. cast down扔掉; C. tired out 筋疲力尽; D. broken down抛锚,出故障。她的衣服和她的车一样破旧。 15.C 考查动词词义。 A. paid支付; B. passed传递; C. donated 捐赠; D. rejected拒绝。她停在了入口,捐给(了那个敲钟老人)一些钱。 16.D考查名词词义。 A. equality平等; B. sympathy同情; C. approval支持; D. warmth温暖。这里的意思是:就在那一刻,我感觉到了温暖。 17.A 考查动词词义。A. left 离开; B. visited 参观; C. reached 到达; D. missed错过。我没有了羡慕和讨厌,意思是指羡慕和讨厌离开了我。 18.C 考查动词词义。A. took 拿; B. handed 递给; C. dropped 投,掷; D. started开始。我从钱包里拿出了钱,投在他的盒子里。 19.B 考查代词以及对语境的理解。这里是指祝福敲钟人圣诞快乐。 20.C考查名词词义。A. wealth财富; B. luck 运气; C. inside内心; D. outside外面。我现在虽然感觉贫穷,但是内心(inside)富有。

    Many people often find themselves waking up in the middle of the night, unusually awake and excited. 1. . That's really frustrating. However, there is no need to worry. Here are some effective ways to help you fall asleep again.

Remain in bed. For you to fall asleep, your heart rate needs to slow down. When you get up, your heart rate goes up. So, avoid going to the bathroom during the night if you can. Do not eat too little or too much for dinner. Do not drink and fill your bladder (膀胱)before bed. 2. . It may make you fall asleep faster, but it may also disrupt

your sleep later in the night.

Stay in the dark. When you cannot sleep, LED lights on printers and cable boxes may be the reason. The same is true for light streaming in through cracks in curtains. 3.. You should cover lights with tape and wear a sleep mask. A popular choice has deep eye cups so your eyes can open and shut while you wear them.

Quiet your mind. Try ways to relax, such as deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness exercises. 4. . The point is to keep your brain busy with something that is not demanding and is relaxing.

5. . If your wake-up time is 6:30 a.m. and your clock reads 3:00 a.m., do not think Oh no! I have only three hours left! Instead, say to yourself Oh great! I have three more hours to sleep!

You have a problem if you wake three times a week for more than three months. It may affect your quality of life. You need to find a sleep expert who can help identify the cause and fix it.

A. Think in a positive way.

B. Maintain a calm attitude.

C. They may keep you awake.

D. Most importantly, avoid alcohol in the evening.

E. You can do simple math problems in your head.

F. Getting up to do some mild exercise is also helpful.

G. Tossing and turning in bed, they are unable to fall asleep.



    Picture a lecture session at a business school and your probably imagine students gazing at screens filled with equations(方程式).What you might not expect is students attempting to sing “O clap your Hands”. But Bartleby was treated to this delight on a visit to Saïd Business School in Oxford earlier this year.

There was a catch. Some of the students had to try conducting the chorus. The first to take the challenge was a rather self-confident young man. It didn’t take long for him to go wrong. His most obvious mistake was to start conducting without asking the singers how they would like to be directed, though they had the expertise and he was a complete beginner.

The session, organized by Pegram Harrison, a senior fellow in entrepreneurship(企业家精神), cleverly allowed the students to absorb some important leadership lessons. For example, leaders should listen to their teams, especially when their colleagues have specialist knowledge.

Other business schools have also realized that their students can learn from the arts. At Carnegie Mellon University , Leanne Meyer has introduced a leadership-training programme that includes poetry and a book club. She believed that involvement in such pursuits can help develop empathy(同理心) in future leaders and that the programme benefits students in terms of how they promote themselves to recruiters(招聘人员).

The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) has trained many great dramatists. It also offers training courses for managers. “Acting about finding the truth in the character and in yourself.” says Walker-Wise, one of RADA'S tutors. Being a manager involves a lot more than just setting targets. It requires empathy and a knowledge of human nature. An education in the arts might help develop those qualities. Above all, the students on Harrison's Course were experiencing something Bartleby never expected to see in those attending an MBA lecture they were having fun.

1.What does “this delight" in paragraph 1 refer to?

A.Singing in a business class. B.Visiting Said Business School

C.Picturing a lecture session. D.Gazing a screens full of equations.

2.Which of the fallowing best describes the session by Pegram Harrison?

A.Common and influential. B.Educational and effortless.

C.Challenging and instructive. D.Controversial and practical.

3.What should a leader do based on the conducting experience?

A.Offer promotion opportunities. B.Value team members’ opinion.

C.Set specific targets. D.Control every step.

4.How does acting contribute to being a manager?

A.It provides entertainment. B.It develops goal-setting skills.

C.It exposes the truth in business. D.It helps understand human nature.



    In the old days, when you had to drive to a movie theater of to to a video store to get some entertainment, it was easy to see how your actions could have an impact om the environment.You were hopping into your war, driving across town and coughing out emissions(排放)and using gas all the way.

But now that we’re used to staying at home and streaming movies, we might get a little cocky. After all ,we’re just picking up our phones or maybe turning on the TV. You’re welcome.Mother  Nature.

Not so fast, says a recent report from the French-based Shit Project. Watching a half-hour show would lead to 3.5 pounds of CO2 emissions. That’s like driving 3.9 miles. According to "Climate Crisis: The Unsustainable Use of Online Video," digital technologies are responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, and that energy use is increasing by 9% a year. Stored in data centers, videos are transferred to our terminals such as computers, smart phones, etc. via networks: all these processes require electricity whose production consumes resources and usually involves CO2 emissions.

In the European Union, the Eureca project lead scientist, Rabih Bashroush, calculated that 5 billion downloads and streams of the song "Despacito" consumed as much electricity as the countries of Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Somalia, Sierra Leone and the Central African Republic used in a single year.

Streaming is only expected to increase as we become more attached to our devices. Online video use is expected to account for 80%of all internet traffic by 2022 according to CISCO. By then, about 60% of the world's population will be online.

You're probably not going to give up your streaming services, but there are things you con do to help lessen the impact of your online use.

Here are some tips:

Disable autoplay for video on social media.

Stream over Wi-Fi, not mobile networks.

Watch on the smallest screen you can.

Don’t use high-definition(高清)video on devices.

1.It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that people think           .

A.they should welcome Mother Nature

B.watching movies at home is more fun

C.it is inconvenient to drive to a movie theater

D.streaming at home avoids possible emissions

2.We may learn from the text that         .

A.3.9 miles may produce 3.5 pounds of CO2

B.digital technologies account for 4% of electricity use

C.Online video use makes up 80% of all internet traffic

D.60% of the world’s population watch videos online

3.Why are the five countries mentioned in paragraph 4?

A.To praise their energy-efficient practice.

B.To prove the poverty of the five countries

C.To stress the popularity of the song “Despacito”

D.To show the high energy use of downloads and streams

4.How can people help to save energy when streaming?

A.Use high-definition videos. B.Turn off video autoplay

C.Stream over mobile networks. D.Watch movies on bigger screens.



    The Oscar - winning 2013 musical Frozen, inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen, followed the tale of two princess sisters, Elsa and Anna. They were forced to grow up isolated from each other and the world because of Elsa’s potentially dangerous magic ability to control ice. The film earned an amazing $1.27 billion box office worldwide, and fans were so charmed by the characters-that they weren’t able to “Let It Go”, crazily calling for a sequel (续集).

Finally, Frozen II comes into its fans’ eyes. However, the beginning of Frozen II is not convincing, largely because it overturns much of the character development Anna and Elsa went through in the first movie. At the end of Frozen, Elsa had learned that her powers were a gift, and she had become confident and proud in using them. At the beginning of Frozen II, that confidence is gone.

Whatever technical advancements have been made in computer animation over the past six years aren’t readily apparent in Frozen II. It mostly has the same frosty look as the first film. A sea battle between Elsa and a glowing ice horse leaves the most striking impression on the audience.

The biggest failure? The music. In Frozen, even the throwaway songs enjoyed great popularity, let alone the theme song Let It Go. Returning composers Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez try to give Elsa two showstopping numbers: Into the Unknown and Show Yourself. But neither song reaches any emotional heights. (Never mind that there really isn’t a show to stop.)

Yes, Frozen II is a letdown to most audience, especially the fans of the original. It’s hard to see how the same team who made something so cool in 2013 could deliver something so-there’s no other word for it-lukewarm.

1.What do we know about the musical Frozen?

A.Its theme song didn’t reach fans’ heart.

B.It didn’t earn profit through its box office.

C.It was a big hit after it came into the market.

D.Its main characters lived together in their childhood.

2.What is the most impressive part of Frozen II?

A.A sea battle. B.Technical advancement.

C.A different beginning. D.The newly-created music.

3.What does the author think of the musical Frozen II?

A.Breathtaking. B.Disturbing.

C.Moving. D.Disappointing.

4.What type of writing is this text?

A.An announcement. B.A film review.

C.An official report. D.A show guide.



    The Escape Surf School is in Newquay and has been teaching people to surf for over 15 years. As well as being one of the longest running UK Surf Schools, we are the only one of the schools in Newquay with a 35-year professional surfer as head coach (our very own Mike Young-Surf Guru!)

We love teaching complete beginners but we also teach intermediate and advanced coaching, offering outback, progressive lessons on a daily basis.

We are open 12 months of the year, 7 days a week, so if you want to learn to surf or improve your surfing, then look no further.

Surf Lessons

At the Escape Surf School, we are proud to specialize, not generalize. We offer lessons to whoever is interested, ranging from complete beginners to advanced and contest surfers. As well as offering surfing lessons, we also offer a variety of packages which include surfing and accommodation.

All lessons take place on Towan, Great Western or Fistral beach, all of which are less than 5 minutes’ walk from school. So we meet at the school, where we all change into wetsuits, and then head for the best beach.

Guided Prices

1 lesson-$65: Perfect for a beginner, taster session, or quick surfing fix!

Full day (2 lessons)-$90: Can be split over 2 days to really progress in your surfing.

Family lesson-$160: Have fun with the family in a private lesson with one of our professional coaches. (Price is based on 2 adults and 2 kids.)

One in One-$100: Experience private coaching with Pro Surfer.

Two on One-$140: Couples or friends, experience private surf coaching session, perfect to fast track your surfing and impress your partner! The prices include board and wetsuit (and boots or gloves if required), there are no hidden charges.

1.What makes the Escape Surf School unique?

A.Its history. B.Its lessons.

C.Its students. D.Its head coach.

2.How much will be paid if twin sisters want private lesson together?

A.$90. B.$100. C.$140. D.$160.

3.What can we learn about the Escape Surf School?

A.It welcomes learners at all levels. B.Learners should bring their own wetsuits.

C.It teaches surfing and swimming. D.Learners can get changed on the best beach.



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