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Daniel Mazur and his companions spent se...

    Daniel Mazur and his companions spent seven hours climbing up Mt Everest through ice and snow, digging the crampons(攀岩用鞋冰爪)into the ice and taking _____steps. They were less than three hours away from the spectacular 29,017-foot summit. As Daniel looked out on the ______peaks below, he suddenly saw a flash of bright yellow to his left. To his _____, it moved.“What the hell ?”he _____. When he _____, Daniel noticed a man sitting on the edge of a cliff, with no hat, gloves or _____. Pulling his frostbitten hands out of his snowsuit, the man named Hall burst into laughter. _____, he suffered from cerebral edema(脑水肿), which______ to his loss of consciousness. The other men ______Hall away from the cliff 's edge and helped him back into his ______. They attached their ropes to Hall in case he _____off the cliff. They were______when two Italian climbers, intent on reaching the summit, passed by. Sadly, they______to help. It _____Daniel and his team two days to lower Hall down. As soon as they arrived at the safe and suitable place, Hall was sent to the hospital immediately.

____their help, Hall could very well have died on Everest . Although his rescue is a_____, it has caused a debate on climbers who leave behind the sick and injured in ______ of Everest's grand prize. “Once you are up there, you _____as though you could do anything.” Danie said, “Sure, I wish I could have reached the _____again. But there's no _____we could have left Hall on that ridge.”

1.A.special B.severe C.cautious D.worried

2.A.snow-covered B.fog-covered C.water-covered D.rock-covered

3.A.embarrassment B.amazement C.excitement D.amusement

4.A.wandered B.discovered C.wondered D.cried

5.A.started B.thought C.stayed D.approached

6.A.trousers B.shoes C.snowsuits D.sunglasses

7.A.Finally B.Normally C.Obviously D.Easily

8.A.led B.returned C.responded D.adapted

9.A.spread B.drew C.brought D.broke

10.A.snowsuit B.jacket C.spacesuit D.coat

11.A.hurried B.blew C.climbed D.slipped

12.A.relieved B.surprised C.confused D.worried

13.A.offered B.refused C.hesitated D.tended

14.A.finished B.paid C.spent D.took

15.A.Except B.Without C.besides D.With

16.A.mystery B.miracle C.routine D.sight

17.A.need B.favour C.pursuit D.search

18.A.save B.deserve C.decide D.feel

19.A.bottom B.cliff C.edge D.summit

20.A.way B.doubt C.trouble D.sign


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.D 20.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了马祖尔和他的队员在即将登上珠峰峰顶之际断然放弃,为的是营救一个体力不支的登山队员在暴风雨来临之前回到营地。 1.考查形容词。句意:丹尼尔和同伴小心谨慎地穿着攀岩用鞋前行。1. A. special 特别的; B. severe 严肃的; C. cautious 谨慎的; D. worried 担忧的。Mt Everest through ice and snow, digging the crampons(攀岩用鞋冰爪)into the ice and taking ___1___steps. 根据climbing up Mt Everest through ice and snow, digging the crampons(攀岩用鞋冰爪)into the ice得知人们爬珠峰时每一步都如履薄冰。故选C。 2.考查形容词。句意:当丹尼尔向山下白雪覆盖的山峰望去时,他看到左边闪过一道明亮的黄色。A. snow-covered 白雪覆盖的 ; B. fog-covered 烟雾缭绕的;C. water-covered 水覆盖的;D. rock-covered 岩石覆盖的。根据climbing up Mt Everest through ice and snow, digging the crampons(攀岩用鞋冰爪)into the ice得知山峰白雪覆盖。故选A。 3.考查名词。句意:令他惊讶的是,黄色还在动。A. embarrassment 尴尬; B. amazement 惊叹; C. excitement 兴奋; D. amusement 娱乐。根据it moved.说明丹尼尔很惊讶。故选B。 4.考查动词。句意:他纳闷那到底是什么。A. wandered 闲逛; B. discovered 发现; C. wondered 想知道; D. cried 哭泣。.“What the hell ?”得知丹尼尔不知道正在动的黄色是什么。故选C。 5.考查动词。句意:当丹尼尔走近一看,他注意到有一个人坐在悬崖边上。A. started 开始; B. thought 认为; C. stayed保持;D. approached 接近。根据Daniel noticed a man sitting on the edge of a cliff, with no hat, gloves or得知他是走近一些才看到的。故选D。 6.考查名词。句意:当丹尼尔走近一看,他注意到有一个人没带帽子、手套和太阳镜坐在悬崖边上。A. trousers 裤子; B. shoes 鞋; C. snowsuits 防雪服; D. sunglasses 太阳镜。根据with no hat, gloves得知那个人没带帽子,手套和爬山时必备的太阳镜。故选D。 7.考查副词。句意:很显然,他脑水肿,这导致他神志不清。A. Finally最后; B. Normally 通常; C. Obviously 明显; D. Easily 容易。根据he suffered from cerebral edema(脑水肿), which___8___ to his loss of consciousness得知这个穿黄衣服的人在悬崖边没有带帽子、手套和太阳镜,肯定会有生命危险。故选C。 8.考查动词。句意:很显然,他脑水肿,这导致他神志不清。A. led领导; B. returned返回;C. responded 回应;D. adapted。根据he suffered from cerebral edema得知脑水肿导致他神志不清。故选A。 9.考查动词。句意:另一个同伴把霍尔从悬崖边拽开,帮他穿上防雪服。A. spread 传播; B. drew 拽着; C. brought 带来; D. broke 打破。They attached their ropes to Hall 得知丹尼尔他们用绳子把穿黄衣服的那个人拽上来,故选B。 10.考查名词。句意:另一个同伴把霍尔从悬崖边拽开,帮他穿上滑雪服。A. snowsuit 滑雪服; B. jacket夹克衫; C. spacesuit 太空服; D. coat上衣。爬珠峰肯定需要穿滑雪服。故选A。 11.考查动词。句意:他们用绳子绑着霍尔以防他滑进悬崖。A. hurried 匆忙; B. blew 吹; C. climbed 爬; D. slipped 滑到。在悬崖很危险,一不小心就会滑下去。故选D。 12.考查动词。句意:当两名意大利攀登者路过时,他们如释重负。A. relieved 解脱; B. surprised 惊讶; C. confused 困惑; D. worried担忧。hen two Italian climbers, intent on reaching the summit, passed by.在营救霍尔时有两名意大利攀登者经过,丹尼尔他们以为有帮手感到松了一口气。故选A。 13.考查动词。句意:令人伤心的是,他们拒绝帮忙。A. offered 提供; B. refused 拒绝; C. hesitated 犹豫; D. tended 趋向于。Sadly, 提示那两个意大利攀登者拒绝帮忙。这是很令丹尼尔他们伤心的事。故选B。 14.考查动词。句意:花费了丹尼尔和他的队友两天才把霍尔送到山下。A. finished 完成; B. paid支付; C. spent 花费; D. took带走。固定句式It took sb sometime to do,表示花费某人时间做某事。故选D。 15.考查介词。句意:如果没有丹尼尔他们的帮助,霍尔会死在珠穆朗玛峰15. A. Except 除了; B. Without 没有; C. besides 另外;D. With 和。Hall could very well have died on Everest得知霍尔本来会死在珠穆朗玛峰,如果没有丹尼尔他们的帮助。故选B。 16.考查名词。句意:虽然这次营救是一个奇迹,它也引起了大家的争论。A. mystery 神秘; B. miracle 奇迹; C. routine路径;D. sight 视力。Although his rescue is虽然这次营救是一个奇迹。故选B。 17.考查名词。句意:为了追求珠峰最大荣誉而丢下生病和受伤的攀登者引起了大家的争论。A. need需要;B. favour 支持; C. pursuit 追求; D. search 搜索。固定短语in pursuit of表示追求。故选C。 18.考查动词。句意:一旦你登上顶峰,你感觉好像你能征服一切。A. save 挽救; B. deserve 应得; C. decide 决定; D. feel 感受。as though you could do anything好像你能征服一切,这是一种感受。故选D。 19.考查名词。句意:当然我希望我再次登上珠峰A. bottom 底部; B. cliff 悬崖; C. edge边缘;D. summit 顶峰。根据Daniel Mazur and his companions spent seven hours climbing up Mt Everest得知丹尼尔希望能登上珠峰。故选D。 20.考查名词。句意:但是绝不可能留下霍尔在悬崖。A. way 道路;B. doubt 怀疑; C. trouble 麻烦; D. sign 标识。no way表示绝不可能。故选A。

    The Segway(平衡车)was invented by Dean Kamen, and was first shown to the public in 2001 by ABC’s Good Morning America program. 1. The word Segway is remarkably close to the word ” segue” which means “to move smoothly from one thing to another”

The Segway looks like a large stick with two wheels. The wheels are connected to a platform. The stick has handles for a person to hold. The person stands on the platform and holds the handles. The transporter moves forward or backward when the person moves his or her body in that direction. 2. Computers and certain devices on the Segway make the vehicle move and balance. It is powered by batteries that can be recharged. It can travel at a speed of 20 kilometers an hour.

3. Today these vehicles are used to take people on tours in parks .The Angel Island in San Francisco uses the Segway to take people around. The Segway was also used by the police at the Rio 2016 Olympics.

However, the vehicle has not found acceptance from the general public. 4.A review of the history of the Segway will show that some people are still uncomfortable about riding a two –wheeled self-balancing vehicle. Another reason is that the US has different regulations on the roads and streets where the Segway can be used. Most states recommend that a helmet be worn when riding this vehicle.

5. While its usage may be limited for now, there is still no telling what it will be used for in the coming year.

A. The history of the Segway has just begun

B. The driver turns the handles to go left or right.

C. If you have never experienced a Segway tour before, we expect you to join us .

D. Those who have ridden on the Segway say it is best used for short journeys.

E. As a result, the most popular use of the Segway is in tourism, particularly for city tours.

F. This unique invention was intended to help people travel throughout public city streets.

G. One reason is that the price is similar to other vehicles which they are more familiar with.



    Languages will continue to diverge. Even if English were to become the universal language, it would still take many different forms. Indeed the same could happen to English as has happened to Chinese: a language of intellectuals which doesn’t vary hugely alongside a large number of variations used by local peoples.

We will continue to teach other languages in some form, and not just for reasons of practical use. Learning a language is good for your mental health; it forces you to understand another cultural and intellectual system. So I hope British education will develop a more rational approach to the foreign languages available to students in line with their political importance. Because so many people believe it is no longer important to know another language, I fear that time devoted to language teaching in schools may well continue to decline. But you can argue that learning another language well is more exhausting than, say, learning to play chess well—it involves sensitivity to a set of complicated rules, and also to context.

Technology will certainly make a difference to the use of foreign languages. Computers may, for instance, relieve the hard work that a vast translation represents. But no one who has seen a computer translation will think it can substitute for live knowledge of the different languages. A machine will always be behind the times. Still more important is the fact that no computer will ever get at the associations beyond the words associations that may not be expressed but which carry much of the meaning. In languages like Arabic that context is very important. Languages come with heavy cultural baggage too—in French or German if you miss the cultural references behind a word you’re very likely to be missing the meaning. It will be very hard to teach all that to computer.

All the predictions are that English will be spoken by a declining proportion of the world’s population in the 21st century. I don’t think foreign languages will really become less important, but they might be perceived to be— and that would in the end be — a very bad thing.

1.According to the text,we can infer that Chinese _______.

A.is a language full of cultural background

B.is narrowly used by local peoples

C.will be regarded as important as English

D.will soon become the universal language

2.Which of the following best describes the author’s opinion ?

A.Foreign languages should be taught for political importance.

B.Learning another language is just like learning to play chess well.

C.British education lacks a rational approach to the teaching of foreign languages.

D.Learning a language need to know a country’ cultural and intellectual system.

3.Why can the computer translation make a difference to the use of foreign languages?

A.It can replace for live knowledge of the different languages.

B.It can always keep the pace with the times in the translation.

C.It can reduce the hard work that a vast translation represents.

D.It can express the implied meaning beyond word associations.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Learning foreign languages is a challenging job.

B.Learning a language is good for your mental health.

C.Cultural background blocks the understanding of a language.

D.Computers play an important role in learning foreign languages.



    In recent years, stressed-out urbanites have been seeking refuge in green spaces for the proven positive impacts on physical and mental health, but the benefits of “blue space” — the sea and coastline, but also rivers, lakes, canals, waterfalls, even fountains — are less well publicized, yet the science has been consistent for at least a decade: being by water is good for body and mind.

“Many of the processes are exactly the same as with green space — with some added benefits, ” says Dr Mathew White, a senior lecturer at the University of Exeter.White says there are three established pathways by which the presence of water is positively related to health and happiness. First, there are the beneficial environmental factors, such as less polluted air and more sunlight. Second, people who live by water tend to be more physically active. Third — and this is where blue space seems to have an edge over other natural environments — water has a psychologically restorative effect. When you are sailing, surfing or swimming, says White, “you’re really in tune with natural forces there.” By being forced to concentrate on the qualities of the environment, we access a cognitive state honed over millennia. Water is, quite literally, immersive.

Catherine Kelly is a wellness practitioner who teaches classes in “mindfulness by the sea”. She says the sea has a meditative quality.

“To go to the sea is synonymous with letting go, ” says Kelly. “It could be lying on a beach or somebody handing you a cocktail. For somebody else, it could be a wild, empty coast. But there is this really human sense of: ‘Oh, look, there’s the sea’ — and the shoulders drop.”

1.Why do people go to the “blue space” for a relaxation ?

A.To seek positive effect on body and mind.

B.To have a good swim in the blue sea.

C.To consider the beneficial environmental factors.

D.To tend to be more careful and active.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The characteristics of the beneficial and friendly environmental factors.

B.The classification of being by water is good for body and mind.

C.The importance of the beneficial and friendly environmental factors.

D.The causes of being by water are good for body and mind.

3.What does the underlined word “immersive” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Being interested. B.Being forced.

C.Being involved. D.Being moved.

4.What does Catherine Kelly find about “going to the sea” according to the text?

A.Trick of the lesson B.Secret of the happiness.

C.Sense of human beings D.Broadness of the sea



    One special grandmother is lending 100 years of wisdom to strangers on New York City’s upper West side. Her office attracts many New Yorkers, who wait for a chat with the woman.

Inside the office, you will find a laptop with 100-year-old grandmother Eileen Wilkinson waiting to chat. She may live across the country in Washington State, but thanks to her grandson, Mike Matthews, who is a social professor at New York University, she is now sharing words of wisdom for a chat.

“You can be anything you want, ” Eileen said. “Don’t complain about anything. You can do something about it.”

Over the past three months, hundreds of people have stopped by, chatting with Eileen as if they were old friends. “She completely gets a kick out of meeting New Yorkers because they are so open about their lives, ” said Matthews.

A music student asked for advice on a performance. Others were curious about life in 1917.

One boy said he was already planning his next visit. “She is so wise and energetic,” he said. “And she really doesn't look 100 years old. She looks as if she was in her early late 80s.”

Eileen spent most of her life as a homemaker and mother. She said truly listening gave her advice-giving ability and she was honest.

Eileen hosts online chats and has two accounts of the social media. “It works both ways because I get great joy talking to them, ” she said. Eileen isn't slowing down any time soon, bringing new meaning to the saying, “The road to your grandma’s house is never long.” She said the secret to her long life was living a good life.

1.How does Eileen help strangers?

A.By chatting with them.

B.By working for them.

C.By lending money to them.

D.By giving speeches to them.

2.What do strangers think of Eileen?

A.She is a responsible mother.

B.She is good at performing.

C.She is full of energy and wisdom.

D.She is a woman of caring for education.

3.What will Eileen do in the future?

A.Set up online chats.

B.Make her life simple.

C.Bring new meaning to the saying.

D.Continue to share her wisdom.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Ways of Living a Good Life.

B.A Special 100-year-old Woman.

C.Helping the Strangers Is Interesting.

D.The Secret to a 100-year-old Woman’s Long Life.



    Whether you're looking for antiques, food, collectors' items or just random junk, our rich heritage has produced some of the finest markets in the world. Here are 3 of them.

Edinburgh Farmers’ Market

Traders have long sold their goods in the shadow of the city’s spectacular castle, which dates back to 1130—and it’s a tradition that shows no sign of abating. Edinburgh Farmers’ Market takes place on Castle Terrace every Saturday and attracts a huge crowd with its locally sourced goods. The market is now in its 15th year and champions the very best in Scottish produce, from knitwear to organic water buffalo and lobster.

Ford Airfield Market

Looking for an old-style prosthetic leg, a ventriloquist’s dummy, or even a suit of armour? The chances are you will find what you are after—and plenty of other random stuff—at one of the hundreds of stalls here. A market and two huge car-boot sales are held throughout the week all year round, come rain or shine.The market has been running for 25 years and is a well-known treasure trove for antiques experts looking for a bargain.

St George’s Market

Follow your nose along May Street in Belfast and the smells of delicious home-made food from across the globe will land you in St George’s Market. With three different weekly markets accompanied by fresh food and live music, St George’s was once voted the best in the UK. When Belfast became an important port in the 17th century, the range of goods grew and trading thrived.

1.What is special about Edinburgh Farmers’ Market?

A.It lasts a long time.

B.It provides local products.

C.It offers all kinds of food.

D.It attracts antiques experts.

2.When was the trading at St George’s Market booming?

A.It the year of 1130.

B.Fifteen years ago.

C.In the 17th century

D.Twenty-five years ago.

3.Where is this text most likely from ?

A.A diary. B.A novel.

C.A website. D.A magazine.



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