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My name is Ma Lili, a 1. (survive) from the Tangshan earthquake in 1976. Many strange things happened before the earthquake, but we didn't take it2. (serious). In fifteen seconds, a large city lay in 3. (ruin). The number of people killed or badly 4.(injure) reached more than 240,000. My family and I 5. (bury) under the building. Luckily, soldiers came to our rescue in time. It was reported that Tangshan was the centre of the earthquake and tens of thousands of people died, 6. shocked the world! At that time, some people7. (think) Tangshan would disappear from the world. 8., Tangshan soon began to breathe again. We all devoted 9. (us) to rebuilding it and the city now is becoming even 10. (beautiful) than before.


1.survivor 2.seriously 3.ruins 4.injured 5.were buried 6.which 7.thought 8.However 9.ourselves 10.more beautiful 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者是1976年唐山大地震的幸存者,她回忆了有关那次地震的情况。虽然伤亡240,000多人,损失惨重,但唐山会重新活过来的。 1.考查名词。不定冠词a后跟名词,所填词应为名词,所填词是Ma Lili的同位语,Ma Lili指人,所以所填词也应是指人,要填survive的名词形式,词义为幸存者,故填survivor。 2.考查形容词。句中谓语动词为take,所填词修饰动词,要用副词,所以要填serious的副词形式,故填seriously。 3.考查名词复数。固定短语in ruins一片废墟,满目疮痍,ruin要用复数形式,故填ruins。 4.考查形容词。并列连词or连接的两个部分要对称平行,or前用了过去分词作后置定语修饰people,所填词的逻辑主语为people,二者是动宾关系,用过去分词表示被动, injured受伤的,切题,故填injured。 5.考查被动语态、时态和主谓一致。句中主语My family and I是动词bury的接受者,二者是动宾关系,要用被动语态。主语为and连接的两个名词,谓语动词一定用复数形式。地震发生在1976年,是过去的时间,bury动作发生在过去,用一般过去时,故填were buried。 6.考查非限制性定语从句。所填词引导非限制性定语从句…shocked the world,修饰前面整个句子,用关系代词which,故填which。 7.考查时态。句中时间状语为At that time,表示过去的点时间,谓语动词要用一般过去时,故填thought。 8.考查副词。上一句是would disappear …要消失,所填词所在句子是… breathe again又呼吸了,前后句为转折关系,要用表示转折的副词,句首,首字母大写,故填However。 9.考查反身代词。句子主语是we,所填词作宾语,给的是代词us,所以要用其反身代词,devoted ourselves to献身于,故填ourselves。 10.考查形容词比较级。句中是now和before比较,是二者之间的比较,than用以引出比较的第二部分,所以要填比较级,所填词作表语,形容词作表语,要用形容词比较级,beautiful为多音节词,故填more beautiful。

It was his wife's laughter that Matt missed the most.

Before she died, his wife asked him to find someone else to share his____with, but he didn't. And days moved __

One day his phone rang and the___ of his daughter, Patricia, appeared on the screen. “She wants my_____again,” Matt thought.”Hi, Dad, one of my co-workers has offered me a____for free, could you help take it to my home?”

Half an hour later Matt____ at her co-worker's house. A woman, Lisa,_____at the front door with Patricia and explained, “I'm getting rid of my table, and she needs_____.” “The table I'm getting looks almost____,” Patricia said.”You know she takes so good care of everything.

His daughter's___of the woman made Matt study her immediately.”She didn't look bad. ___, she was quite beautiful.” Matt thought. “Well, Patricia, as long as it won't collapse(坍塌) while you're eating, I'd say you've got a pretty good deal.” Matt said___

Lisa said, “In fact,____ what Patricia has told me about how much her husband eats, that could become a problem.” and laughed.

Lisa's____reminded him of his wife and at the same time he noticed his daughter's____smile. “Has she set me up(介绍某人相亲)?”he thought _____ he gave his daughter an asking look. Patricia's widening smile was his __

“Matt, 1 asked Patricia for only one small favor___ this table,” Lisa said as she looked at Matt.”That I would be able to borrow her___ to help me assemble(组装) my new table.”“

“I'd be happy to!” Matt answered. And he ___it.

1.A.money B.life C.story D.house

2.A.on B.off C.in D.out

3.A.address B.information C.smile D.name

4.A.offer B.truck C.phone D.help

5.A.cupboard B.table C.chair D.car

6.A.arrived B.drove C.came D.rushed

7.A.begged B.lay C.greeted D.sat

8.A.nothing B.one C.another D.anything

9.A.old B.fashionable C.new D.popular

10.A.evidence B.encouragement C.praise D.mercy'

11.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Anyway D.Actually

12.A.coldly B.jokingly C.excitedly D.nervously

13.A.from B.in C.on D.for

14.A.expression B.appearance C.breath D.laughter

15.A.knowing B.hating C.upsetting D.discouraging

16.A.unless B.if C.as D.though

17.A.doubt B.answer C.concern D.question

18.A.in return for B.in place of C.in search of D.in need of

19.A.mom B.co-worker C.friend D.dad

20.A.refused B.designed C.meant D.planned



How to Get Along with Others Well

There are a lot of different people in the world, but although we have our differences, we all want to get along. We enjoy being treated nicely. Getting along with someone isn't about being their best friends or sharing all their hobbies.1.

Be a good listener

2.Don't throw yourself in chat immediately when you have just arrived. First, examine the situation and the conversation, and then say whatever you consider fit.

Keep your sense of humor

A little laughter goes a long way, and a smile is good medicine. If someone is sad, smile at them.3.

Understand that people make mistakes

Forgiveness is not only polite, it leads to stronger friendships._ 4.. Be willing to accept an apology and try to think of things in others' shoes.

Be sincere

5. They all operate altogether, but nothing is more important than sincerity. People will sense when you are pretending to be positive. All of these tips without sincerity will end up destroying any positive effect you were hoping to produce. Following the tips above, you will find yourself getting along with people wherever you go!

A. It is about doing things together.

B. If you are always cheerful and optimistic, people will cheer up.

C. While each one of these tips is important, none stands alone.

D. If you are generous and friendly, people will accept you easily.

E. It is about treating people with respect and care.

F. No one is perfect, so judging someone for a mistake is not fair.

G. To start a conversation, it is important to listen first.



    American actor James Dean has been dead for 64 years. James Dean, who died at the age of 25 in September 1955, starred in just three movies before he died in a car accident. They are Rebel Without a Cause, East of Eden and Giant. Yet, he will star in a new movie about the Vietnam War thanks to digital technology ,which generates(产生) images of James Dean by computer.

The idea that one of the movies' most beloved former stars would be recreated digitally for a new film has been met with criticism(批评). Captain America actor Chris Evans called the plans to use Dean's image in the film disrespectful.

However, Mark Roesler, the chairman of CMG said, “Dean has more than 183,000 followers on Instagram, and that he is still important today. He was known as Hollywood's ‘rebel(叛逆)' who famously said 'if a man can bridge the gap(沟壑) between life and death, if he can live after he's dead, then maybe he is a great man.” Roesler added, “What was considered rebellious in the 50's is very different from what is rebellious today, and we feel confident that he would support this modern day act of rebellion.”

Anton Ernst, the film's director, said, “1 respect Dean's life and history. The movie is one of hope and love. There are still a lot of James Dean's fans worldwide and there would always be critics. All we can do is to tell a great story.” Ernst added, “The Dean family views this as his fourth movie, a movie he never got to make. We do not want to let his fans down.”

1.Which film did Chris Evans star in?

A.Rebel Without a Cause. B.Captain America. C.East of Eden. D.Giant

2.What can we infer from what Roesler said?

A.James Dean's rebellious spirit is about life and death.

B.Roesler wanted to be a “rebellious man like James Dean.

C.James Dean thought he was a great man full of rebellion.

D.Roesler believes Jamnes Dean would support the digital technology.

3.Which is the best title for the text?

A.James Dean to Star in New Film B.James Dean's Death in 1955

C.Latest Development of Digital Technology D.A Once Popular Movie On Again

4.What's the attitude of James' family towards his fourth movie?

A.Supportive. B.Doubtful. C.Thankful. D.Uninterested.



    Yousuf and his family left their home in eastern Afghanistan eight years ago. They went to the city of Kabul to escape war, but they could not escape sadness. Five of Yousuf's children died in the Afghan capital, not from violence, but from air pollution.

Kabul has become one of the most polluted cities in the world. On many days, a mix of smog and smoke lies over the city. In some cases, families burn whatever they can to keep warm in cold weather. The air in their own homes then poisons them. Many years of war have worsened the damage to Afghanistan's environment. At the local Children's Hospital, doctors say they have seen the number of patients with pollution-related health problems increase. Saifullah Abassin, a doctor at the hospital, says his hospital ward(病房) can hold 10 patients but often has three times that number.

“Thirty years ago, it was a wish for people to come to Kabul and breathe its air,” said Ezatullah Sediqi, deputy director for the National Environmental Protection Agency. “But in the wars since, we lost all our urban infrastructure(基础设施) for water, electricity, public transportation, green areas, all these things.”

Kabul's environmental department has started a program to control old vehicles, one major source of pollution. City officials have called on people to use fuel instead of burning garbage for heat. But there are other steps officials need to take, such as passing a plan to stop unplanned development and creating more green spaces.

1.What made Yousuf and his family leave their home?

A.War. B.Sadness. C.Violence. D.Air pollution.

2.What is NOT the cause of Afghanistan's environment problem?

A.Burning garage. B.Creating green spaces.

C.Using old vehicles. D.Losing urban infrastructure.

3.In which part of the newspaper may this text appear?

A.Education. B.Environment. C.Science. D.Culture.



    A nine-year-old child will become the youngest ever person to complete a university degree.

This December, Laurent Simons will gain his electrical engineering bachelor's degree (学士学位) from Eindhoven University of Technology, a challenging course even for 18-year-olds. It has taken Laurent only 9 months to complete what should be a four-year course. Laurent's teacher said, “He is three times smarter than the best student I have met in my long working experiences. He achieves what many adult students never reach.” The young gifted child finished easily the entire primary school courses in only 12 months and then took just 18 months to complete his secondary school studies. Laurent comes from a family of doctors, and his parents cannot offer any explanation as to why their son is so academically gifted. Every time he can pass every test effortlessly with flying colors.

While Laurent is clearly able to learn faster than most, his parents are being careful to let him enjoy himself too. His father said, “We don't want him to get too serious. He does whatever he likes. We need to find a balance between being a child and his talents.” Laurent enjoyed playing with his dog Sammy and playing on his phone, like many young people.

1.How many months did Laurent spend completing his courses in primary and secondary schools?

A.18. B.12. C.30. D.9.

2.What do the underlined words “with flying colors” mean in paragraph 2?

A.A little nervously. B.Very hurriedly. C.Very successfully. D.A little satisfactorily.

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Laurent always wants to get too serious in his study.

B.Laurent hardly balances between being a child and his talents.

C.Laurent's parents are careful to let him express himself.

D.Laurent's parents pay great attention to his growth as a child.



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